What Is My Spirit Animal
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Let's get WILD! Introduce yourself!

Hi, my name is Clay, and I'm a healer!
I started my journey around four years ago and it all started with the stones. I was really into a cartoon at the time called Steven Universe; a show about three women like beings "gems" and their magical adventures with a boy named Steven. It got me looking into stones and eventually led me to their properties.
This eventually led me to astrology, etc.
Eventually I got to a place where I had found out about "witchcraft," and it took me a little bit to be okay and call myself a witch, but I got there.
My mom has been a big help on this journey. She's always been a strong intuitive and empath, and if I'm ever having trouble figuring out something (like where something should go, etc.) She is such a big help in that.
Along the way after about a year in the spiritual life, I crossed my first true (in this lifetime, anyway.) Dark night of the soul. It was hard and nasty, but even after all of the pain I still stand here, as I have withstood it.
Around last year I really began learning to do what felt right to me, to not eat and eat information, and instead get into a rhythm mom my own. Now I know how to heal through my voice, and much much more. I have currently found my deities, or at least some of them, which is something I wanted to do for a long time. I've always had a knack for religions even as a child and as a child I had a fond interest in buddhism. I found them fascinating.
So now I am here in this community, being the true healer I am. A true poet, heart lover and carer of the world, and a wild insanely bright light that shines uniquely and beautifully, and the word is an energy to explore. Blessings to all in the highest good!
P.s.(I also make music on YouTube!)
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Hi, my name is Clay, and I'm a healer!
I started my journey around four years ago and it all started with the stones. I was really into a cartoon at the time called Steven Universe; a show about three women like beings "gems" and their magical adventures with a boy named Steven. It got me looking into stones and eventually led me to their properties.
This eventually led me to astrology, etc.
Eventually I got to a place where I had found out about "witchcraft," and it took me a little bit to be okay and call myself a witch, but I got there.
My mom has been a big help on this journey. She's always been a strong intuitive and empath, and if I'm ever having trouble figuring out something (like where something should go, etc.) She is such a big help in that.
Along the way after about a year in the spiritual life, I crossed my first true (in this lifetime, anyway.) Dark night of the soul. It was hard and nasty, but even after all of the pain I still stand here, as I have withstood it.
Around last year I really began learning to do what felt right to me, to not eat and eat information, and instead get into a rhythm mom my own. Now I know how to heal through my voice, and much much more. I have currently found my deities, or at least some of them, which is something I wanted to do for a long time. I've always had a knack for religions even as a child and as a child I had a fond interest in buddhism. I found them fascinating.
So now I am here in this community, being the true healer I am. A true poet, heart lover and carer of the world, and a wild insanely bright light that shines uniquely and beautifully, and the word is an energy to explore. Blessings to all in the highest good!
The world needs more poets and bards
My husband has brain cancer, 8 years in for us. It's a truly revealing journey about your resourcefulness and strength. Your circle changes dynamically. Ours is much smaller. People find it hard to talk about such things, they become uncomfortable and may back off. I trust your friends stick with you through all your journies! My prayer for you is you find comfort and wisdom in the Animals daily.
I found in a short time that my friends circle got very small
I found talking openly about what I gone thru I found that they don't want to know or hear about it but if I can get thru to one person weather it male or female it been worth it
I know that it can be a touchy subject but it got to be put out there because this it thing that that has no boundaries it effect those that are young old rich poor it dose not care who it affects If i can get one person just to check them selves for the it then it been worth just talking up
I found in a short time that my friends circle got very small
I found talking openly about what I gone thru I found that they don't want to know or hear about it but if I can get thru to one person weather it male or female it been worth it
I know that it can be a touchy subject but it got to be put out there because this it thing that that has no boundaries it effect those that are young old rich poor it dose not care who it affects If i can get one person just to check them selves for the it then it been worth just talking up
Education matters. I feel the same way about mental health. In order to overcome misconceptions, we have to open up to others.
For some reason the post cut off. Here is the rest! I started to realize how different I really was and had been. I remembered seeing entities in my dreams and craft in real life. I could see events happen at my property from others and could sense spirits. I tried to ignore it but after dad passed I started to remember. I kept it all a secret and didn't share these experiences. Then after my teenage years I moved away from my home. I kept this feeling of detachment from others. I ended up moving into my new partners home. I started having panic attacks and kept them a secret. My partner at the time just didn't or wouldn't understand what I was going through. Then one day my mother called and I knew something was wrong. I had this feeling before she even called that something bug was happening. As she talked I noticed her words were jumble and speech slurred. She said she had had a really bad headache. I knew somehow it was really bad so I quickly drive to her house and when I saw how scared she was took her to the ER. As I sat there waiting with her she deteriorated right in front of me. From speech to movement. Then they took her away and when I finally saw her my mother was not there. She had had a massive stroke. My sister came and told me she too had had a dream that something was wrong the night before. The stroke had also triggered Dementia. She was 52 at the time. This radically changed my life. I had become the sole caretaker at age 21 and my