The 10 Most Popular Questions About Spirit Animals

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When folks find out what a Spirit Animal is, all kinds of questions come up. Then, they try to find their Spirit Animal and more questions come up. Finally, they meet their Spirit Animal and even more questions come up.

Over 4,000 of these questions and comments are here on the pages of The following 10 (and a #11 BONUS QUESTION) are the most popular questions about Spirit Animals.

1. What Is A Spirit Animal

Throughout history all cultures have honored and been in awe of the animal kingdom. Ancient warriors and tribesmen wore the skins or other body parts of the animals they wished to possess the ‘power’ of. The original astronomers named constellations for animals and astrologers assigned spiritual meaning to them. The Native Americans and those who follow its traditions go on ‘vision quests’ to meet their animal spirit guide.

In the Wiccan, Pagan, and Witch tradition, the ‘idea’ of a Spirit Animal is referred to as a ‘Familiar’. And, in Shamanism (depending on who you ask) animal guides are ‘thought form’ rather than the spirit of real animals or they are actual discarnate animals who walk by a person’s side throughout their lifetime.

Many believe your Spirit Animal is who ‘you’ are – your ‘spirit’. Other’s believe animal spirit guides show up to offer support, healing, and love.

With so many different ways of defining “Spirit Animals” and with so many other terms for “Spirit Animals” out there (Totem Animals, Power Animal, Animal Allies, Animal Spirit Guide, et al), I decided that on the term “Spirit Animal” means the following:

A Spirit Animal is a discarnate animal (animal who has passed over and is now in spirit form) who comes to offer aid when your soul or higher-self calls out for help.

The only reason for assigning this meaning to Spirit Animals is to differentiate them from Totem Animals and Power Animals. All three terms (Spirit Animal, Totem Animal, & Power Animal) can mean the same thing. But, for the purposes of teaching folks how to find their Spirit Animal, interpret its messages, and integrate its medicine or teachings it was just easier to give each animal ally or guide it’s own ‘classification’.

2. What Is My Spirit Animal

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At the end of the day, this is a question only you can answer.

Now, as a Spirit Animal Reader, Shamanic practitioner, and evidential psychic medium I often intuit animals that are important to my clients. And, often times, it is the sitter’s Spirit Animal.

Once, I was doing a Shamanic Spirit Animal reading for a new client and I got a tickle in my throat. I said, “Your throat Chakra seems blocked and on fire. You don’t sound or look sick. And all I can see around you are Frogs. Ohhhh, you have a fear of public speaking and Frogs have shown up as your Spirit Animal to support you. Frogs are not afraid to sing their soul song and neither should you be!”

Well the poor lady just about fell out of her chair. The very next day she was supposed to give a presentation at her job. She HAD to give it because her boss was sick and she was to fill in for him. She was terrified! She hadn’t been sleeping and had begun to develop a sore throat. Also, she had been seeing tons of Tree Frogs around her home.

Not every Spirit Animal Reading is that specific. But, in all Spirit Animal Readings just the right animal shows up at just the right time.

As an evidential medium, if a sitter’s grandma had a Parakeet that she loved it might show up in a mediumship reading. In this case, the Parakeet showed up as the client’s Spirit Animal because she was missing her grandmother and the Parakeet was evidence that grandma was OK and with her beloved “Dexter” (The Parakeet – yes, named after the serial killer on the TV show. Grandma was a stitch!) on the other side.

All that said, since it’s YOUR spirit that needs the support of the animal allies it’s important for you to meet and establish a relationship with your Spirit Animal or Animals. Which brings me to the next question.

3. How Do I Find My Spirit Animal

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A Spirit Animal Meditation is a terrific way to find your Spirit Animal. And, if finding your Spirit Animal is truly important to you, if it’s truly a spiritual ‘must-do’ then take a few minutes and read, “How To Find Your Spirit Animal”. In this article you’ll learn how to turn your Spirit Animal Meditation into a complete ceremony.

