What Is My Spirit Animal
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Let's get WILD! Introduce yourself!

Hello All. This is Raven Jensen from YouTube live shows. Im getting more familiar with the forums here. I was hoping to figure out how to change my username here to match YouTube. Anywho. You all are such beautiful souls. I love Mama Bear šŸ» and her guidance. Straight up tough love and I really need that in my life.
I'll be 37 in December. I'm my mother's only child my father had 4 other older children I'm not really close to. 2 of them have passed on already. Alot of family bio and non bio have all passed on already. So that has been leaving me to question alot of spiritual things in my life.
My maternal side is from west Tennessee. My father side is Scandinavian. I was raised by my mom uncles and grandma. We moved around alot just trying to survive and I started babysitting at 10 years old. Mom's motto growing up was "look listen and learn" and that's exactly what I did. I stayed in my books learning everything I could about medicine and healing. Not really giving a effort in classes like geometry or history or art. I love all those things now as an adult. I do some painting in my free time.

I was 11 years old and I met the white buffalo in Chippewa falls Wisconsin. That spring my half brother was almost killed in a semi truck accident leaving him paralyzed from the neck down. I visited him in the trauma center and that's when I wanted to become a nurse.

I had big dreams but something always blocked them. I just wanted to be in the air force and mom shut that down many times from all angles.
Life went on countless jobs that I loved and hated but learned so much. I attempted college 3 times and never could finish. Business Management Nursing Medical Assistant. Countless certificates but I could never get that degree. My family is full of nurses so I get pressure/encouragement still to this day.
I found my love for cooking and hospitality and started to pursue that dream. I loved to read my grandma's cookbooks. And she taught me all the ways of old and home remedies. I can hear her sometimes when I'm cooking she guides me definitely. Now I know what a kitchen green and hedge witches are! My great aunt's and grandma lol

I've been struggling with this karmic loop of energies reflecting the last 20 years. I can see so many reoccurring issues that needed to be delt with a long time ago. I got pneumonia and they had to stop my heart to get it back in rhythm. I think my soul was freaking out bc I've been evolving rapidly since then. 2018. I'm tired Boss. John Coffee lol

On a girl's trip to Sewanee Tennessee I had this spiritual awakening on a hiking trip. It was the most confusing Magical thing in my life. I was sure not expecting Shamanism would be my path because I've never heard of this before. I was raised in the bible belt. Although my mother is not religious or spiritual, most of my elders are. My cousin telling me a few years ago that I was an empath. I went searching on my own and realized Lord! That's why I'm absorbing all these energies Forever!! And I learned what energy hygiene was! AhhMazing Game Changer!

My mother giving me this unique name has been both a blessing and a curse. I never knew the symbolism of the Raven until recently. And during a dark night of the soul a voice just kept saying shamanism. Still very confused I just kept on learning tarot and listening to frequency music meditation affirmations etc. I feel silly now. I didn't even research it because I thought I was crazy for even hearing the voice. As my soul and Angels finally got through to my higher self and we all connected. I'm clear hearing feeling and seeing. I don't remember all the Clair's yet. And the messages in my reoccurring dreams from my past are finally making sense. Number symbols. And sometimes I can hear trees and plants.

Thomas and Liam are 9 and 8 years old they are my beautiful sons. Chris is my husband we've been together for 10 years. We do the best can with what we've got and It's been working out in our favor so far. My mom lives with us and helps me with the house and the boys. After living my whole life for someone or something else, I was finally in place in my life where I could invest in my well being. Doing for others is what makes me happy and that's what my mom does too. And that's what my grandma did too. But I can see the lessons they didn't learn. I can hear the heartbreak in between in the lines of their stories. I can feel the legacy there and I'm breaking these chains Yes! For my Boys and their Akash. So much gratitude and so many blessings. Mom and me we go together like peas and carrots. Earth vs Fire. She's my rock and I light the fire under her ass. Can say ass?lol

I had to let go of the negative people and things and energies and thought patterns so I can see the truth in my eyes. I needed to hear the advice that I so freely gave to others. I needed to feel the way I made others feel. I needed to be my own friend again something I haven't done since I was a little girl surrounded by nature and animals.

