What Is My Spirit Animal
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Let's get WILD! Introduce yourself!

Greetings everyone,

I joined the group to be around like-minded people. I have been empathic and intuitive my entire life. I found energy work when I was going through a life changing divorce. I have worked with various energy systems, hypnosis, work with gemstones and make jewelry [I love the healing energy of gems], recently have started working with the Bach Flower Essences and really love the energy from mother earth. I have volunteered in various capacities in animal rescue. When I stopped working with the rescues [too much drama and not enough focus on the animals] animals started showing up to be rescued at my house. Guess word got out on the street so they find their way to my house. When I volunteered at a bird sanctuary to feed baby birds one spring I discovered that I could feel the trauma of the animals - that was new or maybe I was just paying more attention. I spent a lot of time at A.R.E. in Virginia Beach Edgar Cayce Institute. I am one of the wayshowers there and was a part of the Intuitive Taskforce that worked on missing cases involving children. That lasted about two years before the group disbanded.

Gypsy Wilde shared Bernadette with me and I got the Ark deck - WOW amazing! Can't wait for the new book.

I am a Leo with Capricorn rising with an Aries moon -
Hello everyone! I have always had what I call my spidey sense. When I was young I would have dreams and I would tell my parents about my dreams because I just knew it was true, they poo pooed it and then when I was right they called it coincidence. I was raised in church Assembly of God and Southern Baptist. What a combination! While I attended church I always felt there was something more and felt more comfortable out in nature. As a teen I read books concerning the occult, but since I lived in a very small town in the south and this was in the mid 70's there wasn't much of a selection. As time went on I continued to read books and do research. I am still finding my way and continuing to learn and expand my horizons. I have come a long way and have a long way to go. I look forward to the journey and my continued evolution.

I am a Scorpio and have Arctic Wolf as my Totem.
I grew up in the South too. whew what were we thinking when we agreed to come back - I know how you feel. Now that I am in my 50's I don't really care what people think
HI All

Born October 22/23 in a backwater town where the hospital had 4 rooms, an OR and small ER. There was no clock in the OR, so sometime after 11:57 and 12:05 I took my first breath in this body. Decision - was I was born on the 23rd. Scorpio.

My story has a lot of starts and stops; first was being able to see non-corporal (not just people who had passed) at a very young age but able to recall previous lifetimes, with extreme clarity.

Both things freaked out the nuns, my parents and siblings. However, neither my maternal nor paternal grandmothers were phased, in fact they both in their own ways (Tarot and divination from one, Angels, Spirits, candle magic and prayer from the other).

I learned to keep what I knew and saw to myself.

Fast forward to my early 20s - I started really exploring the different dogmas, religions, practices, esoteric, metaphysical spaces. I was a pretty decent reader, doing cards at Science Fiction/Fantasy conventions, for my friends, and their friends. I taught classes in nuance, symbolism and interpretation, dabbled in the Golden Dawn, futzed around in Wicca, hung out with some Goths, Dabbled in herbology, but still nothing really felt right. Plus as folks kept saying 'I was different, knew things well beyond my age, and at times knew things I shouldn't be able to know about others (thoughts, feelings, hearing things even).

At age 27, the night after my daughter was born (October 22nd) I came within 12 hours of dying. {Very long story there, but as the Nurse put it, she was told by a lady in a soft pink dress, and very white hair to go check up on me long before I was supposed to be looked into, the nurse found I was running a very high fever, hand where the IV was completely swollen - red hot and infected) This was my first real memory of actually working with Angels and the Divine.

At age 30, November 14th, I tried to take my life. {Another long story} and again my angels stepped in, took control and got me to where I needed to be in a private children's psych hospital, that happen to have 6 beds for PTSD women. I really started to dig into this space, thanks to Angela my night nurse, about Angels, specifically my deep connection.

During this time I kept having what I called 'intense relationships' very short lived, very pointed, as if they were in my life for a purpose, and then off they were onto their path again. I noticed this in High school, and over time, realized that I was to help them reconnect to their divine path/cosmic purpose.