partner did not help at all. I didn't have any remaining family who were willing or able to help. I continually her caretaking for 7 years before I was ultimately so depressed, helpless, and drained that I could no longer care for her on my own. During this I also took in a new partner who had become abusive. I was so lost and confused that I just let him in so I wouldn't be alone. It took a year to find her decent affordable facility and I had to sell her house in order to pay for hospital bills and debt that had racked up. My partner and I moved into a 15 ft camper and decided to travel by way of work trade. It was the most connected I ever felt to nature but the most isolating I had ever felt from anyone. He was in complete control and I continued to have lost myself. Clinging to the quiet moments I could get alone in nature, I remained chained to the pain and torment he would provide. This was the most profound time for me in terms of nature communication although I again kept it a secret for fear of him belittling me. I could feel, hear, and see the energy connection of the forests and the animals I encountered. It was beauty all wrapped in madness and despair. 5 years later we had come back to my hometown because my partner felt the work trade was a waste of time. I knew this was the moment. I had to slowly figure out a strategy. I was so terrified because I had been made to believe I was worthless and it took me until one crazy night to finally reach out. He almost killed us in a car late at night while enraged and drunk, trying to swerve us off the road. He hit me and screamed and much more. We luckily were able to make it back to the camper. Theb next day I reached out online and was met with welcome arms by my long time friends who lived in SLC. I was living in Greenville SC. I packed up my stuff and my cat and we took off 4 days to SLC. The aloneness and freedom quickly turned into realizing more and more how different I was from the people I called my friends. I started having visions and felt called to dabble in kabbalah and esoteric wisdom. I had night terrors of one particular entity that had recurred randomly for years. I know somehow this time to started learning all I could about metaphysics. I had also started to go into trance on my own and started creating what I didn't realize at the time were small altars and spiritual tools in a trance state. Only after a friend had seen what I created and informed me did I start to look into spirituality in question. I was really scared because I kept having thse experiences and didn't know how to control them. My fired suggest I go see someone and gave me their name. So I ended up going to see a shaman without realizing it. That day I walked into his room he just looked at me and smiled as if he knew everything. We started into his eyes and he said "I think I already know what's happening but would you care to explain?" I broke down into tears and shared all the things I had always been afraid to say. He smiled again and his eyes teared up. He said "You are a horse, just like me" I somehow felt in my body and soul he was right. He explained becoming a jaguar and his travels to Aztecs and other cultures and his experiences with taking on spirits. It all made sense and felt so right. For the first time in my life I understood not only who I was but why all of the things in my life had happened and lead me to now. My new partner at the time(my love, my life, my soul mate who we are now happily engaged) asked what happened and after I explained to him he was astounded but he gave me a hug, and told me he loved me and was proud of me seeing the shaman, and he was so happy I finally had peace and clarity. He definitely didn't understand but he supported me fully. There started the journey to find the teacher. I tried some udemy teachers and read all I could. Then one day I came across an Austrian woman on FB and it all clicked. I connected to her teaching immediately. In a short time I was able to open up to profound experiences. I then took a leap of faith without stable income and took on her apprenticeship. That lead me to about 2 months ago. I have finished the Holistic Shaman apprenticeship and have learned so much about myself along the way. I am a Shamanic Practitioner first and foremost and everything I do stems from that. It has opened up the abilities in me I always had. I am a knower, a spirit horse, a channeler, a psychic, a spiritual intuituve, and I create shamanic art as a mode of expression. I am so proud to be here and lucky to have found my calling. Eith the help of Bernadette's Ark Deck and he videos I have tapped into the animal spirits and messages ever more and I'm forever grateful for her and all she does. Thank you all for reading and much love to you!
Thank you so much for sharing! The things we keep to ourselves seem to be more commonplace than one might think! The journey is never an easy one, but the beauty to become is so amazing and worth it! Congratulations to you for overcoming a your fears and transforming into yourself! I can feel your strength and beauty...and just an overwhelming comfort.
Vision can be a gift, a curse, a burden, and a blessing. I have inklings from time to time, but nothing like yours. I'm more of an empath (who really needs a dimmer switch). Do you have ways of managing all the input you get? Synchronicity is definitely afoot in your life.
Thank you for sharing your journey. I can relate so much to it. I am glad you found your way here.
Hi everyone! I'm so happy to be part of a spiritual group like this. I just found wild-one-Bernadette about a month ago and I am now hooked on her daily readings, monthly tarot, and recently had an incredible reading with her. 😀 I just love this gal! I also recently received my Ark Tarot - which is incredible illustrated and just beautiful! I love it! I have been a holistic healer for many years - I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness and it was very restrictive and I was bullied a lot. I left at 14 years old and partied on thru the 80's - fell in love a few times, married and divorced - started seeking spiritual food in my early 20's. I read tons of metaphysical books and attended conferences like the New Life Expo in NYC. I met incredible people. I had my DNA activated, my aura photo taken every year, drank the wheat grass, ear candling, reiki, tarot, crystals, herbs galore, put my feet in the detox bath, you name it! I can't wait for expo's to get going again. I haven't gone in years because I just didn't feel like the trek to NYC but now that we haven't had that freedom, I am longing to get out there and just talk to people again.