The first 10 weeks of my shaman apprenticeship has been self transformation. And it feels so good. I'm learning still how to work my intentions and just trust the Divine and myself. I'm learning different realms and connection to Gaia. Since I was not able to have many animals growing up. I can connect to them on a shamanic and elemental level. Im having fun learning about the medicine they provide. Ty Divine and Wild Pack for your time and beautiful souls just dancing among the stars. Keep Shining On Diamonds. Much Love Raven
Hello everyone, my name is Tia!

I canā€™t tell you how long Iā€™ve been sitting on this, trying to find the best way to introduce myself (curse my Virgo moon!). My spiritual path has been long and windy throughout my entire life, which makes it difficult to find the best place to start. I didnā€™t have much of a spiritual presence in my life growing up. My dad is a staunch atheist/born again Christian escapee and my mom was raised a ā€œlazy Catholicā€ (her words), so between the two of them, nothing pertaining to religion or spirituality was touched on during my childhood. My first connection to the divine was through a fascination and love of crystals. My mom has always had a draw to them, and we used to go to gem shows together. My maternal grandmother used to take me to the natural history museum and I once got in a massive amount of trouble for trying to hug one of the giant crystals there.

When I was about six, I had an encounter with a shadow figure, a man in a hat. He would appear in my childhood home and scare the living daylights out of me. After my experience with him, I started to grow more sensitive to the ghosts who lived there as well. I grew up on the old grounds of the MGM studio lots in Los Angeles, and boy was that place full of lively spirits- both friendly and not so friendly. My whole family thought I had lost my marbles, so I was drugged and diagnosed with a couple mental health problems that were later dismissed.. but thatā€™s another story.

A few years later when my paternal grandfather passed, I began to speak with angels and communicate with them. Iā€™ve been able to feel their presence my entire life, and even though Iā€™ve struggled with any sort of faith in the past, that feeling of their Divine presence has never gone away. As a kid, I would sit and write letters to the guardians, spirits and passed loved ones, and draw strange symbols all over the papers. One day, my maternal grandmother took me to a Viking exhibit at the Getty museum and told me they were our ancestors, and that was when I saw a tablet with the Elder Futhark. The symbols I had been writing were some of the runes, none of which I had seen before. I didnā€™t think much of it at the time, but I became completely in love with the idea that somehow, I was connected to my ancestors on a deeper level. (That same grandma also inspired a love of playing cards at a young age. I used to carry a deck in my purse at all times and just shuffle when I was feeling anxiousā€¦ which later morphed into a tarot obsession ;])

Through declining health, I lost faith and let go of any fascinations I had with the paranormal and Divine, past waiting for what felt like inevitable death (and watching Ghost Whisperer marathons, lol). I had been convinced that I was crazy, so I just stopped thinking about it all and let my curiosity fade.

When I was eighteen, a good friend of mine told me he was in love with me, so I asked him out on a date. He always sparked wonderful conversations and we could talk about anything. He never thought I was crazy- just absolutely fascinating. He wanted to hear all of my stories and encouraged me to tell him everything. We very quickly moved in together and despite how sick I was, he never gave up on me. He worked hard to keep a roof over our heads and made sure I could go to the doctors I needed, and rest when I couldnā€™t work any more. Not only did he reignite my curiosity and passion, but he made me want to really LIVE. Because of him, I studied as hard as I could, anything and everything to try and combat my declining healthā€¦ which quickly led me to alternative therapies that I had been ridiculed for even thinking about in the past. Meditation, becoming certified in reiki and chakra and color therapy helped me to cure myself of my cPTSD, and opened my mind to so much more. I also studied with a naturopathic doctor, which in turn put me in a position to truly diagnosing my health problems and at age 28, finally resolving them after a life long battle- though not without struggle and sacrifice. At age 26, I had a miscarriage due to the undiagnosed problems. I questioned faith as a whole and threw away my entire practice, including a whole library of books, and a fairly successful business I had been building. Once again, my now husband, saved me. He dug my books and tools out of the trash and put them aside until I was ready to reclaim themā€¦ and after a few months of healing, I did just that. It turns out that the miscarriage saved my life in a strange way. Because it happened, my health problems got worse to the point that they were actually easier to diagnose properly, so the healing could truly begin. No more false starts. It was then that it really clicked for me; everything happens for a reason, whether we like it or not.

