What Is My Spirit Animal
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Let's get WILD! Introduce yourself!

Hi Everyone, My name is Annemarie. I am a numerologist, shamanic practitioner, soap maker and animal card reader. I was co- owner of a metaphysical shop for 11 years. Recently I have gone through major life changes of moving, closing my business and the end of a relationship. Haha ! a triple!! Animals and their symbolism are a big passion for me! I found Bernadette last fall while looking on the internet for expanded animal symbolism. Those beautiful horses came through on the pick a card daily reading and gave me hope! Thank you for this wonderful work that you do here.
I used to love making soap. My family, however, hated it because I used the old fashioned lye method. Stunk up everything! I'd love to hear about your process.
Hi everyone! My name is Jeni. I live in the PNW, I have a husband, 5 cats(yes crazy cat lady here) and a dog, all of them are rescues, except 1 cat that ended up in our cherry tree when he was about 4 month old. I work with disabled veterans, love to garden, read and be near all the water the PNW has to offer. On my journey of trying to open myself back up to the divine, I found Bernadette's quiz and have been hooked ever since.
At one time we had 7. You are not crazy LOL
Hi all, SUPER happy to be here. I can't remember when I started watching Bernadette's videos, maybe last summer? I resonated with her right away. I'm a middle -aged Gemini sun who has decided to go back to school so I can become a licensed therapist certified in using somatic therapies to address trauma and mental health issues.

I'm learning to trust my own intuition more and more, and starting to journey. I'd describe myself as an amateur enthusiast of most all things woo-woo. It started with dance as moving meditation (through the Nia technique, Contact Improv, and Ecstatic dance), bolstered by a flirtation with essential oils and crystals, but has really been supported by cards and signs. I usually get guidance as songs in my head, or as a knowing feeling. Am starting to sense that spirits are wanting to speak with me, so I'm trying to open to that as well.
How did you get involved in ecstatic dance? Is it anything like Sufi Dancing? It's a topic I'm very interested in.
Hello everyone! Many blessings to all of you! My name is Jessica and I found Bernadette though the cauldron Facebook page after a video was posted.

I live in Canada, Cochrane near the Rockies! have a husband and a daughter. Two cats Salem& Dot( one black,one white) and a small dog Nibbler who is bolth lol. I love the mountains so much as you can see by my user name also coffee with creamer lol. I am a witch but also looking into a few different paths like shamanism and hedge witchcraft. I love plants and research the native plants in my area. Plantain in great for big bites! Chew it up and put it on the bite! Lol I also looked into Wicca and paganism.

I love spirit animals so much and have had them in my life for as long as I can remember. I only got into their meanings and messages in my teens. The relationship truly started when I listened to what they where telling me lol I got into spirituality in my pre teens when I bought a pack of tarot cards. My grandmother read tea leaves and scared herself so bad once she stopped reading and often warned me about using the cards. I love all the animals. So glad this is here! Also I had some weird astral thing the other night ( I was asleep but awake) where a moose stuck it’s head into my bedroom and it was grinning. Cheeky thing! Antlers and all have a very blessed day!
A grinning moose? All I can think of is Rocky and Bullwinkle. My mind works oddly without caffeine
I used to love making soap. My family, however, hated it because I used the old fashioned lye method. Stunk up everything! I'd love to hear about your process.
I use cold process method but only plant oils and butters with herbal or clay colorants and essential oils for scent. I started in 2005 so it's been 16 years. What type of oils did you use?

Welcome to the #WildPack! Let's rub noses and get to know each other.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you're seeking.

I'll start...

Y'all will never know how long it took me to figure out how to introduce myself. LOL Really, I'm a pretty simple gal. If you know anything about Bears, you know about me. I love to hide away in my cave (Scorpio), have a sugar addiction, have the most fun paddlin' 'round in some water, and there's a reason I'm called Mama Bear. ;)

My hobbies include pretending I'm going to start all my art projects one day, talking to spirits who've crossed over, changing the world so it's better for all living things, and seeking the perfect Chai.

SO much love to you all! Thank you for being here! Let me know if I may be of service or let you know about my latest adventure at Publix.

