What Is My Spirit Animal
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Let's get WILD! Introduce yourself!

Hi! I'm here! LOL Anyway, I have many names as in LKBuie on youtube, but my real name is Linda. Kenzie was a nickname when I had a terrible traumatizing job and now I don't love it, but it is also in my email address, so I'm keeping it for now. I love this Animal Allies thing as I have been doing that my whole life, by leaning on animals that turn up in some way during times of stress. I bought the Ark card deck a while ago, and now I am hitting it up a bit because I am trying to deal with an extra layer of stress as I get ready for a load of grief that is coming soon. I look after my mother who is in home hospice. I have a 13-year-old German Shepherd who is my best buddy and is starting to lose the use of his back legs. He is 85 lbs to my 115 lbs, so when he can no longer get around I will be having to make the decision to euthanize him. I already hurt about the loss of my mom and my best friend, but I am also trying very hard to stay in the now and enjoy them because they are not gone yet. Meanwhile, I have to do things to get ready like making arrangements for my mom (done and paid for last week) and getting Creed to a better (hopefully) vet who will help me plan for his gentle ending in the same way that hospice is helping me with my mom. I have been staying with my mom for over a year now and we have learned to get along. Before that I was a newly retired nomad who lived in an RV with two cats and a dog. It was an abrupt change, but with meditation and journaling I found my way to peace within what had felt like a jail sentence with an unknown release date. Now I am doing much better at going with the flow. Trying to feel all the feelings that arise and accepting them and releasing them gently.

This brings me to my Animal Allies. As a child growing up in Florida, like you Bernadette, I had many encounters with dolphins. I chose dolphin long long ago to be my favorite animal and I identify with dolphin spirit very strongly. I am a Gemini and I heard you say in one of your live chats that Dolphin is a beast of the air as well as the water. Love that. So that was an easy choice. I think that dolphin is here to help me with energy and spirit and joy when I need that. I swim in the Gulf as often as I can and find that amazingly soothing in times of great stress. I am looking to further define him/her and find a name. After the dolphin, and also at a very early age, I felt a very strong attraction to exotic cats, and the tiger was always a favorite. When I was suffering the most from the abrupt change from my nomadic lifestyle to living with my mother, a tiger dream came to me and it was life changing. Since then, I have felt that there is a powerful and strong force inside me to call upon. My traumatizing job was as a Zookeeper where I had a relationship with a cranky but beautiful tiger, so I have named her after this real tiger. She is Basha. I love her soooo much because she gives me courage. The third animal was harder to find, but I went through the Ark deck and brought out six other animals that spoke to me and then I went to sleep. I woke up knowing it was lion because I am all about being a mother to my mother and protecting her and it feels very right to have the strength of a lion to back me up now. I think I need it. I wonder if I am making sense???? Anyway, Bernadette, I have scheduled a session with you for a week from today (Saturday the 17th) because I want to further define my spirit/totem and power animals and have them with me when I need them.

AND I would like to get a new astrological chart done for what is going on in my life now. Maybe a solar return??? Does anyone who is reading this know of a good source?
I am not an expert in astrology, but I will share a thought with you. I think of signs as background music. They set a tone, but what happens in the foreground can shift and change outside of that tone.
I am a Pisces. There are certain underlying themes associated with the Pisces traits. I call that the background music. It plays on, but so does life and uniquely personal situations. People will say, well you're not like a typical Pisces because of X in this house and Y in that house (or whatever). This comment downplays the role of personal experience and perspective.

The same holds true with symbolism. Take Apple. the saying goes, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away." For the person who got hit on the head while apple picking - the doctor was NOT kept away (lol)

I am a nature-nurture kinda gal. While I may be part stardust, I do not think the stars rule my every waking and sleeping moment.
I am a Pisces. There are certain underlying themes associated with the Pisces traits. I call that the background music. It plays on, but so does life and uniquely personal situations. People will say, well you're not like a typical Pisces because of X in this house and Y in that house (or whatever). This comment downplays the role of personal experience and perspective.

