What Is My Spirit Animal
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Tea & Conversation 2: Do you ever feel like you were born at the wrong time, or have a sense of home elsewhere?

Maybe it was the nomadic lifestyle my parents were able to provide me with, but home never felt like a place I'd ever been to. Instead, whenever the stars were out, I would turn my face up to the skies with a longing in my heart and a whisper of a feeling that told me I wanted desperately to go home. But where exactly was home?

As I get older and create roots here on earth I do feel less and less homesick. I still search the stars at night though, they still bring me comfort. Particularly the stars within the Orion constellation, I feel joy whenever I see him up above. I'm pretty sure I've spent a lifetime or two or three up there in Mintaka! I've read it was a beautiful water world, which explains my pull to oceans, rivers, lakes and any bodies of water really. I find them to be so healing and soothing. When I see any bodies of water, I can close my eyes and imagine myself gliding through it, swimming gracefully under the surface. I can easily imagine how it would feel and what it would look like perfectly!

I've accepted that while I'm here on earth, doing this humaning business there is no returning to Mintaka, those stars or that home. But I find comfort in believing that the stars where I come from, they are a part of me, they live within me and in that sense, I am always home. And home is me. <3

So the next question is - are you happy? Or are you just in 'acceptance' mode?
For the longest time I was drawn to South America - Peru and Chili. A lot of my 5-6th grade studies I dove deep into the culture and history of these countries. Inca culture specifically. Then I became hooked on Mayan culture in addition to already being super fascinated with Incas and Pre-Inca.
I was going to go there after I graduated from High School, but didn't raise enough money for the 3 month trip through a non-profit that went and helped build housing and such.

Now, I am more interested in off this planet locations.
For the longest time I was drawn to South America - Peru and Chili. A lot of my 5-6th grade studies I dove deep into the culture and history of these countries. Inca culture specifically. Then I became hooked on Mayan culture in addition to already being super fascinated with Incas and Pre-Inca.
I was going to go there after I graduated from High School, but didn't raise enough money for the 3 month trip through a non-profit that went and helped build housing and such.

Now, I am more interested in off this planet locations.

The good news about off world is you can still 'go' there - that's why they call it a 'mind trip'. ;)
I just have always felt known I don’t belong here since I was old enough to talk I’ve been saying that 🤷‍♀️

Hmmm...are you saying you feel like you're here by mistake or that you know your 'home' is elsewhere? There's a BIG difference and feeling like you 'don't belong' implies that everything here is all wrong for you. I would counter with - nope. You chose to be here so you DO belong but it may not be your home.

Hope that helps!
Hmmm...are you saying you feel like you're here by mistake or that you know your 'home' is elsewhere? There's a BIG difference and feeling like you 'don't belong' implies that everything here is all wrong for you. I would counter with - nope. You chose to be here so you DO belong but it may not be your home.

Hope that helps!
I have never felt “at home” anywhere I feel like I came to the wrong planet 😂 like I incarcerated on earth but was aiming for mars 😂
Yes, plenty, in answer to the question - time, place, space, home ... seem to be always figuring out and finding my way as I am [or not - plenty failed experiments, so to speak] and redirecting, etc. - aiming for home within me, some moments being home within myself and it's gone again ...

I have quite easily "seen, known, felt, sensed, experienced" this [all around this question and its subject matter] in others ...

I am, We are all on a journey - our own and in connection with each human - now, in these moments - it can be challenging to find "home" within and around any of us and what that may be can shift, adjust ... I have felt "homeless" while I continue to meet "home" within myself each moment as I am here, now ...

I am Darkness and Darkness Shines ... Science and Magic and In Between and Beyond ... I am ...
It's taken me a long time to believe I'm here at the right time. But, I don't think I've realized my full purpose or potential yet. As beautiful as Mother Earth is, I've never felt as though this is my true home. As others in this community have mentioned, I also feel a great connection to the stars and other galaxies. I believe in multiple lifetimes and parallel universes. I feel multi-dimensional. And, it's this feeling that has made it hard for me to "fit in" with others many times.