Mama Bear
Hello Mama Bear.......I just joined today, so excited to be hear! My hobbies are living on a island surrounded by crystal clear blue water, palm trees and nature at its finest, one day! I had a beautiful live reading on UTube today 3/23......So incredilly grateful to you Mama Bear for this gift!!!! Many blessings to you and ALL the Wild Ones!
I am looking for a beautiful and supportive community of like minded people who are supportive and kind!
I am looking to grow spirtiually.......
My Mom's Mom my grandma was 100% Cherokee, so I am Native American and drawn to Native Rituals, Music and Healing Modalities........I have a twin Sister and we are TRUE GEMINIS, born in June.......
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I am so so excited to be here.....LOVE LOVE you Bernadette!! I have been watching you for over a year now and finally joined this circle! Today March 23 2021 I joined your "LIVE" reading and you did a reading for me, WOW....SPOT on and my Dad and Mom came thru, what a GIFT!!! They died in 1998 2 months apart after suffering way to long! I miss them dearly, but they come thru often......So blessed!
Bernadette your "reading" included a "Eating disorder" which is my youngest son Blake......he is struggling deeply from PTSD from many issues but mostly from his Dad and my 8 yr Divorce from HELL / WAR!!! He is isolating himself and I have NO IDEA how he is doing, it is tearing me APART! He is 32 yrs old so I cant force him / help him without his consent, ITS AWFUL to watch your amazing child suffer so deeply! He too is gifted,an empath!
I look forward to being in a beautiful and safe commuinity of like minded people who are kind and supportive!
Yes Bernadette you have my permission to send me "healing energy" and I will pass it on to Blake!
In gratitude for you Bernadette and your amazing Readings.....they keep me going!!
LOVE and LIGHT to you all!!
Maggie Decker
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I know we've been chatting already but Welcome to the #WildPack! Yassss on not "...considering those separate." So are you a 'full fledged' astrologer and palmist now? SO happy the vids and Animal Allies resonate with you! Thank YOU for tuning in!
No on the astrologer and palmist, those books just were the beginning of my interest in the metaphysical
Welcome to the #WildPack! Hey! Wait a minute now. I have 5 cats. Oh. Wait. That does make me a crazy cat lady, too! LOL Ooooo, would you be comfortable sharing what your Spirit Animal is? I made that quiz based on personality typing and it's really the most acurate one out there (that I could find) so I'm always SUPER curious what result folks get!
Hi Mama Bear!
Glad I have good company in the crazy cat lady club! Sadly I can’t remember for sure, I think it was the lion or owl, which wouldn’t surprise me lol. I went to retake it again but for some reason it wasn’t working on any browser I tried it on or device ☹️I just got the donut of death where the quiz normally was.
Arrroooooo, Alchemy Mama! SO happy to see you here! And now I'm hypnotized to do your bidding from that cray cray hypnotic and nausea inducing pulsating heart! LOL Y'all - Julie is for REAL an Alchemist. Her blends are DELISH!

I know what it's like to lose your mom due to shenanigans and I'm sending you tons of love. You're doing a GREAT job of moving forward. A seriously GREAT job. I know that I know that I know your mom is SO proud of you. Now go make more yummies so the world can smell and feel better!
Hi Jaquar Julie- I am so sorry about your mom. I think the water represents the overwhelming emotions of the lose of your mom. But just like in the dream you work your way up and out of it.
Pat! SO wonderful to see you here! Thanks for sharing your background. I'd LOVE to know more about the seances! #TrueSeanceStories are the BEST!!! There's one teacher I know from Arthur Findlay College in England (Mavis Pitilla) who shared that once in a psychic circle her chair levitated 4 feet off the ground. She's not one for blarney so I believe her and want to recreate it! A séance might be the ticket!
Mama Bear I want to thank you for the reading on the live tonight. You saw me as Pat N there.
For the seances we used a three legged table so the questions only required a yes or no answer. One night, with my friends, the table levitated and we walked it up the stairs from the basement with only our fingertips touching the table top.
I’m looking forward to taking your mediumship class. I’d like to be able to receive the messages like you do consistently. Right now its more a feeling than actual words.
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Saw this and had to share 😍


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Arrroooooo, Alchemy Mama! SO happy to see you here! And now I'm hypnotized to do your bidding from that cray cray hypnotic and nausea inducing pulsating heart! LOL Y'all - Julie is for REAL an Alchemist. Her blends are DELISH!

I know what it's like to lose your mom due to shenanigans and I'm sending you tons of love. You're doing a GREAT job of moving forward. A seriously GREAT job. I know that I know that I know your mom is SO proud of you. Now go make more yummies so the world can smell and feel better!
Thank you Mama Bear! :giggle:
Hi Mama Bear!
Glad I have good company in the crazy cat lady club! Sadly I can’t remember for sure, I think it was the lion or owl, which wouldn’t surprise me lol. I went to retake it again but for some reason it wasn’t working on any browser I tried it on or device ☹️I just got the donut of death where the quiz normally was.
We need a Crazy Cat Lady Clubhouse!
Hello Everyon,

My name is Panagiota, I discovered the Ark Animal Tarot Deck totally by accident when it was on the Kickstarter and funded it. I love my deck. Ever since I received it it is the primary deck that I use. I have also been folllowing Bernadette’s You Tube channel and love it and have learned so much from it. I also plan to fund the kickstarter for her new book. I am so excited about it.