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Peacock Symbolism & Meaning

Peacock as a spirit animal is intriguing to anyone who has been enchanted by these incredible, beautiful birds.

Do you wonder about previous incarnations? Does your day-to-day existence seem dull or drab? Peacock as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal can help! Peacock teaches you about past life lessons, and how the right use of color instills magic into your world. Delve deeply in Peacock symbolism and meaning to find out how this animal spirit guide can inspire, stir, and move you.

Peacock Table of Contents

Peacock Symbolism & Meaning

So, the Proud Peacock has gotten your attention? You are not alone. Throughout the world’s history, Peacock symbolism and meaning have often been tied to the beauty of its feathers. Peacocks tie to various Gods and Goddesses as well as glorious myths.

Peacock Etymology: Peacock comes from the Old English pawa meaning cock or hen.

In Hinduism, Peacock walks with Lakshmi, the goddess of good fortune, compassion, and fortitude. It is also associated with Hindra, a thunder and rain god whose waters renew the Earth. Peacocks are harbingers of rain – they dance when they know it’s coming. In this part of the world, Peacock also symbolizes supportiveness.

In the Far East, Kuan Yin created the beauty of the Peacock’s tail. Kuan Yin gave up immortality for humankind, endowing the Peacock with a sense of selflessness. When Kuan Yin finally ascended, she created the Peacock to guard the earth and protect the peace.

Ancient Greeks and Romans likened the Peacock Tail to the eyes of stars. The bird was sacred to Hera, and there was a severe punishment given to anyone who took a Peacock’s life. Persians have carvings of Peacocks near royal chambers, considering them guardians. Alchemists used the Peacock as an earthly form of the Phoenix and resurrection. In the form of a talisman, Peacock safeguards the wearer from poison, illness, and misfortune. By extension, Peacock feathers represent immortality. The feather absorbs harmful energy.

Peacock symbolism and meaning come up in Christianity as representing the Resurrection; this comes from the fact that after Peacock molts, his feathers grow back to their original grandeur. St. Augustine took this one step further, saying the bird was incorruptible, most likely based on the folk belief that Peacock feathers protect things from deterioration. Peacocks feature predominantly in medieval portraits of angels where the wings are Peacock feathers; this implies that Peacock has associations with the Angelic realm and may actually be a messenger from on high.

In nature, Peacocks kill and eat snakes. As a result, various cultures integrated Peacocks into medicine. Indian directions advise that blood or bile from Peacocks could cure a snake bite. Similarly, in Punjab, a person bitten by a snake would be purged by the smoke of Peacock feathers, similar to how Native Americans use smudge sticks. When visitors came into the region, natives would tell them to carry Peacock feathers to ward off snake attacks. Similarly, among Hindus and Muslims, a Peacock feather protects against malevolent spirits. In this, the Peacock becomes infused with healing and protective energies.

Peacock did get a bad rap in some stories. For example, Greek tradition says that displaying Peacock feathers encourages lousy luck. The idea is that each of the dots in the Peacock feather can cast the evil eye. Native Americans thought wearing Peacock feathers changed a person’s personality to someone vain and materialistic. And bringing a Peacock feather on stage is a surefire way for a play to fail.

On a happier note, the priestesses of Juno carried Peacock fans in processional. In later years, when the Church came into power, this translated into the fans seen at papal Easter celebrations. The eyes of the Peacock represent the watchfulness of the Church.

Some other interesting facts about Peacock Spirit: In the Orient, Peacock is called the Bird of Paradise. The Babylonians had a Peacock throne, and the birds were sacred. Indian gardens to this day let Peacocks wander freely, offering good fortune, and in China and Japan, Peacock symbolism includes self-worth and splendor.

Overall key characteristics associated with Peacock medicine include leadership, long life, sophistication, psychic vision, beauty, dignity, love, and pride.

Peacock Spirit Animal

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When the Peacock spirit makes itself known in your life, it’s time to look at things differently. Begin to see the beauty in even the simplest of things and walk the path of gratitude. Peacock medicine is upbeat – laugh often, rejoice in life’s wonders.

Another message from Peacock is one of confidence. Many people give up their dreams feeling they’re impossible achievements. Take a look at your talents and transferable skills and find a way to set your goal in motion with Peacock’s guidance.

