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Polar Bear Symbolism & Meaning

Dealing with a tough environment at work or at home? Are your survival skills being put to the test? Polar Bear, as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal, can help! Polar Bear teaches you how to endure and call upon all the resources available to you. Delve deeply in Polar Bear symbolism and meaning to find out how this Animal Spirit Guide can support, help, and strengthen you.

Polar Bear Table of Contents

Polar Bear Symbolism & Meaning

The Polar Bear was recognized as a distinct species in the late 1700s. The scientific name for the creature is Ursus maitimus or Maritime Bear. Polar Bear symbolism and meaning begin with the size of the Bear and its sheer beauty. The creatures often strike deep emotions in humans, especially now that their habitat is slowly disappearing under their paws. The Inuit have a close affiliation with Bear Spirit as a powerful soul. Bear stands and walks as humans do, which leads to the belief that they may reincarnate as Shamans or deeply spiritual people. Other stories say these great white Bears accompany souls to their next destination.

In Northern realms, some identify the Bear as the God Tornaurssuk. The deity oversees the start in any portion of life representing considerable change. There are invocations and rituals dedicated to Tornaurssuk; this means that Polar Bear, as a Guiding Spirit, is perfect when you face dramatic transitions in your life, especially at the outset of a new spiritual path.

Polar Bear’s coloring perfectly suits its environment. The creature camouflages it against the snow and ice. Polar Bear has no predator that can overcome a hardy one thousand or more pounds. Rather, Polar Bear uses this for hunting. It often surprises people when the snow blasts and they face a giant Polar Bear when the air clears. No wonder the Inuit consider Polar Bear as a Mighty Magician— that’s how well they blend in the snowy environment, giving Polar Bear the symbolism of inconspicuousness. Bear also shows you that you can blend in, step out of the spotlight, and stay behind the figurative curtain until it is right to appear, as if from nowhere. The quiet place is also one of power where you can hear your Higher Self and the Divine guiding you.

The Polar Bear’s coat isn’t the only way in which they seem to disappear. When on an ice float, Bear hunkers down so the creature doesn’t cast an enormous shadow. It is this behavior that helps Polar Bear in finding nourishment without detection, but this is often not a swift endeavor, however. Bear Spirit represents patience and persistence in that the Great White Bear often walks or swims great lengths to find a food source. There is also a certain strategy for the Animal’s hunt. Waiting and watching is very characteristic of Polar Bears hunting. The Animal Guide has a plan: Be ready for the opportunity, but don’t jump the gun. Polar Bear’s mantra is, “Anything good is worth waiting for as long as it takes to get it.”

When most people think of Bears, they think of hibernation, but Polar Bear has a slightly different life. Only the female Bears go into a den when they are with their young; in this haven, the female Bear honors the gift of new life and its new role as a mother. The symbolism is powerful for women wishing to conceive or who are already pregnant. Mama Polar Bear is certainly a helpmate. And what of the male Bear? The creature just keeps-on-keeping-on, no matter the weather, proving an emblem of endurance. Polar Bears are strong, and they face the unforgiving environment with pride and determination. What about you? Do you have a Polar Bear’s heart for maneuvering through challenging situations?

Polar Bear Spirit is a loner; this speaks of self-reliance. The only time Polar Bear interacts with others of the same species is for mating. So, independence is part of Polar Bear Medicine.

Light Workers believe Polar Bears know where the Earth’s Ley Lines are, and the beasts follow them as they move. Polar Bear is a visionary and Shaman, always moving toward the Cardinal Direction of North and a place of power. Bear’s intuitive navigation abilities make the creature a very favorable Spirit Animal and Guide, especially when you are moving through unknown waters. In Tea Leaf readings, seeing the image of a Polar Bear foretells of you visiting some place cold. Here, the creature gains symbolic ties to divination, signs, and omens.

Polar Bear Spirit Animal

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Polar Bear Spirit Animal comes to your aid when you feel faint of heart. The challenges in life can often overwhelm. Polar Bear saturates your aura with renewed courage and self-determination. Nothing intimidates Polar Bear.

