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Spider Symbolism & Meaning

Spider is a creature with a potent symbolism and meaning, offering valuable lessons on how to weave your destiny through the power of magic.

In a creative rut? Feeling trapped? Are you in a delicate situation and desire to find firm footing on that tightrope? Spider, as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal can help! Spider teaches you how to masterfully communicate your needs, all while showing you how to weave a solution to challenges. Delve deeply into Spider symbolism and meaning to find out how this Animal Spirit Guide can support, assist, and inspire you.

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Spider Symbolism & Meaning

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Because you’re here seeking the wisdom of Spider energy, magic, and medicine, it’s a sign your higher self is guiding you toward a deep understanding of your place and purpose in this life. Spider symbolism and meaning is rich and insightful.

Spiders are among the most patient and long-suffering of all animal spirit guides. They carefully weave a web and then wait for their prey to come to them. Each strand of Spider’s web connects to another, creating a whole, safe space in which you can feed your spirit. Spider knows, however, that anything worth doing is worth doing correctly. You cannot rush enlightenment. Reawakening your soul’s knowledge of the Great Mysteries can truly become a lifetime pilgrimage.

Spider bears a message about light, darkness, and the delicate balance between the two. We as humans sometimes forget there is a special beauty and power to the shadow self. By understanding that side of our being, we come to embrace the light all the more fervently.

No one is perfect. Spider lets you examine your imperfections from a different perspective – one focused on creating transformation from within.

Among ancient Egyptians, Spider was sacred to Goddess Neith – a mother figure. Similarly, Native Americans see Spider as a creator and a symbol of the divine Feminine aspect. This creative energy is central to Spider’s lessons.

Planning and taking your time with a heartfelt project is the key to success. Spider says, “Haste makes waste. Go slow and wait for the right time.” As you do, you’ll achieve a greater understanding of all your aptitudes and traits and pull them together as a cohesive whole.

Spider, as a spiritual guide and mentor, encourages you to try looking at a problem from different angles. Follow one strand – where does it take you? Try another – where are you then? Stay flexible, and don’t be afraid to test out a new Path. This is particularly true of relationships and other close ties. Where do you want to build your web/network so that it’s strong?

You may also consider the power of Spider’s web when working with Spider. Spider’s webs are miraculous. They are often thought of as a form of sacred geometry found in nature, created by instinctive architects and engineers, the Spider.

Are you being asked to work to create divine symmetry or give shape to your ideals? How can you draw on your instincts as a creator or inventor in order to perfect your gifts and achieve your goals?

What creative arts are instinctive and second nature to you? Each Spider’s web is unique; how are you being called to reinvent your craft and refine your art?

A Spider’s web represents our interconnection with Divine perfection within the universe. What’s more, Spider’s meaning reminds us to reflect on how we have the resources to “catch” what we need and attain our dreams.

Often, we humans try to hold on to what we create, but Spider reminds us we can be free to create, destroy and recreate. This reinforces Spider’s meaning in connection to the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.

You may also be reminded by Spider to have faith in your gifts. You may not need to hold on to what’s comfortable. Sometimes we get used to things that aren’t really in our best interest. Let go and refine what you create.

Like an artist or writer who needs to revise again and again, perhaps Spider is teaching you not to fall in love with your first painting or first draft. Instead, continue to build and innovate, manifesting perfection through the larger process.

Spider Spirit Animal

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The Spider Spirit Animal is a powerhouse that can kick-start your imagination and innovation. If you’ve stalled out, now is the time to breathe life into your ideas and dreams! Weave a strong, well-considered web and overcome challenges. Spider, as a Spirit Animal, may also appear as a messenger from the Goddess calling on you to reconnect with Sacred Feminine energy, not only in the Universe but also within yourself.

Remember, to a Spider, its web is its ‘world.’ When Spider appears to you, maybe the time has come for you to see yourself as the center of your own world. We are the makers of our own destinies. Once we understand ourselves, we can truly begin manifesting our reality.

Most webs are round-ish spirals that unite at a central point. In this, Spider webs are mandalas that you can use to meditate on the core themes and situations of your life. As the center, focus on what you truly want

Ask your Spider Spirit Animal Guide to help you design and create the strong spiritual connections you want!

The meaning of Spiders can vary based on cultural traditions. In West African and later Caribbean lore, Anansi is a well-known figure. This trickster archetype is a cunning Spider who knows all stories. It is, so to speak, the weaver of tall tales.

Some point to the figure of Anansi as the inspiration for The Spider and the Fly, a poem by Mary Howitt.

Spider Totem Animal

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People born with a Spider Totem have very symmetrical souls. You understand and maintain the delicate balance between the physical realm and spirit, between the old and new, between yin and yang.

Spider people have a keen understanding of the medicine wheel and all its workings. You have a knack for unraveling even the most difficult of patterns and re-working them into something useful and positive. Puzzles are a joy, as is a good mystery.

If you have Spider Totem Animal, you can be inventive, creative, tenacious, and have a strong wit. You know how to influence others mindfully and may have a good sense of the larger patterns all around you.

