What Is My Spirit Animal
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A Bit About Me; A Re-Introduction...

So on another note, a bit about full circle.. I was given my first deck of rider waite cards when I was about 15, along the years I passed them to a friend that had no knowledge of cards and she picked them up and started reading instinctively..I gave them to her.. years passed and she found herself at a bad place in her life and gave them to someone else ,for safe keeping , when she was 15, I had no knowledge of this nor did the person who got them know where they came from originally, until recently, when this person gave them to my granddaughter for her birthday , still in the box wrapped in the silk provided by me ! When I saw them , my heart quickened ! she told me the last time she picked them up they called for home.. I now have them with me as I don't think my gd is quite ready yet , she just turned 10! But she knows where they are when she is ;)
I was thinking about the lifetime of a human being coming full circle. I know that I will not inhabit this body forever.

And I was thinking how one day we are here and the next we are not. I have been thinking about all of the love I have lost and all the people I have lost in my life and I wanted to share something that has always helped me in my time of need...

It is a devotion/prayer... I can't remember who first said these words and I am not even sure if I remember it all in its entirety, but I read it first in a book by the amazing Silver Ravenwolf... it goes something like this...

Let what I feel fill me, but not consume me
Let me follow what I feel, but not be forced
Let me become the kind of soul
Who never clings too hard
Who lets go and yet loves
Let me imagine better worlds,
Yet work in this one
Let me touch and treasure, even people I can never hold
And let me learn from all my losses
Let me out, and let me in
Let me see, and let me be
A window, maybe broken,
But through which,
A bit of air and sunlight comes.

--Jack Veasey--

I hope you like this and that it will help you in your time of need.
Brightest Blessings,

Mark Ravenheart
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@Mark Ravenheart , silver ravenwolf was one of my first authors, I was even lucky enough to meet her and had a reading and one of her books signed.. she was very gracious and approachable..an experience I will never forget ;)♡♡♡
Awesome, I met her as well during a Summer solstice gathering back in the '90s, she signed my books and I gave her a Practice Safe Hex button. I learned a lot from her, she earned my respect and friendship tho she may never have known just how much I like and admire her. A meeting that will stand out in my memory. 😁
Please allow me to share some personal information about myself as I would really like some, (hopefully), positive feedback.

My Birth Totems; Wolf (Native American), Leopard (Ancestral), Snake (Celtic), Dolphin/Shark (Western), and Jaguar (Mayan). Raven is a special Spirit Guardian for me. My Spirit Guides are Native American Elders of an undetermined tribe but quite possibly Cherokee.

Can Wolf (a totem) also be a spirit guide, I wonder? Can an animal spirit be a power animal, a spirit guide, and a totem?

I have been described as Uber-Sensitive. Pisces-born, I am an (HSP); Highly 'Sensitive' Person (w/ Sensory Processing Sensitivity). I am a Clairsentient Empath. According to Meyers-Briggs personality testing, I am an INFJ personality type (which comprises less than 2% of the population). I'm a Precognitive Dreamer, an Intuitive Healer, and a Highly Imaginative Visionary. My life path number is 11. Tho I am slow to anger, I am very protective of Animals, Children, and my Loved Ones. I love music, (mostly 60's and 70's stuff), and tho I can't sing well, I love to turn up the stereo and sing anyway.

I am avidly interested in Native American Medicine Ways, The Ancient Mayans, and Shamanism. I love Animals and Animal Spirits. I enjoy listening to most types of Music. I am fond of Tribal Drumming and enjoy Herbal Therapy. 💚🌱💚

I am also a Free-Spirited, Peace-Loving, Tree-Hugging, Song-Singing, Animal-Kissing, Rock-Collecting, Dirt-Worshipping, Herb-Smoking, Hippie. 🌺🌻🌼🌷🥀🌱🌴🌳🌵🌿🍀🍁🍂 🐺🦁🦊🦝🐰🐻🐼🦓🦄🐲🐢🐍🐉🐬🦈🐠🦞🐙🦑🦀🦐🐡🦅🕊🦢🦜🦚🐦🐣🐛🕷🕸🦂🦇🦗

If you can identify with any of this please share your thoughts and impressions with me. I am warm, open, and friendly although I am also in touch with my dark side, ie; the part of me that says, "stop", "no further", and "that is enough"!!! (I believe being an empath without boundaries is self-destruction).

