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Mockingbird Symbolism & Meaning

Are you struggling with self-expression? Do you want to connect with your muse? Mockingbird, as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal, can Help! Mockingbird teaches you how to discover your voice, all while showing you what inspires and ignites your soul. Delve deeply in Mockingbird symbolism and meaning to find out how this Animal Spirit Guide can inspire, motivate, and animate you!

Mockingbird Table of Contents

Mockingbird Symbolism & Meaning

”This morning
two mockingbirds
in the green field
were spinning and tossing
the white ribbons
of their songs
into the air.
I had nothing
better to do
than listen.”
– Mary Oliver

While there are about 30 species of Mockingbird, the one most often spoken about is the Northern Mockingbird. The Latin term for this creature has strong ties to Mockingbird symbolism and meaning, translating as “many-tongued mimic.” They are truly the virtuoso of verbal imitation in the world of Animal Spirits.

What many may not realize is that Mockingbirds do not simply copy the song of other feathered friends. They can also copy other sounds like that of a Dog‘s bark or a Cat‘s meow. The reason for their song seems to be two-fold. First, they attract specific other birds into their nesting range. Second, just the opposite, they use a frightening call to keep certain Birds away.

Mockingbirds rank among other intelligent birds like Ravens and Magpie. They grow to be about ten inches tall with a tail that dances back and forth when they get excited. And imitation is not their only strong suit. Mockingbirds are grey and have long legs so they can easily look through the foliage; that means they hide pretty well, unlike a Robin.

In the wild, we see Mockingbird safeguarding their family with fierceness. They are nearly as vicious as Blue Jays in this behavior; this provides the Mockingbird with the symbolism of safety, family unity, and firm boundaries.

We cannot talk about Mockingbird meanings without touching briefly on the famous book, “To Kill a Mockingbird,” by Harper Lee; in this tome, the death of a Mockingbird is a representation of the loss of innocence, specifically by coming into contact with evil. The story implies killing a Mockingbird is a sin because the only thing they do is sing and make beautiful music.

Some of the key characteristics and attributes of Mockingbird Animal Spirit include inventiveness, keen-mindedness, happiness, playfulness, protection, thankfulness, security, and, most of all, communication.

As an interesting historical aside, the concept of species transmutation may have well been inspired by the Mockingbird. When Charles Darwin traveled to the Galapagos Islands in 1835, he stumbled on an interesting observation. Mockingbirds differed slightly from island to island while also looking a lot like Mockingbirds in South America. His reflective writings indicate that this observation undermined the doctrine of species stability. If a species is not immutable, we move into evolutionary thinking.

Mockingbird Spirit Animal

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The Mockingbird Spirit Animal carries several messages on its wings. Perhaps the most important one is that of finding your voice and the music that inspires your soul. Your “song” has power – the vibration in your words ring out with intent. There is no need to keep this powerful energy within. Sing! Along the same lines, you should probably take some time to think about your interactions with others. Do they understand you fully? If not, let Mockingbird help.

Another lesson Mockingbird offers points to the utility of imitation. Imitation is a form of flattery; in some instances, it is far more than just that. Children imitate the behaviors of their parents, which helps teach safety, social strictures, respectfulness, and, of course, language; in this, Mockingbird asks you two questions.

First, Mockingbird encourages you to ask yourself, “Are you a good role model for others?” If you have cursed in front of a quick-witted child, you understand why-Mockingbird reminds you that others will mimic your behavior. Secondly, you’ll need to consider if you are modeling the behaviors you see in others that you respect? Say you have always admired your friend’s knack for flexibility. How can you “imitate” their attitude or behaviors in your life? Mockbird urges you to adopt the most positive traits from those around you while leaving the negatives behind.

Sometimes Mockingbird appears to people who are having their figurative nests attacked in some way. Perhaps gossip is afoot or actions spurred by jealousy. No matter the exact cause, Mockingbird gives you the courage to protect your own and your sacred space. If someone comes in with attitudes and arguments, you have the right and responsibility to ask them to leave; this is difficult for many people, but Mockingbird has the courage you need.

