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Kangaroo Symbolism & Meaning

Do you want to try something new? Are you decisive rather than a procrastinator? Kangaroo, as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal, can help! Kangaroo teaches you when to leap headlong into your future or take the “wait and see” approach. Delve into Kangaroo symbolism and meaning to find out how your Animal Spirit Guide can enlighten, uplift, and support you!

Kangaroo Table of Contents

Kangaroo Symbolism & Meaning

If you never saw a Kangaroo before, you might mistake it for an overgrown Rabbit standing upright. It’s a natural association for people outside Australia because Kangaroos exist on only one continent and in some zoos. A lot of Kangaroo symbolism and meaning stems from its natural attributes and Australian folklore and astrology. In Kangaroo’s place of origin, individuals born under the sign of Aries are Kangaroos! The sign represents leadership, strength, ambition, generosity, humor, independence, and an abundance of energy.

One of the distinct traits of Kangaroo is leaping. Be it going toward something new or away from an unpleasant situation, Kangaroo leaps. One reason Kangaroo hops is for protecting its young. The Animal represents adaptation, protection, stamina, and making wise choices.

On each of their hind feet, Kangaroos have four toes. In Numerology, four is the number of foundations, self-control, structure, practicality, and decisiveness. Here, Kangaroo symbolizes a time to take a leap of faith or a period of waiting, watching, and building in preparation for a big transition in your life. Existing conditions will help you determine the best route to take.

Kangaroo feet provide firm connections with the Earth Element. The creature has exceptional balance, signifying your ability to remain grounded, centered, and in perfect harmony as you move through the world. When you connect with the Earth, you maintain your equilibrium, which improves your ability to manifest.

When danger threatens Kangaroos or something frightens the Animals, they are swift creatures. For a short stint, Kangaroos can leap at 40 miles an hour. Over two kilometres, they can sustain speeds of 25 miles an hour, with an average leisurely speed of about 15 miles an hour. So, Kangaroo might symbolize the need to think about what rate of speed you need to be moving through things in different real-world situations.

In another life, Kangaroo may have well been a boxer. They are as tough as nails. The words lazy or weak don’t exist in Kangaroo’s lifestyle. The only time the creatures are not on the move is when they sleep. Humans cannot keep up with Kangaroo’s stamina. The Animal always has enough energy left over for whatever situation arises. The lesson here is about how, where, and when you spend your energy and attention, and what you reserve for emergency situations.

Kangaroos travel in groups of ten, exhibiting complex social interaction. Greeting an unknown member comes by sniffing their nose–literally sniffing them out! The nose-to-nose interaction serves a more important purpose: The ability to recognize their group by the aroma. Knowing members of their troop improves community connectivity and provides safety. So, one of Kangaroo’s meanings is extending your senses or awareness while building community bonds where you’ll find tremendous strength in numbers.

Kangaroos have adaptation built into their genes. During droughts, males often stop producing sperm, and females stop embryo development. Conception only returns after vegetation improves in the surrounding environment. Kangaroos symbolize preparation, readiness, and taking action when the timing is right.

In Australia, the Kangaroo is a national symbol, appearing on currency and the nation’s coat of arms. Images of Kangaroo appear as part of many impressive organization logos, including the Royal Australian Air Force. If you drive in Australia, you will see Kangaroo many crossing signs put in place to not only prevent accidents but to protect the creature from harm.

Kangaroo Spirit Animal

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Social, friendly people attract Kangaroo as an Animal Spirit Guide. Folks who hold their own in conversation may find themselves aided even further by the Kangaroo Spirit Animal. The creature is one that teaches the art of hospitality.

One message from the Kangaroo Spirit has to do with grounding. It’s fine to have hopes and dreams, but you also need to have some ties to reality. Kangaroo reminds you to build sound foundations, so you have firm ground beneath you as you work toward achieving your goals.

If you are facing a big choice, Kangaroo Animal Spirit says, “Leap.” The things you think are barriers mean nothing to Kangaroo. Get your momentum, move forward with assurance, and when you face a moment requiring a leap of faith, take it with a heart full of certainty and gratitude.

