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Eagle Symbolism & Meaning

Do you need to summon up true courage? Are you called to deliver messages from the Divine but need support in learning to access them? Eagle, as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal, can help! Eagle teaches how to embrace an elevated perspective while bravely speaking your truth. Delve deeply in Eagle symbolism and meaning to find out how this Animal Spirit Guide can illuminate, support, and guide you.

Eagle Table of Contents

Eagle Symbolism & Meaning

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Because the Eagle is one of the highest-flying birds, He is considered Chief of all flying creatures; this certainly also connects Eagle with the Air element. He also rules over the Eastern quarter of creation, which represents renewal and the season of spring.

One of my favorite teachings of Eagle is “believe in your ability to satisfy the hunger” . Meaning, Eagles are so adept at hunting they spend very little time doing it. They exert only a small amount of effort finding and claiming that which “fills the empty spaces within.”

If you have a dream, if you desire to achieve a goal that will make your soul feel more “full”, take your cue from the all-confident Eagle and “know” your aim will be straight and true.

Egyptians regarded the Eagle as symbolizing both the Great Spirit and the sun at noon. They saw the Eagle as rising over mundane restraints into the realm of mystical awareness and spiritual progress. The Native Americans agree with this assessment.

To the ancient Romans and Greeks, the Eagle was sacred to Jupiter/Zeus. The Romans used an Eagle to represent Roman emperors, while the Greeks said Zeus could take the form of an Eagle to transport his lover to Mt. Olympus. Hittites used the image of a two-headed Eagle in a battle to protect them from surprises.

From high above, the Eagle symbolizes an awareness of those mysteries that humans find difficult to grasp. Eagle’s vantage point allows him to discover patterns that guide us toward greater spiritual knowledge.

Eagle Spirit Animal

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The soaring of an Eagle inspires awe. From its place in the heavens, the Eagle Spirit Animal can watch over us as a guardian, bear messages to and from the Divine, inspire insight, manifest well-being, and offer us wisdom.

Eagle, as a Spirit Animal, puts you on notice that the winds of change are headed your way.

Some type of rebirth or renewal is about to happen, and Eagle prepares you for that change by showing you how to tap your inner strength and fortitude.

Stand up tall, wrap courage around your waist, and stay true to yourself.

This is a time for self-discovery. You may need to take a retreat to get your mind and spirit together and internalize the dramatic transformation on your doorstep.

Eagle is a mover and shaker who stretches your limits to new heights.

Eagle as an Animal Spirit Guide often shows up when we face challenges. On his wings, he bears determination and the laser-sharp focus to get through to the other side of our problems. Some of this symbolism and meaning has to do with ancient lore regarding the Eagle flying so close to the sun. As a metaphor, “we must be willing to get a little scorched if we are to achieve greatness”.

Additionally, Eagle as a Spirit Animal says, “look forward.” Don’t give up on your quest, but embark on it with uprightness in your soul. To accomplish this, you have to be ready to stop outmoded habits or ideas to embrace something new and wonderful.

Eagle Totem Animal

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Those born with an Eagle totem want to experience everything they can. They spread their wings fully on every project or adventure, yet nearly always manage to keep one foot on the ground. Remember, Eagles fly higher than any other bird. The heights of success that those with the Eagle Totem Animal can achieve is astounding.

But no bird can stay in the air forever. They must come back to earth. Eagles have four toes. In Numerology, 4 is the number of “solid foundations”. In this, Eagle stays grounded to Mother Earth just as well as it soars toward the heavens. This is no minor ability. It is to be reckoned with as few can achieve this remarkable feat.

Because of the Eagle people’s ability to fly so high yet stay grounded, they’re great at global thinking and, as such, make potent leaders and teachers. Generally, those with Eagle as a Totem Animal are strong, brave, creative, and insightful.

Know that as an Eagle Person, others may find your perspectives a little daunting. You see more than the average human. Your perspective from the sky provides solutions that others cannot see because they’re too close.

This Totem Animal also means that Spirit often guides your actions and words, even unwittingly.

Be aware of that sacred duty and endeavor to speak with love. Otherwise, you could become harsh with your beak and hurt someone without realizing it.

Eagle Power Animal

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Call on Eagle as a Power Animal when you need to improve your perspectives from a higher vantage point. When you face struggles in your job or relationship, Eagle Spirit continues to give you insight as well as the ability to make sound choices.

Hint: Since Eagle loves heights, you may have greater success in contacting Him from a high place (hill, mountaintop, etc.).

One of the most profound medicines that Eagle energy can help us with is knowing when to speak and how “forcefully.” While Eagles are not very vocal, their jaws and beaks are incredibly strong. When you need help deciding what to say and how to say it, Eagle Spirit can help.

While Owl medicine is legendary as a spiritual aid for ‘clear seeing’ or ‘being able to see that which has been hidden’ – Eagle as a Power Animal can help us see into the past, present, and future. The Eagle’s vision is eight times greater than humans.

While there are many Eagle traits one could invoke during times of need, one of them must be used with great caution. A Bald Eagle can strike their prey with twice the force of a bullet from a rifle. Sometimes in life, no matter how peaceful a path we’ve chosen to walk, we have to “strike a target”.

Now, to be very, very clear, I’m not talking about using a gun or harming any living thing. But, let’s say you want to launch a business and build a worldwide brand, exit an abusive work or personal relationship, graduate with honors, get your child or pet the treatment they need, etc.

When an achievement we want to make is sacred to us, sometimes we need to be forceful – we need to ‘strike’ with the accuracy, speed, and impact of a metaphorical bullet. Again, I’m not speaking of real bullets.

Use wisdom and good judgment when you tap into this energy. Be very sure that you can handle the trajectory once you’ve set it in motion. Remember, all actions have consequences. However, used appropriately, and with no ill-will intended – this part of Eagle as a Power Animal can serve you well.

Native American Eagle Symbolic Meanings

Native American tradition embraces both the Golden Eagle and the Bald Eagle as sacred creatures. Depending on the tribe, Eagle represented bravery, wisdom, forte, and as the bearer of prayers to the Spirit realm. The feathers of these birds were used in council meetings, and one myth tells us that the Sun Bringer, an Eagle opened his wings to reveal the sun and closed them to bring darkness.

Eagle as a Celtic Animal Symbol

Three Celtic Gods has Eagles associated with them. Llew (Welsh) and Odin (Scandinavian) both have the ability to transform into an Eagle. Meanwhile, in German tradition Eagle represented Wodan chief of the gods.

Eagle Dreams

Dreams about Eagles can have several meanings. An Eagle in flight often talks about taking a different perspective on a situation that’s eluded you. It may also be a message from the Universe to pay closer attention to your inner voice and trust it.