But, if you’re not the meditation type you can;

  • Pray for the animal allies to make your Spirit Animal known to you via books, TV, songs, and syncronistic meetings with animals and people. For instance, you might be seeing Hedgehogs everywhere. Then while taking the cross town bus you see a person sporting a Hedgehog tattoo! This is spiritual synchronicity.

  • Ask the animal spirit guides to introduce themselves in a dream.

  • Some folks do ‘herbal’ vision quests. I do not advocate this method but for accuracy’s sake I must mention it.

4. Do I Have To Be In Nature To Find My Spirit Animal

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Would meeting your Spirit Animal while on a mountain in Hawaii or Machu Picchu or under a waterfall in the Amazon Rainforest be a magical experience? Of course! But if you’re not going to any exotic places before you want to find your Spirit Animal I assure you it/they will show up no matter where you are.

Some years ago I was on a first date with a fellow who was a trustee at an Eagle’s Club. We went to the club to have a beer and do some dancing but it was closed early. He had the keys since he was a trustee so he opened the door and in we walked. When we turned around to close the door, an enormous Florida Black Snake was curled around the door handle. I knew right then and there I would marry him because Snake is one of my Spirit Animals – especially since I’m a Scorpio and Snake in Chinese as well as Native American Zodiac Signs!

But, bottom line? You ARE nature. So, ‘go within’ and that’s all the great outdoors you need.

5. Can A Person Have More Than One Spirit Animal

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This is one of the most asked questions about Spirit Animals. The answer is ABSOLUTELY!

For those of us who are emotional creatures (especially water signs – Scorpio, Pisces, and Cancer), our moods swing so much we might need the support of a Lion today but tomorrow we might need a Lamb to tame the wild beast. This is true for everyone but especially for those who are more emotional than the average Bear.

Also, you will likely have more than one Spirit Animal as often times what support, wisdom, healing, or love you need at 20 is unlikely to be what you need at 50. Different animal spirit guides for different seasons, I always say. Of course, I also always say that I’ve known Bears were my Spirit Animal before I knew what Spirit Animals were!

As a kid I was OBSESSED with Bears – specifically Panda Bears. In my late twenties, I discovered that my name ‘Bernadette’ is the feminine of the French name ‘Bernard’. Literally translated, ‘Bernard’ means ‘Brave Bear’. Other than Snakes, the animal who shows up most when I’m hurting or need help in any way is Bear!

Also, if your Spirit Animal shows up in a pack or pride OR if a group of different animal spirit guides show up to you, how many animals there are can be a BIG message or omen. So, take a few minutes and read, “Spirit Animal Numerology” so you can better understand what your animal allies are telling you!

6. Does My Spirit Animal Stay With Me For Life

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Some do. Other’s do not. The animal spirit world is comfortable with the one thing we are not – change. Trust your animal spirit guides to let you know when it’s time for them to leave. Thank them and open your heart to the new Spirit Animal(s) who come in to help you.

There’s magic and mystery to how the Great Spirit works sometimes. But, if we stay in spirit it’s always for the highest and best.

7. What If My Spirit Animal Scared Me or I Don’t Like It

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Remember, Spirit Animals come when our own spirit cries out for help. And, our soul, our higher-self, always knows what we need to heal and come back to balance.

Even if our conscious mind has us ready to jump off the proverbial ledge, Spirit (which we are all a part of) knows which animal ally we need. Sometimes, this means looking into the darkness and facing our ‘Shadow Self’. This can be scary. But Spirit never sends anything you can’t face or handle.

Whether in a dream or meditation, on TV, social media, etc. let’s say that a Dolphin shows up as your Spirit Animal. But that Dolphin is sick or injured. That can be shocking and negative from an emotional point of view. But what if you took a job that’s consuming you? A sick or injured Dolphin may show up to let you know that YOU have to change if you want to be healthy.

When was the last time you felt free to ride the waves of life? How long has it been since you belly laughed and played like a child – like a healthy Dolphin? See where this is going?

