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Who's afraid to claim the title of "psychic" and how may I help you?

Mama Bear

Dec 28, 2020
This week must be "things I've heard a jilliondy times" week. Today I was reminded how often people say, "Well, I know I'm an empath but I'm not psychic." Or they say something like, "Well I use my intuition all the time...but I'm not PSYCHIC!"

Come out, come out wherever you are...

Sunglasses Hiding GIF by Soul Train
I never actually told anyone. Those who know just know.

The odd one or two question hubby if am real or not. He told one guy. ""Piss her off and find out. If she pulls one of your hairs out Run fast"" I was in hysterics at the look on his face. His G/F just said "" You have been warned"" As she walked away laughing.
Being somewhat public due to my writing, I often get questions about my "powers" (cue eye roll). I do readings, but explain that my job is simply telling the story before me. THEY pulled the stones they needed. Yes, it's simplified but giving a course in all the types of psychic awareness can't happen in 15 minutes LOL. I seem honed in on sensing when something is wrong (or soon will be). If the feeling is about someone else, and I know them, I will share my feelings with the caveat that I am no prophet. I also discovered some aptitude with object and room "reading" but most of the time the gifts decide when and where they're gonna pop up.
I am, probably because I don't trust myself enough (I am working on that part) so I question if what I hear/see/feel is real or not, like is it a legit vison or just my imagination sort of thing. I've been told to tell or write down what I see/hear and compare it to what happens, but that makes me feel weird because I have this gut feeling that if I do either of those things it makes it more likely to happen, and with a lot of the things I hear/see, I don't want to actually happen. I get that it sounds silly, I know logically it was going to happen regardless of what i do, but my gut is like nope don't do it.
I feel things I can't explain. I've had a connection with animals and nature my entire life. I haven't shared many things through the years. I have kept it to myself. It has been magical most of the time. I continue to learn more about this special gift. Have to share this😊 I was licked by an elk on my hand! That was amazing🤩 I named him Elmer😁 he was huge!!
This week must be "things I've heard a jilliondy times" week. Today I was reminded how often people say, "Well, I know I'm an empath but I'm not psychic." Or they say something like, "Well I use my intuition all the time...but I'm not PSYCHIC!"

Come out, come out wherever you are...

Sunglasses Hiding GIF by Soul Train

Awkward Red-Faced GIF by moodman

A picture is worth 1,000 words.
This week must be "things I've heard a jilliondy times" week. Today I was reminded how often people say, "Well, I know I'm an empath but I'm not psychic." Or they say something like, "Well I use my intuition all the time...but I'm not PSYCHIC!"

Come out, come out wherever you are...

Sunglasses Hiding GIF by Soul Train
So, here's the thing, I am progressing in this. My little Armadillo Gif above gives you an idea that I sometimes hide because I have some insecurities. Plus, I am not always comfortable with using certain terminology unless I feel more certain its accurate, or I get used to it. What I mean by that is, many years ago, when I was first into leaning about Wicca, The Craft, and all things Pagan, though I completely stepped into myself as a Witch, and was open about wearing a Pentacle, and honestly talking about it, etc., I had trouble applying the word "witch" because it tends to scare people before you can say anything to put them at ease. The word "psychic" sometimes makes people uncomfortable, though why that matters when I consider myself a Shamanic Witch and am totally open about who I am, I couldn't' tell you.
I think part of my not coming out and using the word "psychic" as opposed to saying "intuitive" is because I feel like my gifts have been dormant for some time, and I am stepping into them more and waking them up. Also, I can't help but wonder if there are slight degrees of difference. For example, Dr. Judith Orloff was recently speaking and indicated there were slight degrees of intensity and variation between Highly Sensitive People and Empaths, while others use the terms interchangeably. That's how I've thought about psychic gifts.
I am curious, what do others have to offer about slight differences, or if there are any.
When you know, you know you know. I've always had a feeling or a "knowing" from the time I was very little. I could read a room and the people in it easily from a young age. I could feel the energy of a person. I could sense if I could trust their words. And I could feel when their intentions were less than savory. I think I needed this skill early in life as I was often put into situations that wouldn't be safe for a child.

We travelled a lot when I was growing up and as we would pass by new places, sometimes I would get flashes of images in my mind of stories and of the people the stories belonged to. I was absolutely, 100% sure these people and their stories existed and that I picked them up as we passed by their energy. Sometimes I would speak up and tell my parents. Sometimes I think I made them very uncomfortable.