Some of these things I am only just learning about myself. Specifically being an Intuitive Healer and a Highly Imaginative Visionary.

I know these things are true about myself, but I don't totally understand the role these things are meant to play in my life. Perhaps I will just play it by ear and see what develops. Perhaps I need to meditate more. IDK. I value your opinion.

All I know is that I am opening up to Source and others and coming to know my place. I am being open and inviting others to read and comment on my views about myself in hopes of getting closer to my forum friends, and learning more about myself.

This is a little scary for me, but I would seriously like some feedback about coming into my spiritual powers and energies. What do you think? Am I being too open??? Am I inviting opposition in some way? How best to develop my spiritual energies ?...specifically, being very clairsentient and somewhat clairvoyant? Perhaps this is a question best answered by Mama Bear, though I doubt that I will have enough funds to join psychic development classes.

Anyway, I would like to get to know the 'Wild Pack' better so, I invite you to share with me information about yourself; your strong points, your developing spiritual energies, and animal allies, etc., and anything you'd like to share about yourself or about this posting.
As Pearlized mentioned, Mark; Meditation may well be your gateway to a new and exciting view of who you are and where you belong in life. Stepping out as an empath and an INFJ (after long careful thought during the test, that's the same result from Meyers-Briggs as I was given) to be more open and helpful and open concerning people you meet (and already know) will make you dig deep trying to find inner acceptance as a open guide for others.

YOu've learned early in life not to share everything you know.
It's sometimes made people like us seem odd to others.
However, now you are seeking permission from the universe to open up about yourself to others, and share your opinions with people needing your advice.

You're no longer feeling okay sharing occasional advice and insight that others often believe is simply random on your part. It's not random - it's never been random - but people have never believed it's something human beings can do. (possessing insights and information kept secret by and about others).

No doubt you've been asked if you are an alien from space, or an angle, or a psychic, or whatever, many times during your life.
Any friend in nature can be your spirit guide, or power animal. It depends on how and where you need that helper and guide.
Your birth totem is based on the time you were brought into this life (for most cultures).

Instead of viewing yourself as a gifted person who's unsure of how people would react to your abilities and insights - try learning to see yourself as a teacher - a guide for others - and someone who's waited long enough to be the illumination that so many people around you have been waiting to find.
For us, it's hard to take our place in a world where we've tried to join in with others, while secretly sharing emotions and insights that no else knew we could see or understand.

You'll have to break through your own mental and emotional blockades and barriers in order to release your inner knowledge to the people who are sent into your life. They need to hear and understand what you see and feel concerning them. However, we've learned that sharing secrets we shouldn't know can be problematic and uncomfortable. However, if you are asking these questions that you've posted - then it would seem you are now ready.

You've been forced to be a listening student by a world who has almost no understanding of your abilities - but now it's time to learn how to be the teacher - the professor - who has answers to emotional dilemmas and life problems that many think are hopeless.
Like any other gift or ability, it takes a bit of practice to reach a level of acceptance. Don't fade back.
Step out. Speak up when the time seems right.

You'll take a few embarrassing hits as you learn - but in a short time, you'll grow confidence, enabling you to boldly use your gifts in ways that will astound you (and others).

Strangely enough, you and I have walked the same path. The native teachings, the empathic abilities, the INFJ, and many of the things you mentioned.
I'm no expert, but I've bounced along some of the same paths. These last couple months have been unusual (unexpected and not always desired) for me. I'm slowly recovering and regaining my sense of self again.
Try going to a few empath sights to read the faces of those hoping to find direction from people like yourself. I found it to be helpful in building confidence in a world that seldom understands my worth or value. You'll be surprised to know how much you can see in the picture of a total stranger.
I'm all rattled out now. lol. Good luck finding what you're looking for. (I'm just out of surgery and mending a couple deep long incisions - and not yet up to my gnarly old self). (like Mamabear, who just went through an even worse ordeal). (God bless her and mend her).
Mark, you're looking to break free of all barriers confining you to any one group or thought.
You know, Mamabear was one of the first people to make me feel truly welcomed. She's a beautiful Peach.
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Thank you @don.

