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Ask Mama Bear Anything About Psychic Development

Mama Bear

Dec 28, 2020
@Coffeemountainpolarbear asked "Just starting psychic work. If anyone has any tips or tricks I’d be interested starting from the ground up but starting lol"

It's a GREAT question and one many of us have had at one time or another. Let's help each other learn and grow as psychics because that better opens us up as Shaman, animal communicators, mediums, and healers.

Here's my answer for @Coffeemountainpolarbear...

Before I can fully answer I need to know the following:

1. When you say 'starting psychic work' - do you mean you're starting a psychic business or you're starting to explore your abilities and want a tip off point for doing so?

2. What is your goal? I ask because by knowing your goal - or, at least, the goal as it stands today - I can better assist because my advice will be specific to your stated desired outcome. Why do I sound like a lawyer this morning? LOL
I’m just starting to explore my abilities and my goal is to just get in deeper relationship with just my intuition and the spirits and animals ect. I’ve been really fascinated with ( I can’t remember her name) the lady who was talking about communicating with animals. I’ve had 3 occurrences in the last two months where someone asked me out of the blue if I do tarot readings. These people don’t even know each other. So I’m interested in developing my abilities but…. I have no idea how. Lol
I’m just starting to explore my abilities and my goal is to just get in deeper relationship with just my intuition and the spirits and animals ect. I’ve been really fascinated with ( I can’t remember her name) the lady who was talking about communicating with animals. I’ve had 3 occurrences in the last two months where someone asked me out of the blue if I do tarot readings. These people don’t even know each other. So I’m interested in developing my abilities but…. I have no idea how. Lol
My best advice is to PRACTICE. Practice on people you know, but also practice on strangers (with permission, of course). Reddit is a great place to start doing that. I am in this subreddit: r/Mediums
So I’m interested in developing my abilities but…. I have no idea how. Lol
What I do with my clients - is I have them start with three activities to help them establish an awareness of what is going on around them and with them. Some folks have heighten awareness (the volume is up but you can't understand it) some how no awareness (focus needed) some pick up and brush it off (do not connect the dots as I call it).

Every Day in the beginning of the day - after a quiet moment of meditation, write down in a journal answer to the following;
1: What do you believe the day will bring (Be specific, as possible - focus on what your beliefs are)
2: What are you feeling the day will bring (Dig deep with your feelings - don't high level bucket them, but get into the nuance of the feels -- good chart to help break down the feeling --> feeling wheel
3: What do you sense the day will bring --> advance feeling/sensation wheel

Middle of the day
1: What have you seen more than once today
2: What has caught your eye - caused a moment of thought or reflection
3: Has a song, smell, or memory popped up out of the blue, if so what was it and what did it remind or memory of.

End of Day
Review the first set of questions
What you will be looking for are signs of over awareness, under awareness and not connecting the dots, so you can start working on the dials of being tapped in.

And I do this daily, then once a week go back over everything and once a month go back over everything again.

I've been using this technique now for 3 years. (I've been reading much longer than that but consistency was a bitch.)

Also I just started doing a shift in how much energy 'I put in' because that was burning me out, so now I have a sip straw image of sucking energy around me instead. (An idea that @Mama Bear peculated out that seems to be helping on a LOT of fronts)

I found for me, I was over sensitive to doom and issues of conflict, so I tend to be more attune to that, and end up being more out of the moment, worried about what could go wrong. I would avoid giving what could be perceived as bad news' and gloss over hard issues, water them down, and downplay them because I didn't want to upset my clients.

The second thing I found out doing the above, is we are constantly getting signs, and because of our symbology, ideology, and perceptions, we can get stuck into the wrong focus area or off tangent. By actually capturing what happened, comparing it to what I was 'picking up before' I can adjust my own dials and now for myself - this has become a REAL good way to help navigate day-to-day opportunities.

