Crow Quotes & Sayings

“My jaw dropped open. “Holy crows…”
“There’s a couple of eagles mixed in there,” Luke commented.
“And a few hawks,” Aiden added.
I rolled my eyes. “Okay. Holy birds of prey! Is that better?”
“Much,” Aiden murmured.”
– Jennifer L. Armentrout
“People once believed that when someone dies, a crow carries their soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes, something so bad happens that a terrible sadness is carried with it and the soul can’t rest. Then sometimes, just sometimes, the crow can bring that soul back to put the wrong things right.” – James O’Barr
“On a bare branch a crow is perched – autumn evening.” – Bashō Matsuo
“Not cry. Fly.
“I can’t fly,” Bran said. “I can’t, I can’t…”
How do you know? Have you ever tried?
The voice was high and thin. Bran looked around to see where it was coming from. A crow was spiraling down with him, just out of touch, following him as he fell. “Help me,” he said.
I’m trying, the crow replied…
The crow took to the air and flapped around Bran’s hand.
“You have wings,” Bran pointed out.
Maybe you do too.
Bran felt along his shoulders, groping for feathers.
There are different kinds of wings, the crow said…
Bran was falling faster than ever. The grey mists howled around him as he plunged toward the earth below. “What are you doing to me?” he asked the crow, tearful.
Teaching you how to fly.
“I can’t fly!”
You’re flying right now.
“I’m falling!”
Every flight begins with a fall, the crow said. Look down.”
– George R.R. Martin
“The crow cawed again overhead, and a strong sea wind came in and burst through the trees, making the green pine needles shake themselves all over the place. That sound always gave me goose bumps, the good kind. It was the sound an orphan governess hears in a book,before a mad woman sets the bed curtains on fire.” – April Genevieve Tucholke
“And the crow once called the raven black.” – George R.R. Martin
“To hatch a crow, a black rainbow
Bent in emptiness
over emptiness
But flying.”
– Ted Hughes
“To become a sparrow you don’t have to be a crow.” – Munia Khan
“Nothing is unreal as long as you can imagine like a crow.” – Munia Khan
“Honestly, all crows are not ravens.” – Munia Khan
“I’m not a serpent, Father. I’m a crow.” – Eli Easton
Cain lifts Crow, that heavy black bird
and strikes down Abel.

Damn, says Crow, I guess
this is just the beginning.

The white man, disguised
as a falcon, swoops in
and yet again steals a salmon
from Crow’s talons.

Damn, says Crow, if I could swim
I would have fled this country years ago.

The Crow God as depicted
in all of the reliable Crow bibles
looks exactly like a Crow.

Damn, says Crow, this makes it
so much easier to worship myself.

Among the ashes of Jericho,
Crow sacrifices his firstborn son.

Damn, says Crow, a million nests
are soaked with blood.

When Crows fight Crows
the sky fills with beaks and talons.

Damn, says Crow, it’s raining feathers.

Crow flies around the reservation
and collects empty beer bottles

but they are so heavy
he can only carry one at a time.

So, one by one, he returns them
but gets only five cents a bottle.

Damn, says Crow, redemption
is not easy.

Crow rides a pale horse
into a crowded powwow
but none of the Indian panic.

Damn, says Crow, I guess
they already live near the end of the world.”

– Sherman Alexie

“The latter part of our Journey from the entrance of Wiltshire into Salisbury was very rough and abounded with Jolts, the Holes we were obliged to go through being very many and some of them Deep; and so it was with much Relief that we left the Coach at Salisbury and hired two Horses for the road across the Avon to the Plain and Stone-henge. When we came to the edge of this sacred Place, we tethered our Horses to the Posts provided and then, with the Sunne direct above us, walked over the short grass which (continually cropt by the flocks of Sheep) seemed to spring us forward to the great Stones. I stood back a little as Sir Chris. walked on, and I considered the Edifice with steadinesse: there was nothing here to break the Angles of Sight and as I gaz’d I opened my Mouth to cry out but my Cry was silent; I was struck by an exstatic Reverie in which all the surface of this Place seemed to me Stone, and the Sky itself Stone, and I became Stone as I joined the Earth which flew on like a Stone through the Firmament. And thus I stood until the Kaw of a Crow rous’d me: and yet even the call of the black Bird was an Occasion for Terrour, since it was not of this Time. I know not how long a Period I had traversed in my Mind, but Sir Chris. was still within my Sight when my Eyes were cleard of Mist. He was walking steadily towards the massie Structure and I rushed violently to catch him, for I greatly wished to enter the Circle before him. I stopped him with a Cry and then ran on: when Crows kaw more than ordinary, said I when I came up to him all out of Breath, we may expect Rain. Pish, he replied. He stopped to tye his Shooe, so then I flew ahead of him and first reached the Circle which was the Place of Sacrifice. And I bowed down.” – Peter Ackroyd
“Fly you crows. My father was not a spectacle. He was the greatest man I ever knew. He was my everything.” – Stacey Lee
“The crow commands, the captive must obey.” – George R.R. Martin
“The thing about butterflies, Mr. Crow, is that they need to be admired from afar.” – A. Zavarelli

Crow Proverbs

“Trumpet in a herd of elephants; crow in the company of cocks; bleat in a flock of goats.” – Malayan Proverb
“A crow is no whiter for being washed.” – French Proverb
“The country rooster dows not crow in the town.” – African Swahili Proverb
“Crows everywhere are equally black.” – Chinese Proverb
“One for the mouse, one for the crow, one to rot, one to grow.” – French Proverb
“Old crows are hard to catch.” – German Proverb

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