What Is My Spirit Animal
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Let's get WILD! Introduce yourself!

Hi, I'm Andy. I don't know what to say about myself as I keep this side of myself as private as possible as my mental health is always called into question; so I'm inherently on the obtuse and defensive. I am very warm and open when given a platform. I maintain a blog about being an energy 'ambassador' and will soon be maintaining one with the the same name as my username. Not to self promote I write to virtually myself; and that's fine! I read, divine, and communicate closely with ... well I don't really know what but animals and nature seem to be how it presents itself. I'm incredibly grateful for a safe space to express myself, communicate with like-minds and to learn. The farther I push the more insignificant I Feel so I am trying to be open and receptive to something I'm missing. My connection with source and the animal kingdom and constantly questioning it for other people is the diving board that's lead me here. Thanks for letting me splash about. Love, light and beauty.
Well hello everyone! So happy I found a herd..passle...pack...flock...etc of animal lovers. My name is Kim and can not remember a time that I wasn’t in love with animals and nature. Horses and dogs were always my life long best friends and still are. Finding for the past two years that I am really drawn to birds! I have a fantastic local metaphysical store near me in Woodstock GA. I have a Jurassic metric crap ton of crystals, achieved my Level 2 Reiki certification, have found out I do have some talents and abilities, and want nothing more than to help others feel better and put a smile on their faces. I do have to mention that I am a devout follower of Jesus. No I won’t thump anyone on the head with a Bible. But I will love God and I will love others as I love myself. Also, I do have tattoos. One is a white peacock with crystals. I went to a Shaman and she was doing her thang when I saw this brilliant white peacock looking back at me with glistening crystals on his feathers. Mind you I never knew there were WHITE peacocks before this experience. It affected me so much, that within days I got this tattoo that covers my left forearm. Fun stuff!!! Been learning ever since. Thanks all. Sending big hugs!!
Well hello everyone! So happy I found a herd..passle...pack...flock...etc of animal lovers. My name is Kim and can not remember a time that I wasn’t in love with animals and nature. Horses and dogs were always my life long best friends and still are. Finding for the past two years that I am really drawn to birds! I have a fantastic local metaphysical store near me in Woodstock GA. I have a Jurassic metric crap ton of crystals, achieved my Level 2 Reiki certification, have found out I do have some talents and abilities, and want nothing more than to help others feel better and put a smile on their faces. I do have to mention that I am a devout follower of Jesus. No I won’t thump anyone on the head with a Bible. But I will love God and I will love others as I love myself. Also, I do have tattoos. One is a white peacock with crystals. I went to a Shaman and she was doing her thang when I saw this brilliant white peacock looking back at me with glistening crystals on his feathers. Mind you I never knew there were WHITE peacocks before this experience. It affected me so much, that within days I got this tattoo that covers my left forearm. Fun stuff!!! Been learning ever since. Thanks all. Sending big hugs!!
Well Hello again & Welcome, Kim(whitepeacock)!! Thank you so much for sharing!! You are definitely in the right place!! You pegged us right on the herd, passle, pack & flock!! We are a bunch of hard core animal lovers!! I'm a big fan of birds too! Birds are known to symbolize freedom because they can walk on earth, swim in the sea, & have the ability to fly in the air! They are considered messengers from the spirit realm as well! And I'm a sucker for their singing;) Congrats on achieving your level 2 Reiki Certification!! That's so awesome!! I would love to get some formal training some day. I love crystals, rocks, Indian beads, gems, ect and working w/their energy! I've never been to a shaman either but that sounds like an epic vision to have! I bet that tattoo is stunning!! My family had 2 peacocks when I was a kid! I just remember them walking around, spreading their brilliant feathers & looking proud as can be!! haha Their wingspan & the colors are a site to behold when your just a wee wittle one! haha Welp, I hope you have a wonderful weekend, Kim! It was nice getting to know you a little! Big 🐻Hugz!
D13CD510-2CBE-4334-815E-86B41B5F444F.jpegSaw this hawk on my walk today. Posed perfectly for this picture.
Curious as to what spirit is trying to tell me.
Well hello everyone! So happy I found a herd..passle...pack...flock...etc of animal lovers. My name is Kim and can not remember a time that I wasn’t in love with animals and nature. Horses and dogs were always my life long best friends and still are. Finding for the past two years that I am really drawn to birds! I have a fantastic local metaphysical store near me in Woodstock GA. I have a Jurassic metric crap ton of crystals, achieved my Level 2 Reiki certification, have found out I do have some talents and abilities, and want nothing more than to help others feel better and put a smile on their faces. I do have to mention that I am a devout follower of Jesus. No I won’t thump anyone on the head with a Bible. But I will love God and I will love others as I love myself. Also, I do have tattoos. One is a white peacock with crystals. I went to a Shaman and she was doing her thang when I saw this brilliant white peacock looking back at me with glistening crystals on his feathers. Mind you I never knew there were WHITE peacocks before this experience. It affected me so much, that within days I got this tattoo that covers my left forearm. Fun stuff!!! Been learning ever since. Thanks all. Sending big hugs!!
We are so glad to have you! White peacocks are so beautiful! Animal Spirits aren't limited by dogma (you don't sound like someone who likes too much of that either!). They just want to help and guide us. From a religious standpoint, I honestly don't care if someone follows a pink and green polka-dot Deity - it's what's in your heart and intent. Can you post a picture of your tat? I would love to see it.
View attachment 431Saw this hawk on my walk today. Posed perfectly for this picture.
Curious as to what spirit is trying to tell me.
When I opened the picture I found awesome juxtaposition and a bit of nature's humor. The Hawk sits on a "no trespassing" sign. He's being bold and holding his place. Perhaps there is a situation that feels like someone trespassing into a part of your life you'd prefer kept private?
Hi Wild Ones!