Let’s say you’re a woman and you’re in an abusive marriage. Also, let’s say that in the quest to find your Spirit Animal you encounter an enraged Gorilla. Can you tell if the Gorilla is a male or female? If it’s female, has Gorilla come to tell you she will help you stand strong and find the courage to deal with the abuse – whatever that means for you? If the Gorilla is male has he come to tell you it’s time to face your fears?

If you’re in a same-sex marriage then you’ll have to figure out what the male or female Gorilla scenario represents for you.

8. How Do I Know My Spirit Animal Is Real And Not A Figment Of My Imagination

You have to trust and have some patience.

Many times students say, “I did the meditation, I asked my Spirit Animal to show up in a dream and got nothing! Maybe I don’t have any animal spirit guides!” There could be a million and one reasons the seeker did not meet their animal ally or allies that day. Should this happen, just relax. Trust that the animal spirit world loves you and wants the best for you. In times that humans might leave you hanging, your Spirit Animal never will.

Why? Because in many ways you ARE your own Spirit Animal.

We are all connected. An Elephant, Bumblebee, and Electric Eel lives inside each and every one of us. When a Koala Bear dies, a little piece of us dies with it. So, if a Koala should show up as your Spirit Animal, that is really a part of yourself showing up in the form your higher-self knows will be most beneficial to you at that moment.

And, feeling. You’ll ‘know’. Be careful not to miss out on a powerful interaction with your Spirit Animal because you discount its visit as your imagination.

Take a few moments and read, “How To Have Powerful, Breakthrough Spirit Animal Experiences”. Hopefully this ‘tutorial’ can help!

9. What Is My Spirit Animal Trying To Tell Me

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Finally, Spirit Animals do not discriminate. They show up for EVERYONE. Further, they’ll show up and talk to you in your ‘language’. Meaning whether you speak French, Russian, or Swahili the animal spirit guides will come to you. If you communicate best by using big words, street language, singing, speaking softly, talking fast, etc. your Spirit Animal WILL know how to communicate with you in ways you can understand.

Recently I spoke to a gal who was making an appointment for a friend who lost her husband. I asked why I saw the color red all around her. She said that the friend she wanted me to read for loves the color red (it’s her favorite color). She went on to say that just that morning she had asked for a sign that she was supposed to contact me and a Red Cardinal flew right in front of her face! The animal spirit guides spoke to both of us in the way each of us could understand.

10. Why Did I See My Spirit Animal “Dead”

There is no death, only a change of worlds. Chief Seattle Quotes 1200x630

Raccoons are your Spirit Animal. You’re driving along and see one lying dead on the side of the road. Lions are your Spirit Animal and you read about poachers killing another one. In your dream, your beautiful Whale is floating, lifeless, in the deep ocean.

As earlier stated, animals are not afraid of change. Most often, seeing dead animals means change is coming. This is a powerful subject so please take a few moments to read my in-depth article “Dead Animals – Symbolism, Meaning, & Omens”.

How Do I Integrate My Spirit Animal’s Teachings & Medicine Into My Life

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THIS is my favorite Spirit Animal question! Since there are so many ways to tap into the medicine, energy, and teachings of your Spirit Animal, below you’ll find a simple list.

  • Ask your Spirit Animal to bring you messages in your dreams or meditations

  • Read your Spirit Animal Meanings.

  • Paint, draw or sculpt your Spirit Animals. Write or sing a song about your Spirit Animal. Creativity is a co-creation with the Great Spirit. I’ve heard tons of stories about folks whose Spirit Animals spoke to them while they were involved in an artistic endeavor. In fact, my own Spirit Animals told me to write this article!

  • Volunteer at an animal rescue or sanctuary. I’m not a fan of zoos but if you’re OK with it then go visit the animals. Your Spirit Animal may not live there but just being around wildlife can help connect you.

  • Create a vision board. Find a piece of or wood or a corkboard and fill it up with pictures, cards, and other memorabilia that remind you of your Spirit Animal.