The colorful Peacock that we envision is the male of the species. Perhaps you need to improve your relationship with the Sacred Masculine. Also, the eye-shaped spot on the Peacock’s tail speaks of awakening your third-eye Chakra, reconnecting with the higher self, and unlocking your psychic gifts.

In Shamanic traditions, the Peacock Animal Spirit is a healer. What areas of your life feel ill or lacking? Let Peacock vibrations wrap you in feathers that remove those negative energies from your aura. Meditate on the “eye” of the Peacock tail for focus and centering in your rituals for wellness.

Finally, Peacock may remind you that it’s ok to shake your tail feathers occasionally. You have talent that others overlook because you stay on the sidelines. Strut your stuff when your efforts go above and beyond.

Peacock Totem Animal

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If you were born with a Peacock Totem, you are a person true to your word. Honor is a key characteristic, and honesty that vibrates through your soul. Peacock people have deep-seated beliefs, and they walk their talk. Sure, they can get a little overboard sometimes with flash and fanfare, but at the end of the day, it’s about living personal truth, moment to moment. This propensity makes you a natural-born leader because people know they can trust you.

Peacock people have to be careful about their egos. It’s easy to let pride get in the way. However, the true power and medicine of the Peacock is using your knowledge gracefully and humbly.

Those born with the Peacock Totem have wonderful qualities inside and out. Let that inner beauty shine and embrace self-esteem. Ask yourself if someone posed the question: whom do you love? How long would it be before you answered ME? Also, remember to seek out the beauty in others; this helps Peacock maintain a delicate balance between personal awareness and compassion.

Self–trust can be an issue with Peacock people. There is no need for constant second-guessing. You get a strong inkling from your psychic self but brush it off as just your imagination. Start giving those feelings more credence.

There’s a true blessing in having Peacock as a Birth Animal. As you celebrate kindness, it returns to you with a smile. Don’t hide those feathers. Embrace your talents and let them shine.

Peacock Power Animal

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Peacock Animal Medicine can be a powerful ally in magic for renewal, love, luck, and success. This Spirit Animal also supports personal confidence and wholeness. Lightworkers tell us that our inner Peacock teaches us how to use our true-seeing abilities and release our spiritual vision.

Peacock is an ideal companion when you seek to reconnect with the Sacred Masculine deeply. This Spirit brings laughter and fullness of being when you feel totally tapped out. Also, when your life feels dull and drab, you couldn’t ask for a better pick-me-up than the beautiful Peacock.

Seek out the Peacock within as a power animal when you explore your past lives and the lessons they offer. Invoking Peacock energies provides tiny peeks into the future and what it can be if you stay true.

Perhaps the most important reason to call on Peacock is for self-confidence. If you feel as if you’ve lost your dignity or that someone has sullied your honor, Peacock’s presence in your aura is immensely powerful. Your Peacock Ally tells it like it is. Any falsehood comes into focus.

Peacock Spiritual Meaning

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Peacock’s spiritual meaning and symbolism have a place in your practices and rituals, even if you hail from a region where Peacock is not commonly found. Their universal associations are longevity, immortality, beauty, protection, and love.

Peacock reminds you to make your voice heard, even if others criticize you. These Avians are known for their staggering loud calls. While not elegant songbirds, Peacock knows when to speak up and speak out. Don’t be shy, particularly in matters where obvious duplicity exists.

The Peacock’s plumage embraces the full spectrum of rainbow colors and their associations. If you’re working on aligning your chakras, those colors support a harmony between them all. Meditate on Peacock, and let those cosmic hues into your aura.

Peacocks can symbolize our connection to the Divine, especially the Deities associated with the Sky and Sun. The ” Eye ” shape on the Peacock’s feathers is your awakening and a reminder to remain ever watchful. Think of the phrase, “You have eyes in the back of your head.” Peacock teaches how to see things beyond your physical eyes, travel to other realms, and learn the art of divination.

If the Peacock in your mind’s eye is blue, it directs your focus on the mystical nature of things. A White one looks ethereal and suggests you have Angelic allies. The green Peacock represents health and good fortune.

In relationships, Peacock has a mating dance intended to impress a potential mate. In those moments, Peacock expresses the best and brightest of itself. So if you’ve been “faking it until you make it,” dance a little. Let your inner light shine. So doing is not pretentious. It’s natural.