Krista here, I’ve been part of the wild pack since 2017 when I was the recipient of Divine Intervention, and started to go through my spiritual awakening, and found Bernadette’s site.

In 2018 someone I love very dearly attempted suicide. I walked in as he kicked the chair out, he refused to put his feet down so I got under him and held him on my shoulder while screaming like a banshee for help for 20 minutes.
In those moments when my world was upside down I also had a magnificent black Friesian Stallion come to assist me, and I knew without a doubt that everything I was learning about was true.

My heart, my love, survived the attempt, however his memory has been greatly affected due a noxious brain injury. From the best they could tell he went without O2 for 8 minutes.
He can walk and talk but all memory of Us our dogs and our life together were wiped.
Since this time it has become apparent to me that even though he was alive, it was not the same soul, even his eyes were different, so I started digging deeper and I have been given more signs than I need to know that my love, the version of him I knew transitioned to the other side, he is now my guardian always watching over me, while another lost soul was given a redemption in this life to finish out the time in the body of someone who was so depressed he attempted suicide (I’m pretty sure that’s the definition of an Earth Angel?) anywho I get long winded...so here I am gobbling up everything I can metaphysical, and other dimensionally regarding soul transfer walk ins ect. at the same time I’m trying to get my creative wings back under me....it’s been a lot.

Prior to meeting my love I was in the Canadian Navy for 8 years as a Sonar Operator, yes I love the pictures painted by frequency...my love was an electrician...oh the conversations we had when we started our spiritual awakening together.

When I left the Navy I started my own business as an artist, I know the animal allies were with me as I created baby animals until they were coming out of my ears under the name K Pawz Creations.

I know I was in stasis for those 12 years creating in my workshop gaining an education from the animals for what was to come and for now...

Then I met my love he became my muse, he became part of my artwork....and since he has been gone I’ve been stumbling to get my feet back under me and get the magic flowing again...a few months back Bernadette and I worked on some Shadow work, I didn’t even know it was still lingering...in January my puppy came into my life and guess what?

Today I see clear work space, a brilliant sparkly studio inviting me to come in and play, and a new endeavour waiting to be born...and “Named”.
So I’m setting the intention with everything in my being to do everything in my effort for the Animal Allies and get “Elevenation Ink” off the ground, “where the spirits come to have their portraits drawn”....branching off of this is also going to be Here Be Dragons, as I re enter the world of One Of A Kind Sculpture artistry as a Dragon Artist.

