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Mama Bear is on the road to California - follow the shenanigans!

OK, y’all. This keeps getting weirder and weirder. Earlier today I posted about a lady named PATTY who literally rescued me after I locked myself out of my UHaul trailer.
This trip to Sedona is meant to be a deeply spiritual sabbatical of sorts so I can “come out of the darkness” and see what I’m supposed to do next. I think I know but I’m not 100% sure.
And now here comes Arnold - the blind dog that’s proud of himself because he found the treasure, even in blindness. ARNOLD was my dad’s name.
The shock you get when the psychic reader asks if you have a question, you answer, “Just one.” - then, not knowing you or the question - the reader grabs their ANIMAL DECK, opens it, and this is the card sitting right there in front of God n ‘erybody. When I can stop blubbering, I’ll tell the whole story. All I can say now is, “Blefhfriehs fbeussgsv OMG!” BTW - did I mention the question I have on my heart is one of the most important of my life?

Panda BEAR 11 seems fitting to that whole healer journey you’re supposed to be jumping two feet in on….
Black and white…balance and get the feeling it will be something you nurture yourself through
Although I would never wish to cross you, cause I don't want to be on your bad side...@Mama Bear come across as bubbly and fun-loving with a huge heart and it is an honor and privilege to be part of the Wild Pack. I enjoyed the photos and posts so much. Thanks for sharing and for being you. Some day I plan to visit Fla. and tell you in person that I admire you and the work you do.
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Because i dont know the US very much, well some but not a lot. Is the top picture of these 3 The Hotel Paisano by any chance ?? Asking because of something i have seen on TV tonight and there are similarities with that picture.