What Is My Spirit Animal
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Let's get WILD! Introduce yourself!

Hello from England Mamma Bear and Wild Pack!
I’m very new to forums and don’t really know how to use the site so I hope this is all okay.
I came across your YouTube videos just yesterday and have just been so intrigued! I’ve always been much more on the animal side of spirit work and have a great affinity for animals, but I have never fully known my own animal.
I used to have an amazing fascination with tigers and still remember being young having a tiger around me that I talked about all the time named Musuco. But, these days I’ve thought more about and resonated with panda bear.
I’ve struggled with finding my place recently mainly in career and just can’t seem to settle into a role so as a Libra, being off balance isn’t too good for me haha!
Your videos have been a great way to take my mind off it all. I hope you are all well, And I look forward to being within the forums with likeminded people.
Welcome to the #OtherSide.

We knew you were coming... ;)

Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you're seeking.

I'll start...

PSA - My intro is looong. LOL But I think it's really important for folks to know why I do what I do. And I want to know why you do what you do? Each of us a story of why we are metaphysicians, psychics, tarot readers, mediums, rune and tea leaf readers, et al. I hope that by telling my story, others will be helped in some way.

Here we go...

On January 5, 1997 my mom, Patricia B. Carter, was killed due to medical negligence which resulted in her wrongful death. When she presented in ER that morning a staff member pulled the wrong records and my mom was treated based on a complete stranger’s medical history. Erroneously applied procedures and medications induced her fatal heart attack.

Perhaps if the attending cardiologist had recognized my mom as his own patient from private practice, perhaps if he’d gotten to her bedside sooner than the 18 minutes that are documented...

She was only 61.


Patricia B. Carter
1936 - 1997

We’d never been a spiritual or religious family so I didn’t ascribe to any particular doctrine’s outline of what happens after death. The only thing I believed in back then was the excruciating pain cocooning every part of me.

In a desperate effort to find out what happened to ‘her’ I attended a wide variety of church ceremonies. None of them resonated with me. But I wasn’t willing to accept or believe that my beloved mom was just ‘gone’. In my grieving mind and heart she was ‘out there somewhere’. So I set out to find her.

Over the next couple years I spent more than fifteen thousand dollars on readings with psychics, mediums, tarot readers, medical intuitives, channelers, and spiritual counselors. And, lemme’ tell ya’, at the time there were more New Age and metaphysical shops and fairs than one could shake a smudge stick at.
Anyone who seemed even remotely credible could have my money. I placed my heart in their hands.

The books and CDs I bought could’ve filled a sizeable New Age store. I never missed an episode of “Crossing Over” with John Edward.

In all my travels there were lightworkers who connected with my mom. Then there were the others who connected only to presidents - specifically the ones who appear on legal tender.

One morning, depressed, exhausted, and hung over to the very depths of what I now believe to be a soul, I thought to myself, “OK look. You know there’s some truth to this boogedy-boogedy stuff. Don’t be a schmuck. If you want something done right sometimes you have to do it yourself. Figure out how to connect to your mom yourself.”

So I decided to take a psychic development class.

That’s when the woo-woo got really real.

My teacher was the incomparable Rev. Maureen Eslick of Woodland Hills, CA and teacher at the Harmony Grove Spiritualist Association.

The first day’s psychic experiences shocked the poo out of me. They also convinced me there is life after death and every single living thing is a psychic medium. Period. It’s natural and how we’re hardwired.

Rev. Maureen began the class with a meditation. I’d never meditated before but I figured it was just like concentrating so that’s what I did.

When she ‘woke us up’ it felt like I’d been drugged. I had no idea I was in an altered state of consciousness.

Then she handed each of us an item and casually said, “See what you get from this.” I had no idea she was testing our psychometry sensitivity.

In a nano-second I was sobbing and saying over and over again, “It’s love. I love him so much. I miss him so much. There’s just so much love.”

Just as quickly, the sobs turned into a steady stream of thoughts that just came flowing out of my mouth. I had no idea I was channeling.

In a voice not my own I said, “She wants you to know she will be here this weekend. There’s a special event and she’ll be there to celebrate with you and your husband.”
The episode was over just as soon as it began. My breathing slowed and I felt as limp as I’d ever felt.

