What Is My Spirit Animal
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This time Raven


Active member
Mar 10, 2021
Yall....now two days ago my daughter and i coming back to ouf apartments tufn jnto the "driveway" leadibv up to ghe gate and a Raven crosses the van sits on the fence and stares us down until we pass fully the flies off! First owl now Raven what the what!
Owls - wisdom, ravens cosmic wisdom.

I have a 'pet' (loose term) raven in our backyard. He's my spiritual cosmic wisdom. I listen to him/her when they appear - close my eyes and let myself hear what they are telling me.

I am watching Sandman and love Matthew (who is a raven) ... reminds me of the one in our backyard.

Close your eyes and listen - you will hear what needs to be said.
Owls - wisdom, ravens cosmic wisdom.

I have a 'pet' (loose term) raven in our backyard. He's my spiritual cosmic wisdom. I listen to him/her when they appear - close my eyes and let myself hear what they are telling me.

I am watching Sandman and love Matthew (who is a raven) ... reminds me of the one in our backyard.

Close your eyes and listen - you will hear what needs to be said.
Thank you! I couldnt close them at that moment but its good to know a better way to listen. Sometimes i have to do that to feel what my tarot cards are saying (im working harder on doing readings)