The same holds true with symbolism. Take Apple. the saying goes, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away." For the person who got hit on the head while apple picking - the doctor was NOT kept away (lol)

I am a nature-nurture kinda gal. While I may be part stardust, I do not think the stars rule my every waking and sleeping moment.
Thanks for expanding and explaining. Making more sense to me. :)
Greetings Mama Bear & Everyone,
I Am Adriane. I live in North East Kingdom of Vermont via South Carolina. I am very into ceremonial work & healing. I am Gaelic/Cherokee. I enjoy living a loving life and helping others. I raise therapy & train companions. I love
animal spirits.
I am a domestic assault survivor from 2005 & 3 NDE with TRI & PTSD and regressed recently from another attack but someone I tried to trust as a friend.
I am starting from GROUND 0 again after assault, 11/11/2019, no help they set me up to gone to steal my identityI was drugged physically assaulted and never got help from any outside forces. I was abducted from my home after & placed in fear while in a drug induced psychosis from the one who drugged my wine bottle I used to make spritzers. Taken to CRCF GUARDED SECRECTS (article) where they drug & rape women. Then lied too there abd taken to VSPH fir 5 months forced DEEP STATE DRUGS to write my memories. I was forced to take these BIG PHARMA DRUGS for a misdiagnosis of psychosis after I’m the victim.

While away the ones who did this squatted and robbed my home, left it destroyed. Everyday is a triggering of my ANXIETY.
Tomorrow is another day and I have another appointment with a doctor to check my mental state. I am hoping for my HEART & MIND to overcome!
Today’s reading was I feel for me!
I need my mother ( passed) & the ocean! MOTHER OCEAN 🌊
Ie said to much possibly not enough.
That’s me in the corner….. spotlight of state Ect as I am a soothsayer & healer therefore a White Craft Ceremonial Native Healer!

I used to be the whitty one laughing now I’m trying to return to myself!
Namaste ~A~

Hi! I'm here! LOL Anyway, I have many names as in LKBuie on youtube, but my real name is Linda. Kenzie was a nickname when I had a terrible traumatizing job and now I don't love it, but it is also in my email address, so I'm keeping it for now. I love this Animal Allies thing as I have been doing that my whole life, by leaning on animals that turn up in some way during times of stress. I bought the Ark card deck a while ago, and now I am hitting it up a bit because I am trying to deal with an extra layer of stress as I get ready for a load of grief that is coming soon. I look after my mother who is in home hospice. I have a 13-year-old German Shepherd who is my best buddy and is starting to lose the use of his back legs. He is 85 lbs to my 115 lbs, so when he can no longer get around I will be having to make the decision to euthanize him. I already hurt about the loss of my mom and my best friend, but I am also trying very hard to stay in the now and enjoy them because they are not gone yet. Meanwhile, I have to do things to get ready like making arrangements for my mom (done and paid for last week) and getting Creed to a better (hopefully) vet who will help me plan for his gentle ending in the same way that hospice is helping me with my mom. I have been staying with my mom for over a year now and we have learned to get along. Before that I was a newly retired nomad who lived in an RV with two cats and a dog. It was an abrupt change, but with meditation and journaling I found my way to peace within what had felt like a jail sentence with an unknown release date. Now I am doing much better at going with the flow. Trying to feel all the feelings that arise and accepting them and releasing them gently.

This brings me to my Animal Allies. As a child growing up in Florida, like you Bernadette, I had many encounters with dolphins. I chose dolphin long long ago to be my favorite animal and I identify with dolphin spirit very strongly. I am a Gemini and I heard you say in one of your live chats that Dolphin is a beast of the air as well as the water. Love that. So that was an easy choice. I think that dolphin is here to help me with energy and spirit and joy when I need that. I swim in the Gulf as often as I can and find that amazingly soothing in times of great stress. I am looking to further define him/her and find a name. After the dolphin, and also at a very early age, I felt a very strong attraction to exotic cats, and the tiger was always a favorite. When I was suffering the most from the abrupt change from my nomadic lifestyle to living with my mother, a tiger dream came to me and it was life changing. Since then, I have felt that there is a powerful and strong force inside me to call upon. My traumatizing job was as a Zookeeper where I had a relationship with a cranky but beautiful tiger, so I have named her after this real tiger. She is Basha. I love her soooo much because she gives me courage. The third animal was harder to find, but I went through the Ark deck and brought out six other animals that spoke to me and then I went to sleep. I woke up knowing it was lion because I am all about being a mother to my mother and protecting her and it feels very right to have the strength of a lion to back me up now. I think I need it. I wonder if I am making sense???? Anyway, Bernadette, I have scheduled a session with you for a week from today (Saturday the 17th) because I want to further define my spirit/totem and power animals and have them with me when I need them.