Learn more about Eagle Spirit by reading Eagle Dream Meaning & Symbolism on WhatIsMySpiritAnimal.com!

Far Eastern Eagle Symbolic Meanings

In Feng Shui, images of Eagle placed in the North and East section of a home brings luck, love, and a committed relationship. Be certain, however, to make sure these images look as if they are flying toward your house for greatest success. Eagle images are also said to be good for business and act as a guardian of the premises.

Bald-Eagle Symbolic Meanings Key

  • Divine Messages
  • Freedom
  • Great Spirit
  • Higher Perspective
  • Independence
  • Keen-Sight
  • Liberation
  • Power
  • Psychism
  • Vision Quests

104 thoughts on “Eagle Symbolism & Meaning

  1. Cheryl Schofield says:

    Fabulous info – I had an Eagle in my garden this afternoon!

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hi, Cheryl!

      An Eagle in your garden?! SO cool!

      Since you were looking up Eagle symbolism and meaning, I think it’s very interesting that the Eagle was in your garden – a place where we reap what we sow. Gardens also symbolize fertility and abundance. So, whatever resonates with you about Eagle symbolism or Eagle as a Spirit, Totem or Power Animal, it might help to marry that with the symbolism of gardens so you can understand the Eagle’s visit from a more holistic perspective.

      Stay wild,

    • Vivan says:

      I had a pair of eagles fly above me. I barely had a chance to identify them and i blinked . they were gone. They were circling me and disappeared. I wondered if it meant anything

      • Colleen says:

        I have been dealing with a lot with my 23 year old daughter lately almost to the point of feeling like I’m suffocating ;( this morning I was out walking my dog and I heard a caw caw when I looked up I saw an eagle soaring over me it was truly amazing feeling inside I was speechless as I turned towards my house to share my expirence with my family I looked up one more time only to see a second eagle flying over me I stopped dead in my tracks with a www and excitement and watched as it flew away so peaceful with no effort at all it seemed to be just there floating…. I ran n opened my front door to share with my husband and mom… Then my mom n I looked up the meaning she said its good omen. And someone is trying to tell me something!!! But what??? My mom is Cherokee and chalktaw and believes all the spiritual meanings of these beautiful creatures can you tell me a little more detail to the meaning of this I have a lot going on in my life and talk to my dad who has passed all he time for signs and answers and help n then this happened I am so greatful and excited I just wish I new there message meaning!!! God bless have a fabulous day n a very merry Christmas

    • tina says:

      I dreamed two eagles took flight from a forested area on our land. I pointed to my husband and said “look two bald eagles” and then I said wait there’s three more” and we watched together, five bald eagles flying over us in formation like fighters (jets)…then I awoke

    • bruce Washington says:

      Very great Post about bald Eagles amazingly Saturday my first visit 2 coopers hawks flew right over me and then another 2 came and did the same thing. Then 1 hour later hummingbird came to me and then right after that bout 30 minutes or so a bald Eagle came right to my backyard and flew right above and around me Was beautiful. having a bald Eagle come to me in my backyard to fly over me and pay a visit was an Honor from Heaven and I live in New Jersey that was Crazy and Thanks for the Post Excellent help me understand alot

    • Diane Priddy says:

      I’m drawing closer to God again. I lost something along the way in my faith walk. I started doing things on my own strength and leaving God on the shelf. I have been trying to do all my finances without God and have made Many mistakes and now I’m in bondage of all those mistakes. This morning I surrendered EVERYTHING AND EVERY AREA. OF MY LIFE TO GOD AND I’V ASKED FOR HIS HELP TO OVERCOME SO I CAN MOVE PAST TO BECOME THE WOMEN HE’S CREATING ME TO BECOME. I CAN ACROSS THE POST ON EAGLES I WAS LOOKING AT THEIR MEANINGS I NEVER KNEW. THANK YOU FOR POSTING.

  2. Richard Brogan says:

    You are very honoured and lucky then Cheryl! How I envy you – you must live in a beautiful place.

  3. Barb says:

    I had a reading by a medium and she told me be prepared–for me an Eagle is landing soon. I’m trying to figure out what that means.

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hi, Barb;

      Hmmm, for many years I’ve been a professional psychic medium and I’m not sure what that means. What I can say is that all psychics get their messages differently. For instance, the “Eagle is landing soon” could mean:

      • Someone in the military will be returning soon.
      • Someone will be bringing you messages (Eagles are believed to bring back messages from heavens/the gods).
      • A long journey (migration) will soon come to an end.

      These are just a few examples but there are dozens more meanings that could be ascribed. It possible, ask the medium what it meant. They might not remember but that’s a rather unusual message so hopefully he/she can help!

      Stay wild,

    • Sigourneyrose says:

      Check out the Hopi Prophesy that references an “The Eagle is Landing”. . You might get some clarity for these times.

      • Ruth says:

        Sigourneyrose, I tried to look up that Hopi Prophecy but the only reference I am finding is your comment. Google has failed me. Could you please point me in the right direction? <3

    • Colleen says:

      I was outside this morning walking my dog and I’ve been going through an awful lot with my 23 year old daughter I speak to my father who has passed 10 years ago in July I always talk to him and ask him for answers and to help me this morning feeling completely overwhelmed with all of the issues my daughter is putting me through I heard kaha and looked up only to see an eagle flying overhead I was so overwhelmed and amazed at the beautiful sight of this beautiful creature I went to share the experience with my family inside only to get one more Glimpse I looked up and saw another eagle flying by he was just floating it seemed to be with such ease and when I went to the door to share the experience with my mom and husband I took one more look and he was gone when I told my family my mom had said it’s a good omen she is Native American and has full belief and all the animal meanings please tell me if you know any kind of message or meaning that this could be for me to understand it was truly a miraculous feeling God bless and Merry Christmas

  4. Gloria says:

    may adult daughter and I had just completed a hike in a state park. As our car drove up the hill out of the park an eagle flew just over us and maybe 15-20 feet in front of our car…almost as if guiding us. He continued to do this for 1/4 to1/2 a mile. Behind him was the sun covered with a cloud. A rainbow came out of the cloud and acted as backdrop to the eagle. When the cloud moved, we lost sight of the eagle in the bright light of the sun.
    Anyone have meaning for this experience? THANKS ahead of time.for your comments

    • Julian says:

      Yes a golden eagle landed at night in front of my car, standing wings in a rounded position. 510-851-1993

  5. VANESSA says:

    So about a year ago my mother and I on our way to Maine had an eagle fly right in front of our vehicle on the highway as we passed a harbour. last night or this am i should say I had a dream a bald eagle was fully submerged in water and only his beak was afloat and the man watching over this eagle told me in my dream he was a young bird and woukdnt come out of the water for anyone I walked over to him put my hand underwater and pet his neck he immediately came out of the water and took to flight. it was an amazingly vivid but weird dream. any thoughtshe im feeling this was a sign hes my spirit animal.

