What Is My Spirit Animal
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A Bit About Me; A Re-Introduction...

Mark Ravenheart

Well-known member
May 28, 2021
Central Kentucky
Please allow me to share some personal information about myself as I would really like some, (hopefully), positive feedback.

My Birth Totems; Wolf (Native American), Leopard (Ancestral), Snake (Celtic), Dolphin/Shark (Western), and Jaguar (Mayan). Raven is a special Spirit Guardian for me. My Spirit Guides are Native American Elders of an undetermined tribe but quite possibly Cherokee.

Can Wolf (a totem) also be a spirit guide, I wonder? Can an animal spirit be a power animal, a spirit guide, and a totem?

I have been described as Uber-Sensitive. Pisces-born, I am an (HSP); Highly 'Sensitive' Person (w/ Sensory Processing Sensitivity). I am a Clairsentient Empath. According to Meyers-Briggs personality testing, I am an INFJ personality type (which comprises less than 2% of the population). I'm a Precognitive Dreamer, an Intuitive Healer, and a Highly Imaginative Visionary. My life path number is 11. Tho I am slow to anger, I am very protective of Animals, Children, and my Loved Ones. I love music, (mostly 60's and 70's stuff), and tho I can't sing well, I love to turn up the stereo and sing anyway.

I am avidly interested in Native American Medicine Ways, The Ancient Mayans, and Shamanism. I love Animals and Animal Spirits. I enjoy listening to most types of Music. I am fond of Tribal Drumming and enjoy Herbal Therapy. 💚🌱💚

I am also a Free-Spirited, Peace-Loving, Tree-Hugging, Song-Singing, Animal-Kissing, Rock-Collecting, Dirt-Worshipping, Herb-Smoking, Hippie. 🌺🌻🌼🌷🥀🌱🌴🌳🌵🌿🍀🍁🍂 🐺🦁🦊🦝🐰🐻🐼🦓🦄🐲🐢🐍🐉🐬🦈🐠🦞🐙🦑🦀🦐🐡🦅🕊🦢🦜🦚🐦🐣🐛🕷🕸🦂🦇🦗

If you can identify with any of this please share your thoughts and impressions with me. I am warm, open, and friendly although I am also in touch with my dark side, ie; the part of me that says, "stop", "no further", and "that is enough"!!! (I believe being an empath without boundaries is self-destruction).

Some of these things I am only just learning about myself. Specifically being an Intuitive Healer and a Highly Imaginative Visionary.

I know these things are true about myself, but I don't totally understand the role these things are meant to play in my life. Perhaps I will just play it by ear and see what develops. Perhaps I need to meditate more. IDK. I value your opinion.

All I know is that I am opening up to Source and others and coming to know my place. I am being open and inviting others to read and comment on my views about myself in hopes of getting closer to my forum friends, and learning more about myself.

This is a little scary for me, but I would seriously like some feedback about coming into my spiritual powers and energies. What do you think? Am I being too open??? Am I inviting opposition in some way? How best to develop my spiritual energies ?...specifically, being very clairsentient and somewhat clairvoyant? Perhaps this is a question best answered by Mama Bear, though I doubt that I will have enough funds to join psychic development classes.

Anyway, I would like to get to know the 'Wild Pack' better so, I invite you to share with me information about yourself; your strong points, your developing spiritual energies, and animal allies, etc., and anything you'd like to share about yourself or about this posting.
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First off @Mark Ravenheart YES to everything about Wolf.

A little light reading for you here. Wolf Symbolism & Meaning | Spirit, Totem & Power Animal

It must be a time for many to start moveing more forward on their own journey. Stu, my hubby has come more into his own these last few weeks than i could ever imagine. A whole boat load of stuff going on that he has dealt with in ways that has just been instinct and not learnt.

Maybe you need to trust your own natural instinct more, it is there inside of you. Meditation can help bring it to the surface.
Yes!!! I agree with you that I need to trust my own natural instinct more. I am happy to know that meditation can bring that to the surface! and I know that Wolf is an important and major part of who I am.

I am happy to know that your husband Stu is branching out on his journey, I find that truly encouraging!

Thank you for the link. I will go read it now...

Bright Blessings,
M Raven

I hope Mama Bear returns soon, I truly miss her, her jokes, her singing, her encouragement, and her honesty. She is definitely one-of-a-kind and I feel genuinely privileged to be a part of this "tribe."

I hope all are doing well and if ya want just to chat please feel free to do so here or private message me at any time!!!

Peace, Love, and Starlight,
M Raven

I hope Mama Bear returns soon, I truly miss her, her jokes, her singing, her encouragement, and her honesty. She is definitely one-of-a-kind and I feel genuinely privileged to be a part of this "tribe."

I hope all are doing well and if ya want just to chat please feel free to do so here or private message me at any time!!!