I look forward to getting to know you all, and sharing many tales or is that tails? 😉

Krista & Raven (My Galaxy Gliding Pup)
an amazin story... added to your rich life's experience...vibrant. fully whole. crystal. amazing. blessed and more powerful than--- I am an artist too. maybe we can chat sometime. good wishes sista Wild Pack.... [email protected] lol
where is the tab where I go officially to introduce myself. Mama Bear reached out to me. What I need is the step by step, which tab --- I cannot even get back to some tab that an announcement is introduce yourself... I mean is there a guide book I can read Uall seem to know where to go and how to post effectively Thanks in advance
where is the tab where I go officially to introduce myself. Mama Bear reached out to me. What I need is the step by step, which tab --- I cannot even get back to some tab that an announcement is introduce yourself... I mean is there a guide book I can read Uall seem to know where to go and how to post effectively Thanks in advance
You are posting in the right place now to introduce yourself. So just start a fresh post under my reply to you in the open box and away you go.

I hope that helps 🦋
Hello beautiful Wildpack, Mama Bear!

I just feel so moved by all of your stories and so honored to be here with you! I am recently new to the pack :) Found out about Mama Bear through the recent Kickstarter project. I was browsing projects, page after page in a bit of a bored, numb mindspace,hahaha, one of those evenings! Just as I thought; what arrrre you doing girl, get up and away from your screen! I just felt I had to pres 3 pages from the current one and there it was!! The Totem Spirit book project smiling right at me!! Shivers down my spine and Mama Bears talk and Arrrrooooh! Kicked me right out of my apathy!

So, not sure yet at the how & why but I feel I just kinda have to be here!
My name is Eveline or evfirefly :)

I am light hearted, light headed? Love chocolate, trees and my cat! I have no psychic ability that I know of but feel very drawn to develop my Intuition, my Magic, my place in the world! Been on and off into my spiritual side (can one even say that?!) Hihi followed Advaita Vedanta for most part up to now & bits of this, bits of that. Still seeking, developing! Now connecting with the Bach flower system, strongly!! Hope to be offering sessions in the near future! Also very interested in learning the Tarot! Have the Ark Animal by my side!

Again, excited to be here & get to connect with you all!
Kindly, Eveline
Hi, I'm Terese.
I found the whatismyspiritanimal.com when I became aware there were messages from the animals. I've been building my spirituality around nature since I was a child. I enjoyed church because I love to sing. I loved nature because I always felt safe and nurtured. I continue to grow and learn my talents. Finding others with like interests has been one of the biggest blessing in my life.
My life has been of service to others. From mother and scout leader to care giver and volunteer, where needed. Covid has given me time to focus on myself as I never had before.
I have enjoyed sharing stories and songs, tales from nature and Native American teaching with my children as they were growing. I now get to share with my grandchildren, great-grand children.
Life is good. Living it is better.
May you walk in beauty.
Welcome TAS! Oh my, a bard! when you love something, you will find a way to express it. As a child when I was upset or just wanted to be alone I went to the woods in the back of my house and sang to the trees. They didn't seem to care if I was out of tune. Sometimes I yelled, and sometimes I whispered. The little creek filled with guppies added background music. When I was in church, I sang. When I went to College I took five semesters of choir, coral, and vocal. When I was in SCA I created filk tunes and (you guessed it) sang them at every bonfire. Since then, my voice is not what it used to be. Oh, I'll sing with the oldies in my kitchen but get mad when I'm reaching for a note or flat. I have good ears, so I know when it's not "good" by normal terms. I think my challenge this year is get back to singing even if it sounds aweful

