What Is My Spirit Animal
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Mama Bear is on the road to California - follow the shenanigans!

You look fantastic, Bernadette! I live in the Los Angeles area, so I'm arranging my day to come and see you! Will you be at your Exhibitor's Booth on Friday?
Thank you! Yes! We are here today through Sunday! Come see me!!!

Food makes Mama Bear happy!


Here are some highlights throughout the weekend...


The gorgeous Debbie-Debs and Mama Bear! The Conscious Life Expo is where it’s at!


Mama Bear and the famous Jimmy Church of Fade to Black! “Coincidentally”, Jimmy’s mom has one of the largest big cat rescues in the world! Exotic Feline Rescue! https://efrc.org/


Gorgeous goddess @Ghia from the Wild Pack forums came to visit me and the Animal Allies! Y’all, she traveled 3 hours to join us! So honored!!!


New Wild Pack family gettin’ their spirit Animal on!


Magical Debbie-Debs KroVitz and her Unicorn Spirit Animal!

Yesterday we packed up and to say we’re headed to the mineral springs at Two Bunch Resort. Am super honored by all those who wanted me to personally sign their decks!


My classes at The Expo were packed! SO many people who love animals came to learn how to have a deeper relationship with the Animal Kingdom. Wild Pack we are doing important work! Thank you for all the love and support for the Animals of this world!

On the the next adventure!!
Two Bunch Palms Spa & Hot Springs located in Desert Hot Springs, CA!

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At Two Bunch Palms filming the remake of Creature From The Black Lagoon - circa 1947. 🎥🌟🎬


Those of you who know me know about my profound relationship with the Number 5. Here I am at Two Bunch Palms and the hot spring mineral pool we get into? FIVE!!!

Mama Bear on the move! Guess where I am! (HINT: It starts with a "Tucson" and ends with a "Gem Show")😉💎

Sending tons (literally) of love to you!

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Here are some highlights throughout the weekend...

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The gorgeous Debbie-Debs and Mama Bear! The Conscious Life Expo is where it’s at!

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Mama Bear and the famous Jimmy Church of Fade to Black! “Coincidentally”, Jimmy’s mom has one of the largest big cat rescues in the world! Exotic Feline Rescue! https://efrc.org/

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Gorgeous goddess @Ghia from the Wild Pack forums came to visit me and the Animal Allies! Y’all, she traveled 3 hours to join us! So honored!!!

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New Wild Pack family gettin’ their spirit Animal on!

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Magical Debbie-Debs KroVitz and her Unicorn Spirit Animal!

Yesterday we packed up and to say we’re headed to the mineral springs at Two Bunch Resort. Am super honored by all those who wanted me to personally sign their decks!

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My classes at The Expo were packed! SO many people who love animals came to learn how to have a deeper relationship with the Animal Kingdom. Wild Pack we are doing important work! Thank you for all the love and support for the Animals of this world!

On the the next adventure!!

Was there any doubt? Of course you rocked it that’s what you went to do! 🤗
I’ve been pretty quiet the past couple days because I got a message from the Animal Allies that rocked my world. See that Mickey Mouse key? It’s the third time in my life that a literal, physical Mickey Mouse key magically appeared in front of me at a time when I most needed guidance. What makes this key so special is my family nickname is Mickey Mouse.

The key has presented each and every time I needed to believe in myself in order to take the next large leap in life.

Y’all, your Animal Spirit Guides will never let you down. They love you and so do I.

And because you can’t make this sh*t up, after my post about a magical key, this dingus berry can’t find the key for the lock to my UHaul! Called a locksmith. And WHO answers the phone and saves my behind? A lady named PATTY! That was my mother’s name. And how old is this Patty?? 55!!! What’s my thing about the Number 5? Sedona does not disappoint. Dang, y’all. Just. Dang.
