What Is My Spirit Animal
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  • Duck Duck Duck. I hate PTSD with a passion. BUT It hates me more, because it can no longer hide from me. I see it sneaking up on Stu and Stomp on it HARD every damn time.

    Your gunna have to do better than that sweet cheeks, cos i got your number. 16 years and counting and i am STILL stronger than you are PTSD. So suck that up buttercup.
    Mark Ravenheart
    Mark Ravenheart
    I too hate PTSD with a passion. I have healed myself/my bruised and beaten ego, and my abused child-self, and I've turned into the kind of adult I can be proud of. From here on out it is a matter of maintaining forward movement and "paying it forward". You and Stu do not need me to be proud of you, but I am!!!
    Thanks @Mark Ravenheart 💖 💜

    When you "" Get it "" you "" Get it "" so know how it effects other. Supporting them in any way you can. Just acknowledging each other as we do can make one heck of a difference. You and I both " Pay it forward " in our own ways, which does make a difference for others.
    WOW what a wierd energy shifting few days. Not over yet either. I have felt not quite right for a short while now. Slight stress arose yesterday, called Dr, had a F2F. OOpsy Heart beating in time, not eratic, but way too fast. BP way up because of that. New meds added in BP back to normal, heart being checked again at 2pm. Getting there, but yea, a little stressful. Stu's turn come Wed with repeat Procdure.
    Tina n
    Tina n
    You're not alone , feeling a bit out of sorts also..choosing to not let it get to me ! :) safe ,healthy joyful new year to all ♡♡♡
    Hi there, I know what you mean. The shif in the energy is like wow. Also I have felt that I'm cleaning up my energy and getting ready for some big things too. Hope all is well and many blessings ❤️
    Oh my goodness. LOL New cooker in and working beautifully. Old one was way past its best at around 20 years old.

    Plus, for the first time EVER i got my nails done yesterday. Part of xmas pressy from Stu.


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    Mark Ravenheart
    Mark Ravenheart
    Thanks @Mark Ravenheart They are holding up just fine too. Pity i know have a cold / Flu bug and duffed up knee due an ice slip. Plus a couple of other crap sticks to deal with LOL
    Mark Ravenheart
    Mark Ravenheart
    Awww, I will light candle for you to return your energy levels to normal and heal any and all worries or wounds.
    Oh wow, these energy shifts are really taxing this time. Ready to batten down the hatches and hibernate for the winter, the way its all shifting right now.
    Vision told me I was nanuk the polar bear
    MM yea funny that.
    Well buggering heck Seems i broke my toe this morning, so have had to cancel tomorrows adventure with my granddaughter.

    So no posh ice cream for us now. So glad i had kept it as a surprise.

    The offended toe. Its darker than it shows LOL Runs round the back too.


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    Today was my FREEDOM day LOL Yep the lurgy got us.

    I went out early to beat the rush in the supermarket. Just forgot how crazy people are. WHY put your shopping on the belt, when YOU can see i have half of mine to put on. Oh you were not happy when i had to stop and push YOUR seperator back TWICE. Use your brains please.

    Now its COLD again, so snuggled up with feet up watching MOTO GP. 😁 🥰 💜 🏍️ 🦋
    Feeling lost right now.

    As in ""what on earth is going on"". Is it me or am i missing something i should be taking serious notice of.

    Not a clue, just know everything seems off balance.
    Ugh Both of us have been not too good for almost 2 weeks. Hubby first with his man flu. He delightfully shared it with me. Mine still has not cleared.

    I got a bit concerned so did a home virus test yesterday. Nope said negative. Not got the symptoms apart from headache and stuffed up nose ish.

    Turns out it could be summer flu, but gone on too long for even that it seems. Not hay fever or an allergy either.
    • Wow
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    Reactions: TPOT and Mama Bear
    Well buggering heck NOW it seems both of us may have the damn virus BECAUSE According to the latest UK stats If you have been double vaccinated, as we have. Headache, stuffy or runny nose, sneezing and fatigue. CAN be signs of a mild dose of it.

    Well bugger me sideways.
    • Like
    Reactions: TPOT
    Hope you n hubby are feeling better now💚
    Thank you @TPOT . Not got a clue now to be honest. Whilst we BOTH have a tickly cough and still a little fatigued. We have been told NOPE Just a summer cold.

    That said i have done some gloss painting this morning and hubby has sorted the coat rack out, for how we need it right now. A little tired but thats OK. We can go with that.
    • Love
    Reactions: TPOT
    Todays card is Rhino / King of Pentacles MMM Ok yep i get that Abundance in more things than i can think of right now. Not monetary either.

    Thankful for every one of them.
    Pulling cards is getting easier.

    I did a single card for a friends hubby who is on the verge of changing jobs. The owl came out and i told her he will see more come out of the shadows in the next few days. Then 2 for myself Cheetah and Crowned Sifaka. Possibly just stuck together still but hey Will take them anyway. Between them telling me To get a move on and take that leap of faith. Ok Guys on it in the morning.
    Well i have a full on buzz going on this morning.

    No idea why because i am going to the dentist in 2 hours.

    Yea crazy as a barrel of monkeys but there you go. 😁 🤣 🦋
    So today my own card is Koala.

    A reminder for my own inner being and patience.

    Yea soothing hubby's touchy temper has been in there. Though last night i let him sooth his own issues.

    I wont deal with his techy moods. I am not the cause he is.
    Today i asked the Animals How do i continue to move forward with everything.

    A good shuffle and the card that came out was Gorilla. 7 of Wands. Courage Achievement Self Sabotage.

    So the balance with Compassion, the best way to move forward Not stomping about.

    Also understand the opposition bit. Turbulent at times too, nothing i have not faced before. Just in a different way. 🦋
    So today i gave my cards a really really good shuffle and out sprang Roadrunner. Well actually sprang out and flipped over to face up.

    Lots of thing to note on this and all made perfect sense.
    I did burst out laughing at it As i remembered watching Whiley Coyote and Roadrunner cartoons as kid. With the Beep Beep too.
    They're also fierce little guys. They will turn a rattler into a snack. Talk about adaptability, desert animals rank pretty high on that list IMO ❤❤ I truly hope his message to you helps your situation.
    Marsha Taylor
    There must be something about cards sailing from the decks today. Mine also did this but I had 3 boy what a sight, but when I read about each of them they made perfect sense in my life. I got the peckin duck- butterfly and the porcupine. This is the third time this month I have gotten the porcupine, paying close attention to his meaning. Lol. Love that you got the road runner, they are fabulous.
    So today is my birthday and the song "" Its my party and I'll cry if i want to"" is racing round in my head.

    All i can think of there must be something i need to let go of.

    But as its also Ostara i am going to start a new journey this afternoon. Something i have been putting of and deliberating over for a while now.

    So now its time to dive in and go for it. Put my trust in the animals. 🦋
    Well who would have thought that Meditation is addictive and should be avoided at all costs It seems closes your mind to the world of Spiritual Enlightenment. And those who Pimp and push it are just that Pimps and Pushers.

    The guy who said this could not give me a straight answer when i asked him if he had any proof of this. Though i gave him proof that it was not this at all. SMHIW
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