Peace, Love, and Starlight,
M Raven
Hopefully it wont be too long now before @Mama Bear is back. I do know there are a few upgrades on the forum to be done and she does need to make sure she is back to full fitness before she dives back in.
Hopefully it wont be too long now before @Mama Bear is back.
I hope so. I am sure I'm not the only one missing her.
I do know there are a few upgrades on the forum to be done and she does need to make sure she is back to full fitness before she dives back in.
Absolutely, it takes time to get one's fitness up to par after repairs.

I personally have not been able to eat solid food for the past 2 weeks and I have 2 more weeks to go until I can get medical testing to determine the problem with my esophagus. It is not allowing food to pass. But I have a case of nutritional shakes to drink and I also have a chocolate protein shake mix. So, it is not like I am starving but I do miss solid food.😁
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The doctors tell me that I either have scar tissue, a tumor, or something called Esophageal Achalasia (which can be treated but not cured). I will find out for certain on the 1st of February, but all indications point to it being Achalasia. If so, they will insert a ballon-like device in my esophagus to stretch the narrowed part back out and repeat in about 6 years. I am sure it will all be okay if that works out, otherwise, I may be looking at surgery to correct things.

Anyways, I was really hoping to get a little more of a response from others in the Wild Pack, to this thread, but they seem to have dispersed. Where did everyone go?

With no one but @Pearlized answering my posts (which I do appreciate), I feel a little bit like I am talking to myself. I hope everyone comes back to the Forum or at least says something in response to this post. It is difficult to be open about spiritual things and then to have those things noticed, but ignored. Everyone seems so "hush-hush" and I personally, don't get it. There were so many people here before @Mama Bear left, I guess I just want it back the way it used to be.
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The doctors tell me that I either have scar tissue, a tumor, or something called Esophageal Achalasia (which can be treated but not cured). I will find out for certain on the 1st of February, but all indications point to it being Achalasia. If so, they will insert a ballon-like device in my esophagus to stretch the narrowed part back out and repeat in about 6 years. I am sure it will all be okay if that works out, otherwise, I may be looking at surgery to correct things.

Anyways, I was really hoping to get a little more of a response from others in the Wild Pack, to this thread, but they seem to have dispersed. Where did everyone go?

With no one but @Pearlized answering my posts (which I do appreciate), I feel a little bit like I am talking to myself. I hope everyone comes back to the Forum or at least says something in response to this post. It is difficult to be open about spiritual things and then to have those things noticed, but ignored. Everyone seems so "hush-hush" and I personally, don't get it. There were so many people here before @Mama Bear left, I guess I just want it back the way it used to be.
Glad you found answer to your health issues @Mark Ravenheart Not perfect, but at least and answer and a solution of sorts.

I totally get what you mean about everyone dispersing, i have tried to encourage people back with a few things.

@Mama Bear will be back soon with all sorts of new things for everyone to engage in. I am doing what i can, with the knowledge i have to keep the forum active for her, but i am not @Mama Bear, so its how its gone.

A shame really that there are only a handful of us keeping it all ticking over for her.
Glad you found answer to your health issues @Mark Ravenheart Not perfect, but at least and answer and a solution of sorts.
At least I have a good idea of what's going on whereas before I knew nothing. :giggle:
Today they did a Barium swallow to pinpoint the problem and it is a narrowing at the lower end of my esophagus.
I totally get what you mean about everyone dispersing, i have tried to encourage people back with a few things.
I know you have been trying and bless you for all of your hard work!!!
@Mama Bear will be back soon with all sorts of new things for everyone to engage in. I am doing what i can, with the knowledge i have to keep the forum active for her, but i am not @Mama Bear, so its how its gone.
Oh, I will be so happy to have her back, I want to try and set back a little money to join in on one of her psychic development classes. I find the idea very exciting.
A shame really that there are only a handful of us keeping it all ticking over for her.
Yes, but people will start pouring back in once she appears Live again. Don't you think so too??? I do hope so!!!
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Yea i just wish they would pop in and support the forum while she is away from it. I know 1 or 2 only come on for the readings, but showing support would be more inspiring for others.
I agree that it would be more inspirational for others. I wish I could understand how to get the copyright thing down pat so I could share some of my wildlife photos without putting @Mama Bear or the forum in jeopardy. For some reason, it doesn't quite click for me.
@mawbbb and @Tina n, Thank you so much for your words of encouragement I am totally honored.

I am still trying to understand some of my abilities and spiritual energies and I am a bit excited by it all. As I am getting older, I start to feel like time is running out for me, though I am not sure why. I imagine everyone goes through this at some point in their lives.

I suppose I just don't want to waste time developing my abilities. I feel they are very important and I don't think I am making progress sometimes. So I am hoping that even with financial hardship, I will still be able to save some moolah and join in some psychic development classes. Ya see I am disabled, on a low, fixed income, and recently got some not-so-great news about my health. (I am still processing that, but medical testing next week will tell me more)

Anyway, I don't mean to ramble, I just wanted you guys to understand why I feel a sense of urgency. Also, I have missed @Mama Bear very much. She is one of the only people ever to encourage my spiritual development and because of this, she is very special to me!!!
@mawbbb and @Tina n, Thank you so much for your words of encouragement I am totally honored.