The balance of spiritual and health has led me to the belief that they are one in the same. When I hit a roadblock with my health, Iā€™d go back to studying the spiritual. When Iā€™d hit a roadblock with my spiritual life, Iā€™d return focus to my healthā€¦ and eventually, they met in the middle to form one cohesive path. Now at 29 years old, I am a medical intuitive, spiritual consultant, professional tarot reader, psychic medium, and mama to a very healthy and incredibly smart, joyful little boy named Bear.

I had my first reading with Bernadette in mid August, and while I thought I had confidence in myself and my abilities already, that feeling just expanded a billion times over after chatting with her. Things started to click into place so fast, my head was spinning! Not only that, but Mama Bear saved me from making a huge mistake and second guessing where I wanted to move my family. She said that wherever we moved would be surrounded by nature, and when we got there, weā€™d feel like we never wanted to leave. Within two weeks, we were picking up and moving across states. As soon as we got to our new home, it was just as she said- surrounded by nature and we were overwhelmed with a feeling of never wanting to leave. I am so unbelievably grateful for her advice and Iā€™m doing my best to absolutely run with it all.

I feel so honored to be stepping into this community, as during my lurking over the last few months, Iā€™ve read some amazing stories and yā€™all seem like such wonderful people. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve forgotten a whole bunch that I wanted to say, but this was a long post so itā€™s probably for the best anyway. Thank you thank you thank you to Bernadette and her moderators, and AROOO to the rest of the wild pack! Thank you for having me! I look forward to making friends with you.

Much love and thanks for reading!


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What a beautiful, inspiring, wonderous + read and introduction @tiadaniels.
Thank you ... for being and being you!
Love, Hugs +
Hello everyone, my name is Tia!

I canā€™t tell you how long Iā€™ve been sitting on this, trying to find the best way to introduce myself (curse my Virgo moon!). My spiritual path has been long and windy throughout my entire life, which makes it difficult to find the best place to start. I didnā€™t have much of a spiritual presence in my life growing up. My dad is a staunch atheist/born again Christian escapee and my mom was raised a ā€œlazy Catholicā€ (her words), so between the two of them, nothing pertaining to religion or spirituality was touched on during my childhood. My first connection to the divine was through a fascination and love of crystals. My mom has always had a draw to them, and we used to go to gem shows together. My maternal grandmother used to take me to the natural history museum and I once got in a massive amount of trouble for trying to hug one of the giant crystals there.

When I was about six, I had an encounter with a shadow figure, a man in a hat. He would appear in my childhood home and scare the living daylights out of me. After my experience with him, I started to grow more sensitive to the ghosts who lived there as well. I grew up on the old grounds of the MGM studio lots in Los Angeles, and boy was that place full of lively spirits- both friendly and not so friendly. My whole family thought I had lost my marbles, so I was drugged and diagnosed with a couple mental health problems that were later dismissed.. but thatā€™s another story.

A few years later when my paternal grandfather passed, I began to speak with angels and communicate with them. Iā€™ve been able to feel their presence my entire life, and even though Iā€™ve struggled with any sort of faith in the past, that feeling of their Divine presence has never gone away. As a kid, I would sit and write letters to the guardians, spirits and passed loved ones, and draw strange symbols all over the papers. One day, my maternal grandmother took me to a Viking exhibit at the Getty museum and told me they were our ancestors, and that was when I saw a tablet with the Elder Futhark. The symbols I had been writing were some of the runes, none of which I had seen before. I didnā€™t think much of it at the time, but I became completely in love with the idea that somehow, I was connected to my ancestors on a deeper level. (That same grandma also inspired a love of playing cards at a young age. I used to carry a deck in my purse at all times and just shuffle when I was feeling anxiousā€¦ which later morphed into a tarot obsession ;])

Through declining health, I lost faith and let go of any fascinations I had with the paranormal and Divine, past waiting for what felt like inevitable death (and watching Ghost Whisperer marathons, lol). I had been convinced that I was crazy, so I just stopped thinking about it all and let my curiosity fade.