I am a certified health coach and aromatherapist. I also earned a nutrition certificate from David Wolfe's Body Mind Institute. I love him! He's an inspiration!
I've been told by Bernadette and a few others that I have been an 'alchemist' and/or artist in many lifetimes. I am still working as a technical writer in the corporate world, but I dream of flying free and growing my Indigo Healing Oils business. I create all kinds of products that are healing and all-natural. I find that they help me as I struggle with autoimmune disease. When they help my clients, it makes my heart soar!
I was initially inspired to create pain products and skin ointments for my mom. It's been almost a year since she passed (alone) with Covid due to a NJ Veteran's nursing home. She served in the Army and the Air Force. I moved her to NJ so I could be with her during her last days. 😓I know she is in a better place in heaven but my heart still hurts every day. They moved a sick woman into her room and they never tested any of the patients for Covid. I honestly think there was a conspiracy to kill many seniors to up the fear in the public. You may not agree and that's okay but nursing home employees came forward and shared that the governor of New Jersey mandated strict control over PPE in the beginning. It was locked up and they were warned and punished for using PPE. They went into room after room with the same mask and gown. I'll stop there. I'm just still devastated.
I'm trying to move forward and do what I love and I am so happy the Spring is here because this has been a very long winter here in New Jersey. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you. It's time to get inspired and Bernadette is helping me to do that. I appreciate her SOOO much!!

By the way, last night I had a dream that I was trying to save a lady's life and as I went looking for her, I started gliding over the water and I saw a spotted whale or whales at first, and then I saw many MANY dolphins - they were in schools - huge groups of frolicking beautiful healthy dolphins! It was magnificent!! 🐬🐬🐬🐬🐳
Do any of you like to interpret dreams?? I think this was a good one, even though it started out people trying to hurt a woman (was it mom?) I dreamed of a tidal wave the other night that carried me away but I was able to reach up and come out of the top of the water.
Have a wonderful day - and thanks for reading if you made it this far. I type fast and I'm a writer, so I can be wordy! Love y'all!
I Love You Hearts GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski

Arrroooooo, Alchemy Mama! SO happy to see you here! And now I'm hypnotized to do your bidding from that cray cray hypnotic and nausea inducing pulsating heart! LOL Y'all - Julie is for REAL an Alchemist. Her blends are DELISH!