Another reason Polar Bear may come to call is if you are beginning efforts in Astral Travel. As a Shaman, Polar Bear knows well the path between the worlds. The Bear can guide you and keep you safe in your journey.

If everything in your life seems chaotic, Polar Bear reminds you to find a quiet haven. Silence is a great healer. This time-out also serves as a grounding force where you can get your feet under you again.

The Bear is also a Guide showing you how to take responsibility for your life or other people’s lives. People fear and admire Polar Bear for its strength. Its presence inspires respect. Its strength and powerful stature will inspire you to step into a leadership role in your life and act without fear.

When Polar Bear walks with you, your sense of confidence improves. Trust the strength of Polar Bear as a Guide to discovering your talents and using them with certainty.

Polar Bear Totem Animal

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People born with a Polar Bear Totem are fierce and powerful. When the need arises, such as defending yourself or your vision, you don’t mind moving into “forceful mode.” Not that you bulldoze your way through situations—instead, you hold your ground and take a stand. Polar Bear People are also not afraid to stand alone, if need be, for a cause or idea they hold dear.

Polar Bear People know how to hide in plain sight. They use the skill to time their actions and reactions and think things through. You wait patiently and graciously, balancing your choices.

Women born with Polar Bear Totem make excellent mothers. Both men and women with this Totem have a secret side, a hint of cunning, and an attraction to uncovering all time’s hidden secrets.

Polar Bear Power Animal

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The Spirit of Polar Bear makes an exceptional Teacher and Guide for those who wish to engage in astral travel. As a Power Animal, the creature also supports shapeshifting and learning how to hide when you are overexposed.

Polar Bear has an intimate relationship with ice, which means the creature’s energetic signature can help you stop negativity in its tracks. Call on Polar Bear as a Power Animal when you want to put pull or situations “on ice.” You will give you more time to let chaotic energies subside before attempting to handle the situation.

Seek Polar Bear as a Power Animal when your inner reserves are waning. The Bear will provide the strength to find the sustenance you need, be it physical, emotional, or spiritual. If you are considering a spiritual fast, Polar Bear helps sustain you through that ritual.

Polar Bear Medicine puts you back in touch with the Earth’s Energy lines; this helps to ground you, especially emotionally. Call on Polar Bear to assist you with dream journeys, opening communication lines between you and your Higher Self, Divine, or the Spirit Realm. In dream workings, Polar Bear may give you visionary dreams.

Water and ice are a substantial part of Polar Bear symbolism and meaning. When working with these elements, Polar Bear supports you in learning the power of both. Water and ice are as gentle as a babbling brook or as harsh as the blast from a winter storm. Polar Bear helps you use the Elements’ power to improve existing conditions or clear out blockages in your life, blowing them away with a fast, cool blast from the wintry winds. Additional goals for which Polar Bear Power Animal may assist you include strategy development, adaptation, and survival.

Native American Polar Bear Symbolic Meanings

Polar Bear symbolism is common in the stories from Native American Northern and Coastal Tribes. The Inuit Tribe believes Polar Bear has a soul and is a powerful Spirit Guide. It was Polar Bear that taught humans how to hunt. In this culture, the Shamans frequently reach out to Polar Bear for courage, shapeshifting powers, and psychic empowerment. They call Polar Bear “The Ice Man” because the creature walks on two legs like humans.

There is a legend of Nanook, the Master of all Bears. The creature was remarkably close to being a man itself. It was Nanook’s job to determine which hunters were worthy of success. Most homes had an area for making offerings to Nanook, which included knives and hunting implements. Nanook instructed other Bears to stay away from hunters who did not show respect to Spirit.

Polar Bear Dreams

When Polar Bear visits your dreams, it means that you are about to awaken something special in your spirit; this occurs because of adversity that you must face. Bear says this is not a time for compromise, but it is a good time to avoid people who regard your process with negativity. Polar Bears are an omen of good things to come.

Polar Bear may also remind you of the value of meditation for strengthening your core spiritually. The image is the key to connecting to the subconscious mind. If the Polar Bear is not aggressive to you, this effort should yield success.

