What Is My Spirit Animal
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2 questions for all.

Hope all is OK @Mark Ravenheart

Look out for the Animal Dreams thread later today.

Mental Health Relax GIF by My Mindful Year
I had a fall earlier that has caused me some pain and I'm having some breathing difficulties.
Must go and rest, now.
Thank you for the thread, I am hyped!!!
Good to see you @Stipton31 I am hoping to post more things up that connect with Animals over the next few weeks. 1 i hope to get up today, depending if i am distracted or not by Stu who MAY need to talk in a while.
Honestly I took a break from all of this for a bit. But I'm back. And I'm so glad because I missed you all.
I drop in and sometimes post.

There's been a lot going on in my life & in my healing journey. Sometimes I have to go off into the void without the distraction of the internet/social media...for however long that takes. Right now, silence & stillness are what I need most.

I like Mark Ravenheart's suggestion about animals in our dreams and how to strengthen our connection with them.
I drop in quite rarely now.

As I first signed up, I dropped in as often as possible [once weekly or more at times, and then it became once or twice every 2-3 weeks, then maybe 1,2,3 times in a month ... estimated]; and I wanted / intended to be as active as possible with this Wild Pack forum - - - those were times when the youtube videos were ongoing and fairly consistent weekly with Mama Bear.

I definitely dropped off within the past year ish --- when I have popped into the forum, I view / scan - clicking "new posts" and then figure out if, where I can participate, contribute, share - or not. ** as a note - I did a Colette Baron-Reid online course around Oracle cards and that was a focus, priority to me, in tandem with every day life [changes, adjustments, etc. +].

As for the second question ... I don't have any clear answers at present.

As I mentioned the CBR online course [2021] above, around the first question - I have played with wonderful tools, questions, etc. from that and @Mama Bear 's Ark deck [I have the extra packs for the Ark deck too].

I read through the responses to see if anything might spark ideas on my end ... nothing so far ...

Congrats and appreciation @Pearlized 😍
Here i go with my first post as an Admin.

I have 2 questions for everyone on our Forum. The first is.

Who is Active and drops in and posts or just has a look to see what's new.

The second is a what question.

What would you like to see on here, what would you like to learn in associstion with the Animals and the Ark cards, and finally what would you like to know more about in connection the all of it.

Pleae remember though that @Mama Bear is the only one to do Ark card readings and NO i will NOT be doing them myself, so please DO NOT ask.

Looking forward to hearing from all of you very soon.
I'm scattered and intermittent (like rain - or sunshine (depending on the moment, day, week)). lol.
Variety, they say, is the spice of life. I need variety for survival. (And a certain amount of chaos).
I believe everyone on this site is a master at multitasking.
I believe most people on this site thrive when interacting simultaneously on several levels.
Reading, listening, conversing, texting, offering ideas, and incorporating the thoughts, words, and suggestions of others all while staying focused on MamaBears videos and posts. (and the posting of others).
The world is lost in the mire of media without allowing much thought of their own.
Here, on this site, we've always been allowed to expand and grow in directions beneficial to the individual, without losing sight of the greater global and group needs.
The only element lacking for me, on these sites Spirit Animal Community Sites, is a reminder not to become so involved elsewhere that I forget to return here where my brain is always re-energized, refreshed, renewed, and excited.
We are stars in the darkness shining brightest when seeing into mysteries hidden from those choosing not to look.
It's easy to busy ourselves with other "less interesting" things.
I'm scattered and intermittent (like rain - or sunshine (depending on the moment, day, week)). lol.
Variety, they say, is the spice of life. I need variety for survival. (And a certain amount of chaos).
I believe everyone on this site is a master at multitasking.
I believe most people on this site thrive when interacting simultaneously on several levels.
Reading, listening, conversing, texting, offering ideas, and incorporating the thoughts, words, and suggestions of others all while staying focused on MamaBears videos and posts. (and the posting of others).
The world is lost in the mire of media without allowing much thought of their own.
Here, on this site, we've always been allowed to expand and grow in directions beneficial to the individual, without losing sight of the greater global and group needs.
The only element lacking for me, on these sites Spirit Animal Community Sites, is a reminder not to become so involved elsewhere that I forget to return here where my brain is always re-energized, refreshed, renewed, and excited.
We are stars in the darkness shining brightest when seeing into mysteries hidden from those choosing not to look.
It's easy to busy ourselves with other "less interesting" things.
Always lovely stated and offering inspiration, insights and more. You write and express eloquently +.