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, VANESSA;

      When we dream of water, we are dreaming of our deepest emotions – our soul’s biggest dreams and scariest fears. My dream interpreter friends tell me that everyone (even animals) that we see in dreams is really our ‘self’. Eagles are fierce birds of prey who confidently fly to the heavens and soar on the winds. I absolutely believe Eagle is your Spirit Animal and came to you in that dream to let you know that its time for you to come up for air and soar – that, whatever has been almost ‘drowning’ you no longer serves your purpose and it’s time to emerge!

      Hope that helps.

      Stay wild,

  6. Barbara says:


    I had a dream that I was sitting with a friend, who was not nice to me in highschool but felt it was because she really wanted to be my friend. We were facing some buildings, we were in my country Guatemala, when suddenly a huge eagle flew in front of us from left to right through the buildings. I was impressed and told her to look at it. I wonder what it means…. thanks

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, Barbara;

      Eagles come to us in dreams and waking life to let us know to ‘take the high road’ – to have the strength and courage to ‘rise above’. Also, Eagle asks us to look at persons and situations with an ‘Eagle eye’. So, if this person previously was not nice to you but now wants to be your friend – look at her through Eagle eyes and make sure she’s telling the truth. If you think she is being true, then rise above and forgive her past transgressions.

      Hope that helps.

      Stay wild,

  7. Michelle says:

    A friend and I were driving north into Colorado in her small car this last weekend. We cruised around a corner in the middle of nowhere and right next to me, on the passenger side was a very large golden eagle laying on the side of the road, that I saw out of the corner of my right eye. It all happened so fast that I couldn’t tell if the eagle on the side of the road was hurt or dead, or what it was doing. At the same time as seeing this first golden eagle, another very large golden eagle soared down and landed on the road right in front of the small car we were driving, and it felt like it looked straight into my eyes, at eye level, it was so large. It felt like time stood still for a few seconds right at that time. This beautiful huge golden eagle showed no signs of budging and my friend had to swerve severely to the left into the on coming lane, so as not to hit this beautiful creature. Split seconds later there was another vehicle coming down the opposite lane which we had swerved into, and also just barely just missed too. I looked back when we passed and the large eagle still did not move from where it had landed in front of us on the road. I can still see it right in front of me looking straight into my eyes with its bright yellow piercing gaze.
    What significance do you see in this occurrence? Thank you so much, blessings……:)

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, Michelle;

      Your post took my breath away. Wow. OK, this is a biggie and one of the very reasons I believe we all have so much to learn from the animal kingdom.

      You can bet that Eagle was protecting his/her loved one. People really underestimate what animals know and/or observe. That Eagle knew the car could be even more of a threat so he/she was challenging ‘the car’. Animals know what bravery and heroism really is. It’s natural for them to stand and fight when it matters most – and they do so without hesitation. Because of this, I’m wondering if there’s something going on in your life right now that you need to ‘challenge’ – to take a stand for or against, even if it means standing up to or against yourself.

      Say for instance you’re shying away from getting an education or entering into a relationship because you’re afraid. Eagle comes to let you know that even when something is 100 times your ‘size’ (like car is to an Eagle), you have the internal strength to stand up to it and make it do your bidding. After all, Eagle got his/her way – 2 cars moved out of the Eagle’s way – the Eagle didn’t ‘chicken out’ first.

      Hope that helps.

      Stay wild,

  8. Jessica says:

    I was driving down the road in a rural area when I was coming down a hill I seen an eagle on the left side shoulder eating someone dead. I. slowed as I approached it flew up as if going to cross the road but instead it flew to the right side of my vehicle even with my window and just flew next to it for about 2miles. I was mesmerized. Time seemed to stand still as I could see the blood on its beak, reflection in its eyes, trying to hit it not knowing what it was going to do. Then it just turned and began to go south.

  9. JACQUELINE says:

    i was in the car talking to my son about the reason why i need to write my book about my life
    because my son has witness my life and we talked about memories of an abusive ex husband step father my son became very strong in his voice in encouraging me to help people who had experienced domestic violence and how its effects children how it effects you in all areas of your life
    Literally as he peaked in his conversation an eagle swooped right in front of us in our car it looked like a small eagle as we both looked at each other in surprised and knew it was small bird however it had the wings of an eagle and swooped like and eagle

    i was curious to know what this means ?

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hi, Jacqueline;

      Apologies for delay in response – was on vaca! I’d say that Eagle energy came at just the right moment to let you know your son is correct! Write that book! See, Eagles are one of the ultimate Birds of Prey. They are regal and fierce. If ever there was a Bird who represents courage – it’s the Eagle. Also, when an Eagle has something to say – EVERYONE hears is and obeys! Tap into Eagle energy and ask this mighty Bird to give you the strength and focus to write your story.

      Hope that helps.

      Stay wild,

  10. Leonard says:

    Saw something really cool. I go out every morning to feed the quail and dickey birds around 7:00am Maddy likes to watch all the different kinds of birds so that is why I do this . As I was doing this I heard the eagles calling each other so I started to call back to them with the sounds they make ,I still couldn’t see them so I walked around the back of the house and into the field which is open ground and a good place to see where they were. Well what I saw was just the coolest thing I ever have seen ,as I called back to them they started to come into view circling low over the house in wide circles and around me over head as I looked up I saw more higher up and then more still higher then that .I counted 12 eagles the highest ones were circling clockwise the middle bunch were going the opposite way and the ones lowest were going clockwise all calling each other as I stood there waving and calling them they came lower in the sky now I could clearly see they were all bald eagles and I re-counted them 12 of them the lowest ones came down lower at about mid way of our biggest tree and circled me about 4xs in big circles as that happened the others came down lower .The sky was red horizon with dark clouds ,I wished I had a video of this or at least a picture but I wasn’t planning to see this . I’ve called the eagles for years when they come around our place and they do let us know when they are around ,but for all the years of doing this I have never witnessed anything as cool as what happened this morning . What does it mean ???? I can’t tell you but it really was something to see. Hope your Xmas was great because this really made my Xmas so much better . Later in the day I did see one eagle circling one of our big fir trees on the bank next to the ocean ,he was alone ,but did call out and I called back to him to let him know I saw him. This happened in Victoria BC ,in Metchosin , Does it mean anything ????