People who feel they’re in a problematic situation may find Kangaroo appearing to help. There is a time to stick it out and a time to get out. Run like the wind with Kangaroo Energy supporting you and don’t look back. Your instincts know where to take you. Once you transition, your entire situation becomes secure and healthy again.

Speaking of transitions, Kangaroo Spirit speaks of fierce adaptation. Change is inevitable. When you try running from it, you end up running smack dab into it. Change makes you uncomfortable, but Kangaroo smooths the path of transformation a little.

Kangaroo acts as a reminder of the role that thankfulness and appreciation play in your life. Many people overlook a lot of small things; doing so robs you of lessons or opportunities. Kangaroo counsels, “Walk and remain prayerful; live with gratitude.”

Kangaroo Totem Animal

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People born with a Kangaroo Totem have unending stamina and strength. Your general tendency is to always hop forward in life. You are not one to cling to the past. You are creative in the way you approach tasks, both big and small.

If Kangaroo is your Birth Totem, you are not prone to flights of fancy. You always have one foot on the ground. Determination is your middle name, and if you have to make changes along the way to success and joy, you do.

Some people live in fear, but this is not so with the Kangaroo Totem Animal. You know when to move away from predators, be they figurative or real. You aren’t afraid of a fight either. It doesn’t matter the foe; you will get a few sharp kicks in; Kangaroo People understand the natural fight-or-flight instinct and use it as necessary.

The person with a Kangaroo Totem Animal has a very soft heart toward children, baby animals, and anything fragile and vulnerable. You gather in lost souls and do what you can to protect them. Nurturing and mothering are natural to you. The only caution here is knowing when to release your “child,” be it a person you are helping or a pet project, back into the world. Remember whatever you’ve been guarding cannot live under the protection of your figurative pouch forever.

In relationships, innovative and passionate Kangaroo People fall deep in love. Often, romantic feelings are quick to form, leading to love at first sight or just thereafter. Afterward, you work for your relationship’s success every day. Just be careful, always remembering you want a genuine connection leading to your vision of happily-ever-after.

Some cautions for people with Kangaroo Totems include not getting too focused or closed-minded. You don’t appreciate being interrupted or feeling someone stands between you and your goal, even if it’s someone you love. But don’t go into boxing mode right away. Breathe and reassess. If a person on your team comes with cautionary information, you will do well to consider it.

Kangaroo Power Animal

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Call on the Kangaroo Power Animal when you need strength and stamina for a cause close to your heart. Following your passions leads to success and a brief adventure along the way. Kangaroo supports you in learning how to trust your instincts.

Call on your inner Kangaroo Power Animal when you’re not sure you can trust a situation. Step back for a moment and reevaluate through the Kangaroo Spirit’s eyes. When you discover the source of apprehension and misgivings, Kangaroo provides you with the energy and confidence you need to take action to correct it.

Kangaroo as an Australian Animal Symbol

Kangaroo is as essential to Australian lore as the Buffalo to Native American legends. The creature has long appeared in Aboriginal stories about the DreamTime, with people identifying Kangaroo with powerful Medicine.

A story tells of one reason Kangaroo has such a prominent place among the Aborigines. One day, Kangaroo happened upon a small group of Koori in the southern part of Australia. The Koori performed a sacred dance. Kangaroo hid behind a tree watching but could not resist the drumming sound and dancers’ movements. So, the creature came out and joined them, hopping in pure happiness.

The Koori would kill someone for being present at a ritual beyond their initiation level. But they decided instead to welcome Kangaroo into their membership, seeing its love of sacred dance and song. Now people wear images of the Kangaroo when reenacting the event.

Other folklore says there was a time when Australia had no Kangaroos. Then, one day, there came a high wind carrying a Kangaroo with it. The wind crossed the plains, the ranges, and after a time, settled out at sea. Kangaroo could not land. He bounced up and down and up and down again. At one point, the creature tried for a foothold, stretching its legs out as far as possible. As Kangaroo did, its legs grew even longer for safety.