Peacock Spirit asks, “What makes you unique and exceptional?” When you answer, the next question is, “Why aren’t you applying and celebrating that? Peacock wants you to recognize your value and power – those personal strengths and attributes that make you perfect for the path you are on. Remember, the female of the species doesn’t have a colorful array like the male. Yet, they are content.

Peacock Types

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There are three types of Peacocks (or peafowl).

Indian Peacock

Native to Asia and Sri Lanka, this is the Bird most people think of when someone says Peacock. They have the infamous tail, used in courting rituals. The better the coloring, the better chance Mr. Peacock will get a fine mate. The Indian Peacock represents self-trust and confidence.

Green Peacock

The Green Peacock’s home is South East Asia. They bear similarities to Indian Peacocks with their showy trains and courting behaviors. The difference lies in a green crest instead of blue. Green is the color of the Heart Chakra, which houses the power of empathy and devotion.

Congo Peacock

This African Peacock looks a bit like a pheasant. It is an endangered species. Their feathers have spots of green and brown. As a recent discovery, the Congo Peacock symbolizes pleasant surprises.

Native American Peacock Symbolic Meanings

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Peacock is not native to North America. As Peacock animals became a status symbol of the powerful and aristocratic classes around the world, breeders domesticated these birds as “pets.” As such, wealthy individuals imported them to show their status.

This is how Peacock came to cross the ocean and inhabit North America, first in California in the late 1880s. Around that time, Peacock was first introduced to Hawaii as well. It is unlikely that Native people would have had much interaction with Peacock yet.

So, when tribes such as those in Mexico and the Southern US became aware of Peacock, any use of the Bird was an adaptation to traditional beliefs and emblems. Some evidence suggests that those tribes saw Peacocks as a “sun turkey” who embodied the power of Solar Deities.

The Pueblo people eventually incorporated Peacock feathers into the creation of Prayer Sticks This provided Peacock associations with communication and connection to the Divine.

Peacock appears to have positive connotations, including wellness, poise, and splendor. Peacock Medicine is potent and often used by Shamans for awakening clairvoyant abilities. Peacock feathers feature strongly in many healing rituals, too. Peacock’s lesson is knowing when to display your aptitudes and when to remain humble.

Perhaps because of the correlation with the Sun or perhaps because of the shape of the “Eye” on a Peacock’s feather, tools adorned with Peacock feathers also came to represent protection and banishment of evil to some Native people.

Christianity Peacock Symbolism

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The Bible mentions the Peacock in the Old Testament as the “royal bird.” It symbolizes God’s majesty. This Avian represents spiritual efforts that lead to victory over evil.

The first reference to Peacock is during Solomon’s era. It was a show of riches and opulence.

In the New Testament, Peacock retains its positive connotation as an emblem of the Risen Christ and overcoming death. Peacock is renewal, fidelity, and faithfulness. The Eye on this bird’s feathers reminds us that God is always watching.

Peacock as a Celtic Animal Symbol

Though Peacock is not native to Celtic lands, various waves of conquest, colonization, and migration occurred throughout history. This led to the transport of animals to new places and the evolution of myths and lore, encompassing tales from different cultures.

Still, few solid references to Peacock in Celtic myths and legends exist. Peacocks or their feathers appearing on coats of arms represented knowledge, authority, luxury, wealth, and beauty. Beyond that, very little has been recorded in Celtic literature about the Peacock.

According to some sporadic reports, an oath was sworn “By the Peacock,” inferring that these birds are associated with integrity, sincerity, and purity. Peacock steps into the role of Birds as messengers, symbolic of communication and liberation.

Far Eastern Peacock Symbolic Meanings

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Peacock is the national bird of India. They associate this bird with a Hindu deity that symbolizes kindness, patience, empathy, and good fortune. Among Buddhists, Peacocks represent wisdom and the path to enlightenment.

Associated with royalty and luck, images of the Lost Peacock Throne of the Mughal Empire are a benevolent talisman. The throne originated in the 17th century for the Mughal (Shah Jahan). It included diamonds, rubies, golden feet, silver stairs, and gilded Peacock tails. d distributed the precious stones and metals. Later Peacock Thrones or

Because of its elaborate mating ritual, Peacock’s meaning is also associated with love, romance, and courtship.

Mayuresvara, one of the incarnations of Ganesha (the Elephant God), has a Peacock as a mount. As He goes, Ganesha clears the path for overcoming obstacles and receiving blessings.