I know what it's like to lose your mom due to shenanigans and I'm sending you tons of love. You're doing a GREAT job of moving forward. A seriously GREAT job. I know that I know that I know your mom is SO proud of you. Now go make more yummies so the world can smell and feel better!
Hi Everyone, My name is Annemarie. I am a numerologist, shamanic practitioner, soap maker and animal card reader. I was co- owner of a metaphysical shop for 11 years. Recently I have gone through major life changes of moving, closing my business and the end of a relationship. Haha ! a triple!! Animals and their symbolism are a big passion for me! I found Bernadette last fall while looking on the internet for expanded animal symbolism. Those beautiful horses came through on the pick a card daily reading and gave me hope! Thank you for this wonderful work that you do here.

Thank YOU for the sacred work you do in this world!
Hi everyone! My name is Jeni. I live in the PNW, I have a husband, 5 cats(yes crazy cat lady here) and a dog, all of them are rescues, except 1 cat that ended up in our cherry tree when he was about 4 month old. I work with disabled veterans, love to garden, read and be near all the water the PNW has to offer. On my journey of trying to open myself back up to the divine, I found Bernadette's quiz and have been hooked ever since.

Welcome to the #WildPack! Hey! Wait a minute now. I have 5 cats. Oh. Wait. That does make me a crazy cat lady, too! LOL Ooooo, would you be comfortable sharing what your Spirit Animal is? I made that quiz based on personality typing and it's really the most acurate one out there (that I could find) so I'm always SUPER curious what result folks get!
Hi everyone! Saphira here. Ok I have never done this before so I’m trying to figure out how to work this forum. So far I love it and I can wait to learn more about animal spirits. What I was able to find out about myself is I’m a Cancer, Snake (Chinese horoscope) and a snow goose (Native American) Anyhooo, I’m glad I found you wild ones and I hope I can be part of your pack 🥰🙏🦋

Welcome to the #WildPack! If you have questions about the forums ask away! Cancer, Snake, and Snow Goose is a fascinating combo! Bet you are a multilayered person - a wide variety of interests and many facets to your personality. So happy you joined us!
Hi all, SUPER happy to be here. I can't remember when I started watching Bernadette's videos, maybe last summer? I resonated with her right away. I'm a middle -aged Gemini sun who has decided to go back to school so I can become a licensed therapist certified in using somatic therapies to address trauma and mental health issues.

I'm learning to trust my own intuition more and more, and starting to journey. I'd describe myself as an amateur enthusiast of most all things woo-woo. It started with dance as moving meditation (through the Nia technique, Contact Improv, and Ecstatic dance), bolstered by a flirtation with essential oils and crystals, but has really been supported by cards and signs. I usually get guidance as songs in my head, or as a knowing feeling. Am starting to sense that spirits are wanting to speak with me, so I'm trying to open to that as well.

Welcome to the #WildPack! SO happy you're here! Oh I'm so proud of you going back to school at 'middle age'! Yasss!!!! And...HAHAHAHHA!...I'm going to use that line "...amateur enthusiast of most all things woo-woo." THAT is priceless! All those dance forms you're involved are so, so cool! I wish we had that where I live. I'd go buck wild! If you have any questions about expanding your intuition lemme know! #StayWild
Hi everyone! My name is Cheryl I have been described as being a loner type child with imaginary friends was always out doors in nature and with animals! I actually preferred animals and natural over humans 😂 I do not think my friends where imaginary (spirits) my empathy has always been so strong even though I didn’t know what it was I avoided people I thought they caused me to have panic attacks 😂 I stayed in my house for like 8 years avoiding until I started experiencing things that got me researching and figured out I’m not crazy or allergic to people I’m a Phsyic medium 🙄 😂 I have started practicing and in an development circle! I’m still very drawn to nature and animals I can be around people now 😂 I have always been drawn to angels as well I pretty sure I have seen at least two!! I’m pretty convinced animals try to communicate with me all the time, Love the ark!! Oh and born in Kentucky now live in Florida ❤️

I know we've been chatting already but...Welcome to the #WildPack! Oooo...Florida! Somewhere fabulous I hope! Thank you for doing the sacred work you do in this world! Animals try to communicate with humans all the time. You being a psychic medium, they will likely bark, meow, grunt, snort, crow, whinny...you get the picture...even louder and more often.
Hello everyone! Many blessings to all of you! My name is Jessica and I found Bernadette though the cauldron Facebook page after a video was posted.