Eventually I became aware that the other students were staring at me - slack jawed and still as, well, death. It felt like electrical currents were zapping everywhere in the room. If I’d had the energy to get up out of the chair I would’ve bolted and never come back.

Rev. Maureen calmly said, “That ring box you’re holding belonged to my mother-in-law. She passed away last year. She and my husband share a birthday. It's this coming Saturday and we’re having a party for them.

I cancelled all appointments for the week and barely spoke to another living soul. Note I said, “living”.

When I finally made my decision I called Rev. Maureen. I said, “I’m going to be a professional psychic medium. I know I’m supposed to stop working in the entertainment industry. My job now is to help heal people by connecting with their loved ones on the other side. I’m supposed to do everything I can to show folks there is life beyond death and bring them back from the brink of hopelessness to a place of love.”

You can’t know how kooky that sounded in my own head. I didn’t talk like that. I was given those words.

But I became what I declared. I’m a professional evidential psychic medium, Shamanic practitioner, and tarot reader.

As hokey as it sounds I do what I do for one reason and one reason only - I never want anyone to experience the kind of - is there even a word for it - complete loss of love, hope, will to live, et al. If they do, I and others like me will be there for you - always.

Thank you for sharing this journey. I love this, I love you!
Hello All,

I'm Jeny and am very much looking forward to learning, sharing and creating new friendships. It may take me a minute to learn to navigate through this website so thank you in advance for your help and patience. I have dabbled in lots of fun things but would like to "strengthen" my muscles and increase my confidence and communication skills. Classes I have taken are psychic/mediumship 101, tarot, palm reading, face reading, energy clearing, feng shui, animal communication, crystals, etc. Love anything metaphysical, esoteric, woo woo and what have you! LOL I'm in the Southern part of the United States that is also known as the "Bible Belt". Again, I look forward to interacting with you all. Be abundantly blessed!!! Namasté
NICE!!! Welcome 3rdEyeKitty! Where do y'all come up with such great handles?!

Navigation is pretty easy but if you hit a snag, just ask for help. We have talked a little bit about many of the subjects you listed, but not "in-depth" - I look forward to hearing more about your journey

Welcome to the #WildPack! Let's rub noses and get to know each other.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you're seeking.

I'll start...

Y'all will never know how long it took me to figure out how to introduce myself. LOL Really, I'm a pretty simple gal. If you know anything about Bears, you know about me. I love to hide away in my cave (Scorpio), have a sugar addiction, have the most fun paddlin' 'round in some water, and there's a reason I'm called Mama Bear. ;)

My hobbies include pretending I'm going to start all my art projects one day, talking to spirits who've crossed over, changing the world so it's better for all living things, and seeking the perfect Chai.

SO much love to you all! Thank you for being here! Let me know if I may be of service or let you know about my latest adventure at Publix.

Mama Bear
I am here ...
Navigating this forum ...
Unknown on the communications, parameters, etc.
I am here ...
Navigating this forum ...
Unknown on the communications, parameters, etc.

Discovered the ARK deck years, years ago, and then bought the ARK deck and the extra packs as they were available ... Bookmarked various sites for the ARK, What Is My Spirit Animal, etc. I always came back to them [sites, etc.] and did not release them [I do clean up - delete whatever not using or does not resonate].

I have explored and enjoyed + ~ many wildlife experiences ~ most of my travels involve connecting with wildlife [ex: swimming in the wild with Dolphins - ocean, the Dolphins come as they do - free].

I continue to wonder, wander ... explore, discover ... BE BE BE ...
Welcome Darkshinez! It's always wonderful to add another voice to the discussions here. I'm already enjoying your posts.
Thank you beautiful Grasshopper. xo

Welcome to the #WildPack! Let's rub noses and get to know each other.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you're seeking.

I'll start...

Y'all will never know how long it took me to figure out how to introduce myself. LOL Really, I'm a pretty simple gal. If you know anything about Bears, you know about me. I love to hide away in my cave (Scorpio), have a sugar addiction, have the most fun paddlin' 'round in some water, and there's a reason I'm called Mama Bear. ;)

My hobbies include pretending I'm going to start all my art projects one day, talking to spirits who've crossed over, changing the world so it's better for all living things, and seeking the perfect Chai.