What Does Peacock Symbolize In Feng Shui

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The Peacock falls into a special role in Feng Shui as an earthly manifestation of the powerful celestial Phoenix. The glorious eyes decorating its tail imply awareness. Peacock images promote good luck, protection, and fame, too.

Put paintings or images of Peacock in any room where you want to increase feelings of love or attract desired mates. In artistic renderings, Peacock often appears with other winged messengers, including doves and cranes. Birds, in general, are positive influences.

Feng Shui points out the Peacock as a teacher who stresses remaining present and attentive moment by moment, including to the spiritual guidance you may receive. Live in truth, but be patient. Give yourself grace as life unfolds like a Peacock’s tail.

Greek Peacock Symbolism

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Greco-Roman mythology says that the Goddess Hera, the protectress of family and marriage, created the Peacock to look like the sky and stars.

Peacock Appearances in Egypt

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The Egyptians associated the circle on a Peacock’s feather with the All-Seeing Eye of Horus. It is a protective emblem. Additionally, the Peacock is the phoenix’s earthly manifestation, whose eyes were those of Ra, the Sun God. In art, Shu, the God of Peace, the Air, and the Wind, wear Peacock feathers.

Africa Peacock in Folktales

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People in West Africa regard Peacock as sacred. It acts as a messenger between humans and the God Olodumare, who rules supreme. It was the Orisha Oshun who volunteered to fly to Olodumare when the Orishas were in dire straights by him. She turned herself into a Peackock. By the time She reached Him, Her feathers were burnt to a crisp. Olodumare, overwhelmed with compassion, healed her and returned her feathers so they looked grander than before.

Mayan Thoughts on Peacock

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Peacocks came to Latin America with explorers first, followed by armies. It didn’t take long before the Avian appeared in folklore and beliefs. For example, Chaac, the Mayan God of Rain, originally created Peacock as a songbird with plain feathers. He felt his wonderful voice would surely make him King of the birds. He soon realized his looks were not enough to reach his goal. Peacock asked the Roadrunner if he could borrow its feathers for the competition in return for sharing the throne. Peacock won but became so busy that it forgot the promise made to Roadrunner. The Gods punished Peacock by taking away its beautiful song, leaving Peacock with but a squawk and beautiful feathers.

British Peacock Pomp

In the early 1900s, a Peacock dress was iconic fashion. The prime example is Lady Curzon (Derbyshire}, who transformed the dress into an expression of power and the empire. This particular dress was meant to please the British Raj. It was constructed with Indian and British clothes with Indian metal embroidery. The embroidery definitely showed off the best in Indian craftsmanship.

While no other dress will ever likely hold up to the grandeur of Lady Curzon’s, other beaded dresses with bodices and sometimes trains and feathers appeared at opulent occasions. No matter one appears it represents beauty, confidence, and regality.

India: Hindu Peacock Imagery

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Peacock is honored as the National Bird of India. This Spirit Animal represents the Mother Goddess Saraswati. She also governs wisdom and ultimate truth. Superstition has it that an Indian home decorated with Peacock feathers or images will experience providence.

Saraswati isn’t the only Divine being associated with Peacock. Art depicts the Lord Krishna as adorned with peacock feathers. Krishna is the 8th avatar of Vishnu and a Supreme God. He oversees matters of compassion, health, spiritual knowledge, tenderness, connection with the higher self, and wealth.

There is a Hindu myth claiming the feathers of the Garuda (the King of Birds) created Peacocks. Lord Vishnu, the God of Preservation, has a Garuda as a mount. So does Lakshmi, the Goddess of luck and wealth. Indra, the God of weather, has a Peacock throne.

Finally, we come to Kwan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion, patience, and good deeds. The Peacock is sacred to her. The reason for the connection between the two is the Peacock’s ability to sustain themselves, even consuming poisonous items (symbolically consuming the world’s bitterness). Similarly, Kwan Yin can transmit evils in order to save lives, turning them into love and goodness.

Mesopotamia: Glimpse at Peacock

The Yazidi of Western Azia have a Peacock Angle, Tawuse Melek. It appears the God Dumuzi, presiding over agriculture and protecting shepherds, was down-graded into this role as the King of Archangels. In this office, he’s depicted as a Peacock.

In Mesopotamia, there is an artistic rendering of a tree flanked by two peacocks. This piece represents not only life’s dualism but also unity.