When I was eighteen, a good friend of mine told me he was in love with me, so I asked him out on a date. He always sparked wonderful conversations and we could talk about anything. He never thought I was crazy- just absolutely fascinating. He wanted to hear all of my stories and encouraged me to tell him everything. We very quickly moved in together and despite how sick I was, he never gave up on me. He worked hard to keep a roof over our heads and made sure I could go to the doctors I needed, and rest when I couldnā€™t work any more. Not only did he reignite my curiosity and passion, but he made me want to really LIVE. Because of him, I studied as hard as I could, anything and everything to try and combat my declining healthā€¦ which quickly led me to alternative therapies that I had been ridiculed for even thinking about in the past. Meditation, becoming certified in reiki and chakra and color therapy helped me to cure myself of my cPTSD, and opened my mind to so much more. I also studied with a naturopathic doctor, which in turn put me in a position to truly diagnosing my health problems and at age 28, finally resolving them after a life long battle- though not without struggle and sacrifice. At age 26, I had a miscarriage due to the undiagnosed problems. I questioned faith as a whole and threw away my entire practice, including a whole library of books, and a fairly successful business I had been building. Once again, my now husband, saved me. He dug my books and tools out of the trash and put them aside until I was ready to reclaim themā€¦ and after a few months of healing, I did just that. It turns out that the miscarriage saved my life in a strange way. Because it happened, my health problems got worse to the point that they were actually easier to diagnose properly, so the healing could truly begin. No more false starts. It was then that it really clicked for me; everything happens for a reason, whether we like it or not.

The balance of spiritual and health has led me to the belief that they are one in the same. When I hit a roadblock with my health, Iā€™d go back to studying the spiritual. When Iā€™d hit a roadblock with my spiritual life, Iā€™d return focus to my healthā€¦ and eventually, they met in the middle to form one cohesive path. Now at 29 years old, I am a medical intuitive, spiritual consultant, professional tarot reader, psychic medium, and mama to a very healthy and incredibly smart, joyful little boy named Bear.

I had my first reading with Bernadette in mid August, and while I thought I had confidence in myself and my abilities already, that feeling just expanded a billion times over after chatting with her. Things started to click into place so fast, my head was spinning! Not only that, but Mama Bear saved me from making a huge mistake and second guessing where I wanted to move my family. She said that wherever we moved would be surrounded by nature, and when we got there, weā€™d feel like we never wanted to leave. Within two weeks, we were picking up and moving across states. As soon as we got to our new home, it was just as she said- surrounded by nature and we were overwhelmed with a feeling of never wanting to leave. I am so unbelievably grateful for her advice and Iā€™m doing my best to absolutely run with it all.

I feel so honored to be stepping into this community, as during my lurking over the last few months, Iā€™ve read some amazing stories and yā€™all seem like such wonderful people. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve forgotten a whole bunch that I wanted to say, but this was a long post so itā€™s probably for the best anyway. Thank you thank you thank you to Bernadette and her moderators, and AROOO to the rest of the wild pack! Thank you for having me! I look forward to making friends with you.

Much love and thanks for reading!


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Hi Tia!
Thanks for sharing your fascinating story!! I love going to gem shows too! I should actually post what I recently picked up at the Gem and Fossil show here in New Jersey! You son Bear is so adorable. What a lovie! I'm so happy for you that you found your forever home. Wow. Your husband sounds like a true gem.

Hello All. This is Raven Jensen from YouTube live shows. Im getting more familiar with the forums here. I was hoping to figure out how to change my username here to match YouTube. Anywho. You all are such beautiful souls. I love Mama Bear šŸ» and her guidance. Straight up tough love and I really need that in my life.
I'll be 37 in December. I'm my mother's only child my father had 4 other older children I'm not really close to. 2 of them have passed on already. Alot of family bio and non bio have all passed on already. So that has been leaving me to question alot of spiritual things in my life.
My maternal side is from west Tennessee. My father side is Scandinavian. I was raised by my mom uncles and grandma. We moved around alot just trying to survive and I started babysitting at 10 years old. Mom's motto growing up was "look listen and learn" and that's exactly what I did. I stayed in my books learning everything I could about medicine and healing. Not really giving a effort in classes like geometry or history or art. I love all those things now as an adult. I do some painting in my free time.