SO much love to you all! Thank you for being here! Let me know if I may be of service or let you know about my latest adventure at Publix.

Mama Bear
Hi I am Ann-Marie. I am a collector of Tarot and Oracle Decks, and yes I also use them for readings. I will always argue you could never have enough.

My main hobby is being out in nature especially the beach and just interacting with and being a part of it all. I love the lightning and thunder, and I get a warm fuzzy feeling every time. Love to read and cook.

I am a teacher at heart and believe that I must make difference and leave the World as a better place when it time for me to transition.

Love being here, love the energy, love being a member of the Wild Pack.

Love you all
Arrooo, Ann-Marie!

Welcome to the metaphysical madness! We're so thrilled you joined us!

Like you, I contend that one can never have enough tarot and oracle decks! LOL How wonderful that you teach! It's a calling for sure.

See ya' 'round the tarot forum! ;)
Greetings All!
I am very new to this forum and to the YouTube readings - on there I am Earthwyz. I was sitting here reading so many of the introductions and trying to figure out how to introduce myself and how I found myself here. I am going to try and give the short version.

I was raised in the Baptist religion. I married very young (16) and ultimately had 3 sons. After 9 years of living in what turned out to be an extremely abusive marriage I divorced. During that divorce I was the outsider. I was born in California and was living in a small town in Illinois where my husband was from. The judge was a friend of my father in laws. I ended up losing custody of my sons. Not because of anything I did but rather because of who I didn't know. When it became apparent that no matter what I did I would continue to have to deal with man being abusive I made the decision to go home. I wasn't taking the chance that he would ultimately kill me, he had already tried three times and had promised to do so. For more reasons than I have room to write I ended up not getting to see my sons for 16 years. Heartbreak and grief is the understatement.

After moving back to California several years later I met Mike. I was told that I could have no more children yet I found myself pregnant with our daughter - Elizabeth Cassandra. We were ecstatic. She was to be delivered March 17, 1992. On March 7 we found out that she had died in the womb. She was a full term stillborn. We were devastated. When I saw my doctor for my 6 week check up he told me "I have been an ob-gyn for 30 years and never have I seen a more beautiful still born baby. All I can tell you is that God wanted her more than you." He proceeded to tell me not to wait to get pregnant again. The diagnosis of her death was a utero - sids - no humanly reason she wasn't here. 11 months later we had our son. I tell you this because after her death I became very angry. How could an all loving God take away all 4 of my children? I have always been a good person, never got in trouble, followed the rules, etc. Angry was the understatement. It didn't help when my Aunt told me that I just needed to accept it because it was "God's will."

By the time our son was 2 we were divorced. Not because we didn't love each other but more because neither of us knew how to communicate with the other. Neither of us were dealing with our grief.

A friend invited me to a psychic fair. I declined. She insisted. I caved and my life changed. We got to the metaphysical store and she asked if I was going to have a reading. I said no. She asked why. I said no. She asked "Are you afraid you will burn in hell." I said yes. She convinced me that it wouldn't happen. I told her to pick the psychic but I was giving no information other than my first name, which is exactly what I did. I believe that I was gifted with that day so that my life would change. The psychic didn't just give me vague information, nope, she gave me names and told me things that even my friend didn't know! She then recommended 2 books and from there I found my pagan path.

So go forward 11 years. Mike and I have stayed friends. I am not the same woman he married originally. I didn't need saving! He is single and I am single. Our son is going into puberty and since he was living in a motel because he had recently left his marriage I asked him if he wanted to stay in the extra bedroom. This would give our son his dad more often. He took me up on my offer. We did our own thing yet every night we were both home for our son. I made a proposition to him. We could live together until our son was 18. Separate lives, same home. About 2 weeks later he says he has been thinking of what I had said and had come to a decision. His answer was "Why would I leave when our son is 18 when I never stopped loving you?" We were remarried a year later.

