Beaver Native American Zodiac Sign Birth Totem 1200x1200

Beaver Totem

The term “eager Beaver” could not be more spot on for those born under this Native American Zodiac Sign. Beaver people are masters of strategy and have a work ethic that would put a Type A personality to shame!

Beaver Birth Totem Overview

Do not consider engaging Beaver in a contest of mental acuity as this a Fool’s errand.

You might at first be fooled by the generous and supportive appearance of this Native American Zodiac sign, nonetheless Beavers are not exactly tactful. (Chew hard on that foot, Beaver person – your words can come across as arduous and put off potential allies.)

Astrologically speaking, the key struggle for Beaver people is that while highly adept, they also have insecure tendencies that may cause them to intensely retreat into work, ignoring all else.

Or they might seek safety in the “wooden hut” they build around their hearts. On this turn of the Medicine Wheel, Beaver’s task is gnawing down into the center of self and releasing the fears that hold them back. Once done, the heavy wooden wall built as a protective barrier can be pushed aside so people can come in.

In nature, Beaver transforms both landscapes and waterscapes through their industrious gathering of wood. Here we have earth and water offering Beaver a chance to remove the old and outmoded in favor of something new, something that provides long term security without the unyielding ties to old burdens.

Beaver Traits, Personality and Characteristics

Those born under the sign of Beaver are highly connected to the East Wind, the Cardinal Direction of East-Southeast and the Element of Earth. The East wind continues to inspire while the Earth provides solid foundations.

Thus, we move into the time of year where the threat of frost is over, and it’s time to sow seeds, including in our own souls.

This Native American animal sign knows this is a time to create, work, and shore up their foundations inside and out. Beavers will carry out this goal with precision and methodology that resonates in their very DNA. In Beaver’s world, the greatest proverbial sin is wasting time and effort.

Family is a keynote to Beaver – the work they do is for the betterment of their kin and for the stability the dam offers.

The Native Americans tell us that Beaver is also a healer with great wisdom. This, along with a sweet charm, endears Beaver to many others – so long as those people don’t disrupt Beavers’ routine.

The hard part about being the ever-diligent Beaver is that sometimes their focus comes off as being overly possessive and rigid.

With the season of planting tied to their birth date, Beaver knows a new cycle has taken root. This is an excellent time to ponder one’s own roots and personal qualities.

To all you Beavers out there, don’t be afraid to celebrate those characteristics that make you successful! You have the element of Earth on your side to help keep you grounded and practical about this (heck, about everything!).

Beaver people belong to the Turtle Clan, which also has strong Earth Element ties. This clan illustrates the Beaver’s natural desire for long-term security and safety, as well as their passion for family.

The stone for Beaver is Jasper and the flower is Wild Clover. Wearing Jasper gives Beaver extra oomph in the face of challenge.

As a money stone, Jasper helps open the door for the security Beaver so desires.

Finally Jasper provides greater harmony in the Clan thanks to its ability to balance yin-yang energies.

Beaver Totem Love Compatibility

Beavers are very emotional to the point where they can’t actually find words to express the depth of what they’re feeling. Harmonious relationships matter greatly, and Beaver is very much a mate-for-life fellow.

The problem is that sometimes Beaver may seem possessive, but it’s because they treasure love so much.

Socially, Beaver relationships are sweet and romantic, and in the bedroom they make marvelously sensual lovers.

The best choices for partners in the Native American Zodiac are Brown Bear, Snake, Wolf, Snow Goose and Woodpecker.

Beaver Totem Animal Career Path

Unlike the Falcon, just winging it will not do for Beaver. Beavers must have order – all things have a place, and a place for everything is their motto.

They are not a ladder-climber so much as the diligent worker who doesn’t mind long hours to see a task done right.

Beavers should not seek out jobs in chaotic environments as this leads to frustration due to distractions. Give this zodiac sign a nice desk job on which they can depend and they’ll be thrilled.

Something risky? Not so much.

Accounting and other financial advisory positions suit them well.

In terms of money, Beavers are likely to carefully budget their funds and save until they can buy free-and-clear. The idea of owing people or corporations doesn’t sit well with Beaver.

Besides, because they are such successfully planners and savers, they can get what they WANT – not just the bargain basement items.