At 35, I met my husband, and had grown extremely tired of 'helping people' and agreed to take on this new one under the condition - He stayed. That too is another long story, but it worked out.

Moving fast forward, I've been a scholar, teacher, always learning, always practicing, working on bettering myself. I've done thousands of hours of journal work, written out many different workshops and guides to assist folks. But - still - nothing completely feels right for me.

I still do tarot, and oracle. I've explored Akashic records, Human Design, the Different Alien Races, Life/Sound energy weaving, Shamanism, ancient religions, Hebrew, Channeling, Gods, Goddesses, The Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine, Hindi, Several Asian belief systems, Aborigines, Mayan, Inca, Native Nations (Hopi, Pueblos, Northwest Washington) -looking for something I don't already either know, or feel I know. I'm very much into past life regression work. And add in the fact I am into quantum physics, Multi-dimensional space, and Alternative universes.

Current interest is FLOW....

And still being the Intergalactic Cosmic Coffee Shop for the wayward souls
Thank you for sharing. It has been hard for many of us coming back to such dense energy. I am so glad you stayed. We wear many hats while finding our way - blessings
3. Shit hit the fan? Call this Crone! Dial 1-888-Get-It-Together!
OHMYGODDESS!!!! That is perfectly priceless.

THANK YOU for the wonderful laugh tonight... I soso needed it. I've been going through a strange set of spiritual upheavals and not sure what to make of the decluttering that is going on, and the lack of wanting ANY structure other than do what I want..

My old school website - Inner Dimensions - Home Page.