One of the decisions we made was to move to the mountains. We found a really cool metaphysical shop that had a psychic fair every year. We are at the fair and they had a thing where you bought 5 tickets for $20 and each ticket could be used for a 15 minute reading. One of my readings was with a Shaman. I had my reading and my son was right behind me. Mike and I went to look at the art from the local artisans. I am across the parking lot and all of a sudden I get tapped on the shoulder. I turn around and it is the shaman that had read for me. She says "Spirit will not leave me alone. I am being told to train you." She gave me her information and within a couple of months I began my training in the path of Andean Shamanism. I have to say that I had not at any time even thought about a shamanic path. I was blown away and after 5 years of training with her I am thankful that Spirit wouldn't leave her alone. That was 11 years ago.

Since then my dad died and unfortunately so did Mike. He was my best friend, husband and so much more. I was his caretaker through his death - he died peacefully in our living room. His journey through death is a story that would take much longer to share. I waited a year after his death to decide to leave California. During that year I found that I have a gift. "I see dead people" I always chuckle when I say that because I really do but I don't see them all the time. The only time I really see them is when I lay down the tarot cards for someone else. I have not memorized all of the cards but there is a reason for that. I lay them down and they become a portal to the spirit world so although I am doing a tarot reading I am also getting more information than what the tarot gives. This is when I see dead people. They come through for those that I read for. They are generally people who have crossed over and want to give their loved one's a message. At first I thought I was just imagining this. I do not always get their names clearly. Yet, when I would describe what I was seeing and sharing what their name sounded like I always received confirmation. I cannot begin to tell you how many people tell me how accurate the information is and then send me a picture of the loved one, which always matches the description I gave. It blows my mind every single time. I feel deeply blessed to be able to share that with those I read for.

It has been six years since Mike died. I am now living in Ohio. I have struggled off an on with staying connected and many times feel lost. I haven't figured out why, yet.

Regardless, I found the wild pack through a friend. She told me about the cards. I am still trying to save the money to get the deluxe deck but I find myself wanting to hear what Bernadette/Mama Bear has to say each morning so I keep showing up.

I have had what feels like a million experiences with the Spirit world and messages from many animals. I just keep walking my path and finding my way. I am so happy to have found others who are like minded here!

So if you have made it this far you have a small glimpse into who I am and how I got here. There is really so much more but these are the basics. I am looking forward to getting to know all of you. Thank you for the opportunity to share a part of my story.

Many Blessings,
Hi! I'm here! LOL Anyway, I have many names as in LKBuie on youtube, but my real name is Linda. Kenzie was a nickname when I had a terrible traumatizing job and now I don't love it, but it is also in my email address, so I'm keeping it for now. I love this Animal Allies thing as I have been doing that my whole life, by leaning on animals that turn up in some way during times of stress. I bought the Ark card deck a while ago, and now I am hitting it up a bit because I am trying to deal with an extra layer of stress as I get ready for a load of grief that is coming soon. I look after my mother who is in home hospice. I have a 13-year-old German Shepherd who is my best buddy and is starting to lose the use of his back legs. He is 85 lbs to my 115 lbs, so when he can no longer get around I will be having to make the decision to euthanize him. I already hurt about the loss of my mom and my best friend, but I am also trying very hard to stay in the now and enjoy them because they are not gone yet. Meanwhile, I have to do things to get ready like making arrangements for my mom (done and paid for last week) and getting Creed to a better (hopefully) vet who will help me plan for his gentle ending in the same way that hospice is helping me with my mom. I have been staying with my mom for over a year now and we have learned to get along. Before that I was a newly retired nomad who lived in an RV with two cats and a dog. It was an abrupt change, but with meditation and journaling I found my way to peace within what had felt like a jail sentence with an unknown release date. Now I am doing much better at going with the flow. Trying to feel all the feelings that arise and accepting them and releasing them gently.