There are a couple of things I endeavor to do...one is to encourage others to see nature and wildlife as sacred. Another is to teach that if everyone is out looking for love, then someone is gonna have to be the source of love. If people can hate for no reason I can love for no other reason than it is my nature.

I am learning (albeit a bit slowly, to trust my intuition, because I am not always sure what are accurate reflections and what are fear-based trauma reactions. So I pray to know the difference. I am coming to give my first impressions the go-ahead rather than write them off or guess.

Anyway, thank you for your thoughts, and insights

As Pearlized mentioned, Mark; Meditation may well be your gateway to a new and exciting view of who you are and where you belong in life. Stepping out as an empath and an INFJ (after long careful thought during the test, that's the same result from Meyers-Briggs as I was given) to be more open and helpful and open concerning people you meet (and already know) will make you dig deep trying to find inner acceptance as a open guide for others.
Yes, I enjoy different forms of meditation or flow state, but it is still a bit new to me and I am trying to increase my "practice" time with it. As an immature empath (for lack of better words), I used to absorb everyone's negativity because I had no solid boundaries in place., Some thought it funny, I wonder if they are laughing now? I am thinking not so much.
You're no longer feeling okay sharing occasional advice and insight that others often believe is simply random on your part. It's not random - it's never been random - but people have never believed it's something human beings can do. (possessing insights and information kept secret by and about others).
Right. Exactly, my friend.
No doubt you've been asked if you are an alien from space, or an angle, or a psychic, or whatever, many times during your life.
Any friend in nature can be your spirit guide, or power animal. It depends on how and where you need that helper and guide.
Your birth totem is based on the time you were brought into this life (for most cultures).
I was telling a friend about my Native American Guardian and then suddenly the energy manifested and we were both taken aback as this was some big strong type of energy. We had been talking about the power of dreams and Native American Wisdom. This energy was enormous though not as intimidating as deserving of respect.

try learning to see yourself as a teacher - a guide for others - and someone who's waited long enough to be the illumination that so many people around you have been waiting to find.
For us, it's hard to take our place in a world where we've tried to join in with others, while secretly sharing emotions and insights that no else knew we could see or understand.
You are very insightful @don
You'll have to break through your own mental and emotional blockades and barriers in order to release your inner knowledge to the people who are sent into your life. They need to hear and understand what you see and feel concerning them. However, we've learned that sharing secrets we shouldn't know can be problematic and uncomfortable. However, if you are asking these questions that you've posted - then it would seem you are now ready.
Yes, Sir.
You've been forced to be a listening student by a world who has almost no understanding of your abilities - but now it's time to learn how to be the teacher - the professor - who has answers to emotional dilemmas and life problems that many think are hopeless.
Like any other gift or ability, it takes a bit of practice to reach a level of acceptance. Don't fade back.
Step out. Speak up when the time seems right.
okay, I will.
You'll take a few embarrassing hits as you learn - but in a short time, you'll grow confidence, enabling you to boldly use your gifts in ways that will astound you (and others).
To be expected.
Strangely enough, you and I have walked the same path. The native teachings, the empathic abilities, the INFJ, and many of the things you mentioned.
I'm no expert, but I've bounced along some of the same paths.
To my mind there is nothing strange about synchronicities anymore, I understand it is how the universe works.
Try going to a few empath sights to read the faces of those hoping to find direction from people like yourself. I found it to be helpful in building confidence in a world that seldom understands my worth or value. You'll be surprised to know how much you can see in the picture of a total stranger.
Great advice, thank you.
Good luck finding what you're looking for.
yes and good luck to you fine sir.