Beaver Birth Totem Metaphysical Correspondences

  • Birth dates, Northern Hemisphere:
    Apr 20 – May 20
  • Birth date, Southern Hemisphere:
    Oct 24 – Nov 21
  • Corresponding Zodiac Signs:
    Taurus (North), Scorpio (South)
  • Birth Moon: Frogs Return Moon
  • Season: Month of Planting
  • Stone/Mineral: Chrysocolla, Hematite, Jasper
  • Plant: Wild Clover
  • Wind: East
  • Direction: East – Southeast
  • Element: Earth
  • Clan: Turtle
  • Color: Yellow
  • Complimentary Spirit Animal: Snake
  • Compatible Spirit Animals: Brown Bear, Snow Goose, Snake, Wolf, Woodpecker

30 thoughts on “Beaver Totem

  1. Marcia says:

    I had found this site years ago, I was looking up owls. Couldn’t remember what she said about them, she was Cherokee and called me Raindancer

  2. Barbara says:

    Thank You I am so Thankful to have found this it surely has me down pat I really enjoy the way you explain the detail of each spirit animal sincerely Barbara

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hi, Barbara;

      Please accept my apology. I normally respond much faster. I was on a mini vacation and, then, Hurricane Matthew decided to visit me in Florida. 😉

      You are most welcome and thank you for visiting!

      Stay wild,

      • Alice says:

        Hi my name is Alice I am cherokee Indian I was told also related to sitting bull my birthday is April 25 1963 I wish I had a Indian name any ideas what it could be or would be very interested. In my Indian heritage.

        • Adam Balun says:

          Alice reconnect with your tribe. Do not take on a native name as your still an outsider. I suggest you ask for a meeting with the elders of the tribe your lineage comes from and do extensive research to make sure your speaking to those in your blood line. Good luck . Do not take this lightly

  3. Gata says: a beaver. Kinda sounds like me,i guess..…….??

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hi, Gata;

      Thank you for visiting and commenting on!

      Stay wild,

  4. Kerri says:

    I knew I was a wolf for many years, I was told that by a relative who is part native. Our family is not close so I have never looked in depth to find out my lineage or anything else. But it always stuck with me when he said I was born under the sign of the wolf.

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, Kerri;

      When something strikes a chord in our heart and soul, and stays with us for many years, it’s very likely a deep truth so hold on to that feeling!

      Stay wild,

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hi, Kiya;

      If your birthday hemisphere and date match the Native American Zodiac Sign of Beaver then, yes. You’re a beaver.

      Stay wild,

  5. Julian says:

    Is it still accurate if someone is born near the equator?

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hi, Julian;

      If you were born very near the equator then it would be like someone born on the cusp of a Western Zodiac Sign. So, find the dates and birth totems for both hemispheres and consider each. You might find that you have characteristics and traits from both.

      Hope that helps.

      Stay wild,

  6. vida says:

    confused about the hemispheres. i was born in asia in november. zodiac sign is a scorpio, but souther hemisphere sign reads as beaver. i find i identify so much with the snake – though i’m not sure if that is because after years of knowing that’s my zodiac sign, that i default in identifying with it and finding those characteristics in me.

  7. Kai says:

    I always felt like a beaver and now i really am,it said everything i do and who i am

  8. sinead says:

    Why if I am born under the beaver do I feel afiliated with the wolf and have done for years. My parents have often visited the rockies and I feel very attahched to there yet live thouasands of miles away. have you any explanation?

    • Katie says:

      Perhaps you are getting residual feelings to a past life?

  9. Celestin says:

    Hello,I was born on 27 October 1984,please am I beaver, answer needed.

  10. Vanessa says:

    oh man I wanted to be a wolf or falcon, yet I’m stuck with BEAVER

    • Katie says:

      We are makers. We make ponds out of running water that cool streams allowing fish to thrive. Because of that plants begin to grow all around us. We are powerful and strong. We cut down trees with our teeth and drag them to the dam. We can weave them intricately together to make a water tight basket weave. We are awkward on land, that’s a downside. But to make up for that we are wicked swimmers. One loud slap with our tail to warn other beavers of danger and then off we go!

  11. Brandon says:

    I just discovered I am a beaver. Why do I feel more like an owl? I have always been drawn to owls the most and find myself purchasing owl figures.

    • Abbi says:

      I’ve always been drawn to the wolf and relate to wolves so much more, and I am a beaver as well. I wonder if there is something else that we are missing in this that might be causing this?

      • Donna says:

        I agree I associate with some parts but completely opposite on others x

  12. Um says:

    This is um im a bever and what happens if you think this is really happening to me. Im not shere what to do.

    Please reply bernadette

    Sinerly um

  13. Karla says:

    Aww this is such a wonderful site.Thanks a bunch for your time and dedication to go thru each animal spirit. I am a Beaver and it couldn’t fit me better. Thank you again.
    PS: How I get in contact with you if I want to learn more about my sweet Beaver side? 😉

  14. Georgina A Hanbridge says:

    Thanks so much for your wonderful knowledge and inspiration.I am a beaver it certainly fits. What most interesting is my 15 year old son is a beaver also. How amazing and what a surprise. May the wind blow you blessing everyday.