  11. Melissa says:

    On Christmas morning my family went outside so kids could play with toys. About that time here came an eagle calling like he wanted us to here him. He landed in the tree right in front of my front door as i was standing there. He stayed there about 5 Minutes as he starred at me and then he flew off. What does that mean.

  12. Jenny says:

    I dreamed of visiting a barn that was inhabited with owls of all shapes and sizes, including one with vibrant blue and green feathers on its face. I left the barn and was walking toward my house and there were feathers gently falling from the sky and scattered over my front yard. I looked up into the Maple tree in my front yard to see a huge bald eagle sitting there. I couldn’t see the remains of the owl, but I knew that the eagle had killed an owl. I was overwhelmed by grief, as I looked up to the eagle, seeking some sort of answer or reason, he looked at me with an expression of “what did you expect?” He was so powerful, so confident and unapologetic in his power.
    How do you interpret two very strong and very different spirit animals?
    PS–I hear owls frequently in my neighborhood and call to them. I also see bald eagles surprisingly frequently considering I live in the D.C. Suburbs. Thank you!

  13. Patrick Wilson says:

    A week before thanksgiving I was driving home from my ranch and saying a prayer to bless those who would be with us for thanksgiving the next weekend. It was a great prayer and just afterwards ( a few seconds) a beautiful bald eagle took off next to my car. As it took off it looked me strait en the eyes It was one of the most spiritual moments I have had in a while. Can you share any insight with me on the occurrence.
    Thanks, Patrick

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, Patrick;

      Woowwwwwwwww! I got goose bumps reading about your Eagle experience! Well, this is certainly a powerful message for you. Intuitively, what I’m getting is Eagle wants you to stand in the seat of your own power. It’s time to understand that ambition and going after what you want is natural – like Eagles, they are Birds of Prey. However, that does not mean you have to hurt anyone. It’s just time to realize you can get what you want and still be a deeply compassionate and spiritual person. Since Eagle took off by your car, it tells me that you’ll be traveling down your truest path very soon. And, it’s gonna be great!

      Hope that helps.

      Stay wild,

  14. Jessica S says:

    I just had a dream and I know it means something very significant but I’m not quite exactly sure of it all ….I have an idea…but maybe others could help interpret. I was in the city and I look ahead..there in the sky was this huge bald eagle…he had something captured in its grip of his feet…it looked small at first but as he flew closer I saw that it wasn’t small at all…he had caught a deer…a buck actually (white tailed deer) …he then flew past and as I looked to the side to watch…he dropped the deer amongst the skyline…I did not see the deer hit the ground…but I knew in the dream that was his way to make his kill fully and then I woke up… I am a huge animal lover and never like to see when the predator wins…but in this dream…I was calm and understanding of the eagles need to kill the deer

  15. Lilly says:

    I need some help, okay so I’m 17, it was the first day it snowed this winter and a beautiful white eagle came and just flew around me up in the sky, I watched the eagle and it was so beautiful. Then it flew away. Today I was outside and I seen another eagle in the distance just watching. Is this A coincidence?

  16. R says:

    I’ve never seen as many eagles my whole life, as I have since moving to my boyfriend’s acreage in Saskatchewan nearly two years ago (we’re only 30 minutes from a large river). There have been numerous occasions where we’ve seen an eagle soaring overhead in circles. It’s incredible.

  17. wolf says:

    i wanna know what it means to have an eagle head on the palm of your left hand ?

  18. virginia says:

    We seen an eagle above us flying in peck,mi

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, Virginia;

      What a beautiful experience! Thank you for taking the time to comment on and visit WhatIsMySpiritAnimal.com!

      Stay wild,

  19. Robin says:

    I’ve had a recurring dream about flying with an eagle. We fly in a beautiful canyon with mountains and a river that leads to the ocean. At times we’re flying very high and at times we are skimming the ocean. I’m never afraid and we fly at great speeds. I feel the power of the eagle’s body in mine as we fly. The dream ends with me sitting next to the eagle high in a tree on the edge of his nest. From this spot I can see the entire beautiful valley and the ocean. I feel a beautiful peace here. I feel a bond to this eagle. Hard to explain….like I know him but I don’t know him. I need to understand this dream. Thank you.

  20. Karin says:

    In my dream last night, most of it I cannot remember, all of a sudden I saw a bird of prey come flying towards me. It was big, I don’t know which kind of bird it was, I live in England and we have lots of kites and buzzards here, so I assumed it was a buzzard. I realised I was inside a carriage, like a bus or a train, I watched in amazement as this big bird of prey flew right at me, really focusing on me. I was delighted, it was beautiful and mesmerising and I put my face close to the window to see him fly just overhead of the carriage I was in. To my amazement he flew right at the window and for a moment he hung suspended in air with his beak pressed to the window, I put my face up against his and felt so happy and elated. Then he came through the window, for a second I was surprised about how he could come through, then I realised he was merging with me and he completely disappeared into me, then I woke up! It was beautiful! I’d really appreciate your thoughts on my experience, thank you.

  21. Lori says:

    Thank you for this post and I really enjoyed reading the comments! On Christmas Eve, an Eagle swooped down right in front of my car to grab it’s prey that it must have just dropped as it was all bloody. I was just giving thanks and believing my daughter would come for for Christmas, and at that moment I knew without a doubt that she was coming home! Then January 15th, as I was talking on the phone with my Auntie, and had a friend from out of town I have wanted her to meet for years, 2 big beautiful Eagles swooped up right in front of my penthouse window on the 24th floor. It was so magestic, I was squealing with delight, like a little girl! Super exciting!!! Then on February 1st I had a dream of an eagle falling out of the sky and I was worried he was hurt or dead, but there was 3 feathers for me. I knew it was a gift but I felt sad for the Eagle and it was a warning of something and I felt we had to go inside, but I was meant to keep the feathers as a gift. I keep feeling I will be gifted with feathers, but I have been told it is a very special gift and people rarely get them, so I’m not sure, but I feel they are definitely my animal totem, and crows are also. I feel very connected to both of these magnifent birds!!!