This brings me to my Animal Allies. As a child growing up in Florida, like you Bernadette, I had many encounters with dolphins. I chose dolphin long long ago to be my favorite animal and I identify with dolphin spirit very strongly. I am a Gemini and I heard you say in one of your live chats that Dolphin is a beast of the air as well as the water. Love that. So that was an easy choice. I think that dolphin is here to help me with energy and spirit and joy when I need that. I swim in the Gulf as often as I can and find that amazingly soothing in times of great stress. I am looking to further define him/her and find a name. After the dolphin, and also at a very early age, I felt a very strong attraction to exotic cats, and the tiger was always a favorite. When I was suffering the most from the abrupt change from my nomadic lifestyle to living with my mother, a tiger dream came to me and it was life changing. Since then, I have felt that there is a powerful and strong force inside me to call upon. My traumatizing job was as a Zookeeper where I had a relationship with a cranky but beautiful tiger, so I have named her after this real tiger. She is Basha. I love her soooo much because she gives me courage. The third animal was harder to find, but I went through the Ark deck and brought out six other animals that spoke to me and then I went to sleep. I woke up knowing it was lion because I am all about being a mother to my mother and protecting her and it feels very right to have the strength of a lion to back me up now. I think I need it. I wonder if I am making sense???? Anyway, Bernadette, I have scheduled a session with you for a week from today (Saturday the 17th) because I want to further define my spirit/totem and power animals and have them with me when I need them.

AND I would like to get a new astrological chart done for what is going on in my life now. Maybe a solar return??? Does anyone who is reading this know of a good source?
Greetings All!
I am very new to this forum and to the YouTube readings - on there I am Earthwyz. I was sitting here reading so many of the introductions and trying to figure out how to introduce myself and how I found myself here. I am going to try and give the short version.

I was raised in the Baptist religion. I married very young (16) and ultimately had 3 sons. After 9 years of living in what turned out to be an extremely abusive marriage I divorced. During that divorce I was the outsider. I was born in California and was living in a small town in Illinois where my husband was from. The judge was a friend of my father in laws. I ended up losing custody of my sons. Not because of anything I did but rather because of who I didn't know. When it became apparent that no matter what I did I would continue to have to deal with man being abusive I made the decision to go home. I wasn't taking the chance that he would ultimately kill me, he had already tried three times and had promised to do so. For more reasons than I have room to write I ended up not getting to see my sons for 16 years. Heartbreak and grief is the understatement.

After moving back to California several years later I met Mike. I was told that I could have no more children yet I found myself pregnant with our daughter - Elizabeth Cassandra. We were ecstatic. She was to be delivered March 17, 1992. On March 7 we found out that she had died in the womb. She was a full term stillborn. We were devastated. When I saw my doctor for my 6 week check up he told me "I have been an ob-gyn for 30 years and never have I seen a more beautiful still born baby. All I can tell you is that God wanted her more than you." He proceeded to tell me not to wait to get pregnant again. The diagnosis of her death was a utero - sids - no humanly reason she wasn't here. 11 months later we had our son. I tell you this because after her death I became very angry. How could an all loving God take away all 4 of my children? I have always been a good person, never got in trouble, followed the rules, etc. Angry was the understatement. It didn't help when my Aunt told me that I just needed to accept it because it was "God's will."

By the time our son was 2 we were divorced. Not because we didn't love each other but more because neither of us knew how to communicate with the other. Neither of us were dealing with our grief.

A friend invited me to a psychic fair. I declined. She insisted. I caved and my life changed. We got to the metaphysical store and she asked if I was going to have a reading. I said no. She asked why. I said no. She asked "Are you afraid you will burn in hell." I said yes. She convinced me that it wouldn't happen. I told her to pick the psychic but I was giving no information other than my first name, which is exactly what I did. I believe that I was gifted with that day so that my life would change. The psychic didn't just give me vague information, nope, she gave me names and told me things that even my friend didn't know! She then recommended 2 books and from there I found my pagan path.

So go forward 11 years. Mike and I have stayed friends. I am not the same woman he married originally. I didn't need saving! He is single and I am single. Our son is going into puberty and since he was living in a motel because he had recently left his marriage I asked him if he wanted to stay in the extra bedroom. This would give our son his dad more often. He took me up on my offer. We did our own thing yet every night we were both home for our son. I made a proposition to him. We could live together until our son was 18. Separate lives, same home. About 2 weeks later he says he has been thinking of what I had said and had come to a decision. His answer was "Why would I leave when our son is 18 when I never stopped loving you?" We were remarried a year later.