Buddhist Perspectives about Peacock

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From a Buddhist perspective, a Peacock in full display represents openness, purity, acceptance, and overcoming. Once upon a time, there was a girl named Miao Shan whose father wanted her to marry. She was determined to escape such a fate and ran to the mountains to study religion for nine years.

While she was gone, the King became ill. Karma finally caught up to him. The monks told him the only cure for his condition was a tonic derived from “the eye of one who is without anger.’ There were stories of a woman in the mountains who was very spiritual. Upon being asked by the monks, she gave them her own eye.

When the King recovered, he traveled, wishing to thank the woman who saved his life. He discovered, in shock, that it was her own daughter.

In that moment, the Universe transformed Mio Shan into the Bodhisattva, Kwan Yin. Because of her sacrifice, she was gifted not only immortality but 100 eyes. In a moment of awakening, she knew she could not see the suffering of the whole world. So, she attached her eyes to Peacocks so they could fly around the world and bring back information about anyone who needed healing. The Peacock remains with its eye tail feathers to this day.

China & Japan: Beliefs about Peacock

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The Japanese see Peacock as an emblem of nurturing, consideration, love, charity, and vigilance. It also has ties to beauty, grace, and pride, though pride need not always connote vanity.

The traditional iconography of the Peacock suggests it is a guardian from hardship and disaster. They represent wisdom, and the Peacock Spirit can help keep you from turning toward negativity and back to safety. Because of the numerous “eyes” on the Birds’ feathers, it also symbolizes fertility, a healthy family, prosperity, dignity, and success. It’s no surprise Peacock is a common theme at weddings.

In China, Peacock was an icon for the Ming Dynasty and, by extension, all the glory of the Empire. Connotations include power, rank, beauty, and divinity. There is a belief that the Peacock is actually a Phoenix born into our world. As such it is intelligent, kind, charming, graceful, and auspicious.

Peacock also acts as an inference to the Yin and Yang, the two opposing energies that work in harmony. The Yin (feminine) part of the Peacock is its tail. The Yang (male) part is the Peacock’s loud, raucous call.

Zoroastrian Peacock Meaning

Somewhere near the Bukhara Fire Temple (Uzbekistan), there was a designated space for PEacock keeping, which was a sacred duty. There were myths the Peacock was eternal because it drank the water of life. This is one reason why Peacock appears in reliefs with the Tree of Life (the Tree of Certainty), not only in stone but also fabric. The motif appears at the entry of religious schools and mosques.

In the Poetry or Attar, the Peacock portrayal was that as a gatekeeper and guide for believers. It also repelled the devil. This is why you’ll see Peacock on many building entryways.

Sufis have origin myths featuring Peacock Spirit. The Peacock Angle is glorious, on a cosmic tree throne, and is the Master of all creation.

Islam Images of Peacock

The Islamic writings about Peacock have different implications. In one, Peacock would not bow down to Adam. It also gave into the devil’s spell, appealing to its vanity. Peacock showed the snakes how to enter Paradise. Thus, the Bird cannot be trusted.

In another, Peacock can move freely into and out of Paradise. The Kurdish say Peacock is God’s messenger.

The Alchemical Peacock

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Peacocks fascinated Alchemists. Alchemy focuses on how matter can transform and was the forebearer of Chemistry. What most people don’t know is that the Alchemists had magical and spiritual interests.

In Alchemy, Peacock Animal Ally embodied the ultimate in beauty. One practitioner, Heinrich Khunrath, in the 16th century, included this avian in his writings. His illustrations portrayed the Green Peacock, representing the Goddess of renewal, grace, and life. Jung later studied Khunrath and concluded the Peacock represented the Holy Spirit in Alchemy (all matter, all colors, in one)

Peacock Dreams

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Peacock appearing in your dreams is generally a good omen, especially for those seeking a life partner. It also foretells luck, success, and a career that truly satisfies your soul. You may be about to embark on a lucky change on your path. Peacock is also associated with health and longevity.

Sometimes Peacock comes into your dreams to remind you of the dangers of false pride and being overly showy. Are you trying too hard to convince others of your worth?

Seeing Peacock in your dream implies you are finally making a move to manifest a goal. It may require a little risk. Nonetheless, success is forthcoming.

If the Peacock walks by you in the dream, you are on the right path to building self-confidence. The more you grow, the more you will thrive on a personal and professional level. You will have reason to celebrate.

