Squirrel Quotes & Sayings

“You can’t be suspicious of a tree, or accuse a bird or a squirrel of subversion or challenge the ideology of a violet.” – Hal Borland
“Never feel self-pity, the most destructive emotion there is. How awful to be caught up in the terrible squirrel cage of self.” – Millicent Fenwick
“Aunt Prue was holding one of the squirrels in her hand, while it sucked ferociously on the end of the dropper. ‘And once a day, we have ta clean their little private parts with a Q-tip, so they’ll learn ta clean themselves.’ That was a visual I didn’t need. ‘How could you possibly know that?’ ‘We looked it up on the E-nternet.’ Aunt Mercy smiled proudly. I couldn’t imagine how my aunts knew anything about the Internet. The Sisters didn’t even own a toaster oven. ‘How did you get on the Internet?’ ‘Thelma took us ta the library and Miss Marian helped us. They have computers over there. Did you know that?” – Kami Garcia
“Whenever he looks at me with those big brown eyes, I feel like giving him a nut,” she said. She even started calling the squirrels running around in the park Mr. Whitmans.” – Kerstin Gier
“Americanism in all its forms seemed to be trashy and wasteful and crude, even brutal. There was a metaphor ready to hand in my native Hampshire. Until some time after the war, the squirrels of England had been red. I can still vaguely remember these sweet Beatrix Potter–type creatures, smaller and prettier and more agile and lacking the rat-like features that disclose themselves when you get close to a gray squirrel. These latter riffraff, once imported from America by some kind of regrettable accident, had escaped from captivity and gradually massacred and driven out the more demure and refined English breed. It was said that the gray squirrels didn’t fight fair and would with a raking motion of their back paws castrate the luckless red ones. Whatever the truth of that, the sighting of a native English squirrel was soon to be a rarity, confined to the north of Scotland and the Isle of Wight, and this seemed to be emblematic, for the anxious lower middle class, of a more general massification and de-gentrification and, well, Americanization of everything.” – Christopher Hitchens
“Some people are just sad when there aren’t talking squirrels.” – Lily Winter
“She said the words, and then she had a strange moment of seeing them, hanging there over her head.

‘You’re going to vacuum up that squirrel!’

There is just no predicting what kind of sentences you might say, thought Flora. For instance, who would ever think you would shout, ‘You’re going to vacuum up that squirrel!’?” – Kate DiCamillo

“Of course we will send postcards to Nutsawoo. And we shall bring him back a present as well. In fact,’ she went on, with the instinctive knack every good governess has for turning something enjoyable into am lesson, and vice versa, ‘I will expect all three of you to practice your writing by keeping a journal of our trip so that Nutsawoo may know how we spend our days. Why, by the time we return, he will think he has been to London himself! He will be the envy of all his little squirrel friends,’ she declared.

Penelope had no way of knowing if this last statement was true. Could squirrels feel envy? Would they give two figs about London? Did Nutsawoo even have friends?” – Maryrose Wood

“Not much goes on in the mind of a squirrel.

Huge portions of what is loosely termed “the squirrel brain” are given over to one thought: food.

The average squirrel cogitation goes something like this: I wonder what there is to eat.” – Kate DiCamillo

“Never did he fail to respond savagely to the chatter of the squirrel he had first met on the blasted pine.” – Jack London
“Through the metal bars of the jungle gym, she watches two gray squirrels chase each other around a tree. Around and around and around. So gratuitous.” – Thomas Pierce
“You think I’m daffy?”

“Don’t be offended by a snap judgment. It’s true of anyone who cares about squirrels.” – Edward W. Robertson

“A 6-inch cannon. I’ve only ever seen those on a Saypuri dreadnought… And it looks like they have, or expect to have, 36 of the damn things.”

“And they plan to do what with them? Bombard the hills? Fight a war with the squirrels?” – Robert Jackson Bennett

“Moose are the squirrels of Alaska.” – Tim Moon
“To A Squirrel At Kyle-Na-No

Come play with me;
Why should you run
Through the shaking tree
As though I’d a gun
To strike you dead?
When all I would do
Is to scratch your head
And let you go.”
– W.B. Yeats

“[The tamed squirrels] made jolly companions but became very annoyed with her if she read too long; one would climb onto her shoulder, down her arm and sit on the page of her book ‘with bushy tail outspread’.” – Mary Allsebrook
“Squeaking squirrels squandering away their square shares!” – Ankala V Subbarao
“Hello,” said Brannoc politely, despite his terrible hangover.
“What the hell are you?” demanded the squirrel.
“We are fairies,” answered Brannoc, and the squirrel fell on the grass laughing, because New York squirrels are cynical creatures and do not believe in fairies.”
– Martin Millar
“Human language is lit with animal life: we play cats-cradle or have hare-brained ideas; we speak of badgering, or outfoxing someone; to squirrel something away and to ferret it out.” – Jay Griffiths
“Living is no laughing matter: you must live with great seriousness like a squirrel for example – I mean without looking for something beyond and above living, I mean living must be your whole occupation.” – Nazim Hikmet
“I go into it with the attitude that I’m not going to look at my leg, and as soon as they get the wrapping off of it, I’m like, ‘I’ve got to look.’ It’s like yelling at a dog going, ‘Squirrel!’ I cannot not look. And then I spend the rest of the time sitting there with a wet washcloth on my forehead trying to regain consciousness.” – Tony Stewart
“If we had a keen vision of all that is ordinary in human life, it would be like hearing the grass grow or the squirrel’s heart beat, and we should die of that roar which is the other side of silence.” – George Eliot
“How comedic are squirrels? We don’t have squirrels in Australia. The first time I saw a squirrel was at a meeting at Disney.” – Liam Hemsworth

Squirrel Proverbs

“Giving advice to a stupid man is like giving salt to a squirrel.” – Kashmiri Proverb
“Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn sometimes.” – Russian proverb
“A leader does not rise for a squirrel.” – African Proverb
“No matter how high the squirrel jumps, it will eventually fall onto the ground.” – Malay Proverb
“Pissed off like a little squirrel with a frozen pine cone.” – Finnish Proverb
“The squirrel does not talk back to the elephant.” – Angolan Proverb

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