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Lemur Symbolism & Meaning

Do you need to lighten up and take things less seriously? Are you looking for a little adventure? Lemur, as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal, can help! Lemur teaches you to enjoy every minute of your life! Delve deeply in Lemur symbolism and meaning to find out how your Animal Spirit Guide can uplift, support, and animate you!

Lemur Table of Contents

Lemur Symbolism & Meaning

“My first time in Madagascar was awesome because lemurs are kind of funny; they throw fruit at the back of your head when you’re not looking and then point at one another when you turn around.”
― Kevin Hearne

Among the Lemurs, you have the smallest primate known. The small creature weighs just over one ounce, earning the name of “Mouse Lemur.” Unlike many other species, the male and female Lemur is very difficult to determine from a distance, having few differences in size or color. The Lemur’s smaller size gives it closer proximity to the Earth and ties to the same Element. The minimal differences in the creature’s appearance despite being male or female symbolizes balance, unity, and equal focus on sacred Masculine and Feminine Energies.

It was some forty million years ago when Lemurs somehow made it from their native African roots to Madagascar. The Malagasy People suggest Lemurs have souls. According to tradition, one should always be kind to a Lemur, or the creature will exact some form of revenge. Some villagers embrace legends suggesting the Lemur is a Spirit Ancestor and a symbol of good luck. So, Lemurs connote kindness, respect, positivity, and the importance of remembering familial connections while honoring one’s teachers and elders.

One of the physical characteristics most people comment on is the Lemur’s eyes. They’re big and engaging. Even so, the Lemur isn’t dependent on vision so much. They rely instead on pheromones and their sense of smell. In humans, the Lemur’s approach to interacting with their environment corresponds to learning how to use all senses more effectively, including psychic instincts. When there’s a problem, Lemur says, “Sniff it out!”

Lemurs are highly active, particularly at night, giving them a reputation for being supernatural, akin to ghosts but with positive qualities. The creatures have social groups with a dominant leader. Lemur groups cuddle for social contact as well as warmth. Being reliant on aromas, the male Lemur marks their scent around the group. If it feels threatened, the male Lemur will begin a stink fight with their challenger. Here, Lemur symbolizes standing one’s ground and making your boundaries known.

The primate is highly communicative; they have a variety of ways of using their voice, including alarming others. Lemur is pretty clever; they can select and use simple tools, put things into a specific order, and even have a knack for basic math, despite having a physically small brain. As such, Lemur comes to represent the ability to overcome physical limitations and the power of intellect!

If you observe Lemurs in the wild, they have a cuteness factor that’s undeniable. They love playing and being together. It appears Lemur takes in and basks in all the sunshine life offers them. Lemur seems to be brave as well, rarely getting skittish when humans are near.

Lemur Spirit Animal

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Lemurs are naturally attracted to folks with a whimsical outlook or individuals desperately in need of a sense of humor. If the former, the Lemur Spirit Animal may just wish to enjoy your company and perhaps go on a spiritual adventure. If the latter, it’s time to stop being so serious and learn how to laugh again. It’s excellent soul food.

Another reason Lemur appears as a Spirit Animal is to call your attention to your current state of awareness. You have abilities you haven’t yet tapped into that can help you tune in to the energetic vibrations in your environment. You need not see with your physical eyes to sense the surrounding energies. Lemur comes to instruct you on how to open your mind to new levels of knowledge while making use of all your senses, physical and psychic.

People about to set out on a new endeavor are fortunate to have Lemur at their side. As an Animal Ally, the creature gives you an upbeat attitude and encourages positivity. Lemur also helps you prepare to navigate through some of the challenges you might face, so you reach your goals in perfect time.

Have you been struggling with your words? Lemur Spirit challenges you in finding better forms of communication. First, you need to be comfortable with yourself before you engage in social interactions. When you’re ready to make connections, remember you don’t need to impress anyone, but you do have to say what you mean and mean what you say. Add a little humor and cunning also opens the pathways of communication, easing away any awkwardness for the first time.

Lemur, as a Spirit Animal, often comes to someone who needs immediate access to a lot of energy. Lemurs are active creatures and smart with how they use their time. Your Animal Ally urges you to put your best foot forward while remaining true to yourself. Don’t be afraid to stand in the spotlight, at least for the moment. Get in touch with your Lemur Spirit Animal’s extroverted power.

Lemur Totem Animal

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Individuals born with a Lemur Totem Animal always want to be there best in everything they try. The only problem a Lemur Person often has is unrealistic expectations, leaving the individual feeling down when they fall a little short. The concept of not being hard on oneself doesn’t come easily to a person with Lemur as a Birth Totem.

As a Lemur Person, you have a natural air about you. People perceive you as cute, social, and family-oriented. You love to travel anywhere you find beautiful and relaxing. “Live joyfully” could very well be your mantra.

Lemur People are creatures of the night. The stars come out, and your energy peaks. The family and friends around you will come to understand your nocturnal preferences, seeing you as just another night owl personality type.

A positive outlook is part of the Lemur Totem Animal’s nature. You smile at people, and you’re always looking to have fun. Lemur People aren’t overly loud, but when they have something to say, it’s usually worth a listen.

Speaking of communication, your Lemur Birth Totem may well lead you into professional positions requiring writing and communication skills. You can make the best use of your talents in a position where you journal, blog, coordinate events, negotiate matters or engage in public speaking. Your fascination with language truly becomes a cornerstone for obtaining your goals gracefully. It’s just natural.

One of the cautions for Lemur People is you have a long memory, which makes you prone to holding grudges. If someone slights you, lies or hurts you, there is a tendency to want revenge. Usually, your ire comes out in the form of scathing words, but sometimes there’s a plot afoot. Try to rein it in. Realize people are people. You’ll make the best use of Lemur’s energetic attributes by letting go and moving on to bigger and better things.