AND I would like to get a new astrological chart done for what is going on in my life now. Maybe a solar return??? Does anyone who is reading this know of a good source?
Big hugs Linda! My heart is with you while you walk this journey to the otherside with your mom. I am so glad you have in home hospice. My experience with it was wonderful. It is beautiful that you are walking with your spirit animals during this transition. Isn't it wonderful that they always show up when we need them most? I am so excited for you! You get to have a reading with Bernadette! That is fabulous! I have no doubt she will give you the guidance you need.

Please know you are not alone. Big hugs!
Hello Wild Ones,

My name is Mark "Ravenheart." (Ravenheart is an old screen name that I used years ago when I was the moderator of a paranormal website. I have kind of "outgrown" the name and I am more well known in certain healing circles as "Lionheart" or simply as "lion" but my email contains the old name so I opted to keep it to avoid confusion). I was born under the sign of Wolf, so you may see my name appear with a wolf avatar.

I am a Pisces native/Saggatarius rising and moon. I am an intuitive Clairsentient Empath, an INFJ (I have a rare personality like 2% of the population), I'm a highly "Sensitive" person, a Precognitive Dreamer, and a Trauma Survivor. But I am not a tarot reader, at least not yet. hahaha. I have seldom read for anyone other than myself and when I did, I didn't charge a fee. I had a reader look at my natal chart once and she told me that I am a psychic healer, but I am still learning about that. I guess if you mean using the mind to heal, in that sense I might possibly be.

I don't usually include the sad news that I am a trauma survivor, but in this instance, I need to share a bit of my story and some of that story is sad...

When I was young I experienced trauma, (actually multiple traumas). Once when it was occurring, I could hear birds singing outside of the window. To my mind, these were ravens, crows, and blackbirds. I left my body and "flew away" with them. This was the first time I was protected from danger. Thus the name 'Ravenheart'. I later learned that to an African Tribal tradition, (Yoruba), "Raven" was thought to be the 'protector of the child spirit.' A type of spiritual guardian.

For the longest time, I have believed that all animals have the potential to be a spirit guide, totem, and/or a magickal ally, etc.
On my family shield or crest, there is the head of a large cat, specifically a Leopard, and for me, it is a family totem animal. I believe I have many totem animals, power animals, and spirit animals.

My baby sister passed thru the veil about 2 and a half years ago. Losing her broke my heart. I am the sole survivor, all the members of my immediate family have transitioned. During the past 3 years, I lost my mom, my baby sister, and my younger brother. My dad passed on Winter solstice, 2012.

So for the past couple of years, I have just been floundering around, ...kinda going at life half-heartedly, ........grieving, etc...and when I saw the Ark Deck I knew I had to begin to explore it. I need to reconnect with all of my power animal allies and totemic energies and begin a new chapter in my life....so that is what brought me here...A desire for a new life or chapter of life, a strong attachment to nature and animals, as well as a fondness for the Ark and mama bear.

Long may you run (fly, crawl, jump, scamper, etc.)
Truly sorry for your losses ❤️ Extremely thankful you have survived the grief and the trauma. You have a beautiful way about you and I am thrilled that the animals are calling to you. I have a feeling that this is just the beginning of a beautiful journey for you. May you find what you are searching for!
Hi @Earthwyz I apologize for the delay in answering you. I had an appointment out of town at my cardiologist's office.