Finally, Mockingbird teaches us how to be curious and learn from experience. Every sound a Mockingbird sings comes from discovery. They hear it, seek it out carefully, and then begin replicating that through practice. Life lessons are like that too. You have the knowledge but have to put it into practice for personal progress.

Mockingbird Totem Animal

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Those born with a Mockingbird Totem Animal are highly talented people. In a crowd, you might not even notice Mockingbird People because they blend in with incredible ease; but if they shout-out to you or express themselves, you know it!

If this is your birth totem, you easily learn from situations and move on. It’s not in your mindset to hold on to those things or people that do you no good. You will take what you learned from those moments, focusing on a fresh future.

The people in your life can’t really fool you. Mockingbird Totem has a panache for keeping it real. You know their “song” and recognize its intent. Those with the right notes are people with whom you socialize and harmonize. Others become more like background noise. You will rarely be disrespectful, but how much you actually “hear” and respond to depends heavily on your instincts. Mockingbird seeks on-going harmony in their life’s circle.

When you walk with Mockingbird, there is an underlying fearlessness in your soul. No one dares to become a predator toward you or those you love. If they do, they’d better be ready for a serious toe-to-toe. This warrior spirit also applies to people who are unable to defend themselves or who find themselves caught in another’s web of deception without allies.

As one might imagine, those with a Mockingbird Totem Animal love music and may even gravitate toward hobbies or careers that involve it (especially singing). You know there is something wrong with a Mockingbird friend when they stop humming to themselves for an extended amount of time.

The only real limitation among Mockingbirds is that they’re not wholly creative in and of themselves. Instead, they become the impersonator’s on life’s stage. Mockingbird needs ideas and actions for others from which to choose for self-definition.

Mockingbird Power Animal

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There are specific goals for which you can call upon Mockingbird Power Animal for aid. One such instance is when you are trying to find or speak your truth. Mockingbird supports you in discovering your inner voice and personal song. Likewise, as an Animal Ally, the Bird helps you in understanding the music of your soul. In finding your voice and identifying what brings your soul bliss, Mockingbird also helps you develop self-confidence and greater strength when it comes time to defend your convictions.

Part of Mockingbird’s energetic is the ability to discover the truth. From uncovering the true intentions of others to inspiring honesty in others, invoke Mockingbird as a Power Animal to support you whenever what is true falls into question.

Call on Mockingbird as a Power Animal when you want to tap into the Bird’s power of mimicry. Since the creature can mimic both Birds and other Animals, working with Mockingbird as an Animal Ally proves ideal when you’re looking to master a new language or to expand your knowledge through hands-on learning and experience. The Bird’s energetic influence supports you in using immersive learning techniques by mimicking the sounds and pronunciations of words as you practice the language.

The same mimicking talent supports you in speaking a language others understand, so it becomes easier for you to express ideas or get your point across. So, if you are looking to become a public speaker or a spokesperson, Mockingbird’s energetic influence will support you in such efforts.

Native American Mockingbird Symbolic Meanings

Native American culture features Mockingbird in both folklore and myths. Both the Pueblo and Hopi have Mockingbird as part of creation, teaching humans how to speak. Southeastern tribes credit Mockingbird with intelligence. Among the Shasta, this creature guards the dead, and the Maricopa hold Mockingbird as a Medicine Animal who imparts special powers. And thanks to this Bird’s communication skills, the Pima stories characterize Mockingbird as a diplomat and peace-maker.

The following is the Mayan tale of “How Mockingbird Became the Best Singer.” Mother Mockingbird was very young, and her family had little, forcing her to wear grungy feathers. Even so, Mockingbird always was a good singer. Affording lessons, however, was another matter altogether.