I am learning Wordpress and loving it...so I will be doing this summer a massive update to move to wordpress.
Hello beautiful souls this is my story and who I am and how I came to be here for anyone wishing to have a gander. I have always had a belief in the unseen right from being a child but I didn't follow any practices or have any reason or anyone around me that shared my perspective. I used to get random snap shots of the future quite hard to describe but in an instant I would see a picture in my mind and somehow knew the story that went with it. My most vivid one was a time that I got out of my dad's car and as I shut the door of the car I was hit by an image of the back window broken and what was stollen from it. My dad and brother when I said thought I was being over dramatic and just had a great imagination so we laughed it off, a few hours later on return to the car we all stopped dead in the road because exactly everything I had said was now a reality and we all got chills. I didn't really like this as it always seemed to happen for only bad things and so I told myself it wasn't true it was an imaginary thing that happened to line up and I worked hard to block it out. In 2016 my dad got ill with flu and had a fall in the bath my mum called to tell me he was ok but just very bruised and feeling embarrassed I spoke to him on the phone he said the same thing. I was planning to go and see him the next day but as I turned off the TV I had a horrible flash and suddenly I just knew my dad had cancer and was going to die and that my life was about to have a major change. I spent the whole night trying to reason with myself after all it was just flu and a fall not one person had mentioned cancer and he was just 66, he looked much younger and was a young at heart drummer of a local band and life of the party non smoker ect no reason to think such a thing. And yet I couldn't shake this pit of knowing so 7am the next day I called them and asked mum does dad have cancer and please don't lie to me, she was taken back and said no well not as far as they knew but the doctors was concerned about how long he was taking to shake the flu and was doing further investigations. Long story short in March 2016 he was diagnosed with lymphoma what followed was a catalogue of disasters from hold ups and delays to even a stint in intensive care because they had tried to intubate him for a small biopsy and had accidentally ripped a hole in his throat meaning he had to have a tracheostomy and halt his chemo whilst he had it for about 6 weeks. Most annoying thing was I had asked the surgeon that morning to please be careful as I was worried they wouldn't get the tube down his already swollen neck and the surgeon said oh don't worry we intubate even new born babies we know what we are doing "sighhhh" after all of these blocks that were and uphill battle without my poor dad was returned home to us in March 2017 full of bed sores may I add where we cared for him until he left us on 11th March whilst he was slowly fading away I suddenly felt him standing at the side of me fully well and I couldn't explain it but I felt so much comfort. The following weeks I still couldn't shake the feeling that the other shoe had not yet dropped, I often felt a cool woosh through my hair as if my dad was around comforting me but I still felt off. Putting it down to just grief of how the last year had gone down I brushed it off. A friend passed away in the may and on the 1st June was his funeral and his brother was doing his eulogy which I was in awe of and actually told him how I was amazed at him being able to do that because I couldn't imagine what that was like for him it just really stood out to me. 6 days later on the 7th June a police officer came to inform me that my own brother had taken his own life and that o was to go with her to break the news to our mum, I won't go into details but it was as horrific as you can imagine and I thought I would loose her too. My whole world had been blown to shreds in just 88 days and on 30th of June I was up doing the one thing that had stood out to me so much 29 days before. I have a lot of stories about songs odd happenings and connections that followed which include my nickname given by my brother during our dads illness but that would see me here for a very long time and you might already be bored by now anyway. So cut to the chase I started seeing double numbers absolutely everywhere and so many odd things that it became impossible to ignore then I woke up to a cricket on my bedroom ceiling which was totally improbable and yet there it was so it which led me to start researching what it all was and here I am having had many more stories and finally knowing who I really am. I have always been super connected to animals having currently sharing their story with me in my home 4 parrots and 3 doggies along with 6 fish and I would have so many more if I had the space and money so when I came across Bs deck well it just pulled me in and here I am proud to be a part of the wild pack and happy to be sharing this time with fellow like minded beautiful souls, Hopefully together we can build a beautiful connected world with all souls xx
Sweetpea, you have been through so much!! Never doubt your visions and intuition. They sound like they are really strong. I, too, sometimes wonder why it is only bad stuff that we have premonitions, and I wonder are we supposed to do something to try to change it, otherwise why tell us? Maybe so we can be more mentally prepared? I don't know. I hope life is good for you now, love and hugs to you xx
I want to foresee winning the lottery (grin). Yeah, I get the icky stuff too, but there is a blessing in it. When you know someone's energy is low, or they feel off somehow you can step in and say, hey is there anything I can do? Now, some folk simply reply they're ok. It's a societal knee-jerk. I usually give them a funny face and go, oh come on it's me you're talking to! There's no question your abilities can make people a little uncomfortable, but over time they come to trust your inklings. Even if I am wrong, that person knows I care. If I think there's something on the horizon for which they should watch I say so. I'd rather be wrong than never say anything.
Hi everyone! My name is Jeni. I live in the PNW, I have a husband, 5 cats(yes crazy cat lady here) and a dog, all of them are rescues, except 1 cat that ended up in our cherry tree when he was about 4 month old. I work with disabled veterans, love to garden, read and be near all the water the PNW has to offer. On my journey of trying to open myself back up to the divine, I found Bernadette's quiz and have been hooked ever since.
Hello everyone. I am in the process of reopening myself back up to receiving messages from the divine. I shut myself off from it for about 20 years because of some scary things that had happened, that is not to say I stopped believing in it, just not wanting it for me.
I have always been clairaudient, that and being able to read people were the 2 I was not able to shut off, I just did not to listen. I have started to listen again and to trust my gut. This has helped the visions come back at times. My cousin is the same, so we wonder if it's in my blood lol.
I have always had a thing for the night sky, and anything related to that, so I love astrology, astronomy and cosmology. I use tarot, although not great at it yet, but I love it, I've used a pendulum since I was a teenager and I LOVE crystals!!
Hi Wild Ones, my name is Kristine and as Bernadette pointed out last evening (with the inverted crab) I am independent and self-sufficient and rarely stick my head out of the shell, or as Miss B pointed out, constantly retreating into safety. So, I am pushing forward with determination! I have always been able to “talk” to animals, inanimate objects, and lately my mom comes regularly to give me information about her peeps or when something needs attention (she passed away July 2020). I am grateful for these gifts and have jumped in headfirst trying to learn anything and everything about this phenomenon. In the beginning I meet with like minded individuals, but quickly learned they had ulterior motives and I was constantly under attack from them. Because of this, I have stayed to myself, only sharing certain aspects with the few I trust. Fortunately, I “stumbled” across Spirit Animals last year and this has been the BEST find ever, thank you Bernadette!!
OHMYGODDESS!!!! That is perfectly priceless.