Thank you so much for your condolences. As far as surviving the grief and trauma, it has been intense but I have been very fortunate. Plus I have been in therapy/counseling for 21 years. So even tho I still struggle with PTSD and there is no cure for it, still, I have learned to manage it. The grief, however, will never end, it is the price we pay for love, I suppose.

Thank you for the compliment, I am flattered. As an empath, I have always loved animals and I was once a practicing Wiccan so that is how I learned about spirit animals and totemic energies. The animal spirits are calling to me rather loudly this time around and I often have them appear in my dreams as well as in my everyday waking life. Raven saved my tail once when I was younger and I really enjoy learning to work with animal spirits as magickal allies.

I am overdue for a beautiful journey and I am happy that you and the wild pack are going to be a part of it.

I'm wishing many bright blessings for you,

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Hi to all. I'm Rose, 34 from Colchester Essex. I've found you all through the animal site as well. Was looking up dreams about bees then saw the link. I've been on the journey since i was 16 years old, had my first awakening then and opened up to the clairaudience and clairvoyance gift at the same time, remotely. I do hear spirit and consciously work with animals. I am a keen animal friend and healer as well with reiki, just been attuned. I love to help and be of service to where I can be of help. Lately I've been down in a funk, rut, so i'm looking to network and meet new people/friends of a feather that can grow together.
Namaste, Beautiful Soul!

Let's see what kind of magic we can make together!

Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you're seeking.

I'll start...

Y'all will never know how long it took me to figure out how to introduce myself. LOL Really, I'm a pretty simple gal. If you know anything about Bears, you know about me. I love to hide away in my cave (Scorpio), have a sugar addiction, have the most fun paddlin' 'round in some water, and there's a reason I'm called Mama Bear. ;)

My hobbies include pretending I'm going to start all my art projects one day, talking to spirits who've crossed over, changing the world so it's better for all living things, and seeking the perfect Chai.

SO much love to you all! Thank you for being here! Let me know if I may be of service or let you know about my latest adventure at Publix.

Mama Bear
I'm Raven. I found Bernadette Bear and Wild Pack through another shaman friend. Currently I'm exploring shamanism and herbalism and tarot. All these things were not talked about in my family looking back it was mostly trauma that brought us together even weddings and birthdays there was always some kind of chaos. Because we didn't choose that path of BS we got labeled black sheep. Insert shadows here.. people pleasing, abandonment, daddy issues, too sensitive too unique blahhh. I have a good sense of my inution but I'm just forming a relationship with my guides and ancestors and animals. They say they're ready to assist me and I have to step into that. The Arch is amazing! Instantly I felt a respect and natural composed energy of the cards. TY Soul Stars for your words of guidance and wisdom and OmL the LOVE y'all. So much Love xoxo ❤️🪶🌈
Hi Y'all
Jai GuruDev
my name is Surya Ann
always feel weird introducing myself ... i have been a reiki and shamballah master for years. have done some soul retrieval and past life work. have worked with tarot in the past, but not as my main tool. i guess i would call myself an empathic intuitive. i've worked with horses (strong empathic connection) and dogs mostly and some birds ... and people.
since young, i've had a much closer connection with animals over people. although i think as an empath, i can feel everyone's everything. so being with or around animals has been a much safer and quieter place.

for some years, until sort of recently, i had "stuffed" myself down and not done any intuitive or energy work. and am now "re-emerging" as i recognize it is who i am, and can not be happy just trying to tow the "normal" line.
since being young (which i am not so much any more - well over the 1/2 century mark) i have had this connection to the Ark. that has a story unto itself, so i will move along. but needless to say, your Ark grabbed my attention as i was getting back into bringing tarot/cards back into my life.

although i've had the deck and oracle cards for a while, i've only recently started tuning in to your live sessions.
i really appreciate you, Bernadette and the work you are doing, and look forward to seeing where this is all leading.
feels pretty big 🖤🐾

thank you
Hello everyone, my name is Tia!

