What Is My Spirit Animal
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A Bit About Me; A Re-Introduction...

I am also thinking of becoming part of a survivor's group and sharing with more people, my story and my healing work. Why hide my light when I was born to shine??? Ya know?
As you know i did a lot of support work back on the other forum. I still do that today, just not on that forum now. I even have people today, message me with "" Can you give XXXX that forum contact "" Or "" Is it OK for xxxx to message you, she reallly could do with some of your knowledge to get through ZZZZ "" So yea you go support others who have just begun that Roller Coaster. Paying it foward is what i call it.
Here ya go @Mark Ravenheart You cannot ignore signs like this.
As you know i did a lot of support work back on the other forum. I still do that today, just not on that forum now.
Yes, I am thinking of the adult males who have a lot of internalizations to work through and how I may be able to help shed some light and give hope to others. Tho it is not the most glamorous subject, I think there is a need for adults to stand up for what is right, pure, and good!!!
I even have people today, message me with "" Can you give XXXX that forum contact "" Or "" Is it OK for xxxx to message you, she reallly could do with some of your knowledge to get through ZZZZ "" So yea you go support others who have just begun that Roller Coaster. Paying it foward is what i call it.
You "Go" my friend, I think that is absolutely a selfless and beautiful thing. Those first few hills of that roller coaster can be scary enough and I want to keep paying it forward. There was a time not so very long ago when men were shamed into not talking about these kinds of things. Anyway, I may have said too much. Feel free to edit this post if you wish.
I have been part of the forum you mentioned since 2009, almost 14 years ago, come the end of next month. LOL

Oh by the way I bought a book called, "The Art of Psychic Reiki" subtitled; 'Developing Your Intuitive and Empathic Abilities for Energy Healing' By Lisa Campion.

I go to the local senior center twice per week and sometimes things are slow and a little boring so instead of watching TV or sleeping I will be reading and taking notes. I have been fascinated with Reiki ever since I had a nurse/Reiki master treat me for an allergic reaction to a spider bite, back in 1990....it was simply amazing!!! To have one's energy body manipulated and healed though no one ever even touched my physical body, well, it was mind-blowing. Some good books for my little Psychic Energy Library could be very helpful. Maybe this will help me to cool my jets a bit in regard to all the many questions I have for folks here.

So if there are any good books anyone would like to recommend, you have my attention. This might also be a good question for @Mama Bear.
I have been part of the forum you mentioned since 2009, almost 14 years ago, come the end of next month. LOL
I joined in Feb 2007. I still pop in now and again. LOL Long LONG time ago now.

As for books, there are so so many and its not as if one size fits all. As for asking questions, ask as many as you like. As you know, if i do not know the answer, i am good at research and cross referencing. Until @Mama Bear is back to answer them for you.
I joined in Feb 2007. I still pop in now and again.
Wow, that is just awesome!!!
As for books, there are so so many and its not as if one size fits all.
True, I could do a little research myself for books that I find interesting.
As for asking questions, ask as many as you like. As you know, if i do not know the answer, i am good at research and cross referencing. Until @Mama Bear is back to answer them for you.
You are good at research and cross-referencing!!! You have helped me tons while @Mama Bear has been gone and I am so very grateful for ya!!!

What is the significance of a shape-shifter in one's dreams? I had a large N.A. man change into a wolf and back into a man and I had the sense that he was a guardian of some sort, but I wonder if I am missing something as pertains to seeing a shape-shifter in a dream. Is it a warning? or perhaps meant to be a comfort, as in, "I got your back?" Was this shape-shifter, me? A lot of my questions are about (vivid) dreams of Native Americans, Medicine Men, Elders, and Spiritual Healing Rituals.

I bet if I had access to a Medicine man he would be able to answer most of my questions about dreams and dream content. Perhaps I should search for one. ha ha ha Not that you are not amazing in your own right @Pearlized!!! I just seem to need that N.A. connection, especially when researching spirit animals and Dreams.

I had a very sought-after psychic lady tell me that I was N.A. in a past life. So that may explain why I have the Native American Dreams and spirit connections. Which I have to admit kinda makes sense to me.