THANK YOU for the wonderful laugh tonight... I soso needed it. I've been going through a strange set of spiritual upheavals and not sure what to make of the decluttering that is going on, and the lack of wanting ANY structure other than do what I want..

My old school website - Inner Dimensions - Home Page.

I am learning Wordpress and loving it...so I will be doing this summer a massive update to move to wordpress.

LOL So happy to bring a laugh to you! FYI - I'm a Wordpress power user so if you need help just ping me...
Hi Wild Ones, my name is Kristine and as Bernadette pointed out last evening (with the inverted crab) I am independent and self-sufficient and rarely stick my head out of the shell, or as Miss B pointed out, constantly retreating into safety. So, I am pushing forward with determination! I have always been able to “talk” to animals, inanimate objects, and lately my mom comes regularly to give me information about her peeps or when something needs attention (she passed away July 2020). I am grateful for these gifts and have jumped in headfirst trying to learn anything and everything about this phenomenon. In the beginning I meet with like minded individuals, but quickly learned they had ulterior motives and I was constantly under attack from them. Because of this, I have stayed to myself, only sharing certain aspects with the few I trust. Fortunately, I “stumbled” across Spirit Animals last year and this has been the BEST find ever, thank you Bernadette!!

You are most welcome! We are thrilled you joined the #WildPack! Yeah - when I first started in the woo woo I was like, "OMG. This is just like high school!" SO many 'mean girls' looked to see who had the most psychic abilities, the biggest and most expensive crystals, etc. I was like, "I'm outta here!" and went right back to the woods where I belong. LOL You're safe, accepted, and supported here. Why? Because Mama Bear said so! HAAHAHAHHA! Joking. No, really in my LIFE so far I've never seen such an amazing group. But, I believe this is what happens when someone says, "Hey...over here you can be your wild self, your most natural self. We will love and support you AND we have cookies!"
Hi Everyone, My name is Annemarie. I am a numerologist, shamanic practitioner, soap maker and animal card reader. I was co- owner of a metaphysical shop for 11 years. Recently I have gone through major life changes of moving, closing my business and the end of a relationship. Haha ! a triple!! Animals and their symbolism are a big passion for me! I found Bernadette last fall while looking on the internet for expanded animal symbolism. Those beautiful horses came through on the pick a card daily reading and gave me hope! Thank you for this wonderful work that you do here.
You are so most welcome. It really does help - old soul but it also can represent cosmic purpose. I'm a re-weaver. People end up in my space when they need to have a piece of datum re-aligned or re-tuned - or even major shakeup to reset them on their path. It took me many years to make peace with this, as I tend to have powerful short lived relationships. I make the joke sorta now - I am the Cosmic rest stop for those who need some intense spiritual pick me up..... before continuing on their journey. For the longest time it would sadden me every time these folks would move on. Now, for the most part I am good with the rest stop spiritual coffee shop. Now, I work hard on embracing the moment with that person(s) to really cherish that essence and the time I can spend with them. Some folks do come back life all good highway cafes.

Oh btw, I am being led to pose another add to the Crone thought for you - realize the archetypes (major arcane) overlay on the these phases [Maiden/Mother/Crone] as you navigate through life.

For example; for me - Cosmic- Crone but I am in my Tower phase of existence (this lifetime) meaning a lot of breaking from being a prisoner of the past, being held in the past and breaking down large chunks of unawareness and getting rid of very solid structures that are holding me back from my next ascension. My undercurrent is Queen of Wands learning to really embrace my intuition, the depth of my wisdom/knowledge as crone, and continue to expand my cosmic conduit to the Universe/Spirit.