Mark, you're looking to break free of all barriers confining you to any one group or thought.
You know, Mamabear was one of the first people to make me feel truly welcomed. She's a beautiful Peach.
Yes, yes she most certainly is. I hope she is healing well and enjoying life as much as possible. Can't wait till she is back.
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As I am getting older, I start to feel like time is running out for me, though I am not sure why. I imagine everyone goes through this at some point in their lives.
I said these words almost one month from the day I was diagnosed with invasive esophageal cancer.
Anyway, I don't mean to ramble, I just wanted you guys to understand why I feel a sense of urgency.
It never ceases to amaze me.
"" As I am getting older, I start to feel like time is running out for me, though I am not sure why. I imagine everyone goes through this at some point in their lives.""

Stu has said these words often in regards to his PTSD, going back 14 years. Yet he is still here kicking its butt. You can also kick back at this @Mark, just because its there does not mean you have to give into it.

As you know we are here. Is it OK for me to let @Mama Bear know whats going on, as she may not have seen this just yet. ??
"" As I am getting older, I start to feel like time is running out for me, though I am not sure why. I imagine everyone goes through this at some point in their lives.""

Stu has said these words often in regards to his PTSD, going back 14 years. Yet he is still here kicking its butt. You can also kick back at this @Mark, just because its there does not mean you have to give into it.
Oh, I do not plan to give into it, I am kicking butt and taking names. LOL

It is just that there was a sense of impending doom which may have well been due to PTSD, but seemed to be related to something else. Like all the death and loss I have experienced over the past 5 years. I've had a difficult time adjusting to life without my family here to support me. I guess that makes you guys my family now.

As you know we are here. Is it OK for me to let @Mama Bear know whats going on, as she may not have seen this just yet. ??
Absolutely, Yes. Her spirit and demeanor are so comforting, tho honest and straightforward!!! Besides who doesn't love her sense of humor???

I hope Mama Bear returns soon, I truly miss her, her jokes, her singing, her encouragement, and her honesty. She is definitely one-of-a-kind and I feel genuinely privileged to be a part of this "tribe."

I hope all are doing well and if ya want just to chat please feel free to do so here or private message me at any time!!!

Peace, Love, and Starlight,
M Raven

BOO! Did I skeer ya'? LOL Thank you for hanging in here on the boards. You are appreciated and loved more than I can express!

Mama Bear hugs!
The doctors tell me that I either have scar tissue, a tumor, or something called Esophageal Achalasia (which can be treated but not cured). I will find out for certain on the 1st of February, but all indications point to it being Achalasia. If so, they will insert a ballon-like device in my esophagus to stretch the narrowed part back out and repeat in about 6 years. I am sure it will all be okay if that works out, otherwise, I may be looking at surgery to correct things.

Anyways, I was really hoping to get a little more of a response from others in the Wild Pack, to this thread, but they seem to have dispersed. Where did everyone go?

With no one but @Pearlized answering my posts (which I do appreciate), I feel a little bit like I am talking to myself. I hope everyone comes back to the Forum or at least says something in response to this post. It is difficult to be open about spiritual things and then to have those things noticed, but ignored. Everyone seems so "hush-hush" and I personally, don't get it. There were so many people here before @Mama Bear left, I guess I just want it back the way it used to be.

Arrrroooo, Mark!

Wow. That's a lotta medical stuff to be going through. I'm sending all the Animal Ally energy to support you - and make you laugh. So, don't be surprised if you have a hilarious encounter with a critter whether in-person or online.

You're not being ignored. I didn't keep up with the forums and I've been absent on my YouTube channel for almost a year. That means there's been almost no activity. But that will be changing starting this week.

I should have been keeping in touch but for the first time in my life I simply did not have the capacity to 'handle it'. THAT's been a whooolllleee other bag of worms for me. It's been a crisis of faith. There. I said it out loud. BUT, the good news is now I know how to help those who have or are experiencing the same thing. And there are millions!

Please, please message me if there's anything you need or that I can do for you. I'm here.

Mama Bear