I am still trying to understand some of my abilities and spiritual energies and I am a bit excited by it all. As I am getting older, I start to feel like time is running out for me, though I am not sure why. I imagine everyone goes through this at some point in their lives.

I suppose I just don't want to waste time developing my abilities. I feel they are very important and I don't think I am making progress sometimes. So I am hoping that even with financial hardship, I will still be able to save some moolah and join in some psychic development classes. Ya see I am disabled, on a low, fixed income, and recently got some not-so-great news about my health. (I am still processing that, but medical testing next week will tell me more)

Anyway, I don't mean to ramble, I just wanted you guys to understand why I feel a sense of urgency. Also, I have missed @Mama Bear very much. She is one of the only people ever to encourage my spiritual development and because of this, she is very special to me!!!
I am still trying to understand mine as well. Sometimes I get excited about learning to tap into them and then I lose interest and move on to something else. I guess that is typical Gemini fashion. So to comment on what you originally wrote, I know my Birth Totems are Deer (Native American), Phoenix (Western), Tiger (Chinese), Seahorse (Celtic) and Moon (Mayan). Not sure about Ancestral.

I heard this quote on my radio station this morning "You are what you believe yourself to be". Mama Bear will be back soon, we all miss her! Wishing you the best while you undergo your testing.
I am still trying to understand mine as well. Sometimes I get excited about learning to tap into them and then I lose interest and move on to something else. I guess that is typical Gemini fashion.
I am Pisces so I understand the twin thing. :)
So to comment on what you originally wrote, I know my Birth Totems are Deer (Native American), Phoenix (Western), Tiger (Chinese), Seahorse (Celtic) and Moon (Mayan). Not sure about Ancestral.
That is so awesome!!! I found a leopard head appears on my family crest and so I just started calling it my ancestral totem.
I heard this quote on my radio station this morning "You are what you believe yourself to be".
Very cool and very true.
Mama Bear will be back soon, we all miss her!
Yeah, I'll be glad to see her back.
Wishing you the best while you undergo your testing.
Thank you @mawbbb ,it is greatly appreciated.
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Not knowing how old you are, i just want to say, Stu was well into his 50's when he realised he had abilities his Gran tried to teach him at a young age.

He is now 62 and his abilities astound me at times, he is more an Empath, but is good at Psychometry. That the ability to touch someone or something and read it. He once did it with the remains of an old stone structure, telling what it saw going way back, even saying, "" Its gone quiet with it, oh wow now its loud bangs and booms, a war and blood "" People he is amazing with. He can shake their hand and gets hit by all sorts. To be honest he is a mix of all sorts.

He too wishes this could have all come forward when he was a lot younger, but his mum denied it existed so stopped his gran from teaching him watch she knew he had inside him.

One thing he does know though is, If we are out and he has a drink, his barrier drops of it own doing and he can get bombarded with all sorts. Which then means i have to drag him out and home, before it gets too much and other things happen. Like a PTSD episode because he has become overwhelmed with it all and his brain goes into what we call Tesla mode, where his neurons fire eratically like a Tesla ball. I am sure you get this part of it too.

I have a feeling though like Stu, you doubt yourself a lot over your own abilities. Stop doing that, go with the flow, but beware of who you open up to, as this can put more doubt there. I take him to places we know, where he can speak freely, to ask questions and gain confirmation of what he is learning about himself. While i do encourage him, he realises better when others on the same path confirm things for him.

As i tell him often, "" Dont think it. Just do it "" Maybe you should do the same.
Not knowing how old you are, i just want to say, Stu was well into his 50's when he realised he had abilities his Gran tried to teach him at a young age.

He is now 62 and his abilities astound me at times, he is more an Empath, but is good at Psychometry.
That is so fascinating to me!!! I will be 62 on the 9th of March and I am what was once termed a "Universal Empath" When people talk I get visuals in my mind and by checking with the one talking I have often been able to describe people, places, and things without any prior knowledge and I think this is just good old intuition at work Perhaps?. However, I sometimes wrestle with self-doubt.

I have a feeling though like Stu, you doubt yourself a lot over your own abilities. Stop doing that, go with the flow, but beware of who you open up to, as this can put more doubt there.
I do struggle with self-doubt as if I am fundamentally unsure of myself, but I am learning that the only time my intuition ever let me down is when I didn't listen to it! So I am making progress but I sure could use some structured training from someone who is already well-established.

As i tell him often, "" Dont think it. Just do it "" Maybe you should do the same.
I believe it is helpful when others confirm things for us but as Mama Bear once told me, "I am already doing the work" it just isn't how I thought it would be. It was she who told me that I am uber-sensitive...I don't know if that is always a good thing, but I believe it can be!

I think I just miss being an active participant in this forum/tribe/Wild Pack, I haven't had any new Dreams, but I believe the many vivid dreams I have had in the past were not dreams but messages and I think I need to take a fresh look at some of them.

I am also thinking of becoming part of a survivor's group and sharing with more people, my story and my healing work. Why hide my light when I was born to shine??? Ya know?