One day she began working for a wealthy family of Cardinals. During her employ, a renowned singing teacher came into the area. Father Cardinal wanted his daughter to become an excellent singer, but she laughed at the idea feeling she needed no such help. Her father was determined and finally offered her enough gifts to consent.

The daughter Cardinal went into the woods with her teacher. Mockingbird followed silently behind, listening; this went on for weeks until the professor got wholly frustrated with the daughter’s lack of interest or progress. Fearing the father Cardinal’s reaction, he flew away, leaving the whole mess behind him.

There came a day when father Cardinal wanted his daughter to perform for friends. She, of course, was terrified of telling her family she hadn’t learned even one song. She had, however, overheard Mockingbird singing to herself during chores and decided to ask for help. Mockingbird would hide in a tree trunk singing while the daughter pretended the song for her audience.

Father Cardinal knew of the ruse, having seen Mockingbird sneak into the tree before the concert. After the applause quieted, father Cardinal called for Mockingbird to come out. The tiny grey bird came out nervously, lead to a perch by the father, Cardinal. He proceeded to tell everyone the truth and called upon Mockingbird to sing once more. Her song was so beautiful that all her descendants would forever have a lovely singing voice while the Cardinal never would. It seems that hard work, dedication, and hope truly paid off for Mockingbird.

Mockingbird Dreams

A singing Mockingbird in your dreams represents a positive outcome so long as you trust your intuition and not the advice of well-intentioned friends. Mockingbirds, in general, stand for individuality and following your song. A Mockingbird flying angrily toward you means that you have become arrogant, disrespectful or cocky and overstepped in some way. Rein yourself in; dreaming of a quiet Mockingbird symbolizes positive self-images that need no external approval.

When a Mockingbird nests away from you in another’s yard or building, it represents taking credit for someone else’s work and efforts. Mockingbird tweeting from behind bushes or leaves implies you are nervous about social situations, being uncertain about the signals you’re getting.

Mockingbird Symbolic Meanings Key

  • Boundaries
  • Communication
  • Family Unity
  • Gratitude
  • Innocence
  • Inventiveness
  • Playfulness
  • Protection
  • Safety
  • Security

4 thoughts on “Mockingbird Symbolism & Meaning

  1. Sayra Wakeechela says:

    I had a mockingbird land in front of my golf cart tonight. I’ve been afraid to say who I am in front of my family and now I have the courage to do so. I’m grateful for mockingbird

    • Leslie says:

      That is so beautiful! I hope that you’ve been able to express who you are to your family! I’m here because I was standing in an upstairs room , which is an entire room away from our French doors, when a ray of bright golden sunshine–I would call it a BOLT of sunshine! — landed right in front of me. It had probably shone past my leg initially. I was having a horrible day of crying for my dad who died 1.5 years ago and for his cabin which is in foreclosure. So I thought to myself that this is some kind of sign to go out on the balcony. I got out to the balcony and saw a bird on a tree I always watch. A moment later, the birds all alit and I heard some coming right for me. One landed on the edge two feet from me and I recognized it as a mockingbird! It then perched on the edge of a tin bootkeeper that had filled with water. I remained completely still and amazingly, it stayed there for a good 30 seconds, tipping its head in to drink. I now have the courage to talk to my husband about how we can purchase the cabin!

  2. Jenny says:

    I’ve had the same mockingbird visit me daily since December, when I sit outside with my dogs. It’s been 2 months now and I’m so grateful for mockingbirds company. I named my friend Francis after Saint Francis of Assisi patron saint of ecology and animals.

  3. Gina L Miller says:

    I’ve had a mockingbird at my feeder the last two days and watched one as I fearlessly negotiated the release of my 95 year old father in law from a VA nursing home.
    This sweet winged angel of mercy gave the courage to take on the nursing home system! We bring him home in two days. And to top that off, within the past 24 hours I’ve been blessed to interview & hire FIVE wonderful caregivers to help while he recovers from a fractured hip. The Mockingbird is powerful!

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