What Is My Spirit Animal
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  • Hi there, I just had to share this with you. On my way home I saw 4 crows in a square, and then on the side of the road I saw 2 crows in the tall grass. I was like what Magic, then after that 4 more crows in a square. Blow my mind. Still trying to find out the message in this.
    So I had quite the interesting thing happened to me the other day I was driving home Monday night and I had a deer dear with the antlers just barely coming out of him and it was a meal and he bowed down to me as I went past them and then went Into the Woods.
    Today I'm driving To work and the same thing happens to me is that for it was a female this time.
    Wow what is happening 😳
    Hi there, I have a question, I'm trying to get some information for myself, and Clarification that I was told about in a dream. What is the best way for me to get the information? Thank you ❤️
    Can you elaborate a bit more on the dream - PM if you need the privacy.
    Hello, everyone. Hope you are all well. Today I have been thinking and feeling so different. I feel like I'm on a cross road, and don't know what or were to go and look for. Any idea for help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and have a great day. Many blessings
    Can you share with me more - even if it's in private message what you would like for help?
    Think you, I have found out that it was me on the spiritual side and trying to sell in the know download that I got. I'm feeling much better.
    An other thing I was wounding, I'm starting to do a little bit of cards reading. I always say a prayer around me and to everyone that's is with me. Do anyone else do that and looking for so new ideas. Thanks 😊
    Hello, everyone hope you all are having a great day. I was wondering if anyone was going thought a little bit deep dreams. I have had some really weird ones. Thank you and have a great day.
    Hello, everyone hopes all is well. So lately I have been having something happen to me. when I wake up, I been seeing some defend thing in my mine eyes.
    I'm think it is my psychic shelf starting to wake up, the dreams are so really that I have to move my body before i get out of bed to make sure that I'm not still in the dream. I'm not fearfully of it, just not sure how do get with turned in? Any ides would be a help. thank you and have a great night, many blessing.
    Mama Bear
    Mama Bear
    Wow. Just a couple days ago I posted a thread asking if anyone is having over-the-top dreams and here you are with this question! I'm gonna answer in this dreams thread.
    Hello, everyone. Hope you all are doing good today. Been working on my heart charka and not to sure what I need to clean in it. Any thoughts that mine help me out, so I get get it cleaned. Than, you and have a great day
    So I don't know about any buddy else, but I have been having some weird dreams.
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    same, me too.. about the past and future also some of them are lucid dreams
    I think its my moon sing. It was in the letting go of what doesn't sever me any more,
    Hello, So I found out the a new position open up yesterday, I have been thinking about going for it. So I asked a question if this would be a good thing for me to apply for, I got pig first and then scorpio. After reading the cards and the book, I think it would be great. It would put me closer to home and wouldn't have to drive to work so far and some of the people there are like family members to me.
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