I can’t tell you how long I’ve been sitting on this, trying to find the best way to introduce myself (curse my Virgo moon!). My spiritual path has been long and windy throughout my entire life, which makes it difficult to find the best place to start. I didn’t have much of a spiritual presence in my life growing up. My dad is a staunch atheist/born again Christian escapee and my mom was raised a “lazy Catholic” (her words), so between the two of them, nothing pertaining to religion or spirituality was touched on during my childhood. My first connection to the divine was through a fascination and love of crystals. My mom has always had a draw to them, and we used to go to gem shows together. My maternal grandmother used to take me to the natural history museum and I once got in a massive amount of trouble for trying to hug one of the giant crystals there.

When I was about six, I had an encounter with a shadow figure, a man in a hat. He would appear in my childhood home and scare the living daylights out of me. After my experience with him, I started to grow more sensitive to the ghosts who lived there as well. I grew up on the old grounds of the MGM studio lots in Los Angeles, and boy was that place full of lively spirits- both friendly and not so friendly. My whole family thought I had lost my marbles, so I was drugged and diagnosed with a couple mental health problems that were later dismissed.. but that’s another story.

A few years later when my paternal grandfather passed, I began to speak with angels and communicate with them. I’ve been able to feel their presence my entire life, and even though I’ve struggled with any sort of faith in the past, that feeling of their Divine presence has never gone away. As a kid, I would sit and write letters to the guardians, spirits and passed loved ones, and draw strange symbols all over the papers. One day, my maternal grandmother took me to a Viking exhibit at the Getty museum and told me they were our ancestors, and that was when I saw a tablet with the Elder Futhark. The symbols I had been writing were some of the runes, none of which I had seen before. I didn’t think much of it at the time, but I became completely in love with the idea that somehow, I was connected to my ancestors on a deeper level. (That same grandma also inspired a love of playing cards at a young age. I used to carry a deck in my purse at all times and just shuffle when I was feeling anxious… which later morphed into a tarot obsession ;])

Through declining health, I lost faith and let go of any fascinations I had with the paranormal and Divine, past waiting for what felt like inevitable death (and watching Ghost Whisperer marathons, lol). I had been convinced that I was crazy, so I just stopped thinking about it all and let my curiosity fade.

When I was eighteen, a good friend of mine told me he was in love with me, so I asked him out on a date. He always sparked wonderful conversations and we could talk about anything. He never thought I was crazy- just absolutely fascinating. He wanted to hear all of my stories and encouraged me to tell him everything. We very quickly moved in together and despite how sick I was, he never gave up on me. He worked hard to keep a roof over our heads and made sure I could go to the doctors I needed, and rest when I couldn’t work any more. Not only did he reignite my curiosity and passion, but he made me want to really LIVE. Because of him, I studied as hard as I could, anything and everything to try and combat my declining health… which quickly led me to alternative therapies that I had been ridiculed for even thinking about in the past. Meditation, becoming certified in reiki and chakra and color therapy helped me to cure myself of my cPTSD, and opened my mind to so much more. I also studied with a naturopathic doctor, which in turn put me in a position to truly diagnosing my health problems and at age 28, finally resolving them after a life long battle- though not without struggle and sacrifice. At age 26, I had a miscarriage due to the undiagnosed problems. I questioned faith as a whole and threw away my entire practice, including a whole library of books, and a fairly successful business I had been building. Once again, my now husband, saved me. He dug my books and tools out of the trash and put them aside until I was ready to reclaim them… and after a few months of healing, I did just that. It turns out that the miscarriage saved my life in a strange way. Because it happened, my health problems got worse to the point that they were actually easier to diagnose properly, so the healing could truly begin. No more false starts. It was then that it really clicked for me; everything happens for a reason, whether we like it or not.

The balance of spiritual and health has led me to the belief that they are one in the same. When I hit a roadblock with my health, I’d go back to studying the spiritual. When I’d hit a roadblock with my spiritual life, I’d return focus to my health… and eventually, they met in the middle to form one cohesive path. Now at 29 years old, I am a medical intuitive, spiritual consultant, professional tarot reader, psychic medium, and mama to a very healthy and incredibly smart, joyful little boy named Bear.