Should you receive a Peacock in your dream as a gift, expect surprising (and good) things. If you’re in a relationship, it will move further forward. Prosperity will increase.

When a baby (or tiny) Peacock comes into your dream, it is a good omen of fertility. The sign may apply to you or someone close to you.

A peacock frightening you suggests you are running away from something, often responsibilities. If you made a promise or commitment, own up and follow through. Until you do your life will be stuck.

Perceiving a Peacock’s nest in your dream is a fortuitous sign. Something is about to begin. Prepare for a surprising turn of fate. It’s ok to take some risks.

When you’re in a toxic relationship, seeing a Peacock flying counsels that it’s time to make a clean break. Don’t give in to your fears. Spread your wings of liberation and fly.

Having a Peacock attack you in your night vision means you perceive some type of monumental problem in your life. It threatens to overwhelm you, and you feel as if you’re giving your power away. What’s most important here is that you’re harder on yourself than you should be, and that’s one source of your anxiety. So you’re fighting with both internal and external sources. Take a step back and reevaluate.

If the Peacock in your dream is opening its tail, something within you is also opening to something beautiful. Embrace the gift you’re given with joy, express yourself confidently, and take pride in your achievements.

Learn more about Peacock Spirit by reading Peacock Dreams Interpretation on!

Peacock in Astrology & Zodiac Signs

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If you were born between November 15 and December 12, the Mayan Zodiac says you were born under the sign of the Peacock. People with this sign have natural poise about them, a great sense of humor, and sparkling charm. They are self-confident, creative, and funny. Peacock loves good competition where they can show their talents fully.

Those with Peacock as their Animal Birth sign are incredibly unique in part because they recreate themselves as necessary. Living life in a big way is the name of the game. Individuals with this sign detest mediocrity. Eccentric? You bet. Books of grand adventures filled with magic are often Peacock-born.

Peacock people know life will never be perfect, but it CAN be better. Nonconformity is built into their spiritual matrix. They cannot help but be dramatic and crave fame. It’s not pride. The desire admiration-to love and be loved in any situation.

The Peacock wants to shine like the firmament in their aura. It’s possible the phrase “rise and shine” was coined by someone born under this sign. Female Peacocks, known as Peahens, love finery, but it has to be original, even outlandish. They are the ultimate flirt, and no matter the occasion, you can spot her in any room by a blast of color and a grand hat.

Peacock women are high maintenance. On the upside, they know it. They look for partners who will keep them in the frame of a heroine. If a potential partner is overly competitive, it’s a turn-off. Respect and admiration, on the other hand, make the ideal combination.

By comparison, the male Peacock is the born leader. From the time they learn to walk and talk, they prepare for this role. There is no lack of charisma and intelligence in Mr. Peacock. The main thing this man must remember is not to rest on his laurels. Persistence must continue for success to continue.

Male Peacocks thrive on adventure and may act on impulse. Sometimes the results are near genius. Other times they get in trouble. No matter what, do not let Mr. Peacock get bored.

Peacock Tattoo Meaning

Colorful, beautiful, graceful, it’s no wonder so many are drawn to Peacock as a tattoo. Though often associated with femininity when portrayed as an accessory or tattoo, Peacocks are actually always male.

A Peacock tattoo can align an individual with their Divine Masculine energy or remind them of their inner beauty. The “Eye” of the Peacock feather can make a very alluring tattoo that also signifies protection and warding off of the Evil Eye from others.

Peacock tattoos can be an emblem of your love and beauty and a reminder of the power of taking pride in your talent and making yourself visible rather than playing too small.

Peacock tattoos may remind you of your regal, virtuous, and powerful nature and remind you of the nuances involved in power and status. You can have great wealth and power, but you can also leverage this power to help others rather than flaunting it in a vain and opulent way.

When someone gets a Peacock tattoo, they may not know all of the lore and power associated with this Bird. Either way, they are now linking the energy of Peacock with their own energy and may be pleasantly surprised to see that Peacock Spirit Animal begins to guide them on their path.

Some people opt to have only Peacock feathers in the tattoo. The meaning remains. Typically this tattoo is green and blue, but other personally symbolic colors work as well. The eye of the Peacock tail implies the watchfulness of a Guardian Angel.

