What Is My Spirit Animal
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Ask Mama Bear anything about Spirit, Totem, and Power Animals...

Mama Bear

Dec 28, 2020
Howdy my rowdy #WildPack!

Duh. What was I thinking - or not? LOL It's about time I started a couple threads where you can ask me anything about Spirit, Totem, and Power Animals (I'll start the other ones as we go along - psychic development, Shamanism, tarot, etc.).

Ready, set, ASK!
Howdy my rowdy #WildPack!

Duh. What was I thinking - or not? LOL It's about time I started a couple threads where you can ask me anything about Spirit, Totem, and Power Animals (I'll start the other ones as we go along - psychic development, Shamanism, tarot, etc.).

Ready, set, ASK!
I’m libra not sure what my spirit totem animals are? I’m a psychic medium and I communicate often with animals, I have called on there energy for help and meanings for guidance on my own spiritual journey (still discovering) I know I am supposed to work with them in some capacity with my mediumship 🤷‍♀️
FYI you posted at 5:55pm today 🤩
I’m libra not sure what my spirit totem animals are? I’m a psychic medium and I communicate often with animals, I have called on there energy for help and meanings for guidance on my own spiritual journey (still discovering) I know I am supposed to work with them in some capacity with my mediumship 🤷‍♀️
FYI you posted at 5:55pm today 🤩

OH MY GOSH! I didn't even notice the time! Thank you for noticing and letting me know. Wow. That's "my" number. My mom was born on Nov 5, got the job she'd always wanted on July 5, and died on Jan 5. Just wow.

OK so what's your exact question? Meaning, do you want to meet your Spirit Animal(s)? Are you asking for some ways/methods for meeting them?
OH MY GOSH! I didn't even notice the time! Thank you for noticing and letting me know. Wow. That's "my" number. My mom was born on Nov 5, got the job she'd always wanted on July 5, and died on Jan 5. Just wow.

OK so what's your exact question? Meaning, do you want to meet your Spirit Animal(s)? Are you asking for some ways/methods for meeting them?
Yes and yes 😂 and totem
I had a very vivid dream not too long ago. I met with a Native American Shaman who was singing along with me to an "EAGLES" song... while an eagle flew overhead, we sit crossed-legged in front of one another. This shaman had a raven skull around his neck and he shook his rattles and then handed me the downy feathers and small feathers of an eagle.

I wonder about the significance of being given small eagle feathers as well as the raven skull around this shamans neck. Can you please help me interpret this dream as per the animal references.? Thanks in advance.
Yes and yes 😂 and totem

Aha! Got it. The answers involve more than just a 'blurb' here so I'll share some articles that can help:

1. The first thing is to know whether you want to meet your Spirit or Power Animal or dive more deeply into your Totem Animal. Here's my video on the difference between Spirit, Totem, and Power Animals:

2. One of the ways you can meet your Spirit Animal is detailed in my article "How To Find Your Spirit Animal".

3. To connect with your Totem I would suggest beginning with your birth totems - which is your zodiac signs in the different astrology systems. Guess what? I've got an article for that, too! LOL CLICK HERE!

Let me know if you have any other questions!
Mmm totem for right now

If you're sure it's your Totem that you want to know about (as opposed to your Spirit or Power Animal) then start with your birth totem - which is your zodiac signs in the different astrology systems. Guess what? I've got an article for that!! LOL CLICK HERE!

Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions!
Aha! Got it. The answers involve more than just a 'blurb' here so I'll share some articles that can help:

1. The first thing is to know whether you want to meet your Spirit or Power Animal or dive more deeply into your Totem Animal. Here's my video on the difference between Spirit, Totem, and Power Animals:

2. One of the ways you can meet your Spirit Animal is detailed in my article "How To Find Your Spirit Animal".

3. To connect with your Totem I would suggest beginning with your birth totems - which is your zodiac signs in the different astrology systems. Guess what? I've got an article for that, too! LOL CLICK HERE!

Let me know if you have any other questions!