Hope that helps
@Mama Bear, How can I differentiate between negative vibes that stem from trauma issues and my intuition? This has been bothering me for quite some time... I can't tell the two apart. Both can be really subtle. I have had precognitive impressions while also appreciating intuitive signs and the two are just difficult to sort out.
@Mama Bear, How can I differentiate between negative vibes that stem from trauma issues and my intuition? This has been bothering me for quite some time... I can't tell the two apart. Both can be really subtle. I have had precognitive impressions while also appreciating intuitive signs and the two are just difficult to sort out.
This is one of my biggest struggles as well. Couldn't have worded it better myself!
I’m just starting to explore my abilities and my goal is to just get in deeper relationship with just my intuition and the spirits and animals ect. I’ve been really fascinated with ( I can’t remember her name) the lady who was talking about communicating with animals. I’ve had 3 occurrences in the last two months where someone asked me out of the blue if I do tarot readings. These people don’t even know each other. So I’m interested in developing my abilities but…. I have no idea how. Lol

Animal communicator - do you mean Penelope Smith? OK so best advice is to start by taking a few legit classes. I ALWAYS most highly recommend classes that are rooted in evidential psychic mediumship. Reading Tarot is a different ballgame. Though you can choose to be an 'intuitive or psychic tarot reader (that's what I do) - the foundation must first come by learning how to receive, recognize, and believe the messages that come to you.

Where do you live? I know some excellent teachers around the country and I might be able to help connect you?
@Mama Bear, How can I differentiate between negative vibes that stem from trauma issues and my intuition? This has been bothering me for quite some time... I can't tell the two apart. Both can be really subtle. I have had precognitive impressions while also appreciating intuitive signs and the two are just difficult to sort out.

Also an answer for @brittneystaubin It all boils down to intention. Over the years I've found that folks who've suffered trauma - true trauma - are some of the most tapped-in psychics. It's a whole thing about the amygdala and it constantly being on scan for danger. And how, in trauma survivors, it's HIGHLY developed because of said trauma. So, back to intention - what that means is, if you want to do psychic mediumship/intuitive tarot because you earnestly want to help then enter into every reading you do with that intention set firmly in place. Another thing is, you can REVIEVE the message without BEING the message. When I first started I felt so much in my body that some days I honestly thought I was having a heart attack or stroke. Yeah. That wasn't sexy. So, I learned to be a hollow bone - ish. I learned to let the message come TO me but not THROUGH me. I'm not perfect at it (by ANY means) but I'm about 90%. Often times, Spirit will send messages for your client and send your own experiences as a way to 'get the point or message" across to them. It's a language that you have with Spirit and it is unique to you.

Sure hope that helps!
Did not know about r/Mediums. Thanks for this!!!

This is also for @brittneystaubin - practice is imperative BUT...I really, really caution folks about just jumping out there and trying to connect with the other side. It can go seriously sideways. It's important to know how to connect with energy, how to interpret that energy, and establish a relationship with the other side so you can be evidential, hence, accurate. WAY too often beginners will say to a practice buddy, "I see the color blue". And the practice buddy (who is trying to be helpful) blurts out, "My grandmother who lived in NY and was Catholic and her favorite food was lasagna LOVED the color blue!" Or something like that. Plus, it's important to set your boundaries with the client/practice partner and spirit. Really what I'm trying to say is I wouldn't recommend rushing in and just 'practicing' before considering and learning a number of things/methods/ideas beforehand. However, that said, after some initial prep is done - PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!
Animal communicator - do you mean Penelope Smith? OK so best advice is to start by taking a few legit classes. I ALWAYS most highly recommend classes that are rooted in evidential psychic mediumship. Reading Tarot is a different ballgame. Though you can choose to be an 'intuitive or psychic tarot reader (that's what I do) - the foundation must first come by learning how to receive, recognize, and believe the messages that come to you.

Where do you live? I know some excellent teachers around the country and I might be able to help connect you?

It was an older video you reposted recently and you where talking about communicating with cats to find out what was going on with them.
I live up in Canada 🇨🇦 so I might have to look online for someone. :)
It was an older video you reposted recently and you where talking about communicating with cats to find out what was going on with them.
I live up in Canada 🇨🇦 so I might have to look online for someone. :)

Oh...uh...LOL. So sorry! I don't know any Canadian teachers! If it helps, I've never taken an animal communication class. And, I've only taken - literally - 4 psychic development classes and 1 remote viewing intensive. Other than that, I just started reading everything I could - watching YouTube videso and put out the word I was a beginning reader and was giving free half hour readings. I read 400 people in one year - for free - mostly college kids. One day I was like, "Yup. I'm ready". I don't recommend my method, though. I was ready to charge for readings by the 50th person or so...BUT...that's based on my VERY strict criteria about accuracy percentages. In the SNU (Spiritualist National Union) they are all about a super high ethic. That's what resonates with me so that's the method I work with.
@Coffeemountainpolarbear asked "Just starting psychic work. If anyone has any tips or tricks I’d be interested starting from the ground up but starting lol"

It's a GREAT question and one many of us have had at one time or another. Let's help each other learn and grow as psychics because that better opens us up as Shaman, animal communicators, mediums, and healers.

