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Falcon Symbolism & Meaning

Having trouble concentrating? Are you looking to lead others? Falcon, as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal, can help! Falcon teaches how to achieve clarity of mind, all while showing you how to share your wisdom when guiding others. Delve deeply in Falcon symbolism and meaning to find out how this Animal Spirit Guide can educate, support, and motivate you.

Falcon Table of Contents

Falcon Symbolism & Meaning

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The fierce Falcon has special symbolism and meaning in Egypt, where it represented the rising Sun. Many depictions of the Gods bore a Falcon head, most notably Ra the solar deity. As the “king” of birds, Falcon represents victory, rulership, and overcoming. Like other birds, Falcon also signifies the Higher Self and connections with the spirit world.

Europeans treasured Falcons for their hunting assistance and saw them as an emblem of war. The Norse peoples consider Falcon Spirit as an aspect of Loki, the clever trickster, Frigg (the Goddess of wisdom), and Wodan (the All-Father). It’s worth noting that the people of Germania believed in the same gods as did the Norse but called them by slightly different names. Bundle these together, and you discover an Animal Spirit that inspires vision, leadership, purpose, and who offers protection, especially during transitional periods in life.

One of the most popular Falcons is the Peregrine, known to be quite the traveler. This bird lives throughout the glob and migrates as necessary. Analytical and strategic, the Peregrine Falcon observes its prey and considers the best way to obtain that goal. As a Spirit Animal Falcon teaches us this skill – focusing all our attention on one thing so we can manifest that desire in the most efficient manner possible.

Falcon’s alignment with solar energy brings fiery power into the equation. Falcon asks: what is your passion? Are you acting on that passion intelligently? The pursuit of objectives comes naturally to Falcon, but not without having a tactical plan laid out.

Other characteristics ascribed to Falcon include energy, foresight, ambition, courage, willpower, transformation, vision, mental acuity, freedom, control, magickal aptitude, and a bright life-force.

Falcon Spirit Animal

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When Falcon appears as a Spirit Animal and Guide in your life, an opportunity isn’t far behind. Falcon’s message is to start planning and thinking ahead. Eventually, you will be called upon to act, but not without a sound strategy and Falcon’s medicine to guide you. Falcon makes you intimately aware of your own potential. Most personal achievements come when we recognize the proverbial life tools we have in our box. Applying those tools and maintaining focus brings about a soaring success.

Falcon may also bear the message of attentiveness; if you are too close to a situate step back and rise above! From here, the situation or environment that surrounds provides clues – increasing your perception and supporting strength of purpose.

Falcon Totem Animal

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If you were born with a Falcon Totem Animal, you have a naturally keen mind that can work several steps ahead of many of your co-workers. This aptitude balances nicely with seemingly never-ending patience so that each and every opportunity gets proper attention. The intensity of your focus means that sometimes you need privacy, during which you can really consider timing and strategy.

Falcon people are independent. It allows you to follow your inner-clock on action or inaction without having other people complain about your metered pace. In meditating on past lives, you may have a surprise in store as Falcon Totem has ties to royalty and leaders that may not end in one turn of life’s wheel.

The Falcon totem is very energetic, often moving and forging ahead. They are not the best leaders but make excellent scouts. As the Falcon soul matures, they become involuntary role models for other curious spirits with a thirst for discovery. Effectively, Falcon people are the pioneers of the modern world, just waiting to soar.

Falcon Power Animal

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Power Animals are those we invoke for assistance in various situations. The Falcon as a Power Animal brings the energy of caution and strategy into your life. Falcon teaches wise action, so request His guidance in difficult decisions or when perusing highly personal objectives.

If you have trouble concentrating, Falcon medicine assists with re-focusing and clarity of thought. Do not, however, expect instant results from Falcon’s teachings. Patience is a virtue that Falcon respects and nurtures.

Native American Falcon Symbolic Meanings

Native Americans in the Mississippi region had a culture built around warfare and reverence of the sun. Falcon ranks among their symbols, being one of the most powerful Spirit Birds in their belief system. Falcon Spirit and other powerful Birds once ruled over the people of the Earth; it’s for this precise reason many of the tools of war bore Falcon symbols.

Falcon as a Celtic Animal Symbol

Throughout European and Celtic regions the Falcon was a symbol of authority and prestige. Only the nobles or wealthy could own them, and often used them in the hunt. There were actually laws that governed what type of Falcon a person could own. The King could have GyrFalcon, a Prince the Peregrine Falcon, Duke a Rock Falcon, and Knights a Saker Falcon.

Falcon Dreams

A Falcon appearing in your dreams bears the message of mindfulness. Now is the time to keep an eye on the proverbial prize.

Falcon can also represent freedom and liberation. What is holding you back from claiming your true self? Release your constraints so you can begin working successfully toward that long-term goal. Throughout this process, stay firm against nay-sayers, knowing that Falcon portends rewards from your efforts.

Learn more about Falcon Spirit by reading Dreams About a Falcon: Meaning & Symbolism on WhatIsMySpiritAnimal.com!

Falcon in Astrology & Zodiac Signs

In Celtic Astrology Falcon/Hawk governs those born between November 25 – December 23. People born under this sign are said to be very driven to complete anything that holds their attention. Falcon craves wisdom and knowledge and is often involved in charitable endeavors.