I was 11 years old and I met the white buffalo in Chippewa falls Wisconsin. That spring my half brother was almost killed in a semi truck accident leaving him paralyzed from the neck down. I visited him in the trauma center and that's when I wanted to become a nurse.

I had big dreams but something always blocked them. I just wanted to be in the air force and mom shut that down many times from all angles.
Life went on countless jobs that I loved and hated but learned so much. I attempted college 3 times and never could finish. Business Management Nursing Medical Assistant. Countless certificates but I could never get that degree. My family is full of nurses so I get pressure/encouragement still to this day.
I found my love for cooking and hospitality and started to pursue that dream. I loved to read my grandma's cookbooks. And she taught me all the ways of old and home remedies. I can hear her sometimes when I'm cooking she guides me definitely. Now I know what a kitchen green and hedge witches are! My great aunt's and grandma lol

I've been struggling with this karmic loop of energies reflecting the last 20 years. I can see so many reoccurring issues that needed to be delt with a long time ago. I got pneumonia and they had to stop my heart to get it back in rhythm. I think my soul was freaking out bc I've been evolving rapidly since then. 2018. I'm tired Boss. John Coffee lol

On a girl's trip to Sewanee Tennessee I had this spiritual awakening on a hiking trip. It was the most confusing Magical thing in my life. I was sure not expecting Shamanism would be my path because I've never heard of this before. I was raised in the bible belt. Although my mother is not religious or spiritual, most of my elders are. My cousin telling me a few years ago that I was an empath. I went searching on my own and realized Lord! That's why I'm absorbing all these energies Forever!! And I learned what energy hygiene was! AhhMazing Game Changer!

My mother giving me this unique name has been both a blessing and a curse. I never knew the symbolism of the Raven until recently. And during a dark night of the soul a voice just kept saying shamanism. Still very confused I just kept on learning tarot and listening to frequency music meditation affirmations etc. I feel silly now. I didn't even research it because I thought I was crazy for even hearing the voice. As my soul and Angels finally got through to my higher self and we all connected. I'm clear hearing feeling and seeing. I don't remember all the Clair's yet. And the messages in my reoccurring dreams from my past are finally making sense. Number symbols. And sometimes I can hear trees and plants.

Thomas and Liam are 9 and 8 years old they are my beautiful sons. Chris is my husband we've been together for 10 years. We do the best can with what we've got and It's been working out in our favor so far. My mom lives with us and helps me with the house and the boys. After living my whole life for someone or something else, I was finally in place in my life where I could invest in my well being. Doing for others is what makes me happy and that's what my mom does too. And that's what my grandma did too. But I can see the lessons they didn't learn. I can hear the heartbreak in between in the lines of their stories. I can feel the legacy there and I'm breaking these chains Yes! For my Boys and their Akash. So much gratitude and so many blessings. Mom and me we go together like peas and carrots. Earth vs Fire. She's my rock and I light the fire under her ass. Can say ass?lol

I had to let go of the negative people and things and energies and thought patterns so I can see the truth in my eyes. I needed to hear the advice that I so freely gave to others. I needed to feel the way I made others feel. I needed to be my own friend again something I haven't done since I was a little girl surrounded by nature and animals.

The first 10 weeks of my shaman apprenticeship has been self transformation. And it feels so good. I'm learning still how to work my intentions and just trust the Divine and myself. I'm learning different realms and connection to Gaia. Since I was not able to have many animals growing up. I can connect to them on a shamanic and elemental level. Im having fun learning about the medicine they provide. Ty Divine and Wild Pack for your time and beautiful souls just dancing among the stars. Keep Shining On Diamonds. Much Love Raven
A beautiful read @starryphish2184 / Raven Jensen and share about you, aspects of your journey ... love "it feels so good" and "dancing among the stars" ... and more {I can see ... ; I can hear ... ; I can feel ... }
Love, xo's
I actually read your story before I logged in and I can relate to a lot of what you wrote. I am so happy that you found a way to introduce yourself and really glad you are a part of the wild pack. I am kind of new but the wild pack has been very kind and welcoming to me as I am sure they will be to you as well.