  • Once you know what messages your Spirit Animals have brought you, be mindful of the times you are not walking in their power. For example, if you want to attend college but are afraid of the finances. And, maybe Squirrel showed up as your Spirit Animal. Squirrels know all about saving up for the winter so the next time you’re about to spend $10 at Starbucks, call on Squirrel to help you, well, squirrel away that ten instead!

  • Watch documentaries and read books about animals – in particular your Spirit Animal.

  • Learn all you can about your animal’s behavior (mating, eating, learning habits, habitat, origins, etc.)

  • Find animal quotes. Print them to carry with you or put on your vision board.

Spirit Animal Questions Wrap Up

There are tons of ways to find and connect with your Spirit Animal. I hope the answers to the Top 10 11 Questions helps you find peace and healing. I hope you find the courage to take risks, make magic, and create endlessly. But, most of all, I hope these answers help you become or stay wild and free.

Stay wild,

14 thoughts on “The 10 Most Popular Questions About Spirit Animals

  1. Jennifer cateaux says:

    My life needs so much Direction I Would love to know my spiritual animal thank you

  2. Tonya Biel says:

    Everywhere I go, in my vehicle, outside, in any ones home, I see spiders..spiders everywhere! I always find these beautiful creatures crawling all over me! I have a doctorate for arachnology but is it possible that my babies are my spirit guides?

  3. Charlotte says:

    How can you distinguish a spirit animal from a totem animal? How can you find your totem and spirit animals?

  4. Corey Jackson says:

    How can I get a reading with you?

  5. Wolfndsgs13 says:

    This has been extremely helpful to read. Weirdly enough, before reading this, I had a feeling that I would completely understand. I also have a couple questions. Is it possible that your spirit animals have names and is it possible that a spirit animal can take over your body and control you? This will get long so be prepared.

    As of right now, I have 10 animals: a female gray/dire wolf named Akira; a female snow leopard who has a little bit of tiger blood judging on that she has stripes instead of spots on her head and an entire front leg has stripes that fade half way up the leg into spots who’s name is Asha; a female Arabian Horse who is the size of a Clydesdale and has the fluff on the feet like one, who’s name is Luna; a female peryton(a deer with bird wings, bird back feet and a bird tail) who’s name is Fawn; a female platinum fox named Tazi(pronounced tah-z); a female lion maned rabbit named Savannah; a female black carcal cat who came the same time as one of my other animals(they are pets who died in a house fire a while back) who’s name is Sky(short for Skylar); a male wolf dog who has the colorings of a shepsky who came the same time as Sky, named Austin; a male cheetah named Haki(pronounced hockey like the sport); and a coyote named Bandit.

    I do know some of my animals past lives. Akira lived in my national park where I live. She wasn’t a stranger to the people who saw her, she was a complete friend to the human population. She had her own pack with a male black colored wolf, they had some family members and friend wolves that joined. Every day she would go to the people that visit the park and she would say hello, by sitting down a little away and let the people see her and let them choose if they wanted to go up to her. One day a couple years later, she was over run by the people running the park. They killed most of her pack members, causing her to hide her only litter of wolf pups. She had 6 pups, a female who looked exactly like Akira named forest who was light brown with some black on her, a black female who’s name is raven, a male pure white pup who was fluffy named cloud, a gray male wolf pup named wolf, a very light brown/tan male pup named dusty, and a male black pup named feral. A little later, she went back to her territory and saw all her pack mates, dead. She chose to go say bye to the people visiting but when she got there, Akira and her mate were shot down and killed. Later on she found out that they were making sure that the national park was safe for the people who visited. The people that loved Akira, were down in the dumps when they didn’t see her anymore. A very long time later, she came to me when I was a baby, I’ve had her since and she’s helped me through so much. I don’t really know about Asha, Luna, fawn, Savannah, Tazi, or Haki but I do know about sky, Austin and Bandit. Sky and Austin were house pets in a village. They were very kind to people and they understood what it was like to be wild, but at the same time, to be loved by humans. Their owners let them roam around the town freely, but they always went back to check on their owners. Later on, they later found out, by listening in on conversations, that there was a fire where the people couldn’t get out. Austin and Sky both chose to go check it out and realized it was their owners in trouble. They both chose to help them get out. Sky made it out safely with all the people stuck in the fire, but she soon realized that Austin wasn’t with her. She went back in and she realized that Austin was in the baby’s room trying to help the baby out. She took her from him and got out. She expected that Austin would be right behind her but she saw he wasn’t. She went back in and saw that he passed out from too much smoke in his lungs. Soon after, she did too. Causing them both to die in the fire. Soon after the fire as out, the towns people soon found out the fate of the both of them. Their bodies, now skeletons because of the fire, were on the bottom floor, laying beside each other from how their skeletons were laid. They both came to me a year ago. Bandit is who I just found out I had. He was a coyote who lived in my home town who was shot and killed for his fur. He had a mate who loved him but before his death, he found out she left him. It’s not that in depth because he doesn’t exactly remember what happened. It took him a bit to remember his name because it was long ago.