  15. Beth Shipley says:

    I really appreciated this site. I loved being able to come here and read up and learn about my spirit animal. I got chills on how accurate my animal behaviors were. Thank you so much for this

  16. Sandra Seward says:

    Funny, I’m a beaver too. It certainly seems to fit me in many ways.

  17. Adam Balun says:

    Alice, reconnect with your tribe. Do not take on a native name as your still an outsider. I suggest you ask for a meeting with the elders of the tribe your lineage comes from and do extensive research to make sure your speaking to those in your blood line. Good luck . Do not take this lightly

  18. Lynda says:

    Well this is a really cool website. Loved the knowledge you shared on beaver and I am PROUD to be of the turtle clan and a beaver sign. Very powerful animal and sign to have. Breaks my heart to see people respond negatively as if it is a low life and weak totem to have on your side when the opposite is true.

    It’s important also for people to recognize most people have more than one spirit animal or totem in life and often times they shift over your life span once you have learned and or overcome the teachings and messages they come to teach you. That’s also why totem poles have several totem animals etc on them whether tribal, personal, or ceremonial they reflect the medicine messages n stages as well as powers needed at any given time on your many earth journeys and in your current life. I’ve always known beaver as one of my totems and very powerful but didn’t know it was my native birth sign. Really cool and VERY PROUD of it. Eagles, wolves, butterflies crows squirrels whales owls dolphins are all also some of the others that have been very prominent in my life also over the many years and even more.

    When one comes into your life very dominant its there to teach you and assist you with what you are going through at that time and to teach you on your journey. Some of you seem confused or meshing Zodiac signs with animal totems that are teachers on our paths and think it’s a one animal thing and whatever your Zodiac sign is and that’s it. Zodiac is simply the sign your born under and carry a broader life meaning and often over lap other signs just as regular Zodiac does and the external influences of all other signs has to do with grander Zodiac influences and the moon and sun and year etc… it’s not like oh I’m a beaver sign and that’s ALL there is to it. It changes with the seasons and years and growth stages even.

    Spiritual advancement comes from mastering stages and lessons in life as we go and we only advance as we learn n master each stage the door is opened to a new and higher stage. Certain animal totems beyond our birth signs come along to help guide n teach us becoming one of our totems and important we learn what they each teach so we can grow through it easier and faster from their assistance. Some come and go n some are there heavily throughout our lives. So it’s important NOT to confuse the Zodiac with totem animals in general. Just like tarot is based on Zodiac and all those cards n signs interplay with us throughout our lives, so to ur Native Zodiac crosses with all other signs n totems at various stages of our lives as well. Also there is NO this one is better than that one to have or assuming a totem just because you think it’s the cool one to have or more powerful than another. For ALL IS ONE and there is no such thing as this is better than that. Only DIFFERENT, NOT BETTER or NOT. That comes from a world that teaches judgement n doesn’t truely get spirituality and equality in all things. All things are connected n come from and are made up of the exact SAME spirit so how can one be better than another? They’re NOT. They’re just different and each serves an important roll in the whole and in assisting mankind. Eventually after many earth walks of coming in every sign to develop and learn all there is to learn n grow your spirit you move on to higher levels n demensions. So REJOUCE and be PROUD of your zodiac sign and all it can teach you as well and learn more about the full spectrum of totems in general and how it works. Beaver is a very powerful totem n medicine to have and as a water animal is connected to our Mother God the life giver and life sustained of us ALL.

    Meantime, I love you web site and happy I found it. You have excellent teachings, meanings, and explanations of all kinds of wonderful critters upon earth and I’m always looking to reference deeper meanings n teachings both light n dark from nature. One of my constant guides throughout my life. Yours are very indepth and a joy to read. The first time I ever got to learn my Native Zodiac sign and couldn’t be happier to see its Beaver and doesn’t surprise me either. I found a sheered beaver fur coat one time in a 2nd hand store on sale for $20. Knee length, big cuffed sleeves n warm as they come. Took $20 from my tent money to get it no clue what it was but a good coat to have in Montana. Took 2 yrs to find out what it was and I was SHOCKED because they are worth MORE than a mink coat. Wore it for years n warmest coat I ever had in -20° weather wind chill -40°. Walked to work in it even n didn’t even cime close to freezing. Cherished it n cherished the animal it came from already before I even knew what it was. A BIG totem to have and a BIG blessing to score such a find and have it grace my life with so much beauty and protection. Took 100s of scraps to make ans very old but in excellent condition due to the natural humidity of Arkansas where I scored it. A wonderful totem to have and I’ll be quick referencing your sight more often now that I found it. Thank you and thank you for sharing your wisdom of the animals and totems that others might learn as well. Your a true blessing to mankind. Much live, light, and peace be with you.

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