What Is My Spirit Animal
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Ask Mama Bear anything about Spirit, Totem, and Power Animals...

@Trish Telesco Well that button never got pushed to book where i suggested Instead he wanted to go further, so i found somewhere else and BINGO i hit the jackpot. A lovely North Yorkshire dales village, with walks, waterfalls, and loads of pubs too LOL.

So we will be in the middle of nature for 6 days. Its what we both need.

Here is a taster with a few pictures. I will put up loads when we get back. Not going for a couple of weeks though.

First is a view from where we are staying out over part of the Dales. The second is where we will be talking a walk that will no doubt exhaust us but will be spectacular and definitely not to be missed.


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@Mama Bear I want to work with Leopard as a power animal, how do I do that exactly? Is it a matter of meditation or is there some ritual involved? I am lost.

Hi, Mark;

This is a fantastic question and one I'm often asked - RE the 'procedure' for 'working' with an animal spirit guide. As far as I can tell there is no 'one' way. Meaning - whatever is most comfortable for you. Some folks are most receptive if they work with the animal(s) in the dreamstime. Some during meditation. I always ask the Animal Allies to send me signs I can't miss and they do! Every. Single. Time. Some folks like to have visions and ask the Animal Allies to appear in 3d form or like you would watching a movie in your psychic mind (if that makes sense).

Now you want to work with Leopard as your POWER Animal. This means stepping outside Jaguar to be the 3d you. Deep imagery can help. You can telepathically transport your consciousness to the jungle to 'be' jaguar. Romp around the jungle a bit. What do you see, sense, taste, smell? What do you feel in your jaguar body and outside of it? When you're ready to emerge as 'you' simply transform into 'you' - kinda like you see in the movies when one person/animal/thing "metamorphs" into something else.

There are a billiondy other ways to achieve what you're wanting to achieve so let me know if you want more suggestions. Sure hope that helps!
I would love to go someplace like a cabin in the woods.... but I really don't want to interact with people to get there.
ME TOO! In the winter in the mountains for me, and I would prefer the least amount of human interaction. I often tell friends or neighbours "I'm not going out today. It's too people-y out there for me today" Hahaha
Hi Mama Bear!

I’m not sure if I’m posting this in the right area, but it’s about my connection with Dragon as my power animal. Something happened and I’m not sure what sense to make of it.

I’ve been working with Dragon for several years now, but the other day I had a meditation where he just swooped in and burned my tarot cards up with a big breath of fire. The meditation only lasted a minute because I was so shocked that I unintentionally pulled myself out of it, and no matter how much I sit on it, I can’t figure out what it means. Dragon asked to specifically be my power animal for energy work too… and Dolphin my spirit animal that I call on during psychic sessions.

I am struggling to wrap my head around this. Any input would be highly appreciated!
Hi @tiadaniels I am just wondering if in some part of your life your are over doing it. In an almost "" Burnt out"" kind of way.

If so Maybe this was your Dragons way of telling you that you need to sit back and just let if flow for a while. So where you would see your cards being burnt. In reality you just need to put it all to one side for a while and go with the flow of water for a while. Swim with the Dolphins in open water. With nothing but calmness all around you.
Hi @tiadaniels I am just wondering if in some part of your life your are over doing it. In an almost "" Burnt out"" kind of way.

If so Maybe this was your Dragons way of telling you that you need to sit back and just let if flow for a while. So where you would see your cards being burnt. In reality you just need to put it all to one side for a while and go with the flow of water for a while. Swim with the Dolphins in open water. With nothing but calmness all around you.
I got that sense as well, @Pearlized! That dragon wants you to focus on something else right now...maybe to think bigger picture or that another "tool" would be more beneficial to you in some way (tea leaves, palmistry, astrology...). Then when you go back to tarot you may have a better idea of what symbolizes what for you and more symbols to inform your intuition. If that makes ANY sense at all lol
Sorry if this sounds confusing; sometimes it's hard for me to put into words what I feel.
Hi @tiadaniels I am just wondering if in some part of your life your are over doing it. In an almost "" Burnt out"" kind of way.

If so Maybe this was your Dragons way of telling you that you need to sit back and just let if flow for a while. So where you would see your cards being burnt. In reality you just need to put it all to one side for a while and go with the flow of water for a while. Swim with the Dolphins in open water. With nothing but calmness all around you.
I was thinking about that too. I love reading with my cards and have been doing so for so long, they feel like my friends… but I recently just made a huge move across states though and have been pretty tired, but of course that doesn’t stop me from worrying about paying the bills, lol. Maybe it’s not time to push ahead again just yet.