    So I do believe my animals are spirit animals but I also don’t think they are at the same time. The reason I don’t think they are spirit animals is because I never meditated or prayed to get them, they came on their own, even when I didn’t need help with anything in my life. Although they are animals that I love a lot and are obsessed of. At times I do see them as a spirit around me, at times when I’m standing, I feel them all around me as if they are an actual body standing there with me, but at other times I hear them in my head talking to me, and sometimes I answer back through my head or out loud, making me look insane to other people.

    I do appreciate this article. It was easy to read and to figure out what a spirit animal is.

    Thank you.

  6. Jessica says:


    I am curious about a small thing. My friend sees Spirit Animals and she spotted a Hored Owl following me…but it was NOT mine. She strongly felt as if the Owl belonged to someone I like a lot and he appeared to be there to tell me something but wouldnt say anything. Only ‘Hoot’.

    I believe her without a doubt, but…why would his Owl be following me?

  7. Kc says:

    Hi the other night I was laying in my bed with my eyes closed and I saw a wolf it was sitting there on top of the Mountain staring at me My partner got out of bed and it decided to come right near my bed thinking why am I seeing this I went through A spiritual awakening Then last night I saw strips either a lion or a tiger I could only say the colour and the strips please help me

  8. mandy says:

    Hi I was wondering about something yesterday and last night I called upon my spirit animal the first time it was a tiger and it told me to stay courageous, stay kind, to stay loyal, and to stay fierce but my spirit animal last night was a bear and it started circling me and giving me scenarios but it told me to stay strong then it just sat down and touched its head to my head stood back up and walked away what does that mean? could it be a sign? also in your article I found lots of bear references can you please help me find out what the bear and tiger mean

    Thank you

  9. mandy says:

    Hi again um what does it mean when your SA comes to you on a beach shore but when you look behind you its a forest and then a tiger, a lynx, a snow leopard, a injured dolphin, a bear, and a black panther, along with an arctic wolf come to you on the beach shore? please help

  10. Soumya says:

    I often see lizards in my dreams, and different dreams about lizards, but I’m very very scared of lizards. Is lizard my spirit animal or totem? Or is it just that living in a tropical country like India, I normally see lizards around me in real life?

  11. Julia says:

    Found my spirit animal to be a wolf. Completely makes sense how our characteristics overlap. My boyfriend seems to be a bear spirit animal– good compatibility! If these spirit animals change, will we not be compatible with each other anymore? (I’m asking more about our core spirit animal, rather than those we have visit us for assistance/during only seasons)

  12. Keira says:

    Hello. So, I’ve pretty much always known the Horse was my spirit animal. But, recently I’ve been feeling a strange connection to a cat that roams around. When I was talking to the spirits, I opened my eyes and the cat was there! Now I am confused. Is the cat now a spirit animal for me? Does the horse just go? I still recieve dreams about the horse so I would think not. I am very confused, if the cat could be a second spirit animal.

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