  22. Edwin says:

    One day i take the trash out and i see two bald eagles on my roof and i stood and admired them in amazement then again i went to get the mail and the two were back on my roof i quickly called my sister came back and the vanished with no trace of them or where they went. what does this mean

  23. Jessica says:

    I see eagles regularly and pretty much on a daily basis. I almost always see them driving and they are flying either parallel to me or across the road in front of me. I also see them flying over my house or sitting in a tree when i drive by. I had 2 fly overhead yesterday as I was working one of my horses. I have amazing close up photos of a young eagle eating a deer carcass in a corn field down the road from my home and mom and dad were sitting in a tree about 100 yards back observing and i had just taken another photo of an eagle at another carcass about a mile before that and him sitting in a tree. I know they have great meaning for me but not sure what. I was told my guides send them but not sure why. The neatest was one day on my way to work 2 were flying about half a mile ahead and one on each side of the highway then they criss-crossed swapping sides right in front of me and then both flew to one side and landed in a tree together on my left. That definitely felt like it meant something relationship wise. I get odd sightings of red tailed hawks too. I had one fly up and land on the roof of my building at work when i was on a walk 2 days in a row and the 2nd day it was goofing off and sliding down the metal trim of the arch above the doorway and then would walk flapping its wings back up. It was super comical and she knew i was laughing and seemed like she was doing it to be silly. Not sure what any means but i know someday i will!!

  24. Mariam says:

    Moving to a new bigger place, ( I am in the bakery business since last two years) We noticed two three eagle’s perched on our sign board. We are on the 1st floor n our board on the roof. What does this mean ?? Thankyou in advance

  25. Shaala says:

    I had an old bald eagle crash into my front door and hang around letting me feed him and wandering my property for 3.5 hours.. pics and all .. he ate food from my hands… what does this mean? I’m very spiritual but not even the native elders could offer help…

  26. Tom says:

    We just found out we are losing our beloved 9-year old rottweiler to bone and lung cancer. This has been the worst experience of my life, and the fear of losing him has almost crippled me. Today, I walked outside with Eli…..and above us was a bald eagle, slowly circling above us. I didn’t know what it meant, if anything…but I knew to a lot of people it would be a symbol of something. I typically do not believe in things such as this….but in the moment, it felt like this meant something…..

  27. Alex says:

    A few days ago, I dreamed of a pure white eagle trapped in a bird cage. I set her free, but when I tried to call for her, she didn’t come back. I wonder what this means.

  28. Dany says:

    This past weekend, there were 3 eagles flying around my house much lower than usual for a few minutes. After observing them for a while, I went inside as i wanted to take a video. By that time, they had started flying away from the house back to their usual heights. Just wondering what the significance could be. Thanks in advance

  29. Danette Funston says:

    I watched a bald eagle swoop down towards my grandson this morning then did a fly by me any thoughts on this?

  30. katherine says:

    I am searching for answers on this situation. Ii went outside my apartment and was standing looking at the sky as I usually do when I noticed at a distance a large bird flying towards me. As it got closer, I saw it was an Eagle. While staring at it’s beauty flying towards me, it started to fly circles above me and completed 3 full circles while I was standing and staring then it continued to fly onward. I was so amazed at this, I didn’t know what to think. In the past, I have had Redtail Hawks fly above my head about 5-6 feet and fly circles around me and was told from an Elder they were dancing above me spiritualy. Now I need to know what it means about the Eagle flying circles above me. Any answers would be appreciated!

  31. Courtney says:

    Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me. I had a dream last night that felt rather important so I went looking for answers and so far I have found none.
    I had a dream about a four eyed bald eagle and out the window was an ancient sand pyramid.
    Does this mean anything to anyone?

  32. Abhishek Antiwan says:

    Hello everyone 🙂 from last two days I m seeing a Eagle on my neighbours roof I heard it’s voice at the same time and same place. Just sitting over the roof and making noises as if he wants to convey anything……but even I can’t understand what’s the situation going on…then I google it down what does this symbolize……after reading many comments I realize yes it’s a Another Faith Connection between us……can anyone help me out to get me know the message of the Eagle ??
    Reply must 🙂

  33. sae j park says:

    I have been seeing an eagle for the past week or so flying all over the sky at my home. Yesterday there were 8 of them flying low enough to see the white on them. What does this mean

  34. Leminda says:

    Every fall we take a family drive through northeast Iowa & southern Wisconson. This last fall we saw 4 Eagles in 3 separate situations. The 1st was just high in the sky. The 2nd seemed to follow behind our van for over a mile. It was literally between us & the next vehicle directly out the back window & the 3rd encounter was crazy. We came around a sharp curve that was between the water & a rock wall & right in front of us 2 swooped up from an animal they were eating in the road. I said to my family, ” There has got to be some sort of omen here. Seeing 1 or 2 is one thing, but good lord & so close. It was agreat family day

  35. Nachiijesca says:

    So I am from Tanzania,Africa so this morning my mom went for exercise she had an operation for a fibroid removal and on her way exercising an eagle flew and scratched her hair on top of the head but as I live with my granny she said no its not a good thing but I didnt take wat she said because it may not be true so I had to google this and here I am to see that Eagles actually arent a bad luck as some people may say this in Africa but who knows wat it really means here?…Thank you,Asante

  36. Elle says:

    I named my son Eagle. After a long struggle with carrying a pregnancy to term, we wanted a strong name. With Native American ties on my side and my husband’s love of golf – this name spoke to us.
    Eagle is going to be 4yrs old an has been the best ‘Eagle medicine’ for me.

  37. Sandip says:

    I’m going through a rough marriage breakup have two kids ..very verbally abusive marriage.
    Well today (England, Hillingdon)
    I was in the garden with the kids
    And we spot a massive eagle hovering above the garden.. now considering our location for us this was the most unusual thing to see….

    I stayed in the garden for a while watching it flying around…..

    What could this represent
    Personally I’m very spiritual…so I’m still in shock seeing this beautiful bird.

  38. Frank .o. says:

    I caught an eagle in my dream. I caged it and people where coming to celebrate with me, others where pricing it.

  39. Armando Martinez says:

    I was with my family in my house,so I go outside because I had somethings I had to do outside to my yard and trash pick up ,so I go outside and notice a golden eagle on the top of my car hood,

  40. Maria says:

    Hi, very interesting! I had a dream last night where an eagle was trying to get to my eyes through my phone. I think the message is stay way from the phone and start acting on that new bussines I’m dreaming of.. but still I wonder why an eagle..and I guess I found my answer here. Thank you

  41. Sage says:

    Hi there this is my first time posting

    I recently did the ritual to find my spirit animal
    And I’m not sure because it’s still all jumbled up in my mind

    But while meditating
    I am being visited by a number of different images and creatures
    Some which were unknown to me but every one of them looked away and walked out of my vision

    Like they knew I was searching for my spirit animal

    A moose ,peacock came by wand walked away

    But then as I grew more and more tired (it’s 3am here )
    And for fear of falling asleep
    I thanked my spirit animal if it came by and told them I’ll come back again to look for you

    A surge of energy or something happened and I saw what I can understand in the colorful palace of my imagination
    Was a golden beak of an eagle
    And he was looking at me straight in the eyes

    And I’m not sure if I did my meditation right or did I leave too early
    But I feel at peace

    But I’m still confused if this is truest my spirit animal

    Any help would be appreciated
    Thank you


  42. Melatone Gold says:

    I woke up this morning feeling good and having a new renewal type energy. I just came in from taking my daughter to the park, and OML a 4-5 Foot Bald Eagle swooped past me, (5 ft to my right) , I could see the details in its colors, and its eyes, the way it paused, perfectly straight with its wings tucked.
    its wing span made it 7-9 feet across. My heart jumped so fast BC I could hear its wings just to the right my head, and another one appeared higher in the sky.
    for 10 mins, I watched 2 bald eagles circle the park where I was and i was in total shock. Most of you wont get this stat, but as a spiritual person, I promise you this was a sign for me, in a very deep way. I wish I could go into the full meaning, but I have to pray and meditate more so i can be precise!!!

