Spirit Animalscopes: Horoscopes & Tarot Reading for July 2021

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Welcome to your Spirit Animalscopes! This is your unique astrology forecast that’s part horoscopes, part tarot reading, and lots of Spirit Animals! I combine these three modalities to give you a broader overview of the energies for your zodiac sign. Get deep mystic insights for your love life, career, money, and much more. You’ll only find this report at WhatIsMySpiritAnimal.com so make sure to bookmark us or sign up for the newsletter so you get the horoscope for your zodiac sign every month!

July 2021 Horoscopes Overview:
Porcupine Spirit Animal & Oracle Card

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Porcupine represents Wisdom, Courage, & Creativity! Discover the Porcupine’s Meaning, Medicine, & Messages for life-changing insights! Click to buy your copy of The Ark Animal Tarot & Oracle Deck, now!

Channeling inspired ideas.

What destiny is written in the stars this month? Porcupine knows! As your general guide and ally this month, Porcupine, the Sacred Scribe of the Animal Cards, is guiding you to put it in writing!

That is, Porcupine is asking that when you start feeling prickly- be it emotions, doubts, anxieties or excitement, it’s best to journal, write, create books, poetry or any other activity that requires you to take notes, jot down your ideas or feelings or keep track of your dreams.

Just thinking something is fine, but committing it to writing brings you one step further in the manifestation process.

Porcupine is also a powerful messenger who teaches lessons about the importance of silent strategies. Just because you have the power to do something doesn’t mean you have to. Knowing when to put your proverbial cards on the table and when to hold back in silent observation is one of the lessons Porcupine brings.

Humility is powerful now. In fact, in France, Porcupine was symbolic of Knights. While not the King or Queen, Porcupine wields powerful influence, often behind the scenes.

This is where your words come in to play this month. You may be an influential figure in an important decision-making process. Be sure to remain humble, positive and grounded.

This can be an excellent month for any kind of writing, but in particular, you may want to try your hand at automatic writing or inspired writing. If you’re stuck in a rut, let Porcupine guide you. Take out pen and paper and let your subconscious lead the way. You may be surprised at what messages come through.

We begin the month with Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, and Neptune all retrograde. These planets are distant/slow moving and therefore their impact is felt over the course of months or years. In this case, many of the retrogrades will span the summer and last until fall.

These planets also impact larger groups of people such as communities, societies and so forth. When these planets are retrograde, it suggests a time of reflection and revisiting important issues from the past. In particular, matters of power, authority and control are re-examined.

Past losses or issues you haven’t fully grieved are brought to your awareness again, thanks to Pluto’s retrograde in Capricorn. This is also an important time for rethinking how financial, business, and government matters are managed. You may discover long buried secrets that change the way you think about your finances or your career.

Saturn asks you to reconsider the structures in your life. What building blocks are you setting your foundation on? Is it as stable as you imagined? If not, what do you need to release? Time to create new rules to live by.

Jupiter brings attention to your ideals and philosophy. When this planet is retrograde, beginning in Pisces and backtracking to Aquarius, you’re called to consider how your higher beliefs influence your spiritual practice. Something you’ve needed to release may become easier to release later this month, though surprising breakthroughs may ensue.

Finally, Neptune is a planet of empathy, but also confusion, illusions, and delusions. Are you retreating into escapism? Are you putting too much stock in chasing windmills? You may be called to discern fantasy from intuition.

With so many powerful planets retrograde, the impact will be social or community-wide primarily but will also impact you as an individual as individuals are part of society. So large scale changes or past issues on a larger social level that once again come to the surface will impact individual ideas, attitudes and beliefs.

Also of great significance, the ongoing square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. This aspect will also continue for a while as these planets remain within a few degrees of each other. This is a challenging aspect and will generate erratic, surprising and sometimes disruptive changes in matters of health, finances, business and social norms. Breakthroughs can either bring upheaval or miracles, or a mix of both. When Uranus and Aquarius are involved, there’s no sense counting chickens before they hatch. What seems to be a burden one moment may seem a blessing the next moment.