Here's my answer for @Coffeemountainpolarbear...

Before I can fully answer I need to know the following:

1. When you say 'starting psychic work' - do you mean you're starting a psychic business or you're starting to explore your abilities and want a tip off point for doing so?

2. What is your goal? I ask because by knowing your goal - or, at least, the goal as it stands today - I can better assist because my advice will be specific to your stated desired outcome. Why do I sound like a lawyer this morning? LOL
hello my question is surrounding fear … and dealing with it while connecting …I have gone through some scary experiences that has been hard for me to let go .. I have experienced beauty love and light but I have also experienced darkness .. darkness that has made me terrified of ever experienced it again along with the heart break of judgment of who I speak out to when seeking help … this has now affected my connection. I try to not let it affect me but it’s easier said than done. . Don’t know what to do .
I am curious, ...I ran into something about intuition that basically said that intuition speaks thru our bodies. It went on to say that truth and love come thru as the chills, danger comes thru as anxiety, and negativity comes thru as a heavy heart and/or upset stomach. I wonder, does any of that ring true? Or is it as I suspect, different for each individual?
I would say it's different. What each person interprets from a feeling psychologically differs from person to person. For example, I feel love like a warm fuzzy blanket. The chills to me would be a "chilly" reception or stand-offishness. If someone is lying or misrepresenting something, they come through with static. A truly nasty individual feels slimy (I want to shower afterward). However, I believe you have given me an idea for this week's question!
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I am curious, ...I ran into something about intuition that basically said that intuition speaks thru our bodies. It went on to say that truth and love come thru as the chills, danger comes thru as anxiety, and negativity comes thru as a heavy heart and/or upset stomach. I wonder, does any of that ring true? Or is it as I suspect, different for each individual?
All that you came across can be true for anybody.
It may not be true for some, or any, or ??? .

AND, Also, it expands and shifts and more ...

I say intuition speaks to each of us and it does it in its own magnificent, special ways, and it can shift and change within moments, experiences ...
My intuition speaks to me in a multitude of ways - my body, yes, and also in many other ways [sounds, sights, visions, thoughts, feelings and feelings that I am unable to communicate that neither I nor another is not challenged by ...].

I continue having a loving, compassionate, supportive, +++ relationship with my intuition. It's a constant, never ending, moment to moment.

I have heard my intuition speaking to me in various ways, and although hearing it, I made choices that sent me on adventures that were "not okay at all and please don't repeat".

In continuing to develop my connection and relation with my intuition over the years of my life, I can say that plenty has shifted in all the various ways it shows up, communicates with me, and that I am open to how it communicates with me to be clear and being with/for me, on my side, in all ways ...

My intuition does not give up on me, even though I make mistakes with it.

Love Love Love ...

Anything that helps, lovely, anything that does not ~ delete; anything that can spark one's own way, lovely.

In support of one's own way ... and supporting + all our own ways ...
I am curious, ...I ran into something about intuition that basically said that intuition speaks thru our bodies. It went on to say that truth and love come thru as the chills, danger comes thru as anxiety, and negativity comes thru as a heavy heart and/or upset stomach. I wonder, does any of that ring true? Or is it as I suspect, different for each individual?

It’s completely different for each person. That said - every living thing “feels” through their body. Every inch inch of our epidermis has receptors. Our gut has a zillion times more neurons than the brain. But a blanket statement such as what you read isn’t accurate and it’s super limiting. Don’t limit your awareness. Be open to whatever experiences you are comfortable with. Hope that helps.
Yes, it helps, thank you @Mama Bear. I want to increase my awareness not limit it. And now that I am actually trying to put words to my psychic experiences, I see that my way of sensing and interpreting the information is unique to me. I like that I am forging a more personal relationship with sacred spirit source because that has been missing in my life for quite some time.
Mama Bear and community!

I guess I have two questions that coincide...Discernment has been my focus this year. I have had numerous types of psychic experiences and when they happen spontaneously they are 100% accurate. When I try to hone in on certain gifts, however, it is less so. I am wondering if, because of past trauma, it takes me longer to get into theta state and therefore it would benefit me to clear out all of my chakras first to become that hollow bone to receive messages "on demand"?
I know I have been shown all of these gifts in order to someday show others that they are capable of these gifts as well. I am wondering if anyone has any psychic exercises that can help with tapping into these gifts on a deeper level? Or any meditations on youtube or any tips on clearing blocks from your chakras?