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Squirrel Symbolism & Meaning

Need a little motivation to get you going? Feeling emotionally shaky? Squirrel, as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal, can help! Squirrel teaches you there’s no time to dally, all while encouraging you to nurture yourself through your life’s journey. Delve deeply in Squirrel symbolism and meaning to find out how this Animal Spirit Guide can animate, encourage, and inspire you.

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Squirrel Symbolism & Meaning

People in a variety of cultures see Squirrel’s meaning and symbolism tied to lightheartedness and pure fun. Watching Squirrel’s antics, it’s easy to see why. This playful demeanor has a more sensible side, however, that pragmatically looks at life. As a result, Squirrel hides bits of food in various locations for the barren winter months. On a human level, this represents long-term planning like finding a good life insurance policy or updating your will. This preparation, however, shouldn’t go overboard. Even the diligent Squirrel only finds a small portion of the nuts they hide in the wild, but since they are buried away, this food often turns into plants and trees come spring.

Our little Squirrel farmer faithfully sows seeds, albeit out of habit; this leads us to question our own proverbial crops. Are we sowing healthy spiritual seeds in our daily life? Or do we find weeds growing instead? Tend the garden of your life faithfully.

Squirrel Spirit is known for having quite a voice. When they play, they chatter. When they sense danger, their vocalization warns other Squirrels nearby. To us, this means finding our voice and using it effectively. Being mindful of our words and honoring their power is part of Squirrel Medicine.

Elementally Squirrels are solar creatures. They love the sun. This correspondence gives Squirrel the extra symbolism of life, zeal, passion, manifestation, and drive.

There is no question that Squirrel is a very cute member among Animal Guides, and also a tad eccentric. Just sit and watch out your window someday as Squirrel romps on the phone line or skitters up a tree. No television needed – this guy is entertainment central. Even with all that movement, you never sense stress in Squirrel. If anything, all that activity seems rather Zen and calming; this is a powerful message from Squirrel. Amusement and play are potent companions to a balanced, peaceful life. Stop taking life so seriously that you miss those fun moments.

Another lesson we glean from Squirrel behavior is the need to avoid too much clutter. Squirrel’s teaching includes the mental clutter of outmoded thoughts, physical clutter that surrounds space, and disrupts the flow of positive energy and the spiritual energy clutter that remains in our aura unnoticed. For on-going health and well-being, pay particular attention to this trinity. Consider that Squirrel gathers the necessities for NOW first, then stores the remainder. He could not accomplish this if his proverbial paws were already full of “stuff.” When you have plenty, stop and enjoy it! Don’t give energy to pointless tasks or relationships. Smile more; worry less.

Squirrel Spirit Animal

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When Squirrel enters your life as a guide and Animal helper, it marks a period during which you let your hair down and frolic. Time to really release yourself and accept joy and pleasure fully into your life; this accomplishes two things. First, it decreases the stress that often leaves you feeling distracted or frustrated; with that gone, you can refocus your mind on practical matters without irritation.

Squirrel Medicine in your life often speaks to preparation. While Squirrel might be aiming for nuts, pinecones, and seeds, what are your aims for being prepared for the future? For that matter, are you ready for that board meeting tomorrow?

If Squirrel skitters into your life in autumn, this is good news indeed. Squirrel energy is highest during fall. For you, this means that Squirrel bears abundance – be it in your resources or money. Know, however, that this new-found providence needs to last a while. Find a way to preserve and ration it for the long haul; this doesn’t mean becoming a miser. Splurging a bit is ok. Just remain mindful of needs vs. wants.

Squirrel as a Spirit Animal, sometimes comes as a trickster. In the wild, he creates fake bundles of food, neatly distracting other animals from his real treasure. The question Squirrel asks here is: Are you too exposed? Are you properly safeguarding your treasure from predators?

If your Spirit Animal is a Flying Squirrel, the energy is slightly different. This guide teaches you about taking leaps and making safe landings. Be ready for lessons in self-trust, courage, and boldness.

Squirrel is a tattletale of sorts, always chirping out warnings. Sadly, some Squirrels are high strung and put out false warnings. After a time, other animals stop paying attention. The lesson here is one of being careful with your warnings and potential paranoia that may undermine confidence shown by others.

Squirrel Totem Animal

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People born with a Squirrel Totem are always prepared akin to a Boy Scout. The Squirrel has an aptitude for swift movements between being professional and silly, working, and playing. Thus, Squirrel appears somewhat erratic to the point of overreaching. A challenge for Squirrel is focusing on one task before moving to another.

As with your Totem, you have delightful charms that endear many. You go about life in a peculiar way that people may not understand, but for you, it’s very normal and leads to success. Most friends find themselves floored when your practical side comes out with an organizational flair. Your only issue with this characteristic is a tendency to put all your energy into the effort and go totally overboard.