I live in Canada, Cochrane near the Rockies! have a husband and a daughter. Two cats Salem& Dot( one black,one white) and a small dog Nibbler who is bolth lol. I love the mountains so much as you can see by my user name also coffee with creamer lol. I am a witch but also looking into a few different paths like shamanism and hedge witchcraft. I love plants and research the native plants in my area. Plantain in great for big bites! Chew it up and put it on the bite! Lol I also looked into Wicca and paganism.

I love spirit animals so much and have had them in my life for as long as I can remember. I only got into their meanings and messages in my teens. The relationship truly started when I listened to what they where telling me lol I got into spirituality in my pre teens when I bought a pack of tarot cards. My grandmother read tea leaves and scared herself so bad once she stopped reading and often warned me about using the cards. I love all the animals. So glad this is here! Also I had some weird astral thing the other night ( I was asleep but awake) where a moose stuck it’s head into my bedroom and it was grinning. Cheeky thing! Antlers and all have a very blessed day!

Merry meet and welcome to the #WildPack! OMG! LOVE your profile photo! If I may - I'll bet that visitation from Moose was the Animal Spirit Guides' way of nudging you to do more psychic abilities development. Blessings to you!
Hi everyone! So happy to be here. I am an artist and from a very young age, the trees and the birds have called to me. I could also read energy and see spirits, and just knew things, but didn't know what it was. At about 9 or 10 years of age I started pulling astrology and palmistry books off the local library's shelf. The animals and nature are everything to me. I have had so many interesting animal encounters both physically and spiritually and honestly it has all become one thing to me, I don't really consider those separate. I found Bernadette when I learned about the Ark Animal Tarot and knew I would have to get it. Love your daily videos Bernadette, and thank you for creating this space.

I know we've been chatting already but Welcome to the #WildPack! Yassss on not "...considering those separate." So are you a 'full fledged' astrologer and palmist now? SO happy the vids and Animal Allies resonate with you! Thank YOU for tuning in!
Hello, let me try to introduce myself ... English is not my mother tongue and because of my abuse as a child (the first 5 years of my life by my grandfather the last 5 years of his life) ... I learned to communicate with animals. I learned from the rabbits and chickens what unconditional love was and that we all would die. I was always silent among people and reading and writing like humans … that was difficult.

But you know what … I did found my way, kept meditating, got teachers on my path and I am particularly gifted to see financial flows clearly.

At this moment, I communicate with animals at a distance and especially with animals that live wild and free. I also want to make sure that things transform so that they are not shot and less run over like …our wolves in Belgium and Spain. I am taking small baby steps…. Oh yeah my mom was named Bernadette (like the spiritual one in Lourdes, France) she lost her baby (my brother) because he was isolated and we were not allowed to touch each other… and old story. I am now setting up a new company, my own fully self-managed business to make the combination spirit & finance.... within the classic corporate culture I always failed. Love to connect and communicate with like-minded souls.