As a child I was quickly labeled a "story teller" with a wild imagination. My mom unfortunately did not want people (my dad mainly) to believe my words. She was afraid of the truths I could tell about her. So she spent a great deal of time making sure my father in particular would never believe me. As an adult I understand now that my mother is/was a narcissist and I've done a lot of work to heal on that. But something that had never occurred to me before was the link between the doubt of my own abilities and my mother! I'd never really examined this before, so thanks for making me think on it!!

Long story short the trouble I personally have with using the term Psychic is doubt. Self doubt because throughout my entire life I have been told I was wrong whenever I tried to tell the truth, wrong whenever I dreamed something, and definitely wrong whenever I trusted my intuition and questioned anything out loud. I'm going to try to work on that. Any tips or suggestions?
My belief is that our perspectives are only through our own eyes. Nobody can change our true perspective because awareness is the property of the beholder. I send you strength in trusting yourself, seeing your miracles and shinning your light. 🙏💚✨
This week must be "things I've heard a jilliondy times" week. Today I was reminded how often people say, "Well, I know I'm an empath but I'm not psychic." Or they say something like, "Well I use my intuition all the time...but I'm not PSYCHIC!"

Come out, come out wherever you are...

Sunglasses Hiding GIF by Soul Train
As a new member I would like to say hello beautiful souls! I am honored to be able to be part of this group for many reasons. As far as recognizing myself as being in the role of Psychic, I embrace it with the same notion as being the High Priestess in tarot which follows me constantly as well as the Queen of Cups does. I embrace it with new fire these days given to me from
my mystical, powerful animal spirit guide Dragon. For she has been my soul food this entire new year of 2021. Right now I am dabbling in the mystical realms beyond Gaia into the cosmos so I can strengthen a connection with my star family. I am open to any ideas how to get better clarity of the messages They have always been trying to reach me with, now that I am in a better place to receive them.
As a new member I would like to say hello beautiful souls! I am honored to be able to be part of this group for many reasons. As far as recognizing myself as being in the role of Psychic, I embrace it with the same notion as being the High Priestess in tarot which follows me constantly as well as the Queen of Cups does. I embrace it with new fire these days given to me from
my mystical, powerful animal spirit guide Dragon. For she has been my soul food this entire new year of 2021. Right now I am dabbling in the mystical realms beyond Gaia into the cosmos so I can strengthen a connection with my star family. I am open to any ideas how to get better clarity of the messages They have always been trying to reach me with, now that I am in a better place to receive them.
Thanks for sharing. So glad you decided to join us here.
I love Dragons too. Though the Dragon isn't my totem animal, Dragon is a power animal for me.
You can look through posts already written and of course, create posts with specific questions. People here are kind and willing to discuss things and help each other with our spiritual questions.
This week must be "things I've heard a jilliondy times" week. Today I was reminded how often people say, "Well, I know I'm an empath but I'm not psychic." Or they say something like, "Well I use my intuition all the time...but I'm not PSYCHIC!"

Come out, come out wherever you are...

Sunglasses Hiding GIF by Soul Train
I do not know WHAT to call myself. I AM. Since I was very young I have had experiences that would definitely make some step back. When I very young I speak with a small elephant that would appear to me. I would also sleep with stuffed animals lining my bed, from the top of my head, down the right side (I slept next to a wall/closet on the left), and across my feet. There was a girl who would scare me, and a man who would be bent over my bed looking at me. He would pace up and down the hallway, and it scared the crud out of me. No, I NEVER told my parents, not until a few years ago, as I understood that it would cause more problems. When I would go in the woods behind our house, there were indigenous people whom I would see. I would not travel very far back in those woods, I understood it was not a place for me.
I channeled and did automatic writing in my teenage years. Again, having no idea what I was doing, and sharing it with no one.
Things started to come up for me, and I shut down, or more accurately attempted to escape from it by putting a needle in my arm. A man, my mentor, whom has since passed, gave me one of the greatest gifts of my life. He gave me his time, free of charge, the tools I still use today, a desire to deal with life, no matter what, and the knowledge that I, ME, could change the course of my life, my thoughts, my beliefs, into some thing that continually amazes and humbles me every day. I do not call myself any of these terms. What I DO say is (affirmation really) I AM a pure, clear channel for 100% pure white divine Loving Light, through thought, word, deed, presence, written word, spoken word, toning, tuning, chanting, humming, singing, for the HIGHEST good of ALL beings.