By contrast, Native American Astrology places Falcon during the period between March 21-April 19th. Falcon ties to the East wind, the Element of Fire, and the colors of yellow and green. These people are very active and adventurous, always forging new horizons. Persistency, hands-on learning, and patience are keynotes to this personality. They are compatible with those born under the Salmon sign and Owl sign

Far Eastern Falcon Symbolic Meanings

Both Chinese and Japanese symbolism recognize the Falcon as an emblem of nobility. Additionally, this bird represents power, bravery, and vision. Practitioners of Feng Shui use this bird as an icon of pursuit and movement, heading toward success.

Falcon Symbolic Meanings Key

  • Ambition
  • Control of Mind, Body, & Spirit
  • Courage & Fearlessness
  • Freedom
  • Leadership
  • Liberation
  • Solar Energy
  • Tremendous Willpower
  • Victory
  • Wisdom & Discernment

18 thoughts on “Falcon Symbolism & Meaning

  1. JBette says:

    Just wanted to make someone aware (if the page/site owner gets Comment Notifications) – that the ‘Falcon Symbolic Meanings Key’ bullets section is missing content; there’s 11 of them.

    Also – thank much for all of the other (above) info.

    [PS: I do not need/require a reply – thanks again]

    • spiritanimals says:

      Thank you so much! Fixed!

      Stay wild,

  2. Sabrina says:

    A falcon and a smaller bird both ran into my front living room window today and died. Does this mean something? Also A little bird sat on my window staring at me a few days ago. It seems kind of strange. Just wondering if this means anything?

  3. Sabrina says:

    Hi just found this a bit odd that two birds ran into my living room window and died.

    • Martin says:

      The Falcon was probably in pursuit of the smaller bird for food that is the way they hunt and it hit the window.

  4. Kelli says:

    The metaphysical meaning: I would Look at those bullet points again and see if any of those resonate with you, and also figure out what was going on in your life and your feelings…those are also good indicators. Your first thought is usually the right one,especially if it keeps entering into your mind. Hope that helps Sabrina!

  5. samuel ogwayi says:

    this is it no wonder as marlon i belong to falcon. lets go

  6. lilia says:

    a falcon appeared in front of the window in the hospital where my child was born…

  7. Jeremiha Josytewa says:

    So I think the falcon is my spirit animal because I was working with my dad on his dump truck in a truck yard and spotted a falcon sitting on a truck bumper next to us just watching what we were doing so I walked up to it and stroked it on it’s chest, then it looked one more time then flew away. Crazy huh, I’ve also had to other encounters with a Dove and a piegon. All I could think of it is it may be my animal Spirit what u think. Thanks

  8. liz moon says:

    Falcon guided me here. Thankful for the information!

  9. Heather says:

    I have been seeing a falcon recently every time I close my eyes to pray or just take a moment for myself.

  10. Jensina says:

    Yesterday I saw a Peraguine Falcon,sitting in a tree watching me,when it saw me,it then flew over to my yard and sat in another tree. Just sat ,watching me. I have always loved nature,and pay quite alot of attention to all living things,so I talked to this beautiful creature. Well again today,as we pulled in the driveway,there it was again. Watching,as soon as we parked and my son got out,and I saw it,it flew away. I almost think it’s watching,guiding. Truly one of the most amazing , beautiful,things I have seen.

  11. Stefan says:

    Ive met my spirit guide and its is the falcon… My daughters birthday is 12-22-12 and my birthday is 4-10-85 so her and i are both followers of a falcon… And i ride 2011 Suzuki Hayabusa 1300R which translated in japanese is “Paragrine Falcon” and got it up to 207 miles per hour on it…

  12. Rikki McQu says:

    But did you know the Hayabusa had that meaning before you bought it? That is some speed!

  13. Jon Wells says:

    I am just looking for the meaning here. If there inst meaning that is discernible from history or teachings, then I will carry this in my own heart. I have been trying to photograph raptors for years. To the point where i have been chased off of land that I found myself on following falcons, hawks etc. to capture their beauty in flight, or perched above. I have never been able to photograph a Peregrine falcon though. That is until recently. I have just bought a home down in Pueblo West Colorado. I was sitting on the deck, and out of what seemed to be nowhere a Peregrine falcon came in and landed 2-3 feet from me on the railing. I was stunned, and when I slowly moved to get my camera, I was sure that this raptor would fly off, however, it just sat there, calm as can be, looking right at me. I retrieved my camera and proceeded to admire with my eyes the beauty of this creature. I took over 100 photos, as she or he posed for me there looking at me, then bowing its head repeatedly. It was an uncanny several moments, that stretched out, as we admired each other, I talked with the Falcon and spoke of its amazing form, and its beauty. It just remained there, 2 feet away, for the longest time time. Then we just sat together in silence for a time. I thought it might be hungry or thirsty, so I went inside and got some small chunks of burger I had in the frig, and some water for it to drink, but as I returned outside to the deck it looked at me again, and then flew off to a neighbors tree, and then into the horizon. It was overwhelming for me. If there is a meaning spiritually I would welcome to know.

  14. Siri says:

    It’s not the Germans who believe in Loki and Odin etc but it’s from Norse mythology – scandinavia

    • spiritanimals says:

      Hi, Siri;

      Actually the people of Germania did worship the same gods as the Norse – just with a but different names. But, I really appreciate you making this comment because now I realize I need to make that distinction in the article!

      Stay wild,

  15. Parker Shutey says:

    ✒ 隼 Amazing Falcon.

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