What Is My Spirit Animal
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Let's get WILD! Introduce yourself!

Hi! I'm kinda new here and have no idea what I'm doing. :LOL: It's been ages since I've been on a forum. 🙃
I am a Mom, a mushroom forager, researcher, blogger, writer, and more. I haven't been as prolific as I would have liked to have been over the past year, partly because I have been learning a healing modality that is based partly on quantum physics, alchemy, and energy medicine. I am now certified in this work and have already been able to assist in some dramatic healings. I myself have been able to benefit from it. I had a back injury 21 years ago. No matter how many experts I sought out, no one was able to heal my back, but through this work, it is healed. I am so grateful to be able to see and assist in such dramatic shifts in people.

I am combining this work with my mushroom research in order to better and more holistically support people through their shifts. I am including a graphic from my mushroom website. I am still looking for a name that adequately reflects the whole depth of the work that my coaching business encompasses in order to be able to build a proper website for it. But, if anyone is interested in knowing more, please let me know, I am otherwise set up to be able to work with clients. Either way, I look forward to getting to know you all. 💗💜


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Welcome! Everyone here is super friendly. You're among like-minded people. Quantum physics? Whew. I could barely deal with chemistry LOL
Hi, I've been a member for a while but forgot to introduce myself.
I've been interested in all things spiritual for as far back as I can remember and call myself a witch. I don't follow a "path", just pick what seems interesting to me.
I've been told by 2 separate people that I should read tarot. I try, but I'm not that confident.
I am extremely secretive and don't open up to many people.
I had had 4 people I know (3 have passed over) come yo me in a dream with messages.
As a child I could see auras ( didn't realise what they were at the time).
I love most animals, only have dogs at the moment but would have loads more.
Hi Suki

Take your own time with everything, no need to rush. You do not need to follow a specific path, many dont, including me.

If it feels right for you, then go for it. Please dont let anyone tell you otherwise.

Its your path to follow in any way you choose. As they say, "" There is no tright or wrong way, only YOUR way ""

Take care, relax with it all and enjoy doing it your way.