What Is My Spirit Animal
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Sunday Ceremony 3/7/21

Maureen Jones

Well-known member
Mar 4, 2021
Malden, MA
I had a beautiful experience with the Ceremony today.
Some interesting things, I've had not had happen before, started with the first time I joined and participated. Everything started off very nice. I chose to use some of my White Sage incense and was moving into that peaceful and sacred space. Just after arriving where I was meeting the animals, and things began to take shape, I had trouble maintaining focus because I suddenly felt very tired and began dealing with allergy symptoms that weren't present moments before. So, I decided, though I would have to break focus to blow my nose, and sneeze, to finish anyway, and plan to return later. Ok, first time for everything.
So, fast forward to tonight. After resting, doing things, while contending with on and off "nose issues" throughout the day, I went back to the video to do the Ceremony again. This time, I decided not to use any physical sage or incense, and energetically receive from Bernadette's smudging. I also decided to drum during the meditation portion. (Doing things this way, I wasn't encouraging "nose issues" and I was helping myself focus better.)
This cool and amazing thing happened. My second experience was more like a continuation, like the interrupt hadn't happened, but this time I didn't keep losing my focus to sneeze, or something, and I could now pay closer attention and see better.
Though I am not going to write every detail, I am going to write an overview of my experience. Though they didn't say too many specifics, I am not going to get into that part. Any insights and comments are gratefully received.
So, as I began, Wolf was there, as always, and he was indicating that he wanted to bring me, and he wanted to show me something. As we were arriving at this place that had a small section of beach on the ocean on the left, to the right and in front of me, it appeared like a jungle kind of forest. Just as we were arriving at this location, Snowy Owl, who often comes to guide a Journey, was flying overhead towards us, greeting us and he descended to land and sit next to me. As I greeted him, I glanced down to see the Emerald Green Tree Boa that occasionally shows up. It was daylight, but not like middle of the day. It seemed more like morning, but not exceedingly early. The weather was warm, but not hot. It seemed like it might be late Spring or early Summer, as the trees and plants were green, and the scattering of flowers were fully bloomed. There was a light and gentle breeze. We seemed to be on a small hill, overlooking the scene of the beach and forest area, so close, but not right there, so I could see it as a whole. I was glancing around, taking in my surroundings, when I noticed a rustling from the trees and plants. Emerging from the forest area were several animals, with a Redtail Hawk in flight, and a Jaguar leading the group. There were many animals, but the ones that came directly behind the Jaguar, and that were sort of "highlighted" were a Polar Bear and a White Horse and flying around them were a Monarch Butterfly, a single Hummingbird, and a Dragonfly. There were other animals approaching, but for a moment, I glanced aside as I heard a sound coming from the ocean, and I saw a Humpback Whale breach out of the water. The other animals who joined the group, but were not as close, stayed right at the edges of the trees. I noticed a Buck and female Deer, but they were closer to the others at the edge of the forest and didn't come closer and say anything. The Jaguar, who had led the group out of the forest, spoke some, seeming as if she was acting as a representative. I am not going to get into what she spoke to me, and what little the others said. There weren't many words, and what was said wasn't especially specific despite my specific questions, but as we were ending our visit, I was assured I would be told more another time, soon.
What was kind of interesting to me, is that when I went the second time, it was the same group, just "hanging out" and they were like, oh, glad you're back, let's continue. The group of animals had been enjoying the day by the edge of the forest and ocean, and the Whale was just hanging out at the surface of the water, when I went back.
Besides the fact that I've never had a Journey quite like that, though I did have something similar one other time, I have never experienced a continuation type thing when doing a guided Journey, from a video or recording, a second time. I have repeated Journey and Ceremony "exercises" before, but nothing like this happened.
That is beautiful for sure! My experience was shockingly similar to the place and time description as yours. Though I felt as though I was being led by a hawk and a wolf down a winding path through the forest that led to the water. The scenery was lush and there were seemingly intentionally placed vivid, exotic flowers along the way. The entire experience was positive and reassuring! Like I'm on the right path! I feel like I should go back because I suddenly became aware of my earthly surroundings and cannot remember anything except that the video only had a 30 seconds of music left. It was like daydreaming while driving and not recalling the drive but that you've arrived. Bernadette did an amazing job leading the way and I was so comfortable that I couldn't recall when she stopped talking.
Oh and my husband asked me why I hadn't smudged in a few weeks 😅! I told him that it was because I had been feeling in such a positive space I must not have felt it necessary, but that i would like to smudge outside! Lol. He looked confused for a second and then was like yeah, I get it!
That is beautiful for sure! My experience was shockingly similar to the place and time description as yours. Though I felt as though I was being led by a hawk and a wolf down a winding path through the forest that led to the water. The scenery was lush and there were seemingly intentionally placed vivid, exotic flowers along the way. The entire experience was positive and reassuring! Like I'm on the right path! I feel like I should go back because I suddenly became aware of my earthly surroundings and cannot remember anything except that the video only had a 30 seconds of music left. It was like daydreaming while driving and not recalling the drive but that you've arrived. Bernadette did an amazing job leading the way and I was so comfortable that I couldn't recall when she stopped talking.
Oh and my husband asked me why I hadn't smudged in a few weeks 😅! I told him that it was because I had been feeling in such a positive space I must not have felt it necessary, but that i would like to smudge outside! Lol. He looked confused for a second and then was like yeah, I get it!
That definitely sounds like you were transported there, and in a reassuring and peaceful space. I too felt like experience was reassuring. I have that knowing and inner peace that I'm on the right track, and it sounds like you feel the same way about your experience and direction you're going in. It seems like this is something that needs to be repeated periodically, like we wouldn't necessarily receive definitive answers all in this one time.
I was wonderfully comfortable too.
That's funny about your husband asking you about why you hadn't smudged recently. Yeah, I would like to do that with you.
That definitely sounds like you were transported there, and in a reassuring and peaceful space. I too felt like experience was reassuring. I have that knowing and inner peace that I'm on the right track, and it sounds like you feel the same way about your experience and direction you're going in. It seems like this is something that needs to be repeated periodically, like we wouldn't necessarily receive definitive answers all in this one time.
I was wonderfully comfortable too.
That's funny about your husband asking you about why you hadn't smudged recently. Yeah, I would like to do that with you.

SO honored to know Sunday Ceremony helped y'all. It is insane the amount of shared experiences! The #WildPack is truly becoming a 'pack'. LOOOVEEE IITTTT!!!! Arroooooo!!!!