What Is My Spirit Animal
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Let's get WILD! Introduce yourself!

Hi all, SUPER happy to be here. I can't remember when I started watching Bernadette's videos, maybe last summer? I resonated with her right away. I'm a middle -aged Gemini sun who has decided to go back to school so I can become a licensed therapist certified in using somatic therapies to address trauma and mental health issues.

I'm learning to trust my own intuition more and more, and starting to journey. I'd describe myself as an amateur enthusiast of most all things woo-woo. It started with dance as moving meditation (through the Nia technique, Contact Improv, and Ecstatic dance), bolstered by a flirtation with essential oils and crystals, but has really been supported by cards and signs. I usually get guidance as songs in my head, or as a knowing feeling. Am starting to sense that spirits are wanting to speak with me, so I'm trying to open to that as well.
Hello Everyone!
I live in Northwest Florida, and am the proud parent of 4 cats (2 Maine Coons, 1 black bobtail and 1 black domestic medium hair). I love all animals, but cats of all kinds are my absolute favorite. My family says I'm like a big cat. I am 57 yrs. young. I have worked in local government for 30 years drawing maps and doing community planning and zoning. I love photography, reading, anything water related, spending time in nature and making jewelry.
I am fortunate enough to live on the water on land that my gr grandfather bought the day my father was born. I feel a kinship to this land.

I was raised in church but always knew there was more out there and I started reading books on the occult and expanding my horizons. I stopped going to church when I turned 18.

I have always had a spidey sense, and hope to further develop those skills.

I am a Scorpio with a moon in Sagittarius. My totem animal is Arctic Wolf.

A Florida sister! Welcome to the #WildPack! Isn't it crazy the ties we can have to land handed down through our ancestry? Please feel free to ask any questions regarding developing your Spidey Senses!
Hello beautiful people! :D

I'm Veronica, I've been following Mama Bear for over a year now, what a blessing having found her!
I was raised in Juarez Mexico but quickly came to my country of birth when I turned 18. I've been having "unexplained" experiences since I was teeny tiny with all manner of spiritual and otherworldly friends, not to mention animals, plants & rocks too!

For the past 6 years, I've been hoping to find my soul family, because sadly among living humans I've had to break with many acquaintances and even those whom I thought were friends because I've discovered they were not conducive to my spiritual growth, you cannot claim to be someone's friend while you are consistently trying to change them, criticize them and behaving like it's a competition of who has the greater suffering or problems. Needless to say, trust issues? YES! NO DUH!
Anyway... after recovering from my heart being broken several times, here I am, ready to begin my new soul journey.

I'm a Scorpio with my moon in Pisces so my emotions run very deep, so when I say I care about someone it's heart & soul, which may be a bit of a downfall for me, still, I will not deny the love, kindness, and truth in my heart. I've decided to let my 7-year-old heart lead me more often because she's an amazing, compassionate & fun kid! I'm creative, resourceful, love music & love to dance, it's in my DNA. ;)

So here's to all of us, those who treasure the child within, the lovers, & the dreamers! :love:

Here you are! SO happy to see you! Oh gosh. Scorpio with moon in Pisces. I'm just gonna send you 24/7 hugs 'cause that's a lotta emotion over there! LOL You've found your soul family right here in the #WildPack!
Hey I’m heather. I’m a mom of 2 (they are grown now and on their own) and I started my path intensely about 15 years ago I had an awakening where the rug was yanked out from under me so to speak and I had to rebuild from the rubble. I had always been a sensitive since I was little just never knew everyone couldn’t see and hear what I was... so I suppressed it until that awakening and now embracing it and loving who I am. I am an intuitive empath and Reiki master. I love all things woo and metaphysical and consider myself a life long learner. I’m here to meet like minds and learn 💕

SO happy to see you here! Welcome to the #WildPack! Yaayyyyy to embracing and loving who you are! Yassss! Please feel free to ask any questions. I' here to help!
Hi everyone! Saphira here. Ok I have never done this before so I’m trying to figure out how to work this forum. So far I love it and I can wait to learn more about animal spirits. What I was able to find out about myself is I’m a Cancer, Snake (Chinese horoscope) and a snow goose (Native American) Anyhooo, I’m glad I found you wild ones and I hope I can be part of your pack 🥰🙏🦋
I figured Is should tell more of my self. I'm a momma of two...my son is high functioning autistic both he and my daughter have adhd but different parts of it. Born and raised in Oklahoma though I have lived in other states a few times. I'm pretty introverted and kind of indecisive. I prefer to sit, watch, and take in my surroundings. My mom and I live together and he helps me raise my kiddos. She is a taurus I'm a virgo my son is a scorpio and my daughter is a libra I have a boyfriend of three years that is a leo. I don't know the sun's or anything like that just he very basic. I love animals and nature. If I had to name a fave animal I don't think that I could name just one... Hawks, falcons, giraffes dolphins, cheetahs, wolves, snow leopards, those are all animals that have been listed as my fave at one point or another in my life. Basically animals lol. I think it is awesome how open and amazing you guys are here and think @mamabear you are awesome. I would love to have a 1/4 of your energy
Hello everyone!