Finally, Spider is a communicator – writers often have a Spider totem.

Spider Power Animal

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Spiders are very delicate creatures. But nature gifted them with incredible powers of agility. When you feel as though you’re walking on a very thin rope that is sure to break, call on your inner Spider Power Animal. Its energy and medicine assist in navigating the frayed threads of life and finding your way back to a position of strength.

Invoke Spider Power Animal when you want to regain the reigns of control over your fate. Destiny awaits, and Spider offers creative solutions for achieving your goals. Weave an energetic web that supports your soul. With Spider radiating from within, you capture the magic of the moment!

Both creative but also potentially aggressive, Spider reminds us to balance our resourceful, inventive sides but also to protect that which we value. When you are working with the energy of Spider Medicine within, you may be challenged to adjust your strategies. Design a different web.

Spiders pull out all the stops to thrive. They trap, they lure prey, and they know how to entice their prey into their webs. In this way, the spiritual meaning of Spider Power Animal is directly related to your ability to attract and manifest using your cunning and astuteness.

Spider Spiritual Meaning

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What are the layers of Spider’s spiritual meaning? There are all manner of threads to explore. Some of the more universal interpretations include the power of attraction and karma unfolding before our eyes. The fly does not know its predicament. Here and now, the choice to “fly” in a specific direction created unwanted results. When Spider is in your life, you have the opportunity to right some wrongs.

Spider is smart and pragmatic. It will use whatever resources are available to you to turn the tables to its benefit. On a personal level, this characteristic encourages you to claim your power and keep it. Don’t let others run rough-shot over your ideas and voice.

There is a Greek story of Arachne, who challenged Athena to a weaving competition. As a result, was turned into a Spider. According to the myth, Arachne and Athena were both skilled in the art. Yet Arachne used her abilities to create scenes that depicted the Gods abusing their power over humanity. As a result, Athena used a potion created by Hecate and turned Arachne into a Spider. She weaves evermore.

Arachne’s tale suggests that humans should not meddle in the affairs of the Gods. Nonetheless, this myth reminds us of how the arts are incredibly powerful. You don’t have to speak the same language to admire a painting or be moved by music. Sometimes artists use impactful images to make a statement on current affairs, and that is most definitely Spider influence.

Greek lore has other figures with hints of Spider Medicine. The Fates (Moirai) personified destiny. There were three: Clotho, who spun; Lachesis, who allotted; and Atropos, who cut. It was their sacred task to ensure every being lived out their life’s purpose by Universal laws. The threads of Fate are powerful indeed, just as the Spider Web.

So what is it that you are supposed to weave? What should you cull from your yarn? What patterns do you express in communication? What should you attract to your web for well-being? It is no coincidence that the most powerful form of human interaction globally is called “the world wide web.” Innovation provides ways to stay connected over the web.

Types of Spiders

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Spiders belong to the arachnid class. There are approximately 45,000 known Spider Species. The variety is impressive. For example, some can jump, and others look a bit like pelicans. The smallest spider, the Samoan Moss Spider, measures .011 inches long. Visualize that tiny creature next to the Goliath Birdeater Tarantula whose legs can grow to a foot long.

While there are a few Spiders harmful to humans, the numbers are small. Spider is a lover, not a fighter. And they provide an essential service in the ecosystem: controlling pests that are harmful to agriculture.
Here are just some types of Spiders and their spiritual implications.

Black Widow

This is a lady you shouldn’t mess with. Their venom is potent. Black Widow turns our attention to where we should step in and where we should hold still. Don’t get bit.

Daddy Longlegs (Harvestmen)

Welcome the Daddy Longlegs to your garden because they love the traditional pests there as a snack. An interesting fact about Daddy Longlegs is it does not bite. When they’re frightened, they emit odor intended to deter predators. So, when you’re scared by something or someone that could have been prevented, make a stink about it!

Golden Silk Orb

The wow factor for this Spider is the intricate webs it weaves and the golden tint of the strong strands. The Golden Orb’s webs are semi-permanent (there’s no place like home). Sometimes they will put up a network of webs on both sides of them to protect them from bird attacks. If a predator is present, the Golden Orb vibrates its web as a distraction. Meditate on your vibrations and the signals they send.

Hobo Spider

Hobo Spiders are a durable lot being cold-resistant. Hobo could well allude to the Hermit Card of the Tarot. They are isolationists by choice.

House Spider

There’s no question the House Spider is tied to you, your Circle, and your home. A non-intrusive insect, you usually don’t even know House Spider is around. They quietly set up a space and watch. When you find one, take a closer look at the dynamics of your life. Get them into balanc

Huntsman Spider

Being a rebel of sorts, this species uses no webs for catching prey. Instead, they hide in dark places, waiting for nightfall to deftly gather food. They are fast and flexible enough to slide through small cracks, remaining nearly invisible. The Huntsman Spider acts as a nudge from the Universe to come out from the dark and feed your soul

Jumping Spiders

If you have a passion for travel, you have good company with the Jumping Spider Spirit. Beyond physical travel, Jumping Spiders stand for the Wheel of Time. Encountering one is a sign you should resolve something in your past, so the present runs more smoothly. Jumping Spider also reminds you about personal liberation. If you don’t like where you are, jump out of it.


