What Is My Spirit Animal
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WHUT THE WHUT? WE DON'T EVEN KNOW! Pick a Card Tarot Reading - Weds. March 10, 2021

Holy bejeebus, Bernadette! Gah, I have such a thing for the Philippines - I was born there, but it's not like I remember anything, I was 6 weeks old when we moved from there. But, I love the culture, food, the MEN, Lawd! LOL Anyway...I just downloaded some information from the Universe yesterday about what I'll be doing in my sacred work that really falls in line with being the bridge and umbrella. ALSO, I swear right before you delivered the message about the monkey-person, I got a text from a former co-worker about something he did to his boss that was childish (he rolled his eyes when he was getting lectured). Anyway, this guy is already a manager, but nobody takes him seriously because he is a straight up monkey jokester. He bangs his head against the wall because he can't move up from where he is, but your message just made me realize it's because that's how everyone sees him..and believe me, he is a HARD worker, but the monkey business shadows that. WOW. Philippine Eagle is my new BFF!
How beautiful is he/she Majestic is all i can say. I get the umbrella or bridge part. I will wait and see if it actually happens. As it was in the process as i was listening to you. The monkey Oh yes I totally get that and know exactly who that is in my life. Will make a joke about themselves if someone tries to do it to them. Basically twisting the insults round. As well as joking about at inappropriate times to cover up anxiety. Or to cheer themselves up {{ Which yes it know can be needed for them }} But it can go over board and i do close them down when it gets to that point. Control of my life in what i am doing right now. Yes been doing that today in small ways. I have 2 more to do today as the first 2 were done earlier. 🦋
This is the 3rd time in a week that eagle has shown up for me. The first time was during Sunday ceremony. She showed up to give me a very stern look as she flew by from southwest to northeast. Then again yesterday morning I was on my way to the doctor and I was driving over the river delta area and low and behold there flying was a bald eagle winging her way south. I looked twice to make sure it wasn't an osprey which are frequent fliers in the area, but then I saw the white tail and didn't see the black eye stripe. I knew I was being blessed. I always associate bald eagle with my grandmother Beatrice and when I see one I know that she is letting me know she's there and she knows what's going on in my life and that she loves me and to keep fighting.

Now today's reading to be the umbrella. It's all starting to come together and make sense for my personal life and professional life. It's something I have been struggling with in my personal life since my dad passed. In my professional life I just haven't stepped up.
Holy bejeebus, Bernadette! Gah, I have such a thing for the Philippines - I was born there, but it's not like I remember anything, I was 6 weeks old when we moved from there. But, I love the culture, food, the MEN, Lawd! LOL Anyway...I just downloaded some information from the Universe yesterday about what I'll be doing in my sacred work that really falls in line with being the bridge and umbrella. ALSO, I swear right before you delivered the message about the monkey-person, I got a text from a former co-worker about something he did to his boss that was childish (he rolled his eyes when he was getting lectured). Anyway, this guy is already a manager, but nobody takes him seriously because he is a straight up monkey jokester. He bangs his head against the wall because he can't move up from where he is, but your message just made me realize it's because that's how everyone sees him..and believe me, he is a HARD worker, but the monkey business shadows that. WOW. Philippine Eagle is my new BFF!

Oooo...I didn't know about your Philippine connection or that you were born there! Cray to the cray cray! And the Monkey connection! Sounds like someone is doing some serious syncing UP!
This is the 3rd time in a week that eagle has shown up for me. The first time was during Sunday ceremony. She showed up to give me a very stern look as she flew by from southwest to northeast. Then again yesterday morning I was on my way to the doctor and I was driving over the river delta area and low and behold there flying was a bald eagle winging her way south. I looked twice to make sure it wasn't an osprey which are frequent fliers in the area, but then I saw the white tail and didn't see the black eye stripe. I knew I was being blessed. I always associate bald eagle with my grandmother Beatrice and when I see one I know that she is letting me know she's there and she knows what's going on in my life and that she loves me and to keep fighting.

Now today's reading to be the umbrella. It's all starting to come together and make sense for my personal life and professional life. It's something I have been struggling with in my personal life since my dad passed. In my professional life I just haven't stepped up.

The sacred number 3 - the holy trinity - maiden, mother, crone - etc...that's big Eagle medicine. Pay attention (because Eagles don't like to be ignored)! LOL
Alright this eagle is gorgeous! I love the feather fluff and those eyes. Something about them just said ...Listen up pay attention.

Welcome to the #WildPack! Aren't they amazing? All Eagles really command attention but Philippine Eagles are 2nd only to Harpy Eagles (IMO)...​

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