Lol thanks! Libras zodiac animal is people I assume 😂 or is it balance within all animals?
I had a very vivid dream not too long ago. I met with a Native American Shaman who was singing along with me to an "EAGLES" song... while an eagle flew overhead, we sit crossed-legged in front of one another. This shaman had a raven skull around his neck and he shook his rattles and then handed me the downy feathers and small feathers of an eagle.

I wonder about the significance of being given small eagle feathers as well as the raven skull around this shamans neck. Can you please help me interpret this dream as per the animal references.? Thanks in advance.

Ohhhh! I'm so excited for you!!!! Dig this:

1. Body language - sitting cross-legged shows you're an openminded, maybe carefree, agile thinker. That you and Mr. Shaman Man were facing each other and seated in the same position says each of you is open to the others' teaching/ways of thinking and doing. This illustrates such a beautiful sentiment that, no matter how 'advanced' someone might be or seem to be, we can all learn from each other. So, please don't doubt what you have to offer the world.

2. Raven skull - I'm feeling like the skull was hanging over his heart. So, no coincidence there - your screen name is "Ravenheart". The skull usually has connotations of mortality and death. But the Mexican culture celebrates The Day of the Dead or Día de Los Muertos. It's is a gorgeous, vibrant day where the living celebrate their ancestors and offering prayer and remembrance to them. Perhaps it's time to look into studying mediumship? And Ravens, of course, represent magic and mystery.

3. All the rest is amazing! You're at the beginning (down from baby birds and small eagle feather) of a journey. During that journey be prepared to soar (flying eagle) - especially if it involves big activation and use of your Throat Chakra (singing). During your journey you'll have to be prepared to 'stay tough' (exterior feathers) while maintaining the 'soft heart' underneath (down feathers closest to the skin). Now, a bit of darkness might be involved in that others might try to 'pluck your feathers to get to the down' - it will hurt if you let them do it. That's why you gotta hang tough while you soar up, up, and up!

Dang. Whatchoo got cookin' up in your life, right now?
Oh, Thank you @Mama Bear,

I am so excited too...I call the shaman in the dream the "bird-man." (How accurate that you could see that his raven skull was over his heart. It most certainly was!)

After losing my immediate family members to illness, I lost the will to sing. For the longest time singing just made me cry. It is what my baby sister and I did a lot of, hanging out together, listening to music, and singing. I have loved to sing since I was 4 years old and have just recently been able to listen to music and have tried to sing again. (I can't carry a tune in a bucket but still, I enjoy singing).

Well, let's see...I am dealing with multiple griefs, multiple chronic illnesses, and have been in therapy for many years to address and heal multiple childhood traumas, (which are mostly healed, but are life-long processes for me). I have made good progress and I have been very proactive concerning my health issues.

So I am about to re-emerge from a world of hurt, more healed inside than ever, and begin a "new" life at 60 years old. I am wanting to work with other trauma survivors but don't really know how to go about it. It is a definite blessing to be able to help guide others thru the healing process, but I am no therapist. Maybe it is time to start studying mediumship just as you have suggested. I just want to shed this old skin that told me I was a victim and finally step away.

I believe that I am ready to rise up and soar and make the rest of my life the best of my life. I need healing.

*(Oh yeah remind me sometime to tell you what the Native American "spirit people" showed me in a dream concerning a guy named Lee) Heck I'll just tell ya real quick...

My spirit people told me that if I ever needed them for anything to say.. (then they showed me a big man with the name of Lee and then a shorter man also named Lee) I was like, ok, Big Lee, little lee, ...I don't get it. Then I discovered that certain tribes have the war cry of (Li-li-Li-li-Li-li-Li) so that the first Lee was more pronounced than the second Lee and so on and was repeated in rapid succession.

Anyway, I thot it was cool how they got that across to me.

Lots to think about, Bless you and Thank you again!!!

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Oh, Thank you @Mama Bear,

I am so excited too...I call the shaman in the dream the "bird-man." (How accurate that you could see that his raven skull was over his heart. It most certainly was!)

After losing my immediate family members to illness, I lost the will to sing. For the longest time singing just made me cry. It is what my baby sister and I did a lot of, hanging out together, listening to music, and singing. I have loved to sing since I was 4 years old and have just recently been able to listen to music and have tried to sing again. (I can't carry a tune in a bucket but still, I enjoy singing).