I had my first reading with Bernadette in mid August, and while I thought I had confidence in myself and my abilities already, that feeling just expanded a billion times over after chatting with her. Things started to click into place so fast, my head was spinning! Not only that, but Mama Bear saved me from making a huge mistake and second guessing where I wanted to move my family. She said that wherever we moved would be surrounded by nature, and when we got there, we’d feel like we never wanted to leave. Within two weeks, we were picking up and moving across states. As soon as we got to our new home, it was just as she said- surrounded by nature and we were overwhelmed with a feeling of never wanting to leave. I am so unbelievably grateful for her advice and I’m doing my best to absolutely run with it all.

I feel so honored to be stepping into this community, as during my lurking over the last few months, I’ve read some amazing stories and y’all seem like such wonderful people. I’m sure I’ve forgotten a whole bunch that I wanted to say, but this was a long post so it’s probably for the best anyway. Thank you thank you thank you to Bernadette and her moderators, and AROOO to the rest of the wild pack! Thank you for having me! I look forward to making friends with you.

Much love and thanks for reading!


Hello everyone, my name is Tia!

I can’t tell you how long I’ve been sitting on this, trying to find the best way to introduce myself (curse my Virgo moon!). My spiritual path has been long and windy throughout my entire life, which makes it difficult to find the best place to start. I didn’t have much of a spiritual presence in my life growing up. My dad is a staunch atheist/born again Christian escapee and my mom was raised a “lazy Catholic” (her words), so between the two of them, nothing pertaining to religion or spirituality was touched on during my childhood. My first connection to the divine was through a fascination and love of crystals. My mom has always had a draw to them, and we used to go to gem shows together. My maternal grandmother used to take me to the natural history museum and I once got in a massive amount of trouble for trying to hug one of the giant crystals there.

When I was about six, I had an encounter with a shadow figure, a man in a hat. He would appear in my childhood home and scare the living daylights out of me. After my experience with him, I started to grow more sensitive to the ghosts who lived there as well. I grew up on the old grounds of the MGM studio lots in Los Angeles, and boy was that place full of lively spirits- both friendly and not so friendly. My whole family thought I had lost my marbles, so I was drugged and diagnosed with a couple mental health problems that were later dismissed.. but that’s another story.

A few years later when my paternal grandfather passed, I began to speak with angels and communicate with them. I’ve been able to feel their presence my entire life, and even though I’ve struggled with any sort of faith in the past, that feeling of their Divine presence has never gone away. As a kid, I would sit and write letters to the guardians, spirits and passed loved ones, and draw strange symbols all over the papers. One day, my maternal grandmother took me to a Viking exhibit at the Getty museum and told me they were our ancestors, and that was when I saw a tablet with the Elder Futhark. The symbols I had been writing were some of the runes, none of which I had seen before. I didn’t think much of it at the time, but I became completely in love with the idea that somehow, I was connected to my ancestors on a deeper level. (That same grandma also inspired a love of playing cards at a young age. I used to carry a deck in my purse at all times and just shuffle when I was feeling anxious… which later morphed into a tarot obsession ;])

Through declining health, I lost faith and let go of any fascinations I had with the paranormal and Divine, past waiting for what felt like inevitable death (and watching Ghost Whisperer marathons, lol). I had been convinced that I was crazy, so I just stopped thinking about it all and let my curiosity fade.