By the way, I love your profile photo.

wishing you love, light, and laughter,

M Ravenheart
Thank you so much, M! I'm really happy and honored to be here. It's amazing how many people have responded in just a few days time. The energy here is so wonderful! Love, light and laughter to you too! <3
Beautiful ā¤ļø Nice to Meet You Tia šŸ˜Š Hugs!
Nice to meet you too, Raven! Hugs!
What a beautiful, inspiring, wonderous + read and introduction @tiadaniels.
Thank you ... for being and being you!
Love, Hugs +
AaaRrrrOoo, Darkshinez! Thank you for reading and commenting! Love and hugs to you too!
Hi Tia!
Thanks for sharing your fascinating story!! I love going to gem shows too! I should actually post what I recently picked up at the Gem and Fossil show here in New Jersey! You son Bear is so adorable. What a lovie! I'm so happy for you that you found your forever home. Wow. Your husband sounds like a true gem.

Hi Julie! Omgh please do post it! I wanna see! Aw, thank you. He's so smiley and sweet, and my husband definitely is a gem! I'm very lucky with my little family and my forever home! Thank you thank you!
Much love to you!
Hello All. This is Raven Jensen from YouTube live shows. Im getting more familiar with the forums here. I was hoping to figure out how to change my username here to match YouTube. Anywho. You all are such beautiful souls. I love Mama Bear šŸ» and her guidance. Straight up tough love and I really need that in my life.
I'll be 37 in December. I'm my mother's only child my father had 4 other older children I'm not really close to. 2 of them have passed on already. Alot of family bio and non bio have all passed on already. So that has been leaving me to question alot of spiritual things in my life.
My maternal side is from west Tennessee. My father side is Scandinavian. I was raised by my mom uncles and grandma. We moved around alot just trying to survive and I started babysitting at 10 years old. Mom's motto growing up was "look listen and learn" and that's exactly what I did. I stayed in my books learning everything I could about medicine and healing. Not really giving a effort in classes like geometry or history or art. I love all those things now as an adult. I do some painting in my free time.

I was 11 years old and I met the white buffalo in Chippewa falls Wisconsin. That spring my half brother was almost killed in a semi truck accident leaving him paralyzed from the neck down. I visited him in the trauma center and that's when I wanted to become a nurse.

I had big dreams but something always blocked them. I just wanted to be in the air force and mom shut that down many times from all angles.
Life went on countless jobs that I loved and hated but learned so much. I attempted college 3 times and never could finish. Business Management Nursing Medical Assistant. Countless certificates but I could never get that degree. My family is full of nurses so I get pressure/encouragement still to this day.
I found my love for cooking and hospitality and started to pursue that dream. I loved to read my grandma's cookbooks. And she taught me all the ways of old and home remedies. I can hear her sometimes when I'm cooking she guides me definitely. Now I know what a kitchen green and hedge witches are! My great aunt's and grandma lol

I've been struggling with this karmic loop of energies reflecting the last 20 years. I can see so many reoccurring issues that needed to be delt with a long time ago. I got pneumonia and they had to stop my heart to get it back in rhythm. I think my soul was freaking out bc I've been evolving rapidly since then. 2018. I'm tired Boss. John Coffee lol

On a girl's trip to Sewanee Tennessee I had this spiritual awakening on a hiking trip. It was the most confusing Magical thing in my life. I was sure not expecting Shamanism would be my path because I've never heard of this before. I was raised in the bible belt. Although my mother is not religious or spiritual, most of my elders are. My cousin telling me a few years ago that I was an empath. I went searching on my own and realized Lord! That's why I'm absorbing all these energies Forever!! And I learned what energy hygiene was! AhhMazing Game Changer!

My mother giving me this unique name has been both a blessing and a curse. I never knew the symbolism of the Raven until recently. And during a dark night of the soul a voice just kept saying shamanism. Still very confused I just kept on learning tarot and listening to frequency music meditation affirmations etc. I feel silly now. I didn't even research it because I thought I was crazy for even hearing the voice. As my soul and Angels finally got through to my higher self and we all connected. I'm clear hearing feeling and seeing. I don't remember all the Clair's yet. And the messages in my reoccurring dreams from my past are finally making sense. Number symbols. And sometimes I can hear trees and plants.