The best thing to do is to try to remain as flexible as possible. Innovation and creativity will see you through. Especially when it comes to futuristic ways of thinking about money, resources, food and health.

On the 3rd, Mars in Leo comes into a square with Uranus in Taurus. This is a significant aspect, but not as far reaching and long lasting as the square between Uranus and Saturn. Mars will ramp up anxieties about status, financial security and may even make you feel on edge for a few days.

The more you can stay grounded, the better. You may feel deserving of admiration and recognition for your talents, while this doesn’t come to pass as expected. You may have to accept the responsibility to lead, inspire or uplift others knowing you’re embarking on a thankless task.

You may also face a situation that brings drama and unease to your comfort zone. A surprise house guest, a difficult colleague or some other surprise may create a rude awakening that leaves you feeling tense. Try to use this energy as motivation to find security and comfort even if it means adapting to a situation outside of your control.

The New Moon is on July 9th is in Cancer. This is a great time to reconcile emotional issues in your relationships. Moving to a new place, redecorating your home or reconnecting with loved ones can also bring a needed energy boost.

Your creative juices may be heightened now, and so can your intuition. Pay attention to the signs and signals you’re receiving. You may also feel more sensitive around this time.

Mercury enters Cancer on July 11th. Any sentimental or emotional communication you’ve been procrastinating on may need to come to the surface now. You can express your feelings more easily now. You may also be more in touch with your intuition. This is also an ideal time to catch up with family and loved ones. Taking trips to visit family or embarking on a family vacation may be in order.

On July 22nd, the Sun enters Leo, followed by Mercury entering Leo on the 27th. This concentration of Leo energy can lead you to feel more confident than usual. You may find it easier to take risks because you can believe in your talents and gifts now. Don’t play small, this is a great time to strive for your dreams and make sure others see your bold, colorful, charismatic side.

The Full Moon on July 24th is in Pisces. This is an ideal time for psychic development, romance, and love. Also, an ideal time for any tasks requiring imagination and creativity. Flex your artistic muscles now, explore your musical talents, let yourself get lost in dance or other activities that connect you to your Muse. Pay attention to your dreams now, they’re likely to be prophetic.

By the 29th, Jupiter rx backtracks from Pisces to Aquarius at the same time Mars enters Virgo. Fortunate breakthroughs and lucky surprises are likely to abound now. With Mars in Virgo, your energy is likely to become more focused and it’s easier to pay attention to practical details. Look out for anxieties stemming from the desire to be perfect. Do your best, but avoid putting excessive pressure on yourself.

Aries Horoscope:
Mouse Spirit Animal & 3 of Pentacles

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Mouse represents the 3 of Pentacles, Innovation, & Resourcefulness! Discover the Mouse’s Meaning, Medicine, & Messages for life changing insights! Click to buy your copy of The Ark Animal Tarot & Oracle Deck, now!

Creating your masterpiece.

Mouse is scurrying into your life this month and the lesson from this tiny but mighty ally is that of diligent effort and resourcefulness. You have all the tools you need to succeed now. The Three of Pentacles also speaks of craftsmanship and the ability to manifest your vision in the physical through hard work and attention to detail.

Like Mouse, you may find that this month you have to keep an eye on the finer details, covering angles that others may miss. In order to do this, Mouse implores you to be mindful of your pace. Are you so busy scampering about that you’re missing valuable clues?

Let Mouse help you to act swiftly when you need to but also to slow down and survey your surroundings. You can be impulsive when you’re on a mission, and this often helps you stay ahead of the curve.