Tarantula Spider is an ideal representative of transformation. As this species matures, it must shed its skin. It’s hard on the spider, but molting is necessary for growth. The process puts Tarantula in the unenviable position of having to lie on its back. When it’s upright again, the new skin and little hairs are present. Tarantula Spider teaches that we must sometimes become vulnerable to achieve personal or spiritual advancement.

Wolf Spider

The Wolf Spider is a fierce fighter showing aggression. They are an emblem of the Sacred Masculine, but more of the shadow side. If you encounter a Wolf Spider, consider if you’ve been hostile in a situation that may not require it.

The Symbolism of Spider Colors

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If the spider you see has a distinctive color, it can have a distinct meaning. Note that Spider can appear in various ways, and typically more than once when it bears a message. So think of TV, book covers, internet searches, billboards, etc. Seeing Spider just once, you can shrug it off. But, three or more times is not just a coincidence.

The Symbolism in Spider Colors

  • Black Spider portends a mystery developing in your life. Figuring it out will weigh heavily on a decision.
  • Blue Spider says you have a guardian Angel who stays close to protect you and divert negativity.
  • Brown Spider comes with a message from the Earth Mothe to ground and center yourself.
  • Green Spider is an omen of productivity leading to financial improvements.
  • Orange Spider tells you of a fast friend who will always be there for you with encouragement.
  • Purple Spider teaches that with wisdom comes responsibility. Step into your power and use your magic mindfully.
  • Red Spider weaves a web of inventiveness put into action. When you get excited about a project, the outcome can be extraordinary.
  • White Spider validates your feelings. There is no reason to be ashamed of self-expression. Keep your words simple and true, and watch things transform.
  • Yellow (Golden) Spider suggests abundance coming into your life, with the caution to use your blessings carefully.

Learn more about Color meanings and Symbolism here!

Spider Depictions in Christianity

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Spider is a diligent worker, remaining faithful to the task. The seeker devotes themself to the faith in order to fulfill their calling. However, Spider depictions in Christianity don’t always treat Spider Spirit kindly. In Isaiah, for example, the Spider’s web is associated with weakness, illusion, and temptation to see what you want to see vs. the truth. For those on the path of righteousness, knowing how to discern good from evil is essential.

An ancient legend about Mary and Joseph highlights Spider’s protective nature. The tiny creature, feeling it must do something to help, wove a web to disguise the couple as they moved through Egypt. Today, it’s said that the tinsel on the holiday tree commemorates Spider’s assistance.

There is also the story of St. Felix, the patron saint of spiders. St Felix lived in Italy, selling his goods to give to the poor, and focused on his clerical calling. Apparently, St. Felix befriends some spiders during his life’s journey.

The Roman Emperor, Decius began persecuting Bishop Maximus, so he hid in the mountains. Felix was arrested and beaten but managed to escape prison thanks to a helpful Angel who charged him to find Maximus. He discovered Maximus ill and alone and took him to hide in a building. Felix’s spiders spun a web over the door, so imperial forces would think the structure had been abandoned for a long time.

Rome tried to arrest Felix again, so he returned to the very same building. And again, Spider came to the rescue. The Imperial Soldiers never found them again.

If we compare this story to the legend of Mary and Joseph, we see a side of Spider that knows when to come to someone’s aid. There does, however, seem to be a relationship built between humans and Spider Spirit, which is how it should be. When you work with a spiritual guide, part of your responsibility is being open and working toward mutual understanding.

Hindu and Buddhist Spider Portrayal

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Hindu and Buddhist Spider portrayals focus on its web. The interlinking of each strand acts as a metaphor for the interconnectedness of the Universe. When any strand moves even a bit, it affects the entire web in some manner. This is an excellent reminder of how our actions have a far greater impact than we may ever know.

The Vedas depict the Spider’s web as an illusionary veil, hiding the ultimate reality – between the mundane and the Divine. It is up to us to make the deliberate choice to move past those deceptions by our will.
Hindus portray Spider as being inventive and a harbinger of prosperity.

Spider in Islamic Myth

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The role of the Spider in Islam is one of a hero. There is a story of the prophet Muhammad and his father-in-law, Abu Bakr. Quraysh warriors chased the two, wanting to kill Muhammad (and thus his message). As they traveled speedily, they found a cave in the Thowr Mountains. While they hid, a Spider wove a giant web across the front of the cave. When the warriors saw the web, they knew Muhammad could not go through it untouched, so the two remained safe.

The theme of protection and cooperation with people who have spiritual callings seems repeated readily. It’s seen here, in Christianity, and in other settings.

Spider Native American Symbolism

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Spider appears in a wide variety of Native American stories. Perhaps the most prevalent is Grandmother Spider. She spins the Web of Time and knows all aspects of the future and the past.

In Shamanism, the Spider is an inventor. The creature’s eight legs represent the Medicine Wheel, and Spider Spirit was the sacred keeper of Native American history. When you work with Spider, don’t be surprised if you crave more information about your family tree.