  43. Vanessa Ortiz says:

    I’ve been truly blessed and filled with the holy spirit. For days I was seeing a dove when I just casually close my eyes. Blink or just to relax. Now for days I’ve been seeing an eagle. Just whenever I close my eyes. What does this mean?

  44. Austin says:

    Eagle petched on top of my roof when I came out immediately we had eye contact, it flew off what is the indication

  45. Susan says:

    Hello! I had a dream last night that my husband and I were high up in like a treehouse or a nest and he was sleeping when a huge bald eagle came flying down on top of me and just laid there. At first in my dream I was frightened as it was coming toward me but then it was as if it were snuggling with me. I tried to call out to my husband to wake up to see this magnificent bird on me but the Eagle was kind of heavy and I couldn’t yell to him. That’s all I remember

  46. Scotsman says:

    I am of Celtic (Scottish) ancestry. I take my heritage very seriously and observe days of significance to my ancestors by going out in traditional Scottish attire. Yesterday, I was working on the internet, learning some important new details about my ancestors.
    Later, as I stood on my deck looking out into my front yard, a beautiful Bald Eagle glided across in front of me, at eye level, less than 20 feet away. It was a deeply moving moment, but after the animal disappeared, I was left baffled. I couldn’t imagine what meaning should be taken from this dramatic event. Can you help?

  47. Maria says:

    Hello, I recently had an experience were I saw three eagles in two days. The first one was yesterday, a bald eagle flying down into the water to catch a fish. I thought that this was not unusual as I occasionally see eagles flying in over that area, although it was the first time I’ve seen one fishing. However, today I was siting inside when I saw out the window two birds flying together, I heard one cry out and I looked and realized it was two bald eagles flying together fairly low over the street outside. I think it must mean something to have seen three eagles in two days, in two separate areas. I’ve always appreciated eagles and thought of them to be a good sign for me. What do you think that these sightings mean?

  48. Mike says:


    I was driving on a country road (like 60mph) and out of the blue, a bald eagle landed in front of my car without any reason (no mouse or other pray was there).I slowed down stunned and looking on it. It was looking at us for few seconds than he took off. Basically he made me stop the car, looked at us for few seconds and took off… everything happened out of the blue. I live in Canada in SW Ontario, and I have never ever seen a bald eagle before or after. I am wondering if there is a meaning to it.


    • Crystal says:

      Same thing happened to me today! On the highway!

  49. ATO says:

    Just finished taking a spiritual cleansing bath and came out to do something above my head was three soaring eagles and all little birds where running away…..pls what does this means

  50. Daissy says:

    Today I when hiking on my drive over to the hiking place I seen to golden eagles flying In top of my car in circles then on my way back home two other golden eagles were flying in circles in top of my car in the air not that high then almost getting home I had. One more golden eagle flying in circles in top of my car.. it just felt something so beautiful I don’t know the meaning of this but it was something really nice to see

  51. Nik says:

    Just now an I was sitting in my bedroom staring out of the window when I notice a gigantic shadow. An eagle circled around my house 15 times before finally flying away! I’m having a rough time being unemployed and I just prayed this morning for help financially as I’m running out of options. I’m hoping this is a good sign.

  52. RK says:

    Dear Bernadette,

    I have been experiencing some Eagle(Golden Eagle) visits recently. I live with my wife in Mumbai, India. Typically, one of them is perched on the railing of our balcony near our bedroom every few days. This has happened 5-6 times in a span of ten days. Once I even had the experience of the eagle looking at me me straight into my eyes from a few few feet away and it felt quite surreal. Another time, I even took pictures of the eagle as it was about to fly away. As if there was a message it wanted to give me… Followed by that, I heard one eagle calling out loudly – almost to attract attention- and made me look out of the bathroom window. As I acknowledged it and said ‘yes thanks I saw you’ it flew away.

    I read about such experiences and the spiritual meaning of eagle visits and in most places I found that it seems to be a good sign… “messenger from heaven, sign of courage and freedom, new beginning, power and success, possibilities, and many other positive things…” so I felt it’s all good and also felt reassured about continuing on my spiritual path… not getting bogged down by my current problems and to hold on to my dreams and aspirations.

    After that, I realized that there are quite a few eagles living near our house(apartment complex)- as it faces a small lake, I see them soaring over the lake and occasionally resting in the balconies of adjoining buildings like ours. So, I felt maybe I am reading too much into it and stopped thinking about the eagle visits. And also, i didn’t notice them perched in our balcony anymore.

    Then a strange thing happened today, while I was putting some clothes to dry, an eagle brushed past my head with its wing! I was a little shocked and instinctively my hand went to the back of my head and I felt there was no injury… and at the same moment I saw it fly ahead in front of me and then take a u turn mid air- as if to show me that it was ‘an eagle’ and fly away…

    So today, I read a lot again and found the same positive things written but nothing so exact about getting touched/brushed by an eagle’s wing while in flight and its meaning and context when seen along with the earlier encounters….

    Please do shed some light if you have any insights…

    Thanks for writing and helping so many people understand such spiritual experiences in a better way!


  53. Sunny says:

    When I dream, which is every night in color, when the dream ends up I take leave of the location and as I depart, I awaken in bed. This morning, as I was my leave and getting to the car to take my departure, i had the drivers window open and 3 birds flew toward me and, as i watched in amazement, flew into the car settling in the passenger seat, barely fitting and I opened the passenger window for them.

    I got into the drivers seat as they made themselves ready to leave on the journey with me. They weren’t going anywhere, they were coming along. I peeked over the drivers seat and saw my small dogs in the back seat but the eagles paid them no mind, I woke up to happy doggies licking my face but feel the eagles are still with me.

