Goat Spirit, Totem, & Power Animal Symbolism Meaning 1200x1200

Goat Symbolism & Meaning

Is your confidence to climb to the top in need of a boost? Do you need to reawaken the ability to see the world with child-like curiosity? Goat, as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal, can help! Goat teaches you how to navigate rocky territory with ease while teaching you the joys of being a kid again! Delve deeply in Goat symbolism and meaning to find out how this Animal Spirit Guide can support, assist, and inspire you.

Goat Table of Contents

Goat Symbolism & Meaning

Goats are among my favorite Animals! I grew up around them, having had several as pets and show animals. My favorite was a rust-colored Nubian goat named Sylvia. I’ve often heard folks negatively refer to Goats. Never, ever underestimate the ‘ignoble’ Goat. They are as smart and loving as Dogs and Pigs. I trained my Sylvia to do things most people can’t get their Dogs to do. Sylvia helped open my eyes and heart to the world of Animal Communication. When I would lie down in the field, she would snuggle next to me, laying her head on my chest—always on top of my heart. She was one of my best friends, and I miss her every day.

Goat horns have symbolism in many myths and folklore as an emblem of sensuality, determination, health, and vitality. A male Goat represents virility while the female Goat epitomizes reproduction and abundance. In some areas, Goat meanings get mixed with those of Antelopes or Gazelles.

Greek mythology gives the Goat ties to virility, specifically with tales of Satyrs—creatures that are Half-Goat and Half-Man. Another story tells of a Goat allowing Zeus to suckle from it as a baby, allowing the King of all Gods to survive. Later, Goat’s horns became the Cornucopia, adding the metaphysical meaning of plenty, sustenance, and nurturing to Goat’s symbolic meaning. The Goddess Artemis’ sacred Goat is another reference to the creature, but so is the fact that one of Dionysus’ Divine Aspects is the Goat. Dionysus is the God of Wine and Ritual Ecstasy, giving the Goat ties to pleasure, delight, and euphoric experiences.

Then there’s Thor, The Norse God of Thunder. Goats draw Thor’s Chariot into battle. While a myth, the human choice to have Goats be the Animals the God of Thunder puts trust in as He charges into potential danger, says a great deal about Goats’ strength and fearlessness.

People domesticated Goats right around the same time they were doing the same with Dogs. Many parts of the Goat proved useful to travelers, from Goatskin water bags to Goat hair rugs. It’s unfortunate for Goat that the creature was also a Sacrificial Animal, which also may be where the term “Scapegoat” originates. It is hard for some people to understand animal offerings, but it was an act of respect. Any such Animal was precious, and nothing would go to waste. Using this perspective, Goat may symbolize your need to give up something to get something else that’s far more valuable.

Arabic stories give Goat a reputation for having great dignity and composed behavior, unlike the meek and mild Sheep. In European writings, Goat has symbolic ties to the tenacious side of human nature. The Chinese depict male Goats as embodying the Yang principle, overall goodness, and harmony.

Somewhere along the way, followers of Christianity began associating the poor Goat with Satan. During the Middle Ages, superstition had it that Goats could distract the saints by whispering tempting thoughts in their ears. The connection may have come from the idea Goats are lustful, leading to many paintings and drawings of Satan as having a Goat face and horns.

Goat Spirit Animal

The Goat, as a Spirit Animal, makes certain you maintain your balance. Whether climbing a narrow mountain ledge of challenges or walking a calm wooded path, Goat has sure-footed determination. See, it takes only two inches of space for a Goat to gain a solid foothold. Two inches. Can you imagine climbing a mountain with only two inches of Mother Earth beneath your feet? But sometimes, life is like that; if you want to reach for the stars, trust yourself, and find the confidence to lead your own charge. When you do, you can start that climb toward the heavens.

Pay attention to your Goat guide’s gender. A male Goat or Buck, as a Spirit Animal, brings you inventiveness, assertiveness, and the ability to regenerate something you thought lost in your spirit. The Buck also offers you the opportunity to reconnect with Nature and the Animal World Teachers.

The female Goat Spirit, by comparison, nurtures you and feeds your soul. Think about what you lack in your connections with the Divine and the esoteric realm. When the female Goat offers you milk, accept it with the awareness that it’s a sacred form of nourishment. For this moment, Goat is your Nanny, helping feed your soul and ensuring your growth with all things spiritual.

Also, Goat may come to you as a Spirit Animal when you grow bored with life. Goats are the world’s greatest detectives (second only to Cats). Their curiosity knows no boundaries. Allow Goat Medicine and energy to help you explore new experiences and communities. Don’t stay shackled in the pen you’ve created for yourself. Even the tiniest things in life can excite if you’ll be open to seeing them.

Goat Power Animal

Call on Goat as your Power Animal when you need independence coupled with plenty. You are ready to take on something new, and there is no need for guilt. Goat medicine gives you confidence and firm cornerstones for personal or spiritual development.

For those who find themselves stuck or wholly misplaced, the Goat Power Animal gets you moving again. Let that energy take you where you NEED to be for finding answers. Goat may not move swiftly, but slow and steady is best when you start losing balance. Once you’re on your way with Goat guiding, you’ll find the determination necessary for success.