In some Spider Native American symbolism and stories, Spider is said to have taught humans the alphabet, creating letters and words in their web. This is a common thread, no pun intended, in Spider lore around the world. The link between Spider and language is prevalent.

Native cultures often view Spider as a powerful ally reminding us to be careful of what we weave. Each strand has tremendous potential. Use sound strategy as you put things in place.

A Cherokee story tells of Spider playing a key role in an origin myth, bringing light to the world and creating life as we know it on Earth. When other animals were unsuccessful, it was Grandmother Spider who was able to make the world habitable. Here we see a connection with the Earth Element.

To the Sioux, Iktome, the Spider Trickster Spirit, is a prominent figure among the Lakota people. To pre-Columbian people, the Goddess Teotihuacan Spider Woman is a creative Being worshipped by early people in what is now Mexico.
To some Navajo Native Americans, the Spider’s web is reminiscent of the rays of the Sun, therefore reinforcing this link between Spider and light, life, and creativity. Spider Spirit challenges you with a question: Do you see the larger patterns around you? Do you see the light?

Greek and Roman Spider Depictions

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The tradition of associating Spiders with money dates from Roman times when people wore Spider amulets to attract success in business. Greek and Roman Spider Depictions include mall Spiders, frequently called “money Spiders,” and it’s considered extremely bad luck to kill one. Spiders have always been welcome in people’s homes, as they catch flies in their webs, which helps to prevent disease.

Egyptian Representation of Spiders

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Many Egyptian representations of Spiders focus on the Goddess. She is the spinner of time and weaver of destinies. In creation myths, Neith was a heroine, fabricating the world on Her loom. One belief is that She, like the Spider, reweaves the web daily. If you think about it, this makes some sense symbolically. Every day is new. Every day our web changes.

African Spider Allegories

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Spider Spirit plays the role of the Trickster in African Spider Allegoriess. The story almost always includes a moral lesson. One name for Her is Kaku Anase, sometimes called “Sister Nancy.” Ashanti oral tradition contains the word anansesem, meaning Spider Tales, as a global expression for their Spider fables.

The Hausa regarded the Spider with great esteem. In their beliefs, Spider is the most cunning of creatures. As a result, Spider is the “king” of all accounts, sometimes using narratives itself (a story within a story).

There is an African folktale about Anansi (meaning Spider), the main character in stories of wisdom, knowledge, and chicanery. Anansi outsmarts fierce opponents through strategy, cunning, and wit. Some go so far as to consider it a God who knows all the stories of all time

Spider Celtic Symbolism

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What do Spiders symbolize in Celtic cultures?

Spider in Celtic Symbolism has strong associations with the Druids. This nature-based religion sees the Spider as having three distinct characteristics – the Bard, the Ovate, and the Druid. The bard is the artist and weaver of webs. The Ovate is a seer that provides perspective, and the Druid is the teacher of Spider medicine.

We are told that Spider created the Ogham, an early Irish alphabet that is often seen on sacred stones in Ireland. It was considered bad luck to kill a small Spider, as they are believed to bring good luck and money.

Scottish tales claim Spider led Robert the Bruce to victory, making him the King of Scotland. It’s amazing that such a small creature has a powerful impact on not only people’s futures but, in this case, a whole nation.

In Scottish lore, a Spider led Robert the Bruce to eventual victory, becoming King of Scotland. This spiritual meaning of Spider suggests that this small creature can have a powerfully large impact on the destinies not only of people but of nations. The ending here is a reminder of how much difference you can make in others’ lives, even through small gestures of kindness.

Generally speaking, Spider is a helpful being to the Celts. How high they make their webs on corn stalks in fall portends how much snow will come that winter. Stories tell of a Fey woman described as wearing a green kirtle and having shimmering golden hair. She is deft in hand, using spider strands to weave tartan.

In Ireland, people are hesitant to kill spiders. So doing brings a terrible storm.

Spider Meanings in China

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There is a sweet reason that Spider meanings in China depict this creature as auspicious. The ideogram representing Spider has the same sound at the beginning as the word “happy.” Thus, Spider has the nickname ximu, meaning happy insect. When seen in the morning, it brings joy. Spider seen in the evening brings wealth.

China’s writings also speak of Fuxi, among the most powerful of the Deities. He devised the skills of trapping, farming, and fishing. It was from a Spider he learned language by observing the writing appearing on its web. Communication is one of Spider’s many attributes.

If a family wants a son, a Spider symbol on jewelry should be worn by the wife for fertility.

Japanese Spider Symbolism

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Japanese Spider symbolism has light and dark aspects. The golden orbed Spider protects swimmers in Joren Falls. Meanwhile, the term “Earth Spider” was an insulting term for people refusing to pledge fealty to the Emperor.

The stories in Japanese folklore have spider yokai (spirits). These supernatural beings have shape-shifting abilities. Sadly these entities seem to be villains, using their ability to seduce, beguile, and deceive.