Polar Bear Symbolic Meanings Key

  • Adaptation
  • Astral Travel
  • Camouflage
  • Patience
  • Persistence
  • Power
  • Shapeshifting
  • Strategy
  • Strength
  • Survival

6 thoughts on “Polar Bear Symbolism & Meaning

  1. Morgan says:

    This entire article resonates so strongly with me. I had a very powerful dream in which a celestial female figure (my husband and I have both experienced her, even before meeting one another, and we refer to her as The Ink Woman) and the polar bear met me in an extravagant penthouse type room. I was dressed for a high society galla, the party going on outside my room, but I didn’t care for that, I was waiting for THEM. I had the sense that I had climbed my way up through life to this position/place of power and prestige, having started from the bottom in a very different society/world. But I didn’t care for the extravagance around me, I only cared about and KNEW that I was there for them. They appeared behind me next to the bed, I saw them through the reflection in a large mirror and immediately smiled and turned to greet them. I was filled with feelings of welcoming, initiation, homecoming, a return to something vast and timeless inside myself — the origin point. The Ink Woman gestured to the polar bear, who was standing up. I went to embrace him and he began to roar with measureless power. But I wasn’t afraid at all. He was my guide and a friend, as was The Ink Woman. They were there to help me move into the next phase of an important journey. I hugged the bear, pressing into his abdomen as he continued to roar and I felt as though I was pressing through him to enter into the other side, feeling all of the universe, their world, waiting for me and pulling me in. That is when I woke up.
    Ive wondered since then what the polar bear meant and who he was. As they were both such dear and old friends in this dream, to where I didn’t question a thing and felt so at home in their presence. I had this dream months ago and my husband just found this article to show me today. Everything said about the great Spirit Polar Bear here either describes me and how I’ve navigated life, or what I felt from him in this dream. Im seeing things with very new eyes the more I dive into these things and the more I try to center myself from a place of pure love and gratitude, I am realizing my power and the magic so to speak, surrounding these experiences and feelings.
    Thank you for sharing this article. It is bringing me closer to my personal truths.

    • Aimee Pitman says:

      Arooo, Morgan!

      Welcome to the #WildPack! So happy to hear this resonates with you and your connection to Polar Bear.

      Also, you can register for free on my private forums GatheringOfMystics.com to get more in-depth help analyzing your spirit animal. GatheringOfMsytics.com is a safe, moderated forum where we discuss all kinds of metaphysical, spiritual and divination subjects! Everyone is super friendly, caring, and giving! You’ll love it!

      Stay wild,

    • Michala says:

      Wow, what a powerful and beautiful dream, that’s really amazing! <3
      I came to this site because I had a guided visualisation intended to read about myself in the Akasha Records. On my way to go there, a polar bear suddenly emerged and also on the way back. I have no special connection to polar bears and wondered what it meant, hence I discovered the meaning here, which I am greatful for <3
      Note: I didn't get to read anything in the Akasha Records, but it's okay since I got the polar bear 🙂

  2. Rakala says:

    I just had my very first experience with my guides! It was exciting and absolutely magical! One of my guides was a polar bear and I was so anxious at first but when I looked it up and found this article I couldn’t stop smiling! I felt all of this while being in my guides presence. I felt the power of this polar bear and I knew they were something special to me and special to my journey! I am so excited about learning more.

    • Aimee Pitman says:

      Arooo, Rakala!

      Welcome to the #WildPack! So happy to hear this resonates with you! Also, you can register for free on my private forums GatheringOfMystics.com to get more in-depth help analyzing your spirit animal. GatheringOfMsytics.com is a safe, moderated forum where we discuss all kinds of metaphysical, spiritual and divination subjects! Everyone is super friendly, caring, and giving! You’ll love it!

      Stay wild,

  3. Heather says:

    I would have really loved to read what you had to say about the polar bear but that’s a little hard to do when your adverting is blasting a horoscope I didn’t want to hear and worse it’s moving down and jumping around completely covering your content. This has become frustrating and useless to me. Sadly, it looked like the best resource but instead has just been aggravating, frustrating, and useless.

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