Lemur Power Animal

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Call on your inner Lemur Power Animal when you get off track in life and seek a new plan. There is a project in the background at which you can excel. Lemur encourages your pursuit and reminds you of your skill set, perfect for the task.

Your Lemur Power Animal is an excellent helpmate when joy seems elusive. Something has sucked the happiness right out of you, leaving you confused and feeling alone. Often the problem is centered on misunderstood communications. Lemur helps you review recent interactions to find potential resolutions.

Lemur Symbols in Madagascar

Lemur-like creatures roamed Africa some 70 million years ago. Somehow, scientists theorize that Lemurs rafted to Madagascar using vegetation. There were giants among the first arrivals that went extinct long ago. Now there are over a hundred species of Lemur, all living in tropical luxury.

The Lemur’s presence is essential to Madagascar’s forest. They eat fruit and leave seeds throughout their travels via droppings. The droppings become the next generation of trees and food for all native creatures, including Geckos and Snakes.

Lemur is the symbol of Madagascar National Parks. Western civilization didn’t even know about this curious primate until the early 1600s. The description came from a traveler, Samuel Purchase, who said the Lemur was Monkey-sized with a Fox face and long ringed tail. Meanwhile, in their homeland, they are characterized as sacred creatures that should remain unharmed.

Stories from various tribal myths have been cherished from generation to generation through oral tradition. One of the most popular is the creation of Indri Lemur (Babakoto). Once, two brothers lived together in the forest, but it grew tiresome. One left to cultivate the land and became the first human. The other remained, becoming the Indri Lemur. The cry of the Lemur is one who mourns for his brother’s company.

In the region, some stories suggest sighting the Indri is an omen of evil. If one points its sharp middle finger at a person, they will become ill or die. The association may have come about due to the Lemur’s nighttime activities and how their eyes look when encountering light.

Another folktale derived from a true history begins with a Portuguese expedition in the forests of Madagascar. The travelers woke up after hearing frightening howls and thought them to be the voice of their dead companions. The next day, they discovered it was the sound of a Monkey. So, the adventurers dubbed them Lemurs, which comes from a Roman term for the spirits of the dead.

One story begins with a man named Babakoto. He was a simple man sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit. Zanahary, a Divine Sky God, chose mercy toward Babakoto. He transformed Babakoto into the first Lemur. When his previous captors saw the change, they knew they were wrong. On that glorious day, Lemurs became another tribe in Madagascar. It became taboo to harm them in any way. Babakoto took a human bride with whom he had many Lemurs to populate the region.

Lemur Symbols in Rome

The Romans depicted Lemurs as specters who wandered the night. They were purportedly lost souls that were criminals and who received no proper last rites. Ovid called them “voiceless spirits” who sought their old homes. For one to protect themselves, they had to cleanse the house during Lemuria at midnight. The head of the household had to throw offerings of black beans over his shoulder while others in the family banged pots together for scaring away unwanted spirits.

Lemur Symbols in Sweden

Moving forward to the mid-1700s, history reveals how Carl Linnaeus, a physician, zoologist, and botanist, began classifying creatures into kingdoms, species, and genre. He recorded the Lemur officially in the Museum of King Adolf Frederick. It then appeared in the book, Systema Naturæ (System of Nature), as the Slow-Moving Lemur, the Cat Lemur, and the Flying Lemur. Linnaeus relied on the Roman myths and legends in picking their names.

Lemur Dreams

A Lemur appearing in your dream means there is someone in your life who is not working for your best interests, and many even seek to harm you. If the Lemur is hanging from a branch, it represents the inner child and playfulness. If the Lemur is screeching while doing so, it means someone youthful in your life is very troublesome.

Dreaming of a screeching Lemur is a warning. There are proverbial predators nearby. Seeing a mother Lemur with a baby represents nurturing and love. Lemurs are matriarchal, so if there is a strong woman in your life, look to her for help.

A Lemur with its eyes closed represents a mystery in your past, perhaps a trick or a misdirection. The situation requires remedying. When a Lemur’s eyes are central to your dream, you do not see something important. Look around and get all your facts straight.

Recognizing a female Lemur in your dreamscape may symbolize fertility. Alternatively, it directs your attention toward the Sacred Feminine or the need to protect your young. Remain aware. By comparison, the male Lemur represents the order of things. Are you following the right channels in your efforts?

If the Lemur is sunbathing, it’s an emblem of repose and a message to consider the symbolism of the Sun or Fire Element. A Lemur glaring at you or leaping through the air towards you portends some type of on-coming fight for which you must prepare. Make your line in the sand and mark your territory. When the Lemur in your dream is on a raft of some nature in the water, it portends a positive life-altering trip.

When the Lemur is eating fruit in your nighttime vision, it is a positive sign of growth. Lemurs huddling in a group direct your attention to your tribe. Your dream foretells of building relationships and strengthening bonds with family and friends.

Lemur Symbolic Meanings Key

  • Charm
  • Family and Community
  • Courage
  • Gut Instincts
  • Luck
  • Playfulness
  • Psychic Awareness
  • Spiritual Vision
  • Travel
  • Vocalization

2 thoughts on “Lemur Symbolism & Meaning

  1. Owen Underwood says:

    I have a Ring Tailed Lemur as my Spirit Guardian. I’ve been in contact with him from a child.

  2. Beverley Sinclair says:

    A few before my husband died, he was stroking his shoulder then patting his stomach. When I asked what was he doing he said it was Oscar when I asked who was Oscar he told me he was a lemur. This seemed to calm him,

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