What Is My Spirit Animal
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  1. Lily

    Prayers please

    Sending SO MUCH love and light and healing wherever it is needed. 💗💗💗💗💗 Keeping you all in my prayers.
  2. Lily


  3. Lily

    Hurray for Cephalopods, Crustaceans, Decapods et. al....

    Just thought I would share this news! Silly hoo-mans... "The obscure we see eventually. The completely obvious, it seems, takes longer." - Edward Murrow https://www.businessinsider.com/octopuses-crabs-lobsters-recognized-as-sentient-beings-in-uk-2021-11
  4. Lily

    Love Pearl---Dreamcatcher, a gift

    The first image I got was the cover of the book by John Steinbeck "The Black Pearl" - if you're an avid reader I would recommend it as it has to do with family, the song and longing in your heart, and other great lessons that may resonate! It's a short read and one I re read often. What a...
  5. Lily

    November 1st Start of a New Year for some.

    If I may, as someone who currently has a debilitating issue (CPTSD), that goes both ways. There is give and take in any healthy relationship, especially when living together. Not saying anything said was wrong or intentionally hurtful, but it goes both ways; us with PTSD have to give things up...
  6. Lily

    A Strange Occurrence...

    I also own two pieces of tektite...I don't think that the tektite interfered in any way...after cleansing crystals we infuse them with our intentions and "program" them for what we need/what they can provide. As is with anything, it is a relationship. I personally think the two would work...
  7. Lily

    A Strange Occurrence...

    Ooh I love your story and this thread!! It's funny how we all have a different interpretation of what side of your body you were wearing it. I have only been working with crystals for 3yrs, but I have found when working with bracelets that the left side is the receiving side and the left side...
  8. Lily

    Fun Fact: Did you know owls sleep face down?! I had NO idea! Cutest thing EVER! [ATTACH]

    Fun Fact: Did you know owls sleep face down?! I had NO idea! Cutest thing EVER!
  9. Lily

    Ask Mama Bear anything about Spirit, Totem, and Power Animals...

    I can totally relate. For decades, I have been telling people close to me I feel like I shoot straight from the hip but most others I have come across play social/mind games and I never learned the rules as a kid... Those close to me know I don't pay games with people. I just know to be who I am...
  10. Lily

    Beautiful Spirit Animal Antics.

    I just thought this was so sweet!!!
  11. Lily

    MONEY MONDAY LIVE Tarot Pick a Card MONEY Reading - Mon October 4, 2021

    I felt compelled to look up Pluto in the 3rd house (or Pluto in Libra....Libra is in my third house). For anyone who resonates with this click on the link below. I felt compelled to share this information https://www.lookupthestars.com/post/pluto-in-the-3rd-house-the-restless-mind
  12. Lily

    MONEY MONDAY LIVE Tarot Pick a Card MONEY Reading - Mon October 4, 2021

    @Mama Bear The message that first came through for air signs from a "grease monkey" just FLOORED me (in a delayed manner). At first i thought maybe there was a loose connection with my grandmother...then you mentioned it was someone who had passed that we wouldn't think was a person supporting...
  13. Lily

    But I LOVED Seinfeld growing up...so I had to express my excitement and love 🥰🥰

    But I LOVED Seinfeld growing up...so I had to express my excitement and love 🥰🥰
  14. Lily

    lol thanks @Littles hahaha Oh, no binge-a-thon this weekend but I live alone so it's nice to...

    lol thanks @Littles hahaha Oh, no binge-a-thon this weekend but I live alone so it's nice to have on in the background while doing housework. This show and Friends raised my sister and me. My guides speak to me through media (print or visual)so I am interested to see what the universe has to say.
  15. Lily

    Question of the Week 10/1: What Healing Modalities do you Use/Trust?

    When I need to "dance it out", I often listen to Girl Talk; his mashups are epic! 🤟💃
  16. Lily

    [IMG] Seinfeld was added to Netflix...see you in 3 days.....😂😂😂

    Seinfeld was added to Netflix...see you in 3 days.....😂😂😂
  17. Lily


  18. Lily

    Ask Mama Bear anything about Spirit, Totem, and Power Animals...

    I got that sense as well, @Pearlized! That dragon wants you to focus on something else right now...maybe to think bigger picture or that another "tool" would be more beneficial to you in some way (tea leaves, palmistry, astrology...). Then when you go back to tarot you may have a better idea of...
  19. Lily

    Ask Mama Bear anything about Spirit, Totem, and Power Animals...

    ME TOO! In the winter in the mountains for me, and I would prefer the least amount of human interaction. I often tell friends or neighbours "I'm not going out today. It's too people-y out there for me today" Hahaha