Thomas and Liam are 9 and 8 years old they are my beautiful sons. Chris is my husband we've been together for 10 years. We do the best can with what we've got and It's been working out in our favor so far. My mom lives with us and helps me with the house and the boys. After living my whole life for someone or something else, I was finally in place in my life where I could invest in my well being. Doing for others is what makes me happy and that's what my mom does too. And that's what my grandma did too. But I can see the lessons they didn't learn. I can hear the heartbreak in between in the lines of their stories. I can feel the legacy there and I'm breaking these chains Yes! For my Boys and their Akash. So much gratitude and so many blessings. Mom and me we go together like peas and carrots. Earth vs Fire. She's my rock and I light the fire under her ass. Can say ass?lol

I had to let go of the negative people and things and energies and thought patterns so I can see the truth in my eyes. I needed to hear the advice that I so freely gave to others. I needed to feel the way I made others feel. I needed to be my own friend again something I haven't done since I was a little girl surrounded by nature and animals.

The first 10 weeks of my shaman apprenticeship has been self transformation. And it feels so good. I'm learning still how to work my intentions and just trust the Divine and myself. I'm learning different realms and connection to Gaia. Since I was not able to have many animals growing up. I can connect to them on a shamanic and elemental level. Im having fun learning about the medicine they provide. Ty Divine and Wild Pack for your time and beautiful souls just dancing among the stars. Keep Shining On Diamonds. Much Love Raven
What a wonderful, beautiful introduction. Happy to be here with you, Raven! xo
Guess who this is??? 1909589_1103403861639_2279574_n.jpg If you said MarkRavenheart you would be correct. That was the new me, and below is also the "new" me only I have had 60 birthdays... this is just to give you all a visual of who you are interacting with. I am pleased to meet you all...although I have not been a member here very long, I have a lot of love for The Wild Pack and Mama Bear! *(The hat is the "herbal therapy" hat that my sister bought for me the year before she passed thru the veil.) She said I looked handsome in it so that is why I chose this pic. It is my way of trying to re-introduce myself. So Hello, I am Mark "Ravenheart."

Mark hat smile 2017-2018.jpg
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Guess who this is??? View attachment 1665 If you said MarkRavenheart you would be correct. That was the new me, and below is also the "new" me only I have had 60 birthdays... this is just to give you all a visual of who you are interacting with. I am pleased to meet you all...although I have not been a member here very long, I have a lot of love for The Wild Pack and Mama Bear! *(The hat is the "herbal therapy" hat that my sister bought for me the year before she passed thru the veil.) She said I looked handsome in it so that is why I chose this pic. It is my way of trying to re-introduce myself. So Hello, I am Mark "Ravenheart."

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Love and appreciate the introduction and re-introduction, pics and all.
A lovely birth, death, rebirth ++++ and more ...
Guess who this is??? View attachment 1665 If you said MarkRavenheart you would be correct. That was the new me, and below is also the "new" me only I have had 60 birthdays... this is just to give you all a visual of who you are interacting with. I am pleased to meet you all...although I have not been a member here very long, I have a lot of love for The Wild Pack and Mama Bear! *(The hat is the "herbal therapy" hat that my sister bought for me the year before she passed thru the veil.) She said I looked handsome in it so that is why I chose this pic. It is my way of trying to re-introduce myself. So Hello, I am Mark "Ravenheart."

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The lion himself. Shows just how small the world can be How we found out on here, that we actually knew each other on a COMPLETELY different website quite a few years ago. Both under different screen names.
The lion himself. Shows just how small the world can be How we found out on here, that we actually knew each other on a COMPLETELY different website quite a few years ago. Both under different screen names.
Lovely ... you @Pearlized knew and now know @Mark Ravenheart ... Wow!
That is what I understood from the messages / posts.
If I misunderstood, let me know.
Hugs, well wishes.
Lovely ... you @Pearlized knew and now know @Mark Ravenheart ... Wow!
That is what I understood from the messages / posts.
If I misunderstood, let me know.
Hugs, well wishes.
You are correct @DARKSHINEZ From around 2009 ish we both joined a website that connects us both in a completely different way. It was only 8 days ago we realised as we chatted by messanger. I was a Moderator for a long time on that one.