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Color my World: Color symbolism & Meaning


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2021
What is your personal color?
Do you use color in your meditations, visualization, etc. Are there certain ones you prefer
Have you ever changed the color scheme in a room to switch up its vibrations
What is your favorite color and why (note that for some this is different than a personal color predominant in your aura)
What is your personal color?
Do you use color in your meditations, visualization, etc. Are there certain ones you prefer
Have you ever changed the color scheme in a room to switch up its vibrations
What is your favorite color and why (note that for some this is different than a personal color predominant in your aura)
Aside from Flag Red no longer being my signature color, I do change up colors. Current I'm in a turquoise phase and am using as brand colors. Jewel tones and ocean colors are always my thing. I tend to get put off easily by colors. Certain colors are not allowed in my meditations because it's an automatic mood killer. I am always gracious is certain colors are gifted to me but everyone who knows me well enough knows I don't like yellow. If it's on an animal/vegetation, I don't blame nature but I don't like yellow lol
I'm currently switching up colors with furniture covers because I'm trying to rid my house of a certain aura and create new space for my daughter and I.
What is your personal color?
Do you use color in your meditations, visualization, etc. Are there certain ones you prefer
Have you ever changed the color scheme in a room to switch up its vibrations
What is your favorite color and why (note that for some this is different than a personal color predominant in your aura)
I'd be curious what color my aura is. Please don't be yellow, please don't be yellow, please don't be yellow.
Good question. My absolute favorite color is purple. In the past few years, I have been drawn to dark pink (azalea)to wear. I kept seeing myself wearing it in visions and meditations. I also was feeling like my aura was that color, but I have no idea what color it is, I can see the energy but not the color. Every living room I've had since the 1990s gets painted a warm buttery color called Night Light. I used to have issues with depression, and while I love the rain and being out in it, the gray weather saps my energy, and having a nice warm glow helps with that. It's very comforting. I use a lot of turquoise because I like the way it feels and it reminds me of the ocean. I absolutely need to be surrounded by green-by that I mean greenery, trees and plants but I think that is much more about nature and the plant energy than the color. I use color in meditation if I am needing to work with specific colors of light for different purposes. My 2yr old grandbaby is very into colors, most especially yellow. She will be quietly naming colors of things and when she gets to yellow she gets very excited, shouting out YELLOW and clapping and saying yay! It is so funny, I call it yellow fever. It absolutely delights her-and don't ask her to share her yellow.
Good question. My absolute favorite color is purple. In the past few years, I have been drawn to dark pink (azalea)to wear. I kept seeing myself wearing it in visions and meditations. I also was feeling like my aura was that color, but I have no idea what color it is, I can see the energy but not the color. Every living room I've had since the 1990s gets painted a warm buttery color called Night Light. I used to have issues with depression, and while I love the rain and being out in it, the gray weather saps my energy, and having a nice warm glow helps with that. It's very comforting. I use a lot of turquoise because I like the way it feels and it reminds me of the ocean. I absolutely need to be surrounded by green-by that I mean greenery, trees and plants but I think that is much more about nature and the plant energy than the color. I use color in meditation if I am needing to work with specific colors of light for different purposes. My 2yr old grandbaby is very into colors, most especially yellow. She will be quietly naming colors of things and when she gets to yellow she gets very excited, shouting out YELLOW and clapping and saying yay! It is so funny, I call it yellow fever. It absolutely delights her-and don't ask her to share her yellow.
She can have all my yellow 💛💛
My favorite color has seemed to change throughout my life generally changes between blues greens purples and pinks and sometimes oranges. I never have really known why sometimes it seems connected to moods sometimes it seems connected to the period in time I'm going through. I would like to know what my aura color is now-a-days that would be cool. But like I said not real sure what causes my changes in fav colors exactly
What is your personal color?
Do you use color in your meditations, visualization, etc. Are there certain ones you prefer
Have you ever changed the color scheme in a room to switch up its vibrations
What is your favorite color and why (note that for some this is different than a personal color predominant in your aura)
I have always been drawn to white or rainbow, whenever I am asked this. I love this question 🌠
However, I have been told I have a green aura 🙏💚🙏
Aside from Flag Red no longer being my signature color, I do change up colors. Current I'm in a turquoise phase and am using as brand colors. Jewel tones and ocean colors are always my thing. I tend to get put off easily by colors. Certain colors are not allowed in my meditations because it's an automatic mood killer. I am always gracious is certain colors are gifted to me but everyone who knows me well enough knows I don't like yellow. If it's on an animal/vegetation, I don't blame nature but I don't like yellow lol
I'm currently switching up colors with furniture covers because I'm trying to rid my house of a certain aura and create new space for my daughter and I.
Sending creative energy vibes to you...but not the ones that come from yellow....lol!
Good question. My absolute favorite color is purple. In the past few years, I have been drawn to dark pink (azalea)to wear. I kept seeing myself wearing it in visions and meditations. I also was feeling like my aura was that color, but I have no idea what color it is, I can see the energy but not the color. Every living room I've had since the 1990s gets painted a warm buttery color called Night Light. I used to have issues with depression, and while I love the rain and being out in it, the gray weather saps my energy, and having a nice warm glow helps with that. It's very comforting. I use a lot of turquoise because I like the way it feels and it reminds me of the ocean. I absolutely need to be surrounded by green-by that I mean greenery, trees and plants but I think that is much more about nature and the plant energy than the color. I use color in meditation if I am needing to work with specific colors of light for different purposes. My 2yr old grandbaby is very into colors, most especially yellow. She will be quietly naming colors of things and when she gets to yellow she gets very excited, shouting out YELLOW and clapping and saying yay! It is so funny, I call it yellow fever. It absolutely delights her-and don't ask her to share her yellow.
How cute! I do see color and I could see daffodils and honeysuckle when when I saw what you wrote about your granddaughter. And Fireflies and green Fairies around your picture.
My favorite colors are purple, black and neon green. I am defiantly not a pink. Although it was recently pointed out to me that pink is red (love) mixed with white (purity), So I'm working out my negative pink reaction. When I look into the mirror I see different colors depending on my mood. I do see auras and colors but seeing my own doesn't always work. Also unless asked I try not to look at peoples auras as my personal ethics tend to kick in and say it is nonconsensual. Although they will pop up sometimes in public from Spirit if I need to be cautious around someone or something. Lately I have been surrounded in reds and oranges. I have been very anxious and irritable, so I believe that it is my higher self telling me that my mood is that I need to spend more time in self-care and having fun.
My favorite colors are purple, black and neon green. I am defiantly not a pink. Although it was recently pointed out to me that pink is red (love) mixed with white (purity), So I'm working out my negative pink reaction. When I look into the mirror I see different colors depending on my mood. I do see auras and colors but seeing my own doesn't always work. Also unless asked I try not to look at peoples auras as my personal ethics tend to kick in and say it is nonconsensual. Although they will pop up sometimes in public from Spirit if I need to be cautious around someone or something. Lately I have been surrounded in reds and oranges. I have been very anxious and irritable, so I believe that it is my higher self telling me that my mood is that I need to spend more time in self-care and having fun.
My yellow aversion is DEFINITELY a negative reaction that takes me back. The brain is a beautiful, wondrous, and often confused little piece of machinery!!! 🖤💜💚
Good question. My absolute favorite color is purple. In the past few years, I have been drawn to dark pink (azalea)to wear. I kept seeing myself wearing it in visions and meditations. I also was feeling like my aura was that color, but I have no idea what color it is, I can see the energy but not the color. Every living room I've had since the 1990s gets painted a warm buttery color called Night Light. I used to have issues with depression, and while I love the rain and being out in it, the gray weather saps my energy, and having a nice warm glow helps with that. It's very comforting. I use a lot of turquoise because I like the way it feels and it reminds me of the ocean. I absolutely need to be surrounded by green-by that I mean greenery, trees and plants but I think that is much more about nature and the plant energy than the color. I use color in meditation if I am needing to work with specific colors of light for different purposes. My 2yr old grandbaby is very into colors, most especially yellow. She will be quietly naming colors of things and when she gets to yellow she gets very excited, shouting out YELLOW and clapping and saying yay! It is so funny, I call it yellow fever. It absolutely delights her-and don't ask her to share her yellow.
yellow, according to studies, is one of the best colors for children. You don't want it to bright in a bedroom, tho
Purples and blues. I am an "ocean" baby. I actually painted my kitchen purple recently - it rocks! People were like, "a purple kitchen" until I pointed out all the purple kitchen stuff on Amazon. My bedroom is ocean blue complete with curtains that have a beach picture on them (I think I need an intervention LOL).
NOOOOO you don't need an intervention 🤣🤣 my animals names: Jaws (pictured), and the cats are Fish, Neptune and Poseidon 🤣🤣🤣