We've been chatting already but welcome to the #WildPack! SO proud of you! Looks like you're doing an amazing job of healing from the abuse. And yay to setting up your own company! Classic corporate structure never, ever works for people like "us". It eats our soul with a nice Chianti and some Fava Beans. LOL You're gonna do great! And all us #WildOnes are going to do a retreat at your house in Belgium and Spain! We'll bring our own towels! LOL
For some reason the post cut off. Here is the rest! I started to realize how different I really was and had been. I remembered seeing entities in my dreams and craft in real life. I could see events happen at my property from others and could sense spirits. I tried to ignore it but after dad passed I started to remember. I kept it all a secret and didn't share these experiences. Then after my teenage years I moved away from my home. I kept this feeling of detachment from others. I ended up moving into my new partners home. I started having panic attacks and kept them a secret. My partner at the time just didn't or wouldn't understand what I was going through. Then one day my mother called and I knew something was wrong. I had this feeling before she even called that something bug was happening. As she talked I noticed her words were jumble and speech slurred. She said she had had a really bad headache. I knew somehow it was really bad so I quickly drive to her house and when I saw how scared she was took her to the ER. As I sat there waiting with her she deteriorated right in front of me. From speech to movement. Then they took her away and when I finally saw her my mother was not there. She had had a massive stroke. My sister came and told me she too had had a dream that something was wrong the night before. The stroke had also triggered Dementia. She was 52 at the time. This radically changed my life. I had become the sole caretaker at age 21 and my partner did not help at all. I didn't have any remaining family who were willing or able to help. I continually her caretaking for 7 years before I was ultimately so depressed, helpless, and drained that I could no longer care for her on my own. During this I also took in a new partner who had become abusive. I was so lost and confused that I just let him in so I wouldn't be alone. It took a year to find her decent affordable facility and I had to sell her house in order to pay for hospital bills and debt that had racked up. My partner and I moved into a 15 ft camper and decided to travel by way of work trade. It was the most connected I ever felt to nature but the most isolating I had ever felt from anyone. He was in complete control and I continued to have lost myself. Clinging to the quiet moments I could get alone in nature, I remained chained to the pain and torment he would provide. This was the most profound time for me in terms of nature communication although I again kept it a secret for fear of him belittling me. I could feel, hear, and see the energy connection of the forests and the animals I encountered. It was beauty all wrapped in madness and despair. 5 years later we had come back to my hometown because my partner felt the work trade was a waste of time. I knew this was the moment. I had to slowly figure out a strategy. I was so terrified because I had been made to believe I was worthless and it took me until one crazy night to finally reach out. He almost killed us in a car late at night while enraged and drunk, trying to swerve us off the road. He hit me and screamed and much more. We luckily were able to make it back to the camper. Theb next day I reached out online and was met with welcome arms by my long time friends who lived in SLC. I was living in Greenville SC. I packed up my stuff and my cat and we took off 4 days to SLC. The aloneness and freedom quickly turned into realizing more and more how different I was from the people I called my friends. I started having visions and felt called to dabble in kabbalah and esoteric wisdom. I had night terrors of one particular entity that had recurred randomly for years. I know somehow this time to started learning all I could about metaphysics. I had also started to go into trance on my own and started creating what I didn't realize at the time were small altars and spiritual tools in a trance state. Only after a friend had seen what I created and informed me did I start to look into spirituality in question. I was really scared because I kept having thse experiences and didn't know how to control them. My fired suggest I go see someone and gave me their name. So I ended up going to see a shaman without realizing it. That day I walked into his room he just looked at me and smiled as if he knew everything. We started into his eyes and he said "I think I already know what's happening but would you care to explain?" I broke down into tears and shared all the things I had always been afraid to say. He smiled again and his eyes teared up. He said "You are a horse, just like me" I somehow felt in my body and soul he was right. He explained becoming a jaguar and his travels to Aztecs and other cultures and his experiences with taking on spirits. It all made sense and felt so right. For the first time in my life I understood not only who I was but why all of the things in my life had happened and lead me to now. My new partner at the time(my love, my life, my soul mate who we are now happily engaged) asked what happened and after I explained to him he was astounded but he gave me a hug, and told me he loved me and was proud of me seeing the shaman, and he was so happy I finally had peace and clarity. He definitely didn't understand but he supported me fully. There started the journey to find the teacher. I tried some udemy teachers and read all I could. Then one day I came across an Austrian woman on FB and it all clicked. I connected to her teaching immediately. In a short time I was able to open up to profound experiences. I then took a leap of faith without stable income and took on her apprenticeship. That lead me to about 2 months ago. I have finished the Holistic Shaman apprenticeship and have learned so much about myself along the way. I am a Shamanic Practitioner first and foremost and everything I do stems from that. It has opened up the abilities in me I always had. I am a knower, a spirit horse, a channeler, a psychic, a spiritual intuituve, and I create shamanic art as a mode of expression. I am so proud to be here and lucky to have found my calling. Eith the help of Bernadette's Ark Deck and he videos I have tapped into the animal spirits and messages ever more and I'm forever grateful for her and all she does. Thank you all for reading and much love to you!