Well, let's see...I am dealing with multiple griefs, multiple chronic illnesses, and have been in therapy for many years to address and heal multiple childhood traumas, (which are mostly healed, but are life-long processes for me). I have made good progress and I have been very proactive concerning my health issues. I have been working with Lion as a power animal during my 12 years on a peer-to-peer PTSD forum.

So I am about to re-emerge from a world of hurt, more healed inside than ever, and begin a "new" life at 60 years old. I am wanting to work with other trauma survivors but don't really know how to go about it. It is a definite blessing to be able to help guide others thru the healing process, but I am no therapist. Maybe it is time to start studying mediumship just as you have suggested. I just want to shed this old skin that told me I was a victim and finally step away.

I believe that I am ready to rise up and soar and make the rest of my life the best of my life.

*(Oh yeah remind me sometime to tell you what the Native American "spirit people" showed me in a dream concerning a guy named Lee) Heck I'll just tell ya real quick...

My spirit people told me that if I ever needed them for anything to say.. (then they showed me a big man with the name of Lee and then a shorter man also named Lee) I was like, ok, Big Lee, little lee, ...I don't get it. Then I discovered that certain tribes have the war cry of (Li-li-Li-li-Li-li-Li) so that the first Lee was more pronounced than the second Lee and so on and was repeated in rapid succession.

Anyway, I thot it was cool how they got that across to me.

Lots to think about, Bless you and Thank you again!!!


Well, baby doll I'm sending you tons of big ol' Mama Bear hugs 'cuz you've been going through it! That said, strap in for the ride because your Animal Allies just showed me Falcor from The Never Ending Story. Looks like he's coming along to let you hitch a ride and fly beside your beloved Raven. Send a post card! Love you! Don't forget to STAY WILD!
Lol thanks! Libras zodiac animal is people I assume 😂 or is it balance within all animals?

Yes! I LOVE that you know this symbolism! Libra is represented by animals that symbolize balance - mostly two toned animals (penguins, zebras, pandas, etc.) BUT overall the sign of the scales represents the balance we all would like to achieve - or the perfect balance of nature (when mankind leaves it alone!).
Well, baby doll I'm sending you tons of big ol' Mama Bear hugs 'cuz you've been going through it! That said, strap in for the ride because your Animal Allies just showed me Falcor from The Never Ending Story. Looks like he's coming along to let you hitch a ride and fly beside your beloved Raven. Send a post card! Love you! Don't forget to STAY WILD!
Thank you most sincerely, the hugs are very much needed and are also greatly appreciated!!! I may have to watch "The Never-ending Story" over again. I like Falcor, (if I am not mistaken he is a luck dragon), which is what my sisters best friend used to call my sisters dog, Dixie" Here is a pic of her Falcor/Dixie...
Dixie II.jpg

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This came back to mind just now from something that happened a few days ago.

We all know seagulls can be a pain at the coast in the UK. Pinching food and such like, due to human food being in vast abundance.


Saturday evening while sitting minding our own business at the coast, not eating, just sat. A seagull flew down and around us, promptly smacking hubby round the head as it did so. Not hurting him, just noise and shock more than anything. Then it just strutted around behind us for ages.

I did look on the Spirit animal website, but no seagull or gulls. Not having my Ark deck with me i could not check there either.

So wondering if @Mama Bear you have any insight into this. Apart from maybe knocking some sense into him. {{ Semi joking LOL }}.

We have laughed about it, A LOT, but wondered if there could be a meaning behind it. 💜 :love: 🦋
I am sure Mama Bear will chime in, but this link on her website should help get you started: Herring Gull & Seagull Symbolism & Meaning - What Is My Spirit Animal | Spirit, Totem, & Power Animals

I see Gulls as harbingers for change. They are opportunistic "cleaners" in nature and may reflect the need to "clean up one's act" in part of our lives. They are cunning survivalists with a passion for freedom. Gulls are noisy so they have symbolic ties with communication, LOUDLY when necessary.

The strutting is interesting. Is there something in your lives of which you are very proud but rarely speak about? Have you recently achieved something you've worked hard for over months or years? Strutting is a proud step, a swagger filled with pride.