One of the decisions we made was to move to the mountains. We found a really cool metaphysical shop that had a psychic fair every year. We are at the fair and they had a thing where you bought 5 tickets for $20 and each ticket could be used for a 15 minute reading. One of my readings was with a Shaman. I had my reading and my son was right behind me. Mike and I went to look at the art from the local artisans. I am across the parking lot and all of a sudden I get tapped on the shoulder. I turn around and it is the shaman that had read for me. She says "Spirit will not leave me alone. I am being told to train you." She gave me her information and within a couple of months I began my training in the path of Andean Shamanism. I have to say that I had not at any time even thought about a shamanic path. I was blown away and after 5 years of training with her I am thankful that Spirit wouldn't leave her alone. That was 11 years ago.

Since then my dad died and unfortunately so did Mike. He was my best friend, husband and so much more. I was his caretaker through his death - he died peacefully in our living room. His journey through death is a story that would take much longer to share. I waited a year after his death to decide to leave California. During that year I found that I have a gift. "I see dead people" I always chuckle when I say that because I really do but I don't see them all the time. The only time I really see them is when I lay down the tarot cards for someone else. I have not memorized all of the cards but there is a reason for that. I lay them down and they become a portal to the spirit world so although I am doing a tarot reading I am also getting more information than what the tarot gives. This is when I see dead people. They come through for those that I read for. They are generally people who have crossed over and want to give their loved one's a message. At first I thought I was just imagining this. I do not always get their names clearly. Yet, when I would describe what I was seeing and sharing what their name sounded like I always received confirmation. I cannot begin to tell you how many people tell me how accurate the information is and then send me a picture of the loved one, which always matches the description I gave. It blows my mind every single time. I feel deeply blessed to be able to share that with those I read for.

It has been six years since Mike died. I am now living in Ohio. I have struggled off an on with staying connected and many times feel lost. I haven't figured out why, yet.

Regardless, I found the wild pack through a friend. She told me about the cards. I am still trying to save the money to get the deluxe deck but I find myself wanting to hear what Bernadette/Mama Bear has to say each morning so I keep showing up.

I have had what feels like a million experiences with the Spirit world and messages from many animals. I just keep walking my path and finding my way. I am so happy to have found others who are like minded here!

So if you have made it this far you have a small glimpse into who I am and how I got here. There is really so much more but these are the basics. I am looking forward to getting to know all of you. Thank you for the opportunity to share a part of my story.

Many Blessings,
Wow! Earthwyz/Sage, I read your story, and I am so happy to know you. I also just joined and just shared my story. I hope to see you going forward. --Linda
Hello from England Mamma Bear and Wild Pack!
I’m very new to forums and don’t really know how to use the site so I hope this is all okay.
I came across your YouTube videos just yesterday and have just been so intrigued! I’ve always been much more on the animal side of spirit work and have a great affinity for animals, but I have never fully known my own animal.
I used to have an amazing fascination with tigers and still remember being young having a tiger around me that I talked about all the time named Musuco. But, these days I’ve thought more about and resonated with panda bear.
I’ve struggled with finding my place recently mainly in career and just can’t seem to settle into a role so as a Libra, being off balance isn’t too good for me haha!
Your videos have been a great way to take my mind off it all. I hope you are all well, And I look forward to being within the forums with likeminded people.
Did you watch the live youtube when I asked how can a Gemini I can find willpower? I am 68 years old and looking for willpower. Anyway, in the answer that Bernadette gave, she said that Geminis and Libras should not try to do things that they don't want to do. I'm like, wow! And I also have a tiger for a spirit animal. Love to you. Hope you are doing well.
Hi! I'm here! LOL Anyway, I have many names as in LKBuie on youtube, but my real name is Linda. Kenzie was a nickname when I had a terrible traumatizing job and now I don't love it, but it is also in my email address, so I'm keeping it for now. I love this Animal Allies thing as I have been doing that my whole life, by leaning on animals that turn up in some way during times of stress. I bought the Ark card deck a while ago, and now I am hitting it up a bit because I am trying to deal with an extra layer of stress as I get ready for a load of grief that is coming soon. I look after my mother who is in home hospice. I have a 13-year-old German Shepherd who is my best buddy and is starting to lose the use of his back legs. He is 85 lbs to my 115 lbs, so when he can no longer get around I will be having to make the decision to euthanize him. I already hurt about the loss of my mom and my best friend, but I am also trying very hard to stay in the now and enjoy them because they are not gone yet. Meanwhile, I have to do things to get ready like making arrangements for my mom (done and paid for last week) and getting Creed to a better (hopefully) vet who will help me plan for his gentle ending in the same way that hospice is helping me with my mom. I have been staying with my mom for over a year now and we have learned to get along. Before that I was a newly retired nomad who lived in an RV with two cats and a dog. It was an abrupt change, but with meditation and journaling I found my way to peace within what had felt like a jail sentence with an unknown release date. Now I am doing much better at going with the flow. Trying to feel all the feelings that arise and accepting them and releasing them gently.