SOOOOO happy to see you here! Girl! Had no idea of your background. Good on you for surviving and thriving! SO proud of you! You're doing great and are just going to keep rising up and up and up!
Hello everyone. I am in the process of reopening myself back up to receiving messages from the divine. I shut myself off from it for about 20 years because of some scary things that had happened, that is not to say I stopped believing in it, just not wanting it for me.
I have always been clairaudient, that and being able to read people were the 2 I was not able to shut off, I just did not to listen. I have started to listen again and to trust my gut. This has helped the visions come back at times. My cousin is the same, so we wonder if it's in my blood lol.
I have always had a thing for the night sky, and anything related to that, so I love astrology, astronomy and cosmology. I use tarot, although not great at it yet, but I love it, I've used a pendulum since I was a teenager and I LOVE crystals!!
I know teachers who believe our gifts are a bit like muscles - they grow stronger as we tone them!
Hi, my name is Clay, and I'm a healer!
I started my journey around four years ago and it all started with the stones. I was really into a cartoon at the time called Steven Universe; a show about three women like beings "gems" and their magical adventures with a boy named Steven. It got me looking into stones and eventually led me to their properties.
This eventually led me to astrology, etc.
Eventually I got to a place where I had found out about "witchcraft," and it took me a little bit to be okay and call myself a witch, but I got there.
My mom has been a big help on this journey. She's always been a strong intuitive and empath, and if I'm ever having trouble figuring out something (like where something should go, etc.) She is such a big help in that.
Along the way after about a year in the spiritual life, I crossed my first true (in this lifetime, anyway.) Dark night of the soul. It was hard and nasty, but even after all of the pain I still stand here, as I have withstood it.
Around last year I really began learning to do what felt right to me, to not eat and eat information, and instead get into a rhythm mom my own. Now I know how to heal through my voice, and much much more. I have currently found my deities, or at least some of them, which is something I wanted to do for a long time. I've always had a knack for religions even as a child and as a child I had a fond interest in buddhism. I found them fascinating.
So now I am here in this community, being the true healer I am. A true poet, heart lover and carer of the world, and a wild insanely bright light that shines uniquely and beautifully, and the word is an energy to explore. Blessings to all in the highest good!
P.s.(I also make music on YouTube!)

I have read some basic Buddhist texts on mindfulness, focus, resolve, effort and action (part of the 8 fold Path) and the philosophy is sound even outside a spiritual setting IMO
Hello Everyone 💛,

I’m thrilled and sincerely grateful to be joining you all in this sacred space 🙏🏼🥰.
Although it has taken me a few days to gather my thoughts and words and contribute a post, I’ve been eagerly looking forward to connecting with Bernadette for many months now.
I first came across the Daily Spirit Animal readings a year or so ago while taking a deeper look into messages I was receiving from the animal spirits (I believe it was Blue Jay at the time). Within minutes of watching Bernadette, I was already like, “hmm...pretty sure this lady is one of my spirit animals“😜; which, she confirmed IS a thing...people, being animals, can also be spirit animals...within that specific video. Since then, I’ve eagerly looked forward to starting each day with coffee, Bernadette, and the Spirit Animals.
I feel called to listen up when you speak Bernadette; like perhaps I landed where I was meant to that day, guided by Mr. Blue Jay.
As a child, animals made so much more sense to me than humans; perhaps because humans have removed from our true (wild and free) nature and that incongruence (between the authentic immutable truth of our beings and the outward expressions of human behaviour) struck me deeply. Consequently, for most of my early years (until ages 11/12), I much preferred animals to people.
I do intend to share more with you all (there’s a lot...and it’s hard for me not to get lost in my mind when I get historical, so for the sake of simply taking the first step towards connecting with you lovely humans I’m going to keep it brief for now or I may never post at all 🤪).
At the end of 2010, my life, as I knew it, was engulfed by the flames of my unfolding phoenix process. My identity as a mother, wife, nursing student, and “good human“ had been shattered following my first suicide attempt at age 27. During the early days of my “dark night of the soul” journey, I was inspired by the poem “Still I Rise” written by Maya Angelou; the message to “rise and shine” came to me in many forms, as did Crow spirit (Crow has been my slum dwelling guide...in my worst most shame-filled moments I have never felt truly alone or unlovable as Crow has been with me from the beginning of this dark night of the soul journey). On a whim at the end of 2011, I had these words tattooed on my wrist:
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Still I Rise​