When I was eighteen, a good friend of mine told me he was in love with me, so I asked him out on a date. He always sparked wonderful conversations and we could talk about anything. He never thought I was crazy- just absolutely fascinating. He wanted to hear all of my stories and encouraged me to tell him everything. We very quickly moved in together and despite how sick I was, he never gave up on me. He worked hard to keep a roof over our heads and made sure I could go to the doctors I needed, and rest when I couldn’t work any more. Not only did he reignite my curiosity and passion, but he made me want to really LIVE. Because of him, I studied as hard as I could, anything and everything to try and combat my declining health… which quickly led me to alternative therapies that I had been ridiculed for even thinking about in the past. Meditation, becoming certified in reiki and chakra and color therapy helped me to cure myself of my cPTSD, and opened my mind to so much more. I also studied with a naturopathic doctor, which in turn put me in a position to truly diagnosing my health problems and at age 28, finally resolving them after a life long battle- though not without struggle and sacrifice. At age 26, I had a miscarriage due to the undiagnosed problems. I questioned faith as a whole and threw away my entire practice, including a whole library of books, and a fairly successful business I had been building. Once again, my now husband, saved me. He dug my books and tools out of the trash and put them aside until I was ready to reclaim them… and after a few months of healing, I did just that. It turns out that the miscarriage saved my life in a strange way. Because it happened, my health problems got worse to the point that they were actually easier to diagnose properly, so the healing could truly begin. No more false starts. It was then that it really clicked for me; everything happens for a reason, whether we like it or not.

The balance of spiritual and health has led me to the belief that they are one in the same. When I hit a roadblock with my health, I’d go back to studying the spiritual. When I’d hit a roadblock with my spiritual life, I’d return focus to my health… and eventually, they met in the middle to form one cohesive path. Now at 29 years old, I am a medical intuitive, spiritual consultant, professional tarot reader, psychic medium, and mama to a very healthy and incredibly smart, joyful little boy named Bear.

I had my first reading with Bernadette in mid August, and while I thought I had confidence in myself and my abilities already, that feeling just expanded a billion times over after chatting with her. Things started to click into place so fast, my head was spinning! Not only that, but Mama Bear saved me from making a huge mistake and second guessing where I wanted to move my family. She said that wherever we moved would be surrounded by nature, and when we got there, we’d feel like we never wanted to leave. Within two weeks, we were picking up and moving across states. As soon as we got to our new home, it was just as she said- surrounded by nature and we were overwhelmed with a feeling of never wanting to leave. I am so unbelievably grateful for her advice and I’m doing my best to absolutely run with it all.

I feel so honored to be stepping into this community, as during my lurking over the last few months, I’ve read some amazing stories and y’all seem like such wonderful people. I’m sure I’ve forgotten a whole bunch that I wanted to say, but this was a long post so it’s probably for the best anyway. Thank you thank you thank you to Bernadette and her moderators, and AROOO to the rest of the wild pack! Thank you for having me! I look forward to making friends with you.

Much love and thanks for reading!


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Thank you for sharing your story Tia!
I actually read your story before I logged in and I can relate to a lot of what you wrote. I am so happy that you found a way to introduce yourself and really glad you are a part of the wild pack. I am kind of new but the wild pack has been very kind and welcoming to me as I am sure they will be to you as well.

By the way, I love your profile photo.

wishing you love, light, and laughter,

M Ravenheart
Hello everyone, my name is Tia!

I can’t tell you how long I’ve been sitting on this, trying to find the best way to introduce myself (curse my Virgo moon!). My spiritual path has been long and windy throughout my entire life, which makes it difficult to find the best place to start. I didn’t have much of a spiritual presence in my life growing up. My dad is a staunch atheist/born again Christian escapee and my mom was raised a “lazy Catholic” (her words), so between the two of them, nothing pertaining to religion or spirituality was touched on during my childhood. My first connection to the divine was through a fascination and love of crystals. My mom has always had a draw to them, and we used to go to gem shows together. My maternal grandmother used to take me to the natural history museum and I once got in a massive amount of trouble for trying to hug one of the giant crystals there.

When I was about six, I had an encounter with a shadow figure, a man in a hat. He would appear in my childhood home and scare the living daylights out of me. After my experience with him, I started to grow more sensitive to the ghosts who lived there as well. I grew up on the old grounds of the MGM studio lots in Los Angeles, and boy was that place full of lively spirits- both friendly and not so friendly. My whole family thought I had lost my marbles, so I was drugged and diagnosed with a couple mental health problems that were later dismissed.. but that’s another story.