OK gonna make a big leap here. ...It was while looking into a dream about Shamanism that I found that Palo Santo oil has been used forever by shamans for healing etc. and I use it in place of white sage. I find it to be really strong and useful for calming me and centering my energies. A little goes a long way. A good mixture is Frank and Myrrh, Sandalwood, Cedarwood oil, and Palo Santo. I swear by this combo and I have had some very nice compliments from lady friends who say, "Wow, you smell good, What is that?" LOL But beyond the smell nothing I have found calms me and helps to center my energies as well as Palo Santo oil does. And having PTSD that says a lot.
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What is the significance of a shape-shifter in one's dreams? I had a large N.A. man change into a wolf and back into a man and I had the sense that he was a guardian of some sort, but I wonder if I am missing something as pertains to seeing a shape-shifter in a dream. Is it a warning? or perhaps meant to be a comfort, as in, "I got your back?" Was this shape-shifter, me?
My first instincual thought here was. "" You can change into who you want to be and back again. Whenever you want to "" Translated to, You can BE what and WHO you want to be. Guarding your OWN soul in what ever you do "" The Shapeshifter was just showing you how simple it can be. I could be way of track, but my instincts are usually very close.
A good mixture is Frank and Myrrh, Sandalwood, Cedarwood oil, and Palo Santo.
There are a lot of heavy fragrences there in one blend, i mean a lot. I do have a tried and tested Essential oil blend that i developed many years ago, when our then Dr refused to give Stu anything to help him sleep. Knowing i used essential oils, she sent us away to work on it. Its on the Forum if you want to look for it. Along with all the safety data too. Will Send you the link for the page i did via messenger if thats OK.
My first instincual thought here was. "" You can change into who you want to be and back again. Whenever you want to "" Translated to, You can BE what and WHO you want to be. Guarding your OWN soul in what ever you do "" The Shapeshifter was just showing you how simple it can be. I could be way of track, but my instincts are usually very close.
Ohhh! I like this interpretation! Thank you for suggesting it. It makes total sense to me and I am sure it will help me in dealing with spirit animals.

There are a lot of heavy fragrences there in one blend, i mean a lot. I do have a tried and tested Essential oil blend that i developed many years ago, when our then Dr refused to give Stu anything to help him sleep. Knowing i used essential oils, she sent us away to work on it. Its on the Forum if you want to look for it. Along with all the safety data too. Will Send you the link for the page i did via messenger if thats OK.
Absolutely, thank you!!!

Right. I needed the heavy energies for this oil blend, but it was based on similarities between the Palo Santo and the Frank and Myrrh and Cedarwood oil If I understand correctly they are like cousins. I wouldn't exactly recommend this oil for other people but it works for me (someone who has had diff. in the past with grounding and centering.) The Palo Santo oil alone is enough to get the job done without mixing it.
@Mark Ravenheart you might want to look for a book about dreams by Dayna Winters @Mama Bear has great connections with her, so when it popped up i thought it might interest you.
Thank you so much this is just what I had in mind when I was thinking of books. I can't wait to purchase and read it.

Right now I am reading, "The Art of Psychic Reiki" subtitled, 'Developing Your Intuitive and Empathic Abilities for Energy Healing' by Lisa Campion. cause although I may not do lightwork for a living I do want to contribute to the evolving consciousness of humankind. especially mekind. LOL
I am still trying to understand mine as well. Sometimes I get excited about learning to tap into them and then I lose interest and move on to something else. I guess that is typical Gemini fashion. So to comment on what you originally wrote, I know my Birth Totems are Deer (Native American), Phoenix (Western), Tiger (Chinese), Seahorse (Celtic) and Moon (Mayan). Not sure about Ancestral.

I heard this quote on my radio station this morning "You are what you believe yourself to be". Mama Bear will be back soon, we all miss her! Wishing you the best while you undergo your testing.
I too, am a bear -(Native American) , Chinese I am a fire monkey ( been told this combo is not that common), Celtic it's a swan(maybe that explains all those years of ballet lol), Mayan is a jaguar ( I've always had a thing for big cats and little ones !)..I don't know how to find the western, I am a virgo with a pisces moon and a leo rising . So one keeps me grounded, one's in the clouds and one just tells me to pick one ! Explains a lot ! Lol ..mark best luck with the medical issues.. ♡♡♡
I too, am a bear -(Native American) , Chinese I am a fire monkey ( been told this combo is not that common), Celtic it's a swan(maybe that explains all those years of ballet lol), Mayan is a jaguar ( I've always had a thing for big cats and little ones !)..I don't know how to find the western, I am a virgo with a pisces moon and a leo rising . So one keeps me grounded, one's in the clouds and one just tells me to pick one ! Explains a lot ! Lol ..mark best luck with the medical issues.. ♡♡♡
Oh! @Tina n that is so exciting. I like learning about my friends' totem energies and the Mayan Jaguar is a central totem in Shamanism....so I think that is very cool. Virgo with Pisces moon is a good sign and it tells me you have a good and loving heart and the Leo rising tells me that others would do well not to trifle with your heart.