Within that this last year I moved in Hermit, how to truly embrace being me, within myself, for myself as myself. Really understanding what it means to Seek inside myself for the wisdom/knowledge and letting it be my beacon in the night to guide ME by. Identifying how to be happy, at peace, non-judgmental, accepting, in the NOW, to really experience and go with flow.

Prior to that from June 2018 I had been dwelling in The Devil (working through what I really desire verses what did I felt I needed, wanted must have. It was a huge transformation space. I had such a major revelation and letting go, purging, and even moving across country at the end of 2018 to Cleveland to literally start a new book on life.

I am very honored to be here....
Wow! I can really relate to your journey! Thanks for the wisdom!
Hello all!

my name is Rose and just like most of you on this site I have a long and lengthy history that is very important but I am not going to talk about that now. I believe all of our history’s are important and I am not trying to minimize that so if at the end of this anyone wants to know more about it I will be glad to share. What is important to me in this moment is who I currently am so that is what I would like to share.

My name is Rose. I have recently opened a shop that I call Willows Mysticals. I am going to tell you about my shop and the second space I opened not to try to plug it but because I feel that a huge part of who I am is what has led me to open the shop and understanding it will help you to understand me.

I offer intuitive suport most often but not limited to Oracle/tarot card reading. I have been working with cards for about 30 years but have only gone public in the last two. Pre-Covid I had started working meta / healing / psychic fairs on my weekends off from my full time big retail job. I loved the weekend work I was doing helping so many people and learning so much. Just before Covid hit I stepped down from my management position and cut my hours so that I could work more shows and reach more people. I even cashed out part of my IRA to pre-pay event booth fees. Then all my months and months worth of pre-payed shows were rescheduled. Fortunately bussiness lease rates suddenly became realy cheap so I opened my shop.

From my shop I offer Suport to clints and as my signage says “Feature Mysticals and whimsicals”. So far I have a palmist/ aura photographer and a massage therapist on hand that work by appointment out of my shop. Even though my shop hadnt made money yet I was called to open a second space acros the hall in the same building which I call Willows Mysticals enrichment Center. The goal of the two spaces is to create a spiritual hub, education center and sanctuary for people of all spiritual paths regardless of what path they are on and we’re in that path they are. I have a small class and lecture venue (fifteen people or less) as well as art gallery and space available for practitioners to show there where’s or offer there services for one or multiple days at a time as booth or consignment. I am hoping that I can give opportunities to those just starting out in order to help perpetuate the Meta/healing community as I feel that it is greatly needed at this time. Part of the reason I am reaching out to this group is to hopefully help Suport others in there development as well as learn and grow myself. I am so happy to be part of this community and look forward to all we can share.

Welcome to the #WildPack! Wow. You went all-in with your calling. I really honor that. Leaps like you made (cashing out part of your IRA) are brave. I wish you so many blessings and so much success!
My name is Debbie, glad to be here and learn as well as share. I am a medium still a baby at that lol, energy healer, and always wanting to learn as much as I can.

Welcome to the #WildPack! I've been talkin' to dead people for several decades so let me know if I can help!
Hello one and all

Well I have started my Journey when I was young but didn't know it at the time phone would ring and it be there so and so on the phone I was write 90% time. I didn't close it off I just went with it left it open for a very long time.

I move along some many years to 2009/2010 I started my first journey of learning it started with me getting cancer and well one thing leads to other things and I was slowly opening up still not knowing what it was I just went with it but it come to a bit of a halt but again I didn't close it off. then in the beginning of 2016 I had a aha moment and certain types of people started showing up in my life card reader, psychic's and others along this line this started me on my second journey while still doing my first one so now I am running a journey with in a journey. This started to to gather momentum I started to learn thing as people where showing me.