♫ ♫ sing, sing a song
Hello my name is Jessica,
I am an empath,clairsentient,and have been told by several people clairvoyant. I can connect with animals( domesticated and wild alike)and they connect with me in the same way. I have recently discovered that I am most likely a starseed, and all of my DNA derives from a tribal lines ( which once I found that part out really helped to explain so much and gave me a better understanding of why I am who and what I am.)
I have been watching Mama bear for a while now and joined my first live last night. I have been so impressed with not only her story but her abilities and how real she is.
Ive been looking for my place for so long feeling totally alone and the few times I tried to tell anyone I had phychic abilities I was told "Your not phychic you are psychotic" and that made me keep my abilities stomped way down deep away from the light.
But around 7 years ago I heard or felt a call a pull from spirit telling me no more hiding you have to come into the light. I never shut my gifts down I just didn't talk too much about what I heard or saw in visions or dreams. But I couldn't even do that anymore so I set out to learn what I could as I have to go it alone not having the ability to afford the cost of the places I did discover to learn about Shamanism. So I joined free Facebook groups and for a while that worked well for me. However after a year or so that approach was no longer viable. So I have been following the prompts of my animal guides,my ancestors,and my 2 spirit guides( I have not met others yet but am told I will) I was even told a small portion of my purpose very recently.
I am being guided to step out and not fear and use my abilities to guide and help others animals and humans alike. But I don't know how or even where to begin or how to get off the ground. But I was guided to join here today and in doing so may find support and even advice from a group of folks who are extremely similar to myself in beliefs and and experiences,I have faith in my guides and my abilities so I listened and joined. Ok I hope this was what was wanted as far as an introduction and I look forward to seeing what all I can learn and become a part of by joining here today. Thank you Bernadette for creating a place for us to congregate and learn from one another that isnt Facebook. 💜🙂🌺🙂💜
We are so happy you made your way here! Many of our members will resonate with your post. Many of us are isolated for one reason or another; some work as solitary practitioners but still yearn for fellowship. Thank you for adding your voice
Thank you so much for your support and the kind welcome. And I am happy to talk about the experiences Ive had through my life at 45 there many. Some traumatic,some that were absolutely amazing,and a few that totally transformed my life. If I can in anyway help others with my own experiences and abilities I will do so without hesitation. I am so grateful to have found others like myself and many who had extremely difficult life experiences as well. I truly believe they help to teach us our strength and our own abilities to give and walk in and with unconditional love. I hope to become a helpful and productive member of this great forum. And again thank you so very much for helping to make me feel very welcome in this unfirmiliar but wonderful place.
Hi @Animal whispers I totally get what you are saying. Trying to get my hubby to open up and be honest about what HE can do is tough going, because he feels similar to you. He tells me he feels stupid. But wow is he good when he does just go with the flow. It was his gran who had the gift, but his mum denied all. So his gran was not able to coach him. So today at 60 he is finally beginning to open up, baby steps seems to be the best way for him right now. He seems to be a natural Empath and Tarot reader Talks to spirits too, but its me who has to deal with the negative ones at the moment. As he just lets them in not knowing how to control it all just yet. That can be fun Not

Valentines Day Love GIF by BREAD TREE
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Hey Y’all!
My name is Tiffany. I am a wife and mother of a 2 yr old,who lives in the Pacific Northwest. I am on the Cancer/Leo cusp born July 22nd at 10:40 PM.
I have been going through a Spiritual Awakening for the last a month and a half. I had a reading with a trusted medium a few weeks ago, who revealed a path in practicing Reiki Healing, being an empath (I get this) and Claraudient (news to me), my grandma is on my Spirit Team, I have an Native American Chief as a main Spirit Guide.Speaking with him, I heard he was Cherokee. So after some research of Native American culture and Spirit Animals; and after listening to different mediumship podcasts, i was led to Bernadette’s Monthly Zodiac reading on May 1st. But it wasn’t until May 8th, that I was guided to the podcast version of Pick a Card. I was hesitant at first, because I was raised Christian, and the word Tarot was a cautious term that I had previously associated to “demonic” or a “gateway/Portal for evil”. But, I thought, what the heck, and I could seriously write a book of everything that has happened snice, but I’ll spare the details.
The message not only resonated with me, but I also fell in love with Bernadette’s energy and random breakouts of music. I LOVE music.

Throughout my life, I’ve been drawn to bottlenose Dolphins, frogs (which I now know is being used as a sign from Spirit that I’m on the right path), and for the last almost 20 years, penguins are my obsession, and even have the nickname “Happy Feet”.
Spiritual Awakening aside, there are many changes happening in my life right now, including
my husband and I are planning to officially launch our Lightsaber business website (and not just sell on Facebook Marketplace)
We bought our first house, and are just waiting for it to finish being built.
Once in our own house, I am planning on starting Voice Acting (that I also do as part of my current work at home job that I LOVE!) freelance.
Also, trying to learn about Reiki, connecting and meditating. I started using a pendulum (which seems to be the best way to connect for me so far), I have a few crystals, and just bought ALL of the Ark cards (I can’t wait!).

I love music, singing dancing, and soaking up all of the moments with my family and nature (we LOVE road trips and I LOVE to travel).
I am so intrigued and thankful for my gift and learning more about everything. But to be completely honest, am terrified of any involvement in “low-level” energies, dark energy, demons, or anything of the like. However, after hearing a recent tarot reading, I feel like I’m supposed to research that. So Reiki and...demons? The Hat Man? I have no idea where to start.
Sorry for the novel, and I look forward to meeting more of the Wolf Pack!
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