On a more positive note, we encounter Yushkep Kamuy, the Spider Goddess. She is nurturing and watches over women during childbirth. Additionally, some feel Spider is a messenger of Buddha. It maintains the thread that connects our world with the heavens.

Spider Dreams

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When Spider comes into your dreams, you may have received an important message from the Goddess. Typically such dreams happen when you’ve gotten distracted from your true calling. Alternatively, Spider dreams could be your Ancestors, offering a stronger connection to your hereditary powers.

If you don’t like the Spider in your dream, this usually occurs when you have a female figure in your life with whom you’re having a lot of struggles. The choice here is twofold: stay and work it out or walk away. Take a step back and get insights into the bigger picture.

When you see a Spider crawling all over you in a dream, this Spirit comes to protect you. Take care. What or who threatens your well-being?

Should Spider webs show up in your Dream, you feel entangled in something not of your making. Be patient and think creatively. There is a way through lying on the edge of your awareness.

A Spider web in front of someone else in a dream has one of two meanings (and perhaps both). The person is very clingy, jealous, and obsessive. It’s not a great idea to spend too much time in their web. Or, the individual purposefully laid a trap for you. Remain perceptive to avoid it.

Size matters in Spider dreams. The larger the Spider, the more important the message in your dream. Distance also plays a role. For example, a Spider appearing down the road from you implies a future matter.

When you are startled by a Spider in your dream, it’s a wake-up call. Pay far more attention to what’s happening around you. An opportunity awaits.

If a Spider chases you in a dream, you seek freedom and true liberation. One caveat. If you are naturally afraid of Spiders, then you are running from something fear but should face it head-on instead.

Spider dreams often reflect personal anxieties, especially in emotionally-charged situations. Pay attention to the other details in the dream for greater clarity.

Should you decide to move away from Spider in your dream, you are likewise considering stepping away from a toxic situation. Don’t wait any longer to break those ties.

Seeing a Spider skittering about with no apparent direction in your dream, it’s counsel to think about the risks you take or the times you jump on decisions. You have distinct “buttons” that drive certain confusing actions. Learn about them and how to avoid such problems

If you get caught in a Spider web (whole or any part), it represents frustration with your current situation. You feel stuck, but there are solutions. Some may not appeal to you, but consider them nonetheless.

When you are building a Spider web in your dream, it’s very good news. You will succeed in an endeavor because you put your best foot forward daily. The people around you understand the web’s construction and act as facilitators. Put your seatbelt on. Things are about to start moving quickly.

If you see a spider building its web in your dream, this shows that you are going to craft something in life – that will enable you to be content and happy in all situations in your life. A spider weaves three types of web.

Commonly we associate spiders with what is known as the orb web. This is the web that is very similar to the shape of a wheel. To see this type of web in a dream indicates that events are likely to happen quickly.

There is a type of Spider web called a sheet web. It’s horizontal. Think, if this appears in your dream, what lies beyond that sheet? It may be something others hide from you or something you hide from yourself.

Learn more about Spider Spirit by reading Spider Dreams: What They Mean on WhatIsMySpiritAnimal.com!

What Does it Mean When You See a Dead Spider?

No one enjoys seeing a dead creature. But what does it mean when you see a dead spider? Bear in mind the significance of seeing a dead Spider connects to whatever is going on (or soon to be happening) in your life.

While the moment is bad news for the spider, for you it represents the end of a battle. When it’s over you can breathe again and start something far more reflective of your Sacred Self.

The dead Spider suggests you are worrying about a lot of things all at once. You are expending energy in too many directions, so you’re frustrated with the lack of resolution and wholly exhausted. Stop. Remind yourself you cannot fix everything all at once. Create a priority list and tick things off one at a time.

There is a superstition that says when you see a dead spider, it was protecting you. Sacrifice is a theme in Spider Wisdom, but in this case, what was the source of danger? Ferrit it out so you can avoid it.

If you’ve recently had any type of ending, it’s time to let go of the pain and sadness. Give yourself a chance to move on. Difficulties are finally ending, and a little serendipity is on the way. Just be patient.

A dead Spider may be a cautionary sign about turning your back on your talents or using your wisdom poorly. Straighten up and find your strand in the Universal Web.

Spider Tattoo Meaning

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What do Spiders symbolize as a tattoo?

A Spider tattoo’s meaning is very personal and drawn from the feelings or experiences of the person getting one. An individual may have the Spider as an ongoing source of protection, and a reminder to themselves to overcome fears.

A Spider with a colorful web could represent a person’s art and vibrant creativity. This is an especially powerful tattoo for writers since Spider Spirit helped inspire language.

The pattern of the Spider’s web has significance in sacred geometry. As such, getting a Spider tattoo supports a person’s desire to remain connected to all of creation.

Sometimes folks just get Spider tattoos for the shock value, to instigate a reaction.

Spider is an excellent emblem of empowerment and enduring strength. It may also be an expression of personal identity and uniqueness.

If a Tattoo is of a Spider in its web, it reflects a connection to, and desire to protect, hearth, home, and family.