    I live in rural Iowa and do see bald eagles on a regular basis in nature. But this was different. They intentionally came to me making it clear they were all three coming with me.

  54. Kimberly Lamb says:

    This morning I saw a bald eagle land next to the lake across the street. As I kept watching he flew to perch at the top of the highest tre next to the same lake. Soon after that he it dove down over the lake then flew off. What does that mean?

  55. John says:

    I live and work in an Aboriginal community in Australia as a Police officer.
    The tribal elders gave me the name Kwinyala which is their word for the Australian Wedgetail eagle.

    During a particularly nasty death investigation I travelled into the hills to locate and investigate the matter. I told no one in the community about it as I wished to know what occurred before people got spooked as it occurred on a sacred site.

    While I was away an eagle flew into the community and over the river. One of the elders saw it and upon my return asked me who the man was who had died.
    She told me that the eagle comes when I leave the community. It brings messages.

  56. RA says:

    Hy. This morning a young white eagle came a day on our house terrace wall. It remained there for almost 30-45 minutes either looking in our direction and at times at a small handmade pond especially kept for birds who come visiting us daily. But in our 2 years at this house, this is the very first instance, an eagle has visited us. Could you guide us towards its message for us?

  57. RA says:

    Rather it was on the lines of being an hawk, probably

  58. JW says:

    Four weeks ago, my Dad became very ill. At the time, we weren’t sure how things would turn out, but I was called home to be with the family. For me, that meant a 6 1/2 hour drive from my home to the home where I grew up. At one point, along a highway in the Southern Tier of New York State, I happened to look up. There, just off the road, in a very prominent location, at the top of a lone dead tree sat a bald eagle. And I remember immediately knowing that was a sign of some kind. I didn’t know why, and I didn’t know what it meant. I just knew it was a sign. Knew it deep down in my soul. I should also point out that I’ve made this trip several times a year, round trip, for the past 30 years and have NEVER ONCE seen an eagle at ANY point along the way. Ever.

    After I arrived at my parents, things were hectic and I initially forgot about my eagle experience. But, when I remembered it the following evening, it was like I was struck by a lightning bolt and I HAD to find out what it meant. I googled “Eagle as a spirit animal” and your page was the first one that came up, and the following section gave me goosebumps.

    “The eagle as a spirit animal puts you on notice that the winds of change are headed your way. Some type of rebirth or renewal is about to happen, and Eagle prepares you for that change by showing you how to tap your inner strength and fortitude. Stand up tall, wrap courage around your waist, and stay true to yourself. Eagle as an animal spirit guide often shows up when we face challenges. On his wings he bears determination and the laser sharp focus to get through to the other side of our problems.”

    What makes this so compelling is, I remembered the eagle messenger and read your page the evening we learned my father would not recover and decided as a family to stop treatment. He passed a week and a half later, never regaining consciousness.

    People can say what they want. I don’t believe for a second that seeing that eagle on that day was coincidental, during that particular trip, after 30 years of making the same trip and never seeing an eagle.

  59. saravanan kerberos says:

    Amazing facts about Eagles.In Indian Tradition we used to use eagle to balance the negative effects made by the planet URANUS.

  60. Joseph says:

    I had a dream of a massive golden eagle, we were in flight. I’m not sure if we were both flying independently or I was riding. The eagles head was to my right and he or she looked at me. There was a bond between us, trust, family, sacred, it was incredible. I felt loved.

  61. Victoria Vialpando says:

    My mom and I were driving to White Rock NM we saw a ten bald eagles on the way and some on the way back home. They were beautiful. Got on here to find it meaning…

  62. tuck says:

    I just had an eagle drop a fish in my back yard…lol So I cleaned it and thanked the eagle.

  63. Shelley says:

    In my meditation, a bald eagle came. I have been debating on a decision about a home to buy, he landed on the table in the patio area and stomped his foot on the table while looking at me. I took this as the sign that ‘this is it’. Thank you Mr Eagle! Such a beautiful and magnificent bird he is!

  64. Rs says:

    I dreamed of an injured eagle I was hugging it and calming it I could understand it telling me I didn’t know how it got hurt…. I kept caressing it… It turned into a little boy. I asked it if it could fly and his name.. It flew and his name was Paul….he was so adorable ! got to even ask ask him his B-Day October 17 a day after mine!….. Vivid dream!!

  65. Matt says:

    Don’t know if anyone can help me looked at dream meanings but don’t say alot as all find are a few lines with not much detail,
    So the dream is I’m stood on a grass clearing to my left the grass goes off into the distance with no obstructions to be seen,on the area I’m facing and to my right are trees not overly tall but it’s I guess a young forest growing. I see others none I know in waking life,there’s a young woman with brown hair slimb in build and slightly shorter than myself,who I try to speak to but she’s a few meters ahead she looks back at me and smiles then goes into the trees where there are birds that most resemble eagles going between the tree tops see three or so doing there thing they all at their own time see me but are happy to let me get very close without any fear of being close enough to touch. One is much bigger than the others that stands on my arm and lets me stroke them and seems very calm and happy for me to.
    I would be humbled by any input anyone’s got to help me figure out what it means.
    Thanks you..

  66. Serra says:

    Hi Matt
    To me, it’s spirit inviting you to begin seeing things from a higher (and a multitude) of perspectives. To trust in your inner self and learn from the world around you.
    I hope this helps!

  67. Mandy says:

    I have a question how do I discover my spirit guide for some reason I feel like I know the answer already because ever where I travel I always see an eagle, and even when I don’t they tend to pop up like the time my children’s father found one dead on the road. Could this be my spirit guide?

  68. Marian says:

    Hi Matt. Just saw this today after facilitating a drumming circle the night before. It was about eagle medicine. We “send” on our right and receive on our left. Your left is wide open to receive messages. Do you feel intuitive, do you listen to the “niggle” or the voice in your self? Eagle is waiting for you (right side)to ask the question(s) . That part of you is ready to soar above and “ask” and seek answers from a higher perspective. It feels like your higher self is trying to get your attention.

  69. APRIL Lynn Lenoir says:

    To the lady with the dream of the woman smiling
    That was one of your ancestors speaking to you. They never speak in our dreams. You have a gift. Tap into it. Blessings to u

  70. Jim Dunn says:

    I had a bald eagle buzzed by me at head height no more than 10 feet from me. I felt his presence coming. I turned to watch as he came and went by. The power, speed and the wind sound as he went by was impressive.
    But why did he do it?

  71. Kathleen says:

    Hi John, I had a similar experience on January 24 actually, where it flew at eye level in front of my vehicle. I gasped and thought it was a strange omen. I never considered much about Eagles other than some native people used to call me eagle eyes. I like the native symbolisms, and wish you all the best in your deepest heart’s desires.