Friends of the Squirrel love them because they simply enjoy life and make everyone in their circle smile. Squirrel understands the inner child and finds beauty or sweetness in the smallest of things. This outlook is contagious.

Spiritually speaking, Squirrel people see the way in which their life dances with other realms and the beings therein. The child Squirrel does not have a pretend invisible friend. Whomever they are talking or playing with is very real, and quite possibly a protector. Some Squirrel children become very serious when they’re focused. Thankfully the Squirrel energy within eventually brightens the dark clouds and affords a different perspective.

Squirrel doesn’t cling to material goods. As long as you know you have adequate amounts, you are quite content. If you begin feeling low in reserves, however, it’s easy to become a hoarder or intense collector. Watch out for that temptation.

Finally, those with Squirrel Totem are very smart. You know how to solve riddles, especially when it comes to overcoming a problem. In those moments when you’re tempted to give up, Squirrel steps to the forefront of your spirit with hope and a fresh wind.

Squirrel Power Animal

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Seek out Squirrel as a Power Animal when you need a fresh perspective. If your life and goals feel like they’ve ground to a halt, Squirrel Medicine gets you back up to speed. It’s one thing to pause for a moment, but another to simply stop and wallow. Squirrel’s motto might well be, “never give up; never surrender” (who knew that Squirrel loves Galaxy Quest?).

Squirrel Power Animals offer more energy to your metaphysical endeavors. This Power Animal kick starts vibrations toward the intended goal. It does not do this willy-nilly, but rather in a precise, metered manner.

Another goal for which Squirrel supports is that of releasing negativity in our lives and replacing it with self-love and emotional stability. It is impossible to feel joyful when pain slogs you down in the mud. Squirrel clears away that energy using renewed happiness as a tool. Once you start feeling alive again, get ready to romp! Squirrel will call on you to let that inner child out for a spin on your dance card.

Whenever you feel tempted to forego something dear to your heart and mind, ask the Squirrel Spirit for help. They are very determined critters and happily pass that positive energy onto deserving humans.

Native American Squirrel Symbolic Meanings

Native American stories show two different sides to Squirrel. One is a noisy rabble-rouser and gossip. The other is as an industrious provider. Additionally, Northern tribes feel that Squirrel comes across your path to warn of danger ahead.

Mayans have a prophecy that a cosmic Albino squirrel will come into human awareness in 2012 just before the planet shifts in consciousness. From that year forward, people are supposed to begin working on making earth their Paradise.

Another bit of Native mythology is that Flying Squirrels come from the Divine and suitable for use in rituals for fertility. This belief may have happened due to the prolific nature of squirrels, some bearing as many as 30 babies at a time.

Finally, Choctaw history tells us that Black Squirrels eat the sun, causing a solar eclipse; this is because Squirrel is a trickster and fancies himself worthy of such a delightful snack. The only way to reverse the darkness is by frightening Squirrel with very raucous noise.

Squirrel as a Celtic Animal Symbol

While not a myth or story, Prince Charles of Wales is a huge fan of the red Squirrel. He has taken it on himself to be a representative for this lovely little critter by creating a national trust for them. The Prince has numerous red Squirrels at Deeside, who seem perfectly comfortable wandering in and out of the door for nuts. He continues his work as an effort in biodiversity.

In Scottish heraldry, Squirrel represents duty, honor, a passion for nature, and trustworthiness.

Squirrel Dreams

A Squirrel appearing in your dreams may have several different meanings depending on the creature’s activities. For example, if gathering nuts Squirrel predicts a lucky turn of events with plenty to share with friends and family. A squirrel sitting on a large pile of nuts implies you hare hoarding something or holding onto something fruitless. Finally, feeding a squirrel represents pride and ease that comes with honest, good work.

Learn more about Squirrel Spirit by reading When You Dream About Squirrels on WhatIsMySpiritAnimal.com!

Squirrel in Astrology & Zodiac Signs

The Mayan calendar includes the sign of the Squirrel. Those born under Squirrel are intuitive, insightful, and prolific. They are prone to have large extended families and a passion for being around people. Squirrel is also very loving and practical.

Far Eastern Squirrel Symbolic Meanings

Flying Squirrels are a regular sight in Japan, living in both pine and alpine forests. There are stories in Japan of an elder Squirrel whose name translates as “flying warehouse;” this is a large flying Bat but not a very pleasant fellow. It’s said he swoops toward victims and blow out their lanterns.

Squirrel Symbolic Meanings Key

  • Ambition
  • Efficiency
  • Joy
  • Lightheartedness
  • Manifestation
  • Mindful Words
  • Passion
  • Peace
  • Practicality
  • Preparedness

3 thoughts on “Squirrel Symbolism & Meaning

  1. Brandy A Montalvo says:

    This was the most helpful thing I have found as to the symbolism of squirrels. Thank you so much.

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