This brings me to my Animal Allies. As a child growing up in Florida, like you Bernadette, I had many encounters with dolphins. I chose dolphin long long ago to be my favorite animal and I identify with dolphin spirit very strongly. I am a Gemini and I heard you say in one of your live chats that Dolphin is a beast of the air as well as the water. Love that. So that was an easy choice. I think that dolphin is here to help me with energy and spirit and joy when I need that. I swim in the Gulf as often as I can and find that amazingly soothing in times of great stress. I am looking to further define him/her and find a name. After the dolphin, and also at a very early age, I felt a very strong attraction to exotic cats, and the tiger was always a favorite. When I was suffering the most from the abrupt change from my nomadic lifestyle to living with my mother, a tiger dream came to me and it was life changing. Since then, I have felt that there is a powerful and strong force inside me to call upon. My traumatizing job was as a Zookeeper where I had a relationship with a cranky but beautiful tiger, so I have named her after this real tiger. She is Basha. I love her soooo much because she gives me courage. The third animal was harder to find, but I went through the Ark deck and brought out six other animals that spoke to me and then I went to sleep. I woke up knowing it was lion because I am all about being a mother to my mother and protecting her and it feels very right to have the strength of a lion to back me up now. I think I need it. I wonder if I am making sense???? Anyway, Bernadette, I have scheduled a session with you for a week from today (Saturday the 17th) because I want to further define my spirit/totem and power animals and have them with me when I need them.

AND I would like to get a new astrological chart done for what is going on in my life now. Maybe a solar return??? Does anyone who is reading this know of a good source?

I am somewhat new to this forum.
I don't recall the "rules".
I did a search with "astrology" and then "rules" within this forum.
I could not find clear answers ...
I am happy to offer an answer to the question of an astrology source, and be supportive in any way I may.

Mama Bear [Bearnadette] and Moderators ~ help with the "rules" here / this forum and answering Linda Buie's inquiry for sources ???
Hi Wild Ones!

I'm Kim! My wife and I have been together for 7 years, married for 4 and together we have 7 babies...2 dogs and 5 cats! I began my spiritual journey in roughly 2007, the year my beloved grandmother passed. She was the only grandparent I really got to know. Though she was a talented artist and quite religious, she ALWAYS taught from a place of love and light.

I've felt lost for years, ever moving on this winding path, sometimes feeling like my wheels were stuck in the mud. But I was still chugging along just trying to get by. Then, the pieces started to come together. Sense was made of my childhood experiences, healing and forgiveness was able to enter my shadows, and astronomical growth was made. I've devoured spiritual books, watched an millennia worth of YouTube videos, searched within myself, and consulted with my spiritual team...and here I am.

Yesterday's Pick-a-card tarot reading video is what jolted me into the next phase of action. The thumbnail screamed at me. The video was a big ol’ finger wagging in my face. So…I got my homemade oracle cards, and Spirit and I talked it out…then I got started typing.

I’m excited and grateful for this forum! Thank you, Bernadette and Grasshopper, for providing this safe space for us all!
Beautiful share ~ feeling the authenticity, vulnerability, transparency + ... thank you and love beyond to you and all around you.