Then bang right as I was getting into things there a third journey 2nd lots of cancer it sort put everything on a hold pattern while I got on top of this. It put me back a little but I was not detrude after it was all said and done I move back into my second journey things started popping up for learning card reading I took this class and well it opened me up to a new world thing that been trying to break thru. I found my circle of friends changing and that people where coming in to my 2nd journey and starting to teach me thing.

I took some time to learn things and practice on people I found as I did it I was getting better each time and now I m slow moving into different things as well as this now showing me a whole lot new skills I didn't know I had or was not acknowledging now has let me see thing I didn't think I could.

Then I seen the the ark deck I knew it was for me but like most things I put it off but it some how come around to show me this deck and well in the end I had to buy it. this deck arrived to me and well the out side box was destroyed after a couple emails and some pictures the refunded me my money and was told to keep the deck. Then I seen the expansion deck well I needed to buy it so I did after a long wait i got it but in the mean time i was sent a set of the ark cards by mistake and told to keep them. I still have that email not sure why I but I do feel this deck was for me. I have on many occasions shared you link when asked where I have bought the deck I know that some of them have bought the deck as well.

This is my story well the short version anyway. the first and third journey are not in the for front as once to be but they are still there and possible will be for the rest of my life

Wow! I can really relate to your journey! Thanks for the wisdom!
Your words resonate so much with me. Growing up my mom had a habit of taking in strays both human and furry. People came for a while and got back on track from whatever they were dealing with. I've continued her tradition, feeling it's an amazing example of hospitality. I'd estimate we've had 12 people over the years who come when they need to be in a safe space. Over a short span, they often become an extended family who we keep in touch with even after they leave. I love the phrase "cosmic rest stop"
Hello one and all

Well I have started my Journey when I was young but didn't know it at the time phone would ring and it be there so and so on the phone I was write 90% time. I didn't close it off I just went with it left it open for a very long time.

I move along some many years to 2009/2010 I started my first journey of learning it started with me getting cancer and well one thing leads to other things and I was slowly opening up still not knowing what it was I just went with it but it come to a bit of a halt but again I didn't close it off. then in the beginning of 2016 I had a aha moment and certain types of people started showing up in my life card reader, psychic's and others along this line this started me on my second journey while still doing my first one so now I am running a journey with in a journey. This started to to gather momentum I started to learn thing as people where showing me.

Then bang right as I was getting into things there a third journey 2nd lots of cancer it sort put everything on a hold pattern while I got on top of this. It put me back a little but I was not detrude after it was all said and done I move back into my second journey things started popping up for learning card reading I took this class and well it opened me up to a new world thing that been trying to break thru. I found my circle of friends changing and that people where coming in to my 2nd journey and starting to teach me thing.

I took some time to learn things and practice on people I found as I did it I was getting better each time and now I m slow moving into different things as well as this now showing me a whole lot new skills I didn't know I had or was not acknowledging now has let me see thing I didn't think I could.

Then I seen the the ark deck I knew it was for me but like most things I put it off but it some how come around to show me this deck and well in the end I had to buy it. this deck arrived to me and well the out side box was destroyed after a couple emails and some pictures the refunded me my money and was told to keep the deck. Then I seen the expansion deck well I needed to buy it so I did after a long wait i got it but in the mean time i was sent a set of the ark cards by mistake and told to keep them. I still have that email not sure why I but I do feel this deck was for me. I have on many occasions shared you link when asked where I have bought the deck I know that some of them have bought the deck as well.

This is my story well the short version anyway. the first and third journey are not in the for front as once to be but they are still there and possible will be for the rest of my life

My husband has brain cancer, 8 years in for us. It's a truly revealing journey about your resourcefulness and strength. Your circle changes dynamically. Ours is much smaller. People find it hard to talk about such things, they become uncomfortable and may back off. I trust your friends stick with you through all your journies! My prayer for you is you find comfort and wisdom in the Animals daily.