15 thoughts on “Contact

    1. francis says:

      I had dream and I saw owl which is been shot by a catapult the wing and i was kneeling down and the owl fell infront of me I was not able to take it up and the one who catapult it came for it what i heard from the owl was that if I see the daughter I should tell her no turning back I thought of it but I don’t understand please help

      • Bernadette King says:

        Hello, Francis;

        Based only on what you’ve written about the dream, I would say it’s a warning for your daughter to be very careful who she associates with. Owls are masters of deception. A catapult is about being ‘launched’. So, an Owl that was ‘launched’ by someone might mean that if she goes down a path with someone who is guiding her but is maybe not a person who has her best interest at heart, she could have a hurtful experience.

        Hope that helps.

        Stay wild,

    2. Ivan says:

      Hi i had a dream about a fox chasing me while the fox was on a roof and i was on land but it still kept up with me and i was trying to run away. If you could tell me what this means it would be greatly appreciated

    3. Tammy says:

      Hello, on Sunday 2nd April 2017 my father past-on; we put him in the mortuary around 9pm that same day. And when I got the estate I live in I saw an Owl standing on gate around 11:50pm or 12 am. What does it mean? Because I have not seen an owl before.

    4. Charlene says:

      I would like someone to help me understand in the last 2-3 why I have birds, chicken and dogs language. For example birds outside say peace, Pete. Please help me understand.

    5. Yuleisa says:

      When finding your spirit guide how are you sure it’s really them vs. Your imagination?. I often see shadows or animals/people, white lights or outlines when I’m awake & conscious. How can I tell it’s real and not n my imagination making it up?

    6. Kathleen says:

      What is My Spirit Animal…
      When My Daughter JANENE was here.. we were cleaning out her Blazer.. it had been parked for awhile.. broke down.. she barely made it home Safe.. This Blazer Was Her Warrior Wagon.. From Standing Rock.. Any Way.. every time We we’re Out Cleaning Out The Blazer.. A Black Crow Would Be Yelling at Us.. Being Very Loud.. we would come inside.. he would be quite.. we go outside.. Crow Would Be Squaking Loud At Us Again.. Messenger?? Good or Bad?? Daughter Left.. Crow Left..

    7. Nicole says:

      Hi I’m Nicole and I love wolves and I had day dreams and visions of wolves and other spiritual animals like bears wolf and owls I keept having more and more visions and they were like spirits baby blue color and I printed a pic of the wolf that I saw pls tell me what it means I’m clueless??

    8. Sinopa Longsin says:

      I have met my spirit animal in dreams before but it is still a mystery to me, every time I have saw it it has looked like a very large fox but It is shrouded in shadows and a dark mist. The only thing I 100% know about it is that it has two bright green eyes, one that reflects light and another that is like a black hole absorbing light. In most of my dreams it leads me through a forest to a large clearing where one of two animals awaits, either a small brown otter with purple eyes or a large white wolf with red eyes, I am very confused as to what these dreams mean and every time I have asked for guidance about them Phyre (my spirit animal) just ignores me. Help please?

    9. Gordon owusu says:

      I just want to know my spirit animal

    10. Renesme Cullen says:

      I am a HUGE fan of wolves but, I to have been having dreams of a wolf and it is actually quite odd having the same or at least similar dream for about 2 months. I am also seeing wolves on top of the mountains next to my house. I was wondering if that is sign of my spiritual animal or if I am just being paranoid.

      Keep calm and howl on,
      Renesme Cullen

    11. Emma says:

      I haven’t gotten an email telling me my spirit animal. My name is Emma I was born Oct 2nd 1974. I was born in the evening just don’t know what time other than it was late in the evening

    12. Karen Robinson-Izquierdo says:

      I haven’t received my order, can you please refund my money?

    13. anthony says:

      I was glad to see reference to Bigfoot. I once did an animal totem reading with a Native American/Celtic reader and with her blank cards she said to write on them animals not in her deck or animals not found in the Americas or mythical animals or extinct animals. I did Bigfoot/Sasquatch, Mammoth, Wombat; all three showed up in my group of totems, Bigfoot/Sasquatch as my main totem. I was so glad to see reference to it on this website.

    14. donald says:

      I recently obtained a copy of my original birth certificate, which had the moment of my birth clearly posted on one line.
      It was nice to see the time I was born, as well as the name of the doctor who delivered me.
      It was a $22. cost to me for the Certificate – but well worth it now that I’m getting interested in astrology – numerology – and other things that can add substance when the exact time of birth is factored in. You’ll need a current ID (although mine was expired by a month which didn’t seem to matter), the cost of your certificate (mine was $22.00 dollars), and a few minutes to stand at a counter proceeding through the procedure. It was simple – though required a bit of running around, standing in a short line- and using most of an afternoon.
      If your identification is current, and you have the proper payment methods – you do the whole thing on the internet with your city clerk’s office and have it mailed to you.
      Call your City Clerks Office to find out more in your area. (or city hall, depending on who in your area handles birth certificates).

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