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Bobcat Symbolism & Meaning

Having trouble knowing who to trust? Need help with discovering truth? Bobcat, as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal, can help! Bobcat teaches how to see in darkness and reveal the core of underlying matters. Delve deeply in Bobcat symbolism and meaning to find out how this Animal Spirit Guide can illuminate, educate, and awaken you!

Bobcat Table of Contents

Bobcat Symbolism & Meaning

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As we look at the Bobcat in nature, it’s obvious that they have magnificent hunting skills; this Animal knows how to plan a means of reaching their goal quietly. They take their time – no rushing. As such, Bobcat, as a Spirit Animal, begins with the symbolism of patience and tenacity. A strategy is key here. Humans need this skill along with a good dose of adaptability for on-going success.

Bobcats tend to hang alone or simply co-exist in their environment. When they are among other Bobcats, their actions belie wariness; this means that Bobcat recognizes that even family and friends may not always have your back. Bobcat constantly measures everything and knows when to step in or step out of a situation.

Because of Bobcat’s independent nature, this Spirit is a perfect helpmate for keeping secrets. Those who walk with Bobcat can be trusted wholeheartedly. Knowing when to speak or be silent is among Bobcat’s gifts. Mind you, this comes with great responsibility. You are honoring someone’s trust. Once broken, it will be very hard to reclaim it.

The quiet time for Bobcat Spirit is one of introspection; this is when the unseen world meets here and now. One of Bobcat’s great lessons is that we live with all manner of energies every day, but rarely stop to notice them! Each human also has many levels of self that remain unexplored. Bobcat’s message encourages both endeavors.

While the Bobcat sounds imposing, like all felines, He has a love of play. When the opportunity arises, they will roll and romp with the best of them. Here Bobcat reminds us that play is very important to our inner child’s wellbeing (let alone our stress levels).

Shamanic traditions consider Bobcat a very wise and ancient soul who is often attracted to other old souls in the earth plane. Old souls often have problems sorting out the vast amount of mystical information gathered over lifetimes. They also often feel that they are not well understood by their peers as their maturity level far exceeds the standard. In this Bobcat comes to say, you are not alone. This Spirit helps you navigate the wilderness gracefully so you can integrate your life lessons.

Bobcats prefer the dark; this gives the Bobcat symbolism and meanings that tie to the night. Darkness requires we know our surroundings and use our instincts. By extending our senses, we can “see” what most do not. People who work with Bobcat Spirit may also find themselves more nocturnal than normal.

Bobcat Spirit Animal

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If the Bobcat enters your life, you are probably entering a time of making all manner of plans that require serious coordination. Bobcat knows how to hunt down what he most wants, but recognizes that it requires a certain skill set and a good deal of fortitude. As a Spirit Animal, Bobcat is here to help you with follow-through.

Another reason for Bobcat’s appearance is when we have over-extended ourselves. The world is hectic and busy, which leaves many of us burning the candle on both ends. Bobcat counsels slowing down and giving yourself more recreational time. Laugh more; stress less.

If you have been feeling over-exposed or simply uncomfortable in groups of people, Bobcat comes admonishing you to take downtime. Solitude is good for the soul. Quiet time gives you a chance to tune into yourself and the Divine.

Other common reasons Bobcat comes into our lives include when you feel “in the dark” and hesitate to trust in your instincts; when you feel someone is two-faced, and when you wish to learn greater Spiritual watchfulness. Finally, Bobcat Spirit often appears to those who are about to begin a new life cycle – teaching others important life lessons. These are of a very practical nature, but as the saying goes, “Common sense is rarely common”. This shift may include taking on students, or it may just be walking your talk in such a way as to inspire others.

Bobcat Totem Animal

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Those born with a Bobcat Totem give whole new meaning to the phrase “strong, silent type.” There is an air of mystery about you. You listen far more than you talk, which is a great information gathering skill.

Bobcat people seek out solitude and quite regularly to refill and re-energize their Spirit; this is also the time in which they prepare the best plans. Once those move forward, efforts seem to go off without a hitch.

Having a Bobcat Totem means that people can rarely, if ever, fool you. You can smell deception a mile away as well as hidden agendas. Bobcat’s radar is keen. Trust in it even when there’s the temptation to brush it off as nothing.

Many people with a Bobcat Totem become eternal students or teachers. They love learning and discovering secrets in the pages of a good book. They also enjoy sharing those treasures with others.

Bobcat Power Animal

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Call out to Bobcat as a Power Animal when you cannot find patience in yourself, or when your awareness is wanting. Bobcat is also a good companion for alleviating anxiety and learning to have more fun. If you have plans in the works, Bobcat Medicine can help you organize, strategize, and stay on track.

Another reason to ask for Bobcat’s assistance is when you feel someone is intentionally hiding something from you. Bobcat is the knower of secrets. Look through his eyes and discern the truth.

Native American Bobcat Symbolic Meanings

The Native Americans trust their secrets to Bobcat Spirit. They also consider this Spirit the revealer of truth. Know, however, that Bobcat usually wants some gift for his efforts.
Some Native stories illustrate Bobcat negatively. He has a bad temper, without any regard for manners. In the Southwest seeing a Bobcat is bad luck.

Other tribes like the Zuni seek out Bobcat Animal Spirit for luck in the hunt. Wearing Bobcat fetishes colored red activates Bobcat’s Medicine. Among the Pawnee wrapping a newborn child in a Bobcat cloak brings blessings from the stars.

Some of the Native American folklore twins the Bobcat with Coyote, both of whom represent Fog and Wind (a duality). Shawnee tales tell us of a very clever Rabbit who outwits the Bobcat. When Bobcat trapped Rabbit in a tree, he is persuaded to create a fire. The embers from this left sooty marks on his fur as a lasting reminder of one-upmanship. The Mohave believed dreaming of Bobcat gave them magical hunting skills.