Yet Mouse is asking you to act with greater caution now. Be mindful not to undermine a great opportunity because you’re leaping before you’ve looked. If you feel overwhelmed by work or a challenging task, Mouse is reminding you that you have what it takes to move mountains, even if you do so one tiny piece at a time. Before you know it, you’ll have your foundation set. Take the time to establish your boundaries and set the baseline you need right from the start. This will help you avoid calamity later on.

Though you can be an independent worker and a real go-getter, your greatest success this month will come from collaborative efforts, especially collaborations with small groups. Mouse understands that power sometimes comes in knowing your limits and sharing the tasks with others so that many hands (or paws) can make lighter work.

If you’re tempted to carry the burdens of work and problem solving all on your own this month, stop to consider whether you’re trying to prove something to yourself or if some convoluted idea of strength has led you to limit yourself. There’s no shame in collaborating and asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of wisdom.

On the first few days of the month, the Moon is in Aries coming into conjunction with Chiron. Chiron, the Wounded Healer asteroid, has been in your sign for a while and as it is a slower moving asteroid, will continue to make way through Aries long after this month ends.

While this placement triggers potential healing for many people, at some points the impact on you will be felt to a greater degree. You may have to sit with uncomfortable reminders of past losses, wounds, and traumas. As the Moon comes into conjunction with Chiron, family wounds or wounds related to your connection with your mother, or a mother-figure may be in the spotlight.

You may be painfully aware of times when you didn’t receive the nurturing you needed. Particularly, this may bring to your awareness issues of self-doubt because you didn’t receive the encouragement you needed to believe in yourself or your gifts. Acknowledge this pain for what it is. Yet this is also a time to acknowledge the unique wisdom and intuition that came along with having to figure things out on your own.

You may have an opportunity to nurture others in a way you were denied. Take advantage of this and don’t hold back. You’re likely to find great healing by fostering an emotional connection with others who are like family.

Also, from the first until about the seventh, Chiron in Aries forms a trine first with Mars in Leo and then shortly thereafter with Venus in Leo as well. This first week or so in July is an ideal time to channel your pains and past traumas into creative, artistic and even theatrical expressions. You may get involved with a writing or performance project that helps to educate others about a particular type of wound or struggle that you’ve experienced firsthand.

You may also feel generously supported now in ways that you weren’t in the past. Keep the flow of energy going. The more you recognize your own blessings, the more you may give to others to share in the abundance. This may include tangible resources like food, clothing, or money. It may also be in the form of emotional support, inspiration, and encouragement.

Even if your mentors have been few and far between, this is a good time to remember the difference they made in your life and pay it forward by offering your talents and attention to others.

From the 7th until about the 12th, Venus seems to “chase” Mars through Leo, remaining only a degree or two of distance. These two planets of love and passion are passed by the Moon on the 12th as well.

Initially, you may feel a quickening of romantic and passionate energy. Be careful not to get too far ahead of yourself in love and romance. If you’re in a relationship, this is a great time to celebrate love in dramatic and generous ways. Rather than assuming your partner knows how you feel, go out of your way to remind them and show them through small and large gestures how important they are to you.

If you are courting someone or not in a relationship, enjoy a passionate flirtation now yet also be mindful not to chase someone who is not returning your affection. It can be easy to get caught up in the intensity of emotion and to convince yourself that someone shares your feelings. Look for evidence of this before going all out to woo your love interest.

On the 12th, the Moon’s passage through Leo can add a burst of intuition that helps you see clearly where a relationship is headed. Rather than shying away from drama, a situation may need to come to a head now. It may be difficult to be discreet at this time.

Around the twelfth as well Venus passes Mars, but they remain in close proximity until much later in the month. You may feel as if an energy shift is taking place in love and relationships. The pursuer may become the pursued. A person who was showing affection in passionate ways may seem to cool off slightly. Try not to panic. Look for ways to create stability rather than getting lost in a tidal wave of emotion and desire.

By the 18th, Mars in Leo forms a quincunx with both Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn, both retrograde. Think of a quincunx as having the feeling of walking down the street and suddenly realizing there’s a stone lodged in your shoe. It starts to irritate your foot and may even downright hurt.