A few years later when my paternal grandfather passed, I began to speak with angels and communicate with them. I’ve been able to feel their presence my entire life, and even though I’ve struggled with any sort of faith in the past, that feeling of their Divine presence has never gone away. As a kid, I would sit and write letters to the guardians, spirits and passed loved ones, and draw strange symbols all over the papers. One day, my maternal grandmother took me to a Viking exhibit at the Getty museum and told me they were our ancestors, and that was when I saw a tablet with the Elder Futhark. The symbols I had been writing were some of the runes, none of which I had seen before. I didn’t think much of it at the time, but I became completely in love with the idea that somehow, I was connected to my ancestors on a deeper level. (That same grandma also inspired a love of playing cards at a young age. I used to carry a deck in my purse at all times and just shuffle when I was feeling anxious… which later morphed into a tarot obsession ;])

Through declining health, I lost faith and let go of any fascinations I had with the paranormal and Divine, past waiting for what felt like inevitable death (and watching Ghost Whisperer marathons, lol). I had been convinced that I was crazy, so I just stopped thinking about it all and let my curiosity fade.

When I was eighteen, a good friend of mine told me he was in love with me, so I asked him out on a date. He always sparked wonderful conversations and we could talk about anything. He never thought I was crazy- just absolutely fascinating. He wanted to hear all of my stories and encouraged me to tell him everything. We very quickly moved in together and despite how sick I was, he never gave up on me. He worked hard to keep a roof over our heads and made sure I could go to the doctors I needed, and rest when I couldn’t work any more. Not only did he reignite my curiosity and passion, but he made me want to really LIVE. Because of him, I studied as hard as I could, anything and everything to try and combat my declining health… which quickly led me to alternative therapies that I had been ridiculed for even thinking about in the past. Meditation, becoming certified in reiki and chakra and color therapy helped me to cure myself of my cPTSD, and opened my mind to so much more. I also studied with a naturopathic doctor, which in turn put me in a position to truly diagnosing my health problems and at age 28, finally resolving them after a life long battle- though not without struggle and sacrifice. At age 26, I had a miscarriage due to the undiagnosed problems. I questioned faith as a whole and threw away my entire practice, including a whole library of books, and a fairly successful business I had been building. Once again, my now husband, saved me. He dug my books and tools out of the trash and put them aside until I was ready to reclaim them… and after a few months of healing, I did just that. It turns out that the miscarriage saved my life in a strange way. Because it happened, my health problems got worse to the point that they were actually easier to diagnose properly, so the healing could truly begin. No more false starts. It was then that it really clicked for me; everything happens for a reason, whether we like it or not.

The balance of spiritual and health has led me to the belief that they are one in the same. When I hit a roadblock with my health, I’d go back to studying the spiritual. When I’d hit a roadblock with my spiritual life, I’d return focus to my health… and eventually, they met in the middle to form one cohesive path. Now at 29 years old, I am a medical intuitive, spiritual consultant, professional tarot reader, psychic medium, and mama to a very healthy and incredibly smart, joyful little boy named Bear.

I had my first reading with Bernadette in mid August, and while I thought I had confidence in myself and my abilities already, that feeling just expanded a billion times over after chatting with her. Things started to click into place so fast, my head was spinning! Not only that, but Mama Bear saved me from making a huge mistake and second guessing where I wanted to move my family. She said that wherever we moved would be surrounded by nature, and when we got there, we’d feel like we never wanted to leave. Within two weeks, we were picking up and moving across states. As soon as we got to our new home, it was just as she said- surrounded by nature and we were overwhelmed with a feeling of never wanting to leave. I am so unbelievably grateful for her advice and I’m doing my best to absolutely run with it all.

I feel so honored to be stepping into this community, as during my lurking over the last few months, I’ve read some amazing stories and y’all seem like such wonderful people. I’m sure I’ve forgotten a whole bunch that I wanted to say, but this was a long post so it’s probably for the best anyway. Thank you thank you thank you to Bernadette and her moderators, and AROOO to the rest of the wild pack! Thank you for having me! I look forward to making friends with you.

Much love and thanks for reading!


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Beautiful ❤️ Nice to Meet You Tia 😊 Hugs!