The Creek and Chickasaw both have clans with the Bobcat as their Animal.

Bobcat Dreams

Dreaming of a Bobcat indicates that you are not as aware of your surroundings as you should be. Keep all your senses tuned in, especially your Spiritual ones. Use every tool at your disposal to find out what’s hiding just beneath the surface of things. When you are not paying attention, that’s when trouble begins.

Another reason Bobcat may appear in your dreamscape is that you are not giving enough attention to a relationship in your life. In turn, this relationship experiences stress and misgivings. It’s time to reconnect.

The Bobcat is the most abundant cat in North America, which gives this kitty the additional symbolism of fertility and plenty. A good turn is coming your way.

Bobcat Symbolic Meanings Key

  • Adaptability
  • Grace
  • Introspection
  • Play
  • Secrecy
  • Seeing in Darkness
  • Soul Wisdom
  • Stealth
  • Strategy
  • Trustworthy

18 thoughts on “Bobcat Symbolism & Meaning

  1. Maryanne says:

    I had a dream this morning a Bobcat was walking toward me, wanting to come be with me, very friendly. The Bobcat was looking at me and was trusting me fully, not aware of a cat behind him in flight to kill/ injure him. I stepped in and saved the Bobcat from the cat which was beginning to sink its teeth in the Bobcat’s neck. Any ideas what this dream may represent? Thank you

  2. Donna Baxter says:

    I had a bob cat cross in front of my truck, making me stop, hesitate, turn around and return to the direction it came from. I live in the country, but this was my first encounter with a bobcat

  3. bj says:

    Had a bobcat come by in the early morning hours in the middle of winter a few days ago… it walked right up to the front door of the cabin and then carried on it’s way. The snow was fresh so i got a real good look at it’s tracks which was exciting as i’ve never had a bobcat here that i’m aware of. One of the few animals that i hadn’t seen here in my 20 yrs at this location in west central Alberta beside the Wapiti river.

  4. Jennifer Dowd says:

    I was walking around to the back of my house this morning when I saw a Bobcat standing by the rock wall that separates my yard from wetlands. We both stopped and stared at each other. He then chattered at me a bit and calmly climbed over the rock wall. Was such a cool experience. Just to have him talk to me . I’ll always remember this .

  5. Carol says:

    I was visiting my 100 year old Mom and as I was pushing her wheel chair outside her assisted living home, a bobcat was standing on the sidewalk. He turned and looked at us, but as I was “fumbling” to get my camera, he turned and nonchalantly walked back into the thick grassy ravine where he came from.

  6. Susan P. says:

    This was the first cat from nature I ever got to see!
    So I was visiting from PA my girlfriend from College that I’ve known for over 30 yrs.
    It was my first morning there and I awoke at 6am , having my morning coffee on her back porch screened in area . Nice view of the reserve area that surrounds the complex of upscale neighborhood where her Condo is. .. I reached and captured these awesome photos . I was so intrigued as he was only about 10 feet away ! IMG_0393.HEIC

  7. lex talionis says:

    I saw a bobcat for my first time this morning as I arrived for work at my boss’s home in the hills of Malibu. I hope that it was auspicious. Hopefully Mr. or Miss Bobcat are there to help me through this dark time.

  8. Jane Kronheim says:

    I saw a bobcat easily walking across my lawn. It stopped to sit by the garage, hen it laid down as if to relax. I cam3 outside fo4 closer look. It continued to stay. Eventually it got up, arched its back and went into the brush . I live on the knoll of a hill sorrounded by woods in NH. Monadnock region. I never felt afraid of this animal. I’ve seen it before.

  9. Linda Amrich says:

    I was driving thru my (thickly settled) suburban neighborhood in western Massachusetts and a bobcat ran in front of my car. It made me think about my life & some big decisions I need to make in the coming months.

  10. J mill says:

    I have 3 cats and absolutely love felines including bob cats I dreamt last night one was ravishing through my house trying to attack my cats and once I saw it was a Bob cat and not an intruder it and myself locked eyes and just haulted then I woke up. Wierd

  11. Rosemarie says:

    Dream bobcat leaped at me and put his paws on my left knee and bowed down his head and there was a man that came next to me and he did the same to him

  12. G says:

    Hi Bernadette, Curious about the astrology around “Bobcat” totem/symbolism – I saw on one of the other totems that there was a category and info around the zodiac sign associated with “Astrology and Zodiac signs”. Thanks in advance!

  13. Jim draper says:

    There was a bobcat in the yard the other morning trying to catch a rabbit but later that afternoon it was sitting under a shade tree chilling out from eating a nice size water turtle. I offered it a piece of chedder cheese after i called her she got up walked over and practiallyate from my hand i wasnt afraid never and she wasnt either she meet me around 5am where i seek solitude early in the morning, its a great time to take in everthing and think god for all his blessings

  14. Tammy Robitaille says:

    I was lucky to have seen a melanistic (black bobcat) ,it passed in front of me.What is the meaning of this,anyone no

    • STALKER says:


  15. Melissa Martin says:

    Driving on Route 7 North and Bobcat crossed in front of my car. Usually there is a car behind or cars coming the opposite way. There were no cars and the road was silent. It did not move very fast but fast enough to get to the other side and slide under the guard rail. I was surprised it made its way to the other side of the road. It had come from a well populated area. It was 29 degrees today.

  16. Angela Cottrell says:

    I had encounter with a bobcat one night walking from my sister house to mine he was a big bobcat i live in a small town

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