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Tea & Conversation Part 1 - What are your top 3 divination tools and why


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2021
Are any of them unique somehow? I've heard you can divine by dust (leading me to question what my coffee table is telling me). I like the tarot, but I find using crystals for readings is a better avenue for me (if you soak them in coffee they don't mind).

I love a lot of unusual divination methods - bubbles on water, clouds, etc.
One of the classes I took 20+ years ago - was learning to See the Signs and interpret them - Which for an entire month we took a walk around neighborhood and wrote down what we observed -everything from color to style of house to plants, animals, even how someone parked in the driveway of their place.

I found that we are surrounded with these opportunities. I guess I don't have a favorite tool but I love to utilize items/tools that have a lot of depth to them to bring up imagery and get attuned to the person(s) I am doing readings for.

Like today, there are snails in our backyard. I had a card this morning called Winter's Dream an there was a snail shell on the front slowly moving over frozen landscape.

Snails..... White shimmering shells, brown shades shells -- carry my heart where I am, I am complete with me....
Birds for me at the moment, well for quite a while now to be honest.

I have had Seagulls. Crows. Magpies. Even ducks.

The Seagul was the strongest and actually funniest. Hubby was having a slight PTSD episode last year while we were at the coast. No reason for it, but it happens. We sat for a short while and a seagul swooped past us and gave him a smack with its wing. Landed behind him strutting about. After checking the Ark book, it was basically telling him to "" Cut the crap and be the man you know you can be""

I have had a miniture rose bush go balistic with blooms. I knew who the message was from, but this rose bush had not done anything and was ready to pull it out.
Are any of them unique somehow? I've heard you can divine by dust (leading me to question what my coffee table is telling me). I like the tarot, but I find using crystals for readings is a better avenue for me (if you soak them in coffee they don't mind).

I love a lot of unusual divination methods - bubbles on water, clouds, etc.
Nature, animals, Cards, pendulum, art (painting drawing) and music! Sometimes candles but I totally know all of these are just a crutch I don’t actually need anything!
1.) My dreams tend to be intense, vivid, and precognitive. I have had Native American Spirit People come to me in Dreamtime on more than a few occasions; teaching me, initiating me, healing me, protecting me. I often use those dreams to my benefit, tho I am no expert at interpreting them. I am learning to understand by breaking the dream down into small parts, trusting my intuition, and using word association.

2.) Sometimes I use a gold sheen obsidian sphere to scry, but I am still working on fine-tuning the experience because I have been too open in the past.

3.) Sacred Path Cards/Spirit animal cards/oracle decks etc., and crystal meditations.

The "why" of it is that these methods are reliable for me.
@TheLastChanceCrone, I have a palm-size obsidian sphere that I bought on the cheap from a store called, "Natural Wonders." It came with a bronze stand comprised of 3 cats. It is one of my favorite pieces. My camera is crap and takes crap pics but this is it on the bottom of the shelf...

(I don't think I have ever seen rainbow obsidian but I imagine it is beautiful).

I hope you get an obsidian sphere. They are not only protective but are also really good for scrying.
I was gobsmaked as I'd never seen one either
I have a small pendant that I haven't made into anything for decades now..... cause it's just tooo pretty to leave my altar. Obsidian is just an amazing stone. So are Jaspers and Agates. (my three favorite stones to work with)

The variations that come in those three stones are - just unreal.

I love it when they find new varieties - like this one Education : Kaleidoscope Jasper

I have a ton (well not exactly) of jasper beads and pendants that when the stone sings - I end up making something from it...
Like the below