Spider Sayings

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“The spider taketh hold with her hands, and is in the king’s palaces.” – Proverbs 30:28

“When spiders unite, they can tie up a lion.” – Ethiopian Proverb

“The spider and the fly can’t make a deal.” – Jamaican Proverb

“Words are like the spider’s web: a shelter for the clever ones and a trap for the not so clever.” – Madagascar Proverb

“Friends tie their purses with a spider’s web.” – Italian Proverb

“He avoided the fly and swallowed the spider.” – Portuguese Proverb

“The spider is a repairer. If you bash into the web of a spider, she doesn’t get mad. She weaves and repairs it.” – Louise Bourgeois

“Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.” – Charles Addams

“The next time you see a spider web, please, pause and look a little closer. You’ll be seeing one of the most high-performance materials known to man.” – Cheryl Hayashi

“Experience is a kind of huge spider web of the finest silken threads suspended in the chamber of consciousness, and catching every airborne particle in its tissue.” – Henry James

Itsy Bitsy Spider

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The Itsy Bitsy Spider is a nursery rhyme song sharing the mishap adventure of a Spider. It climes the water spout resends when it rains, then returns up again when the sun appears. With the singing of this song, there are hand motions, delighting children. It would seem Spider is the protagonist, the Sun is the hero, and the rain is the nemesis. The California Folklore Society included the Spider Son in a book, Western Folklore.

The Itsy Bitsy Spider became a beloved tune. Various celebrities, including Nicole Kidman and Carly Simon, sang it in movies. There are numerous other examples of the song in contemporary media. In a very simple way, it represents the life cycle, as well as the daily up and downs we all experience.

Spider Superstitions

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  • A Money Spider running on you portends new clothing and financial gains.
  • If you discover your initials in a Spider’s web, you will experience good fortune for many years to come.
  • A Spider making its web in your home traps negativity.
  • As the 1662 rhyme instructs, “if you would to live and thrive, let the spider stay alive.
  • A Spider running toward you brings prosperity so long as you show industry.
  • When Spider descends on you from the roof, you with hear from a friend who bears a gift.
  • Many Spiders spinning foretell dry weather.
  • Should a spider crawl into your pocket, you will never want for basic needs.
  • A Spider hanging overhead means a letter is coming.
  • Walking into a Spider web means you will meet a new friend that day.
  • When a Spider runs down a web in the afternoon, travel is in your future.

34 thoughts on “Spider Symbolism & Meaning

  1. Tiffany says:

    I’ve been thinking alot about how weak my relationships are and how onesided my relationship with my old man is and i cant completely decide if i should give our relationship a rest or stick with it and its put me into a mental rut, but i have not been treated well and I have a super tough time sticking up for myself. My thoughts feel so loud! I then lit up my candles and began to meditate on it. During my meditation I was interrupted by a small black spider directly in front of me almost as if it were mirroring me in my meditation. What do you think this spider was trying to tell me?

    • Jules says:

      Since spiders are a symbol of creation, it would go hand-in-hand with new beginnings. You seem to be aware of the fact that you are not being treated well in your relationship. Use the spider’s creative power to begin a new life where your needs and desires are in the center. Create a relationship that fosters your power instead of draining it.

      • Tricia A Nelson says:

        I just got done meditating and a spider was in my dream. In response to what you wrote I feel like your talking about my life. Thank you. Namaste

  2. Shay says:

    Hello there,

    Me and my husband went on a vacation and left a family member in our home, when we came home there were little patchwork of spider webs in almost every room including under our bed. I can’t remember seeing any spiders. We have lived in this apartment for over 6 years and never experience anything like this.
    It has been boring me ever since, is there any explanation to all this ?

  3. Ida says:

    Large spider moved into my home, lives in my staircase that goes to the basement. I also saw small spiders around house, different kinds from large one. What does this mean.

  4. Ahyadh says:

    I saw a spider in my room, having 4 legs on left and 2 legs on the right, bottom 2 were missing. Can you pls tel me what dose this mean?

  5. Julia says:

    I woke up this morning with bites all over my arm and ankle on my right side. Then, later that morning, as I was sitting at my dining room table, a spider starts crawling towards my hand! I jumped up, my sister ran in with the swatter, but it quickly dissappeared. As if that wasn’t enough, this afternoon I was sitting in my living room eating with my sister when the darn sucker was crawling up my arm! Same spider! I jumped up and again, it disappeared. This time between the counch cushions. The search continues. I am not sure if the bites are connected to this spider, but the other two times, this is crazy. And why only me??? My sister has been here all day with me but hasn’t been attacked by this spider. I am not sure what to make of this. :/

    • Kelly says:

      Might be curious to consider location of bites, as spider accu awareness. Then google TCM, traditional chinese medicine. Compare where you were bitten, to where acupuncture points are. TCM will give you a sense of what organ, organ system, meridian and emotions involved. Any bite, or pain can be viewed in such a manner. Good luck

  6. Cyndi says:

    Spiders have been around me the last couple of weeks….. then I dreamt of one walking away from me on my bed, this dream woke me up, to look for the spider . Everything I have ever read about spiders is positive, but I have always associated them with bringing me the message that someone around me is being less then kind …. beware.
    I have been struggling lately in several aspects of my life….. now I feel that the spider walking away from me in my dream is pointing to my life leaving me???? Any thoughts?