  72. cheryl preston-shaw says:

    saw a low flying eagle with a bright golden head fly through my backyard. I have only seen it once. At the time I was under a great deal of emotional stress lasting about 6 months . I feel that my animal totem had revealed itself to me . I also live in an area of the Colorado Mountains where Native American tribes lived

  73. Dishika Deepak Iyer says:

    Last night, before going to sleep, these were my words that I said out loud: “I let go of any anger and resentment I hold. I choose love and I let go of any negativity that I hold in my body. I’m free of pains, Universe. I have healed. I’m healthy and I surrender to you.”

    I slept off and I had weird dreams. My dreams were filled with birds, an eagle, a black colour bird, a black and white bird, a golden bird, so much so that I could transform into a bird too. I could hear them speak and though I don’t remember everything I heard, two things I remember hearing from them very well are: “Come!” And “Let go”

    Also, in my dream my brother and I come home in the evening and see birds after birds flying in one direction and I turn to my brother and say “They forgot to inform us.” Soon after that there’s tapping on the window and a golden bird fly’s in through the window and sits on the floor of our home, then it hops on to the roof where there’s a platform of some sort and ruffles it’s feather.

    Soon after that I was sitting with my family and brother, looking at an egg crack and a green worm come through it. We try to play with it and that’s when I woke up.

    I don’t understand what this dream was trying to convey. I know it’s a message because the night I say that I’m healed and I let go of any anger and resentment, I dream of these birds.

    Could someone help me out here, please? What could the dream mean? How do I invoke a bird/animal spirit? What does that mean?

    • The Tarot Bogan says:

      The universe has given you a start. It’s allowed you to become a caterpillar because it trusts you will grow into a butterfly and get your wings. Once you get your wings you will be able to progress higher and higher. To keep growing you have to keep nurturing the one’s without wings or that aren’t even ready to hatch. In doing this the universe will allow you to start seeing more and more than eggs cannot. You must look after other eggs even if they don’t know they’re eggs.
      By helping others hatch you will keep growing. Be humble in your heights, if you reach the heights of an eagle you won’t need to tell people you’re an eagle nor should you. Helping other people rise helps you rise, their accending energy makes it less work on your wings.

  74. Michele Jackman says:

    I saw a “white eagle” flying above me in all it’s glory and starting researching the symbolism found here. The information guided me to the meaning for me. We also have a poetry group and our theme was birds. I am the President of my own spiritual/practical site usowls.com for older, wiser, and laughing all the way. I also use Optimism of the owl– flying through the darkness in search of what it needs. The message for me was the question:
    What is my legacy? Bird see from above in connection with the divine–ask the bird. I did.
    Got the answer I am still resisting a bit. Birds symbolize freedom –perspective . timing and use of one’s energy. This has to be a personal individual insight simply lodged in the heart and given to others from God own’s website..

    • Dan says:

      Michele what do you make of my experience with the two eagles fighting overhead as I stepped out my back door? I am very interested in an insightful interpretation.

  75. Ameira says:

    While meditating I saw and eagle come down from the clouds and fly directly down to me and picked me up
    And sent me to the beach, place me on the sand and flew away.
    Then as I was looking up I seen an angel come down from the clouds and gave me a hug , as he put his arms around me he placed a big citrine crystal on my back.

  76. LISA STUMPF says:

    I had the strangest experience over the weekend. 2 eagles were circling overhead of my house. The next thing you know the one eagle appeared to knock the other one down in my backyard. As I am standing outside watching this whole thing in awe the one flew away between the neighbor’s house and the other was coming in my direction straight at me where I was standing, he was VERY low, like 5 feet, that is why I ran because I thought he was going to run into me. Does this have any symbolism?

  77. Joshua says:

    I flew with an Eagle, in my dream, last night.
    It was coming up behind me, gliding above emerald green grass.
    I could feel the wind pick up and I said “why not?”
    I jumped up into the breeze and gravity let me go.

  78. Dan says:

    Last September 15, 2020 I stepped out my back door in rural south central Wisconsin to witness two Bald Eagles entangled in a fight about 150 yards overhead. They were plummeting downward at great speed as they fought. My dog who was with me got very excited as he is a Chesapeake Bay Retriever. Just before they hit the ground they both took off flying straight east. I watched them go out of sight. I grabbed my phone to get aa video if they returned. As luck would have one of them came gliding back straight to the west and at tree top level went over my house and eventually out of site to the west. I did get the video of that massive bird flying over my house. Two months later to the day my companion CBR named Floyd was hit and killed by a car on the road in front of my house. It has been a tough winter but at least all humans in this house are healthy.

  79. Toni says:

    I had my back door opened. And when I turned around there was an eagle looking through my storm door. I was amazed it was not a fully grown eagle but it was tan and had a black strip across his tail. He was trying to walk in my home not hitting the glass hard. When i walked to my door in amazement and called for my husband, he walked under my elephant ears and seemed to lay down or something but walked from under the elephant ears and walked back towards my door. He was not afraid it was like he wanted us to see every detail of his body. The eagle then turned around and just flew away. The whole experience is still with me now and I’m trying to see if anything the meaning.

  80. Bobbi says:

    I hope someone can answer me. I have had a very traumatic and painful past year. This morning I sat down to write a letter at my computer and looked out my front window; a bald eagle flew down to the ground and sat there looking art me. I was startled-we do not have bald eagles here. It stayed a few more seconds, bent down, spread its wings, then flew off. From my window i could see what appeared to be a dead animal where it had been sitting. I went out to check and it is a dead cat.
    Any thoughts?

  81. ForeverLost says:

    I have been gifted Eagle medicine and it is terribly ungrateful to say but I regularly contemplate asking it to go away. I did not come from a culture of this type of knowledge, most of the time it feels like I am going slightly (or a lot mad). I can carry the medicine without a problem but its power and how “out there/weird” it is and is so lonely. Its searing truth is not welcomed by many, I have no idea what to do with Eagle medicine or what’s its purpose. I dislike people, I don’t want to lead them or be anywhere around them. Sometimes I wonder what was Spirit thinking when it chose me, every week I tell it you got the wrong person, I am not the one, but so far its still here. Not sure how I feel about that. Be careful what you wish for people.

  82. rupert says:

    how do I evoke eagle spirit to stand by me and support me in everything

  83. Danielle says:

    On the eclipse day evening an eagle with a bird in its claws flew two meters infront of my nose through my small City garden. I was shocked how big it was. What a grace. ❤️

  84. Victor says:

    Thank you very much for the explanations in this article! All the best and many blessings!

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