You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
’Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops,
Weakened by my soulful cries?

Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard
’Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines
Diggin’ in my own backyard.

You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I’ll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I've got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history’s shame
I rise
Up from a past that’s rooted in pain
I rise
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.

Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.

That’s about all I can share at the moment lovelies 💜....looking forward to sharing expansive growth, exploration and joy with each of you.

Truly inspiring. Thank you for sharing!
Hi everyone! I'm so happy to be part of a spiritual group like this. I just found wild-one-Bernadette about a month ago and I am now hooked on her daily readings, monthly tarot, and recently had an incredible reading with her. 😀 I just love this gal! I also recently received my Ark Tarot - which is incredible illustrated and just beautiful! I love it! I have been a holistic healer for many years - I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness and it was very restrictive and I was bullied a lot. I left at 14 years old and partied on thru the 80's - fell in love a few times, married and divorced - started seeking spiritual food in my early 20's. I read tons of metaphysical books and attended conferences like the New Life Expo in NYC. I met incredible people. I had my DNA activated, my aura photo taken every year, drank the wheat grass, ear candling, reiki, tarot, crystals, herbs galore, put my feet in the detox bath, you name it! I can't wait for expo's to get going again. I haven't gone in years because I just didn't feel like the trek to NYC but now that we haven't had that freedom, I am longing to get out there and just talk to people again.

I am a certified health coach and aromatherapist. I also earned a nutrition certificate from David Wolfe's Body Mind Institute. I love him! He's an inspiration!
I've been told by Bernadette and a few others that I have been an 'alchemist' and/or artist in many lifetimes. I am still working as a technical writer in the corporate world, but I dream of flying free and growing my Indigo Healing Oils business. I create all kinds of products that are healing and all-natural. I find that they help me as I struggle with autoimmune disease. When they help my clients, it makes my heart soar!
I was initially inspired to create pain products and skin ointments for my mom. It's been almost a year since she passed (alone) with Covid due to a NJ Veteran's nursing home. She served in the Army and the Air Force. I moved her to NJ so I could be with her during her last days. 😓I know she is in a better place in heaven but my heart still hurts every day. They moved a sick woman into her room and they never tested any of the patients for Covid. I honestly think there was a conspiracy to kill many seniors to up the fear in the public. You may not agree and that's okay but nursing home employees came forward and shared that the governor of New Jersey mandated strict control over PPE in the beginning. It was locked up and they were warned and punished for using PPE. They went into room after room with the same mask and gown. I'll stop there. I'm just still devastated.
I'm trying to move forward and do what I love and I am so happy the Spring is here because this has been a very long winter here in New Jersey. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you. It's time to get inspired and Bernadette is helping me to do that. I appreciate her SOOO much!!

By the way, last night I had a dream that I was trying to save a lady's life and as I went looking for her, I started gliding over the water and I saw a spotted whale or whales at first, and then I saw many MANY dolphins - they were in schools - huge groups of frolicking beautiful healthy dolphins! It was magnificent!! 🐬🐬🐬🐬🐳
Do any of you like to interpret dreams?? I think this was a good one, even though it started out people trying to hurt a woman (was it mom?) I dreamed of a tidal wave the other night that carried me away but I was able to reach up and come out of the top of the water.
Have a wonderful day - and thanks for reading if you made it this far. I type fast and I'm a writer, so I can be wordy! Love y'all!
I Love You Hearts GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski
I wonder if the school represented the need for working in a group to achieve a goal or safety