Alternatively, people might get a tattoo of only the Peacock’s head. The crown-like crest on this bird represents the crown chakra and living prayerfully

Peacock Sayings, Quotes, Proverbs

“Sparrows who emulate peacocks are likely to break a thigh.”– Burmese proverb

“Genius and virtue are to be more often found clothed in gray than in peacock bright.” – Van Brooks

“Whenever I can put a fresh, clean suit on, I’m like a peacock. That’s my most confident moment.” – RJ Barrett

“People are crying up the rich and variegated plumage of the peacock, and he is himself blushing at the sight of his ugly feet.” – Saadi

“Dream tonight of peacock tails, Diamond fields, and spouter whales. Ills are many, blessings few, But dreams tonight will shelter you.” – Herman Melville

“I do not believe that any peacock envies another peacock his tail because every peacock is persuaded that his own tail is the finest in the world. The consequence of this is that peacocks are peaceable birds.” – John Ruskin

It dances today, my heart,
like a peacock it dances,
it dances.
It sports a mosaic of passions like a peacock’s tail,
It soars to the sky with delight, it quests,
Oh wildly, it dances today, my heart,
like a peacock it dances.

– Rabindranath Tagore

“A peacock that rests on his feathers is just another turkey.” – Dolly Parton

“When the peacock has presented his back, the spectator will usually begin to walk around him to get a front view; but the peacock will continue to turn so that no front view is possible. The thing to do then is to stand still and wait until it pleases him to turn. When it suits him, the peacock will face you. Then you will see in a green-bronze arch around him a galaxy of gazing, haloed suns. – Flannery O’Conor

“Turkeys are peacocks that have really let themselves go.” -Kristen Schaal

“The sun fades like the spreading
Of a peacock’s tail, as though twilight
Might be read as a warning to those desperate
For easy solutions.”

– John Ashber

“Be like a peacock and dance with all of your beauty.” – Debasish Mridha

Meaning of a Dead Peacock

Seeing a dead Peacock represents a need to adjust your point of view. Let go of the idea that no longer serve you. Move past the obstacle by taking a different approach. It is time to rise and embrace your fate with optimism.

Sometimes a dead Peacock represents low self-esteem, or perhaps something you considered beautiful being sullied in some way.

If the dead Peacock’s feathers are not completely open, it means you’re struggling with a difficult choice. You’re worried and a bit over-emotional. The good news is that you will make the right decision. You may need some alone time to help you think.

Encountering a dead Peacock acts as counsel to embrace your higher awareness. There’s a temptation to ignore it because people don’t always react positively to your insights. Nonetheless, your spiritual gifts are important and worthy of nurturing.

The appearance of a dead Peacock is an omen. There are dishonest people around you. They may seem like they’re supportive of your idea. Instead, they will try and steal or undermine it.

Organizations that Protect Peacocks

Like many other Animals, the Peacock populations globally are lessening. In the Congo, the Peacock is listed as vulnerable, while the green Peacock in Southeast Asia is endangered. A fair amount of this problem comes from the loss of natural habitats and the exotic pet trade. If you would like to get involved in Peacock preservation, here are some organizations where you can pitch in.

Adopt a Peacock (World Wildlife Fund)

The World Wildlife Fund works to protect the future of all creatures. They are in over 100 countries working toward healthier climates, rebuilding food systems, forest conservation, freshwater protection, improving ocean health, and conserving wildlife, including the Peacock.

Conservation of the National Bird of India

The Indian Wildlife Act of 1972 made the Peacock a protected BIrd. This puts a greater focus on poaching control, especially in villages that collect and smuggle Peacock feathers. When such individuals are found, they can receive alternative livelihood training.

Protect China’s Last 500 Green Peafowls.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature lists the Green Peafowl as endangered. This organization has legal efforts for protection in the works for conserving habitat. They also aim to heighten awareness about the species.

World Animal Foundation

The World Animal Foundation endeavors to raise awareness about the conservation of animals and finding better solutions.

Greenpeace: East Asia

Knowing there are fewer than 500 green Peafowls in the wild spaces of China, Greenpeace East Asia stepped in and demanded some protection. They were able to halt some mining activities, thus preserving natural spaces. Beyond that, there is an ongoing assessment of habitat, marking boundaries for consideration in Yunnan’s ecological boundary map.

Bombay Natural History Society

The Bombay Natural History Society’s history dates back to 1883. The missing is supporting nature conservation, ensuring biological diversity, ongoing research, and public education. A scientific group focused on the conservation of threatened species and habitats.

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