Also, while mostly docile creatures, male Goats should never be underestimated. When battling for territory or mating rights to a female, male Goats will lock horns. The WHACK and THUD of horns hitting horns is like a mini-explosion! Hearing and seeing this in person gives one tremendous respect for the sheer strength and resilience of male Goats. Also, male Goats do not waste energy when fighting. They are patient and do not rush in. If you have a person or situation that you need to face head-on, bide your time. Stay focused. Your chance will come. When it does, do not hesitate. As long as you’ve invoked Goat as your Power Animal you’ll likely come out on top!

Native American Goat Symbolic Meanings


Native American Tribes were introduced to Goats and Sheep during the early 1900s, so there is little talk of Goats in the Native American culture. However, stories reveal Goat Spirit as a service creature and having great curiosity and intelligence. Anything new becomes an item for exploration. Other symbolic values for Goat include tenacity bordering on stubbornness and protection.

Goat as a Greek Animal Symbol

Goats have ties to the Greek God Pan or the Roman God, Faunus. Pan is the God of the flocks and shepherds, but He is far more commonly known as “Lord of the Woodland.” He has the upper body of a man but the lower body and legs of a Goat, complete with cloven hooves. Two horns emerge from the top of Pan’s or Faunus’ head, which later makes it easy to draw a correlation between the pagan God and the Christian Devil.

Goat Dreams

Dreams about Goats may be a pictorial pun that someone is “getting your goat.” perhaps you feel wrongly blamed and have become the scapegoat for someone else. If you see a Goat climbing on rough ground or mountainous territory, you might need to find strong footing in a relationship. If two male Goats are going head-to-head, you’ll enter a period of your life where you need to keep your head down while ramming your way through one challenge after another.

Learn more about Goat Spirit by reading Dreams About Goats on WhatIsMySpiritAnimal.com!

Goat in Astrology & Zodiac Signs

In the Western Zodiac, Goat (Sea-Goat) appears as the Zodiac Sign of Capricorn. Although Capricorn’s symbol is a mythical creature, it rules the tenth house of astrology. The Midheaven defines the tenth house: the highest point of the horoscope. The Midheaven represents the highest aspirations—your vocation, calling, or life’s work. Just like Goats can climb trees and mountains with only the tiniest foothold to keep them balanced and stable, those born under the Capricorn Zodiac Sign can do the same.

On my sister-site, BuildingBeautifulSouls.com, read all about the Capricorn Sign Traits & Personality to learn more about Goat as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal.

Goat Symbolic Meanings Key

  • Scapegoating
  • Stubbornness
  • Protection
  • Conquering Obstacles
  • Defense
  • Harmony
  • Fearlessness
  • Pleasure
  • Sensuality
  • Abundance

7 thoughts on “Goat Symbolism & Meaning

  1. Cassandra davis says:

    Walked in the back yard and a black goat was standing in my neighbor yard gazing in my direction what does it mean

    • Jordan Chick says:

      It means there was good fortune in your past that you missed out on or didn’t realize. Probably was misinterpreted at a younger age. If you think back, it was probably tied to something that was weighing on you at that time in your life or some question you were seeking the answer to.

  2. LDarius Whetstone says:

    I seen 2 black goats with white glowing eyes at night time in my living room just wandering around not aggressively and walked in my living room waking up out my sleep in my dream seen them walking around and one looked right at me and then I woke up

  3. Amanda Lawson says:

    Hi, i went for a hike by myself two months ago right to the summit of Mount Te Aroha and on my way back I set down on a tree trunk to have a drink of water when suddenly a wild white goat came out from the bushes running on the path right in front of me and vanished as fast as it appeared. Than today I went for a hike and could hear this strange noise down the side of the cliff and on my way back down I saw three goats looking back at me a white one black one and a brown white black coloured one and they all hide away as I tried to take a pic of them. Can someone tell me what this means. I have never seen wild goats in my life so curious to know if there trying to send me a message✌

  4. Diine says:

    I had a dream of goats attacking me and my spouse or maybe jumping up in a playful manner; but then I saw the goats heads being smashed. What does this dream actually symbolize?

  5. Laura says:

    So my spirit teacher in the upper world has the head and hooves of a white goat, but they stand upright. They are gender-neutral. They wear white robes with a ceremonial coat over them that changes colour each time I journey. When I met my higher self, a similar looking upright goat-person with black and white markings took me to meet my higher self, who wore a goat mask over their face. Any ideas on what this might mean?

  6. Jess says:

    I was heading to a farmer’s market I’m a vendor at (just not that day, I was going to shop). On the way, there was a goat in the road. Other people had been trying to catch it; I later learned they had been at it for an hour. It ran away from them and I pulled up near this goat (male). He stopped running and starred at me. I rolled down my window and said “hey goat” and he gave me a loud “maaaa.” He was panting hard. I’ve never seen a goat out of breath like that. I felt bad for the poor guy. I pulled over, took the lid off my water cup and let him drink. He didn’t run from me. I had some bread and I guided him off the road with that. The other people that had been trying to catch this goat finally caught up. Not even 5 minutes later, the owner drove up and away went my new friend. I was so shocked at the timing. Had I been a vendor at the market that day, who knows what would have happened to the goat. Would they have caught him? Would he have been hit by a car? Would he have even escaped in the first place? I’m only questioning this because another vendor said this goat was probably my spirit totem. I’m not sure I fully understand what this means for me. I’ve never really heard of spirit totems until now.

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