  7. Emm says:

    Great information! Lately there has been a need for resolve of projects needing finality. Main area was landscape and yes finished. Comment that really spoke of its grandeur “It looks like a paradise”. After spending the entire spring and summer with the project many spiders have crossed paths. While starting the inside yard a yellow small spider rested on a shovel that had been used by moi. During cooking a jumper sat on my tee shirt as Je cooked. They have really come out at variable times, what may these encounters mean?

  8. Nina says:

    I woke up this morning to my alarm and had a HUGE spider om the wall right in front of my eyes. I was stunned! I walked closer to it and it looked if though it had 12 legs. It was slowly moving up my wall. I turned around to turn off the alarm and when I looked back toward the spider it disappeared. I looked up and down, on the ceiling, on the floor, but it was gone! I only looked away for a second. I am confused by that and I also feel it was a message. I read what you said about spiders and it totally relates to my situation, but I feel I am missing something. Can you please help me understand it better?

  9. George Maurice Parnell says:

    I love all of this information And thank you

  10. Maggie says:

    This article is helping me understand the happenings of the past couple of days, but I seem to be having problems pinning the exact meaning down. A couple days ago, I had a, not at all scary, but intense dream. There were spiders everywhere, mass amounts of them crawling and building webs. One part of the dream, spiders were coming out of my mouth, but again, not scared at all. And then yesterday, in real life, I hopped into my car, and right there in front of my face was the tiniest spider, building a web from the steering wheel to the visor. During the whole car ride, it kept building its web from the visor to next to me head by the handle. The spider is still in the car. I don’t know what the universe is trying to tell me. Any thoughts?

  11. Will says:

    For the last month I have been constantly finding spiders on my arms and body. Often they are small and stay with me for some time – 15 or 20 minutes. Just yesterday a spider played on my arms for 20 minutes; it would jump from finger to finger and if I put my finger in its path (to keep it from crawling up to my neck) it would crawl into my finger (sometimes jump on!) and start exploring the other hand and arm. Do you think this is significant?

    • K says:

      Exact same thing happened to me today, a small grey spider kept crawling all over my arms and fingers and I kept letting it go but he kept coming back so I took him home and put him in my flower pot.

  12. Jo Thomas says:

    This is incredibly helpful and speaks such truth! Thank you! Blessed-be

  13. Kellzmidnight says:

    Thank you so much for this wonderful insight I will have to take some time and deeply think about my dreams and my life situation.

  14. Matthew says:

    I’m starting to believe the spider may be a spirit animal of mine. I’m starting to enter creative pursuits and the idea of spiders and Druidism have been cropping up repeatedly. In addition, the idea of being the centre of your web and waiting for the right time is appealing to me. Plus they’re showing up in my life more and more (due to it being summer). One small problem, though: I have an irrational fear of spiders. Can hardly even look at them. Does this have any significance?

    • Allison LIZOTTE says:

      Me too. I’ve always been terrified of spiders. As I’ve gotten older I’ve calmed down a bit. As in I don’t throw a tantrum whenever I see one. But I would probably have a panic attack if one ever touched me. I really do think the spider is my totem though. Which I find incredibly interesting.

  15. marouane says:

    i was on the roof of the house at 3 am, thinking about the purpose of LIFE and my life, then i sat down crying and looking to the sky breathing the fresh air, i almost lost hope in finding what i want, then a huge spider appears, , so i came here i googled spiders in spirituality, and everything is clear now!

  16. susan says:

    Tarantula is one of my four power animals both on my totem (carved for me by a Mestizo) and in my shamanic journeys. Your interpretations are illuminating.

  17. Jon says:

    I was told by a shaman that Spider had medicine for me and and to seek out the meaning.., very interesting information here. I’m not going to bother looking any further as I can relate to much of what is said here and it gives me plenty to think about.

  18. Mary Ivory says:

    Thank you, Grazie and Cheers,


  19. Stephanie says:

    Good evening, I’m seeing a lot of spiders these past weeks, one just drowned in my bath, I tried to save her but couldn’t make it in time. What is the meaning of this? I’m a bit confused. Many thx

  20. Yahya says:

    There is something going on last year that makes me always remember the incident. I was having a rough time for a moment at that time but something out of reality suddenly happened. In the amid of my rough time i was strongly shaken to my core but there is few days that i kept seeing spiders, a lot of spider crawling on my ceiling every time i wake up from bed in morning. I have no idea what it is but only believe that i have visual delusion(since i started reducing my sleeping hour to a time it brings harm to me, so i only think i’m just hallucinating). It looks really real, but I don’t think there is actual spiders there. In fact how come there is a lot of spider on there, it’s uncountable. I close my eyes for a while and looked up again and the spiders are gone. (so i convinced my self its only hallucination because i’m tired and doesn’t have a good quality of sleep.). I continued my day and ignore the insignificant event happened that morning. But i still remember it. It makes me wonder, why I’m seeing only spiders but not something else as my hallucination. If i can remember correctly i experience this hallucination only 3 times only, and all of them happened in the morning after i wake up. So after a year i found a book about psychic children written by Sylvia Browne and Lindsay Harrison. The book mention about spirit guide, so I was wondering if the spider is my spirit guide. Then i looked on the internet and found this.