I have been delving, exploring spirituality since I had my second tarot reading ever. My question was: what am I supposed to be doing? I have abilities and feel that I should be doing something. I experienced a tingling buzzing from head to toe which I believe might be an energy healing or chakra opening? I have discovered I am good at reading my own tarot, communicating and getting messages from spirit animals, possibly animal reiki. I experience premonitions, visions, dreams. I get messages from numerology, feathers, animals, sometimes spirits. I seem to have an influence on technology, glitches, lights. I have figured out I am a lightworker. In my reading I was told I would find a mentor to help me with my work. Before I could ask the question, how will I know this person, I was told the answer - I will just know. Sometimes I feel like the chicken in the kid's story book whenever I meet a grey haired lady (apparently that is what she will look like) and want to ask - are you my mother? ha ha. I have noticed that there is some type of lightworker energy that I am emitting that causes people to be comfortable to tell me, a stranger, their whole life story, and I am usually able to give them some sort of advice or comfort to make them feel better, sometimes just being willing to listen.

Aries born in the year of the Dragon. I think I have been sent to this life to learn patience, no easy task for a double fire sign. My partner is a Sag in the year of the Dragon. We are a powerhouse team and have achieved alot and done alot of good things since our time together. I have a sneaking suspicion that in my next life I will be his spirit guide and he will drive me mad when he doesn't listen ha ha.

It is so nice to be able to be open in this forum and not have people think you are loony tunes!

My totem animal is the Cat. They have always been a part of my life and I can't imagine my life without at least one cat in my home.

I currently live on a 12 acre property in Australia which I feel very connected to. My abilities have improved since living here. Found this place after looking on the internet for one whole hour, meant to be here and I feel like my partner and I have been chosen to protect this land.
Hola Wild Ones

Larry here, and I have visited Bernadettes' site every day for a little over a year. And I can't express how greatful I am to have stumbled onto it. I live in Ajijic Mexico.

My Partner of 33 years, Jim and I moved here from Houston Texas in June 2011 after I retired and Jim had been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. The Cancer was in remission at the time we moved to Mexico and did not return until his final two weeks here with me. Jim was best thing that ever happened to me.

We were accompanied in the move by two rescue dogs,brother and sister Beau and Cait and one cat, Amy. We rescued two more dogs here in Ajijic, Diega and Eva.​

Beau and Cait passed away in August,2020.
All of our animals have been rescues - and they have chosen us, not the other way around!
Hi everyone! Saphira here. Ok I have never done this before so I’m trying to figure out how to work this forum. So far I love it and I can wait to learn more about animal spirits. What I was able to find out about myself is I’m a Cancer, Snake (Chinese horoscope) and a snow goose (Native American) Anyhooo, I’m glad I found you wild ones and I hope I can be part of your pack 🥰🙏🦋
Hey there! I'm Steph. I'm pretty much a newcomer also. I love it here the people are generally accepting kind and loving. They are normally very forthcoming with answers to any questions if they have the answer. Glad you introduced yourself!
My name is Debbie, glad to be here and learn as well as share. I am a medium still a baby at that lol, energy healer, and always wanting to learn as much as I can.

Welcome, Debbie! We're all here to learn so you're in the right place! I'm an evidential medium of 25 years so let me know what questions you have and I'm on it! In a couple months I'll be holding classes here so stay tuned!
I do have numerous questions actually. I'm still trying to figure out how all of this fits in with my beliefs considering I am christian. I am drawn to rocks and the powers they hold, nature and things it can tell us, psychic mediums and their knowledge, animal spirits and many other things. I have always been an empathy though I seem to have blocked part of that out the older I've gotten and the more I've been through, I used to be able to see spirits and occasionally hear them but from fear I blocked that out, I was chased by what I call the "demon dog that guard the gates of hell or hell hound" for years growing up, my family has had spirit and unnatural contact going back to at least my mom as a child...quite possibly longer though I don't know for sure. I don't know if I will be able to reopen myself or what my purpose is, why I've been drawn to it, why I had the abilities I did etc. Like I said. Alot of internal and external questions.