Meanwhile, a Chief was looking for a new country as the food became scarce among the tribe’s people. So, he sailed out to sea after painting himself with sigils for good fortune. For a long while, nothing seemed promising until something caught his attention. It was a Bee who became his guide for a while. The Bee flew up, left, and right. When something distracted the Chief, he forgot Bee altogether.

Then darkness fell over the Chief. It seemed menacing until a bright bolt of light with rainbow colors appeared, reaching from one earthly pole to pole. The Chief was in awe of the sight. Then the winds started once more. They blew all night and well into the morning. Somewhere in the commotion, a creature with long legs crawled out, fell, and then bounded away.

The Chief followed in the Animal’s direction, discovering abundant Birds, roots, ferns, and grasses. He moved the tribe there right away, feeling blessed by the Great Spirit for Kangaroo’s appearance and the gifts it provided to the people.

And, in the story of How Kangaroo Got Her Pouch: One day, a Kangaroo and its Joey were grooming on the bank of a crystal brook. As they stood, they saw an old Wombat, looking none too well, heading their way. Kangaroo knew the Wombat must be ancient.

Kangaroo heard Wombat say again and again, “Worthless and useless,” which made the female Kangaroo sad. Then, the creature asked the blind Wombat what was wrong, and startled the creature. Wombat said no one wanted it around. Everyone had abandoned it as a burden. Kangaroo had no intention of doing likewise; the female Kangaroo told Wombat that it would be its friend and led Wombat to food and water to make it feel better.

While taking care of the Wombat, the Joey wandered off like most distracted children. It didn’t take long to find the Joey fast asleep in a gum tree. Knowing its Joey was safe, Mother Kangaroo returned to the Wombat. To the Kangaroo’s horror, a hunter was stalking the Wombat. Despite the terror, the Kangaroo could not let the Wombat suffer. So, it stomped the branches and pounded the ground to distract the hunter. When he turned to look, Kangaroo told Wombat to run.

The hunter’s attention was now laser-focused on Kangaroo; the creature ran, leaving its Joey asleep. Mother Kangaroo felt as if she’d run forever until she found a cave and fell asleep on the dirt floor. When the hunter approached the cave, he walked in front of it two times. When he moved away, she returned to her Joey, who was awake and ready to play. But Wombat was nowhere to be found.

Unknown to Kangaroo, the Wombat was the God Byamee in disguise, who came to earth, searching for kind-hearted creatures. Kangaroo won His attention and the God’s heart, so He gave the creature a gift. Upon command, the Sky Spirits made Mother Kangaroo an apron of eucalyptus bark and told the creature to tie it to its waist.

As the Spirits obliged, the bark became Kangaroo fur and a part of the creature. Now, Mother Kangaroo had a place for the baby Joey to sleep whenever he wished. As happy as Kangaroo was, the creature prayed for all marsupials to receive similar blessings. Kangaroo’s generosity moved Byamee again, and He made pouches for all of them. From then on, Kangaroo babies rarely get lost.

Kangaroo Dreams

A Kangaroo appearing in your dreams often represents motherhood. Perhaps you are thinking of having a child or are pregnant. In less literal terms, you may give birth to a project or idea. Kangaroo is a positive sign for all such situations.

If the Kangaroo in your dream seems to hop here and there with little direction, it means you’re distracted. You go from one thing to the next without finishing either. Your dream is encouraging you to develop greater focus.

A Kangaroo hopping through your property with great speed is a warning. There is some danger nearby. Be careful, at least for a while. Keep your psychic awareness turned up.

Look at the color of the Kangaroo in your dream. A red Kangaroo is masculine and speaks of the Sacred Male. Tap into the Yang energies for authority and strength when taking action. A grey Kangaroo represents justice or people who somehow lose their way and need support.

Kangaroo Symbolic Meanings Key

  • Adaptation
  • Ambition
  • Energetic
  • Generosity
  • Humor
  • Independence
  • Leadership
  • Nurturing
  • Protector
  • Strength

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