Thank you for wishing me luck with the medical issues, it could be quite serious but I will not know for sure until next Wednesday when I am due for two medical procedures to find out for sure what is going on. That is the only reason I am not saying what the issue is... I want to wait until I am sure of a diagnosis, but what they are expecting to find isn't good, I will say that much. So thank you for wishing me well!!!
Oh! @Tina n that is so exciting. I like learning about my friends' totem energies and the Mayan Jaguar is a central totem in Shamanism....so I think that is very cool. Virgo with Pisces moon is a good sign and it tells me you have a good and loving heart and the Leo rising tells me that others would do well not to trifle with your heart.

Thank you for wishing me luck with the medical issues, it could be quite serious but I will not know for sure until next Wednesday when I am due for two medical procedures to find out for sure what is going on. That is the only reason I am not saying what the issue is... I want to wait until I am sure of a diagnosis, but what they are expecting to find isn't good, I will say that much. So thank you for wishing me well!!!
Holding positive thoughts for you and mama bear both !♡♡♡
Anyway, I would like to get to know the 'Wild Pack' better so, I invite you to share with me information about yourself; your strong points, your developing spiritual energies, and animal allies, etc., and anything you'd like to share about yourself or about this posting.
I am looking to learn more about my spiritual energies as well. I am also drawn to many Native American traditions and practices. I used to participate in a sweat lodge monthly but since I have my 91 year old mother living with me it has been difficult to attend the ceremonies. i am tempted to do one of those DNA kits but I am a little paranoid about how safe that would be. As I get older I am noticing more and more how people in my life have the same birthdays or how we are connected in other ways.
I foster dogs and l use to foster cats so I think my spirit animal is either a dog or a cat but I don't know. I don't dream as much as I use to but that maybe because I am stressed about my mother. I am in therapy and dealing with some of those issues but my therapist says I am dreaming but I am just not remembering the dreams. Anyway I would like to get to know the Wild Pack better as well so I will try to be more connected.
I too, am a bear -(Native American) , Chinese I am a fire monkey ( been told this combo is not that common), Celtic it's a swan(maybe that explains all those years of ballet lol), Mayan is a jaguar ( I've always had a thing for big cats and little ones !)..I don't know how to find the western, I am a virgo with a pisces moon and a leo rising . So one keeps me grounded, one's in the clouds and one just tells me to pick one ! Explains a lot ! Lol ..mark best luck with the medical issues.. ♡♡♡
According to Mama Bear's website "What is My Spirit Animal": Though Virgos are not represented by a zodiac “animal”, it’s important to remember that Virgo’s symbol is the “Virgin” and humans are animals too! Virgos have keen minds and spend their lives trying to achieve perfection in every facet of life. Virgo is very practical, being ruled by the element of Earth and the Planet Mercury.

I too am Pisces moon. Gemini sun, Pisces moon, Cancer rising
Are we looking at different sites ? I know she has many different tabs and several sites, I'm looking looking at Native American Zodiac.. birth totem for , august 23 to September 22 in the northern hemisphere is bear (September 20) ! I didn't see the one you referenced, can you let me know what section it's in ? I'd appreciate it :)
Are we looking at different sites ? I know she has many different tabs and several sites, I'm looking looking at Native American Zodiac.. birth totem for , august 23 to September 22 in the northern hemisphere is bear (September 20) ! I didn't see the one you referenced, can you let me know what section it's in ? I'd appreciate it :)
Have you looked at the Building Beautiful Souls website @Tina n There are a few different sets of Zodiac lists on there. For example. In the Celtic list, 20th September is the Swan.

Swan Celtic Zodiac Sign Meanings, Traits, Personality, & Compatibility | Celtic Astrology

THe bear is on there too, under the Native American signs.
Are we looking at different sites ? I know she has many different tabs and several sites, I'm looking looking at Native American Zodiac.. birth totem for , august 23 to September 22 in the northern hemisphere is bear (September 20) ! I didn't see the one you referenced, can you let me know what section it's in ? I'd appreciate it :)
What Is My Spirit Animal by Birthday | Zodiac Animals & Birth Animal Totems. There are links for Western, Chinese, Native American and Celtic zodiacs. :)
What Is My Spirit Animal by Birthday | Zodiac Animals & Birth Animal Totems. There are links for Western, Chinese, Native American and Celtic zodiacs. :)
That is the one I got it from !
Have you looked at the Building Beautiful Souls website @Tina n There are a few different sets of Zodiac lists on there. For example. In the Celtic list, 20th September is the Swan.

Swan Celtic Zodiac Sign Meanings, Traits, Personality, & Compatibility | Celtic Astrology

THe bear is on there too, under the Native American signs.
I did know the swan , I listed that one, too ! It's amazing to me still, how accurate they can be..