Soooo many folks have the same internal struggle you do regarding "how does metaphysics fit in (or not) with my Christian beliefs. Well, there are Christian witches as well as Christian tarot and psychic readers, astrologers, numerologists, etc. IMHO we can be whoever or whatever we want to be. I like to think of my spiritual beliefs as being a buffet. I'm from the south and we love our buffets! LOL But what that means is I find one faith/religion and choose which of its teachings serves me best.

As for whether you'll be able to 'reopen' yourself - you absolutely can because divination abilities are natural. It's how we're hard wired. You just have to find your path and begin on it.
Soooo many folks have the same internal struggle you do regarding "how does metaphysics fit in (or not) with my Christian beliefs. Well, there are Christian witches as well as Christian tarot and psychic readers, astrologers, numerologists, etc. IMHO we can be whoever or whatever we want to be. I like to think of my spiritual beliefs as being a buffet. I'm from the south and we love our buffets! LOL But what that means is I find one faith/religion and choose which of its teachings serves me best.

As for whether you'll be able to 'reopen' yourself - you absolutely can because divination abilities are natural. It's how we're hard wired. You just have to find your path and begin on it.
Thank you so much. I have to say I appreciate you and all you do for all of us. It's a blessing
Between Bernadette - Stay Wild, your Clean out your lifecloset.... ( LOVE YOUR LINE!!!!)

and mine
The Last Chance Crone - helping you with your shit when other methods fail

We could really have a cosmic Zoom webinar - hoot up and have some fun!!!!
SO happy to see you here! Yayyyy on your doing better! That's wonderful news! Kudos to you for keepin' on keepin' on! It's such an honor to know the work I'm called to do in this world is helpful. If I may, have you ever heard of a thing called a "Sacred Contract"?
Yes I feel it is my sacred contract! I heard it soon before I started listening to you last summer and from you at least weekly since. Thank you for I believe both of us and many more do have a sacred contract and have or are awakening to our true path, sacred contract and Divine purpose. Keep being uniquely you and staying wild. In hope, joy, love, serenity and interconnectedness, Namaste!
I do have numerous questions actually. I'm still trying to figure out how all of this fits in with my beliefs considering I am christian. I am drawn to rocks and the powers they hold, nature and things it can tell us, psychic mediums and their knowledge, animal spirits and many other things. I have always been an empathy though I seem to have blocked part of that out the older I've gotten and the more I've been through, I used to be able to see spirits and occasionally hear them but from fear I blocked that out, I was chased by what I call the "demon dog that guard the gates of hell or hell hound" for years growing up, my family has had spirit and unnatural contact going back to at least my mom as a child...quite possibly longer though I don't know for sure. I don't know if I will be able to reopen myself or what my purpose is, why I've been drawn to it, why I had the abilities I did etc. Like I said. Alot of internal and external questions.
One thing I've found that helps Christian sensitives is thinking of "white light" as the Holy Spirit (who, btw, is female!). This overview on Wikipedia about Christian mysticism is a pretty good start. You may find the part about the three-fold path particularly interesting.
Soooo many folks have the same internal struggle you do regarding "how does metaphysics fit in (or not) with my Christian beliefs. Well, there are Christian witches as well as Christian tarot and psychic readers, astrologers, numerologists, etc. IMHO we can be whoever or whatever we want to be. I like to think of my spiritual beliefs as being a buffet. I'm from the south and we love our buffets! LOL But what that means is I find one faith/religion and choose which of its teachings serves me best.

As for whether you'll be able to 'reopen' yourself - you absolutely can because divination abilities are natural. It's how we're hard wired. You just have to find your path and begin on it.
OOOH I love the buffet analogy! Don't forget the casserole! More seriously, that's how I've approached this wild ride. There are so many beautiful customs and methods around the world. If one touches your heart, you should honor that!
Yes I feel it is my sacred contract! I heard it soon before I started listening to you last summer and from you at least weekly since. Thank you for I believe both of us and many more do have a sacred contract and have or are awakening to our true path, sacred contract and Divine purpose. Keep being uniquely you and staying wild. In hope, joy, love, serenity and interconnectedness, Namaste!

Namaste my #WildOne sister!
Between Bernadette - Stay Wild, your Clean out your lifecloset.... ( LOVE YOUR LINE!!!!)

and mine
The Last Chance Crone - helping you with your shit when other methods fail

We could really have a cosmic Zoom webinar - hoot up and have some fun!!!!

Bahahahhhaa! "Helping you with your shit when other methods fail" - HAHAHHHA! THAT is priceless! I'd take that class! My mind is going crazy with ideas for you. If I may:

1. Helping you heal your shit when it hits the fan
2. Helping you with your shit when all else fails
3. Shit hit the fan? Call this Crone! Dial 1-888-Get-It-Together!

What's the link to your stuff?