Yet for one reason or another, you’re not quite ready to make an adjustment. Perhaps you’re walking alongside a love interest and want to impress them with your delightful conversation. Perhaps you’re hurrying to the bus stop and don’t want to be late.

You know an adjustment needs to be made in order for your foot to stop hurting, but you’re not ready to take your shoe off and dislodge the stone. You try everything, from walking on the ball of your foot to trying to discreetly drag your foot along, hoping no one will notice. Of course, they do notice. And finally, you’re able to sit down, take off your shoe, and remove the stone.

This is what quincunx energy is all about. Your ruling planet, Mars, is having one of these awkward I-don’t-want-to-change-but-I-need-to moments in relation to Pluto and Neptune who are both significant planets, also both retrograde.

You may have a nagging feeling from the past now. Perhaps a memory dredged up to the surface, perhaps a haunting suspicion that something you thought was resolved really wasn’t. You can try to ignore it, but with Neptune in Pisces involved, it will likely start showing up in your dreams, your fantasies, and even your intuition.

You may have been operating under a fantasy assumption that all is well when it isn’t. Chances are, this situation has to do with work, money, or both. Pluto’s influence will feel like intense pressure to dig deeper, to break away, to start over.

Mars in Leo may make you want to put on a smiley-face mask and convince everyone you’re fine when you aren’t. The more you fool yourself, the less anyone else will be convinced. It’s far better to examine what needs to be adjusted or released and strive toward it. Sometimes with a quincunx, even when the awareness is there the timing is off.

So, if you’re being compelled to pursue a new job, but it’s not panning out, at the very least keep putting your energy and effort toward the change you know you need to make. Things will fall into place as long as you don’t try to hide from the many signs you’ll be receiving.

On the twentieth, the Moon in Sagittarius trines Chiron in Aries. While not as intense as the conjunction, this trine can make it easier to work through and resolve the issues brought to the surface earlier in the month when the Moon passed by Chiron.

Those issues related to nurturing, belonging, security and family may be turned around into strengths by now. You may feel a strong connection to a group who acts as surrogate family. Perhaps a discussion with a maternal influence brings about greater healing and understanding.

Your intuition will now serve you as a blessing rather than feeling like a restless force beneath the surface.

On the 30th, Mars enters Virgo. Your ruling planet has been traversing the sign of Leo, which brings amplified passion, excitement and motivation. As this fiery planet transitions into Virgo, however, you may feel as if someone is slamming on the brakes.

Virgo moves at a snail’s pace and forces you to slow down and pay attention to the smallest details. This corresponds well with the lessons from your ally, Mouse, this month.

Mars in Virgo is every bit as focused and determined but instead of being as bold and outgoing, becomes introverted. Mars in Virgo leads you to scrutinize, analyze and critique yourself and others.

You may feel compelled to be a little heavy handed when evaluating others so it’s important to be mindful of how you give feedback. You may feel highly motivated yet be careful to not procrastinate because of perfectionism.

Taurus Horoscope:
Walrus Spirit Animal & 8 of Cups

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Walrus represents 8 of Cups, Exploration, & Discovery! Discover the Walrus’ Meaning, Medicine, & Messages for life changing insights! Click to buy your copy of The Ark Animal Tarot & Oracle Deck, now!

The wisdom to walk away.

Walrus represents the energy of the Eight of Cups. This can be a challenging energy to face as it corresponds to the need to know how and when to cut your losses and move on.

Though Walrus is coming to you now as an ally for the month, this card is also inverted. This suggests that you may be guided intuitively to abandon a project, step away from a relationship, or move on from a project that you feel quite attached to.

When a card is inverted, it doesn’t negate the meaning. Rather it suggests obstacles or detours are likely. You may have to work through your own emotional stake in a commitment that just isn’t working. Perhaps you believe that love conquers all and this is keeping you attached to a relationship, giving your all with the hope that someday things will change.