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What is your personal color?
Do you use color in your meditations, visualization, etc. Are there certain ones you prefer
Have you ever changed the color scheme in a room to switch up its vibrations
What is your favorite color and why (note that for some this is different than a personal color predominant in your aura)
Good Morning Grasshopper & the Wild Pack,
I have several favorite colors, which is very strange because as a child, I wore black. Black was my favorite color (it was thinning🤣). Fast forward many, many moons, and my favorite, absolute favorite color is Purple. I absolutely love all shades of purple. My second favorite is Blue. I LOVE a beautiful deep shade of blue/indigo color. Its like a mix between the throat Chakra blue and 3rd eye indigo.
I make these heart shaped orgones with crystals, stones, gems, etc. Last weekend, I was drawn to make 2 separate ones. One is made with blue stones, and the other is linked with what I call the heart Chakra colors (green & pink). For me, they offer dual purposes. The balancing of the stones combined with their colors. Its like color therapy with a heavy hitting balancing tool. I included pictures of what I use, I hope its okay? If not, please let me know!
I have started using color therapy to help shift my moods. To the point I either wear the corresponding color of the day, or I carry one of my orgones around. Sometimes though, I DO take a break and try for neutral (gray or white) colors.
What about you, what do you use?


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Good Morning Grasshopper & the Wild Pack,
I have several favorite colors, which is very strange because as a child, I wore black. Black was my favorite color (it was thinning🤣). Fast forward many, many moons, and my favorite, absolute favorite color is Purple. I absolutely love all shades of purple. My second favorite is Blue. I LOVE a beautiful deep shade of blue/indigo color. Its like a mix between the throat Chakra blue and 3rd eye indigo.
I make these heart shaped orgones with crystals, stones, gems, etc. Last weekend, I was drawn to make 2 separate ones. One is made with blue stones, and the other is linked with what I call the heart Chakra colors (green & pink). For me, they offer dual purposes. The balancing of the stones combined with their colors. Its like color therapy with a heavy hitting balancing tool. I included pictures of what I use, I hope its okay? If not, please let me know!
I have started using color therapy to help shift my moods. To the point I either wear the corresponding color of the day, or I carry one of my orgones around. Sometimes though, I DO take a break and try for neutral (gray or white) colors.
What about you, what do you use?
This Libra loves this idea....plus hearts are my thing. Great idea!