  21. Shayne says:

    Spiders keep appearing in my dreams/nightmares. It always ends the same, the spiders are running at me and I am filled with absolute terror and Then wake up screaming.
    Is the spider my totem animal? If so, then why am I so afraid of it?

  22. Joe says:

    There is a quality or qualities that you need to learn from the spiders, which is also probably why you’re here.

  23. Ashley Nelson says:

    I’m afraid of spiders… N yet they are always in my life around particular parts of my life. Why am I so frightened by them if they are my spirit animal?

  24. Ole Tersløse Jensen says:

    Hi Shayne
    I don’t think the spider is your totem animal, because you seem afraid of them in your dreams.

    Many people are scared of spiders, and I think you’ll benifit from thinking of the spider as a psychological element. Try to find out why you are afraid of them, what happens in your life, when you dream of them etc.

    When you meet a kind of spiritual advice you’ll often get af feeling that you are on the right track. Fear will not be the major response/feeling.

    If the spiders don’t help you, they aren’t spiritual guides for you, I think. And you shouldn’t give them a role in your life that they don’t deserve

  25. Jasmin Blackwell-Griffin says:

    I believe as nothing is truly good or bad, only our perception tells us so, Spider is simply a guide, like all things. In that case of meeting with fear through spiders guidance, she is introducing you to your shadow self. These subconscious limitations, vibrations etc can serve to hold back our full authentic expression. How does your fear limit your personal power in life ? Are you at the driving wheel of your life ? Where do you give your power away out of fear ? What past fears no longer serve your current situation ? The fear you feel originates in the subconscious and or inheritance. We can be raised to fear spiders. Was someone around you as a child afraid of them ? Or indeed is the fear something deeper ? Either way fear can be an inherent part of who we are, a survival response. It is up to us to expand our conscious awareness of our self beyond the fear or bring understanding to what the fear means and represents to us individually.

  26. Emily says:

    I had a very vivid dream as a kid, probably 3-4 years old, that billions of spiders were all over my room and crawling up my bed. I shared a room with my sister so I ran to my parents room, at some point woke up, and then screamed at my parents that there were spiders everywhere. They went to the room and I was astonished to realize they were gone.

    Since then, I’ve always known if I am dreaming, and can sometimes control the dream. I think I have only been scared in a dream one other time in my life and I am 27. I uncovered repressed memories last year that I had gone through some abuse/trauma about the same time I had this dream.

    Also, I’ve always loved spiders since then as well. They fascinate me. There were always daddy long legs in my house growing up and I loved them.

    Recently I’ve been seeing a lot of synchronicities of webs and of symmetry in my life. Curious if anyone on here has any thoughts.

  27. Freya says:

    I’ve always had spiders following me around, but I am terrified and have a bad habit of killing them out of fear but as I’ve gotten older I’ve developed like a third sense for them like I can feel it’s presence and there have been occasions where I have randomly got the urge to check behind car visors and there have been spiders or waking up in the middle of the night feeling the presence of one and there it is on my wall or roof. Are they my spirit animal?
    I’ve spoken to people and they all say that they follow me and are always around me. Just today I’ve had a spider on me and four in my room within the last 6 hours. What does this mean???? It’s like they are haunting me or are they trying to get a message across? And also will I have a lot of bad karma from killing them? – I never mean to I just freak out.

  28. Monique says:

    I have been frightened of spiders since I was a small child. I’ve had them in dreams for many years in different forms and when I realize my ego peered in and provokes fear, I wake up. I’ve dreamed of many webs towards my head space a lot too. HOWEVER, I have always been fascinated by spiders and their patterns, just like snakes and the like. I am the one who saves all the spiders before someone tries to kill it when it is indoors. LOL. Been studying dreams for over 20 years and am familiar with their symbology and have been doing inner work for 20 years now. I wanted to share how I have recently made a break through with the fear of the spider!! I had a dream I was a child again and a recluse spider and I were playing games with each other, hoping around each other and chasing each other back and forth. It was so much fun and my ego did not interfere!! I feel a blockage of energy has opened and noticeable experiences have been taking place. All for the sake of transformation, which I gathered from a dream and gut feeling 2 years ago would happen this month, this year. I am blown away at how all this has unfolded. I am not one to predict anything to begin with. What I am learning now is the difference between a spirit, totem and power animal. I don’t think I ever knew there was a difference. I am grateful I have found your website with a wealth of information. I am hoping to dive in deeper. Thank you Lori, for putting this out there!

  29. Monique says:

    Um, not sure where I got the name Lori from. I honesty didn’t see any names on this page to know who published it as I just found this site today. Sorry about that. I don’t know how to edit a comment.

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