I got that sense as well, @Pearlized! That dragon wants you to focus on something else right now...maybe to think bigger picture or that another "tool" would be more beneficial to you in some way (tea leaves, palmistry, astrology...). Then when you go back to tarot you may have a better idea of what symbolizes what for you and more symbols to inform your intuition. If that makes ANY sense at all lol
Sorry if this sounds confusing; sometimes it's hard for me to put into words what I feel.
It’s so funny how y’all have echoed my mabon reading for myself! I think how much I love my cards and how much I enjoy reading for people, is blocking me from getting this message. This wouldn’t be the first time my spirit guides have told me to take a break from my tools and focus on more spiritual development instead.

Thank you both for your responses! 💕
Hi Mama Bear!

I’m not sure if I’m posting this in the right area, but it’s about my connection with Dragon as my power animal. Something happened and I’m not sure what sense to make of it.

I’ve been working with Dragon for several years now, but the other day I had a meditation where he just swooped in and burned my tarot cards up with a big breath of fire. The meditation only lasted a minute because I was so shocked that I unintentionally pulled myself out of it, and no matter how much I sit on it, I can’t figure out what it means. Dragon asked to specifically be my power animal for energy work too… and Dolphin my spirit animal that I call on during psychic sessions.

I am struggling to wrap my head around this. Any input would be highly appreciated!
Hello @tiadaniels

Lovely, Beautiful that you are working with Dragons and they are with you!

On Mama Bear's site ~ Dragon search:

I don't know if you have the ARK deck from @Mama Bear ...

I am including an image of one of the pages in the book that comes with the ARK deck that is about "Dragon".

ARKDeck Dragon2.jpg

May you keep sitting with everything around the Dragon connections and what it is for you ...

I imagine dragons have plenty to communicate and thankfully you are tuning in and with them, so to speak ...

Maybe ask them {dragons} for clarification {?} ...

Loving well wishes.
Dragons are ancient Beings and have odd ways of getting a point across. Fire is purifying - kinda like clearing the plate and starting anew. There's nothing wrong with the cards (smile), but perhaps you need to rely on your intuition and trust it more.

Dragons help us adjust to new circumstances using perception, perspectives, and lessons on where your focus should be. It's kinda cool that the Anglo Saxon word for Dragon means "clear seer" - they bear great wisdom

On a less serious note, for some reason the phrase "burn, baby, burn" popped into my head, perhaps as an allusion to your growing inner light. Dragons can be so odd sometimes (and they have a wicked sense of humor)
Oh wow!!! I was dreaming the other night that I was in a boat with some other guys that had lights shining down into the water and what should appear but a humongous, and I do mean huge, 4-legged dragon of the crocodile variety. It just sat there on the bottom of the river, not moving. I didn't feel threatened as much as surprised with an added healthy dose of respect for its power. Now I am curious to know why it showed up in my dreams.? what was the message? I am about to look into the ARK deck for an answer but would like to hear from Mama Bear or anyone who wishes to reply. Thanks in advance.
Wow @Mark Ravenheart I was just about to move on from your post here As i had no answer. Them BOOM like a smack at the back of the head i saw the following.

This Dragon denotes your hidden depths. Your hidden strength and power to keep going forward from all you have been though. You have the fight and the calm that a dragon holds. You just have to let it surface when you are in need of that extra fire power. It is all there deep inside yourself.

Not even looked at the Ark deck. It was just there. Its the kind of wisdom i would say to my hubby.
Thanks so much, Pearl. I learned a bit about crocodile as a warning and as a symbol of strength and power and I would say you are right on the mark (no pun intended). I have much info to consider and I noticed also that my spirit, totem, and power animal(s) mostly come to me in Dreamtime. I will have to take some time and give this the extended thought it deserves, but I agree that I am stronger and more fierce than I ever give myself credit for. Perhaps now is not the time to be shy.
LOL Just got this No idea who its from but female. She said

"" Time to stand up and show them who you are and what you can do. Show them your more powerful than any of them give you credit for. Dont let them put you down anymore. Do it with the love you are holding back""

No idea why the last part, but wondering if you are afraid to show the love you can give for some reason.
Yes, I am afraid of showing love due to being used/hurt one too many times, but it is difficult not to when you have a big heart...I guess that is why I am afraid. But I think now is the time to call them as I see them. I do have some passive-aggressive types of people in my life right now that I am not entirely sure have my best interests at heart. it is always like playing a game and I am not one for games, at least not head games. and thank you so much for your reply, and by the way, I am interested in your essential oil blende.