Perhaps you fear the unknown and this keeps you devoted to a job that no longer stimulates your passion. Perhaps your earthy stubborn streak is making it hard for you to see a situation for what it is.

Whatever the specific case may be, Taurus, this month Walrus is encouraging you to see your worth and value. This includes the value of your time, energy and emotion. Sometimes the best act of love is not to hold on to a toxic dynamic, but rather to let go. Sometimes the greatest strength is knowing that you have done all you can do and that your energy is better spent elsewhere.

Struggling to fight an uphill battle may feel like you’re a Walrus trying to navigate dry land. It’s possible, but not as smooth and easy as Walrus’s motions once they enter deep water. The surface level solutions may seem like they should work, but they aren’t. Time to dig deeper and get back in alignment with your true passion.

If you’ve strayed from your home base, try to find your way back to center. Only from this standpoint can you really bring about the changes you want and need.

On the first, Uranus in Taurus forms a square to both Saturn in Aquarius still but also to Mars in Leo. This can create the underlying friction you may need to boost your motivation. If you’ve become complacent, especially in work and career, your level of comfort may actually be stifling your creativity.

This corresponds to the message from Walrus, who is urging you to let go and move on. Uranus can bring unpredictable changes and shocking surprises. Saturn in Aquarius in an ongoing square to Uranus in your sign of Taurus, can send shockwaves into your sense of comfort in career or in your circle of friends or community.

This can be a wake up call for you and can urge you further and further toward a dramatic breakthrough that is long overdue.

At the same time, the additional square to Mars in Leo can inspire you to overestimate your standing. You may assume to have the approval of others when such recognition or approval hasn’t yet been earned. You may also see the best in a person or situation without realizing that you’re building your ideal image up in your mind and not seeing your circumstances accurately.

On the fourth, the Moon comes into conjunction with Uranus in Taurus. Though you’re not one to lose your head and give in to emotions, it may be harder than usual to not give in to intense, erratic, and restless emotions. Anxieties about money may be heightened now. This may in part be due to an actual change in financial standing but may also be due to anticipation or fears of what would happen if your circumstances change. Try your best to ride out this wave of intense emotion. The more you can avoid being reactionary the better off you’ll be.

On the fifth, Venus approaches a conjunction with Mars in Leo and also comes into an opposition with Saturn in Aquarius. The erratic and unpredictable energy of Aquarius, both from the Saturn aspect and Aquarius’s ruling planet being in your sign, will be prominent for you this month.

When Venus comes into conjunction with Mars in Leo and opposition to Saturn in Aquarius, impulsive decisions in love and romance or even impulsive purchases can lead to unexpected surprises. It’s hard to say whether these surprises will manifest as “good,” “bad,” or somewhere in between. This is because Uranus/Aquarius energy is by nature unpredictable.

What you can expect is a sudden change in circumstances in love. If you’re single, you may suddenly meet and fall for someone who seems to be unconventional or break all the rules. If you’re happy in a relationship, you may discover something that shocks you about your partner or sudden restlessness may bring friction into the relationship.

You may feel tension between comfort, security and stability and a desire to break free and make unusual choices to live your best life on your own terms.

On the 8th, Venus in Leo comes into a square with Uranus in Taurus. This further incites excitement and even a bit of drama. You may find it hard to keep a low profile now. An argument may escalate to a scene, be mindful of workplace decorum as you may jeopardize your reputation in an instant by reacting to intense feelings.

It may also feel as if others are intruding on your proverbial territory. Even if this is the case, you may need to act swiftly but be mindful of not losing control. Your reaction may be dictated more by erratic impulses than by rationality. Practical skills are among your greatest gifts and yet it may feel as if you’re disconnected from these skills now.

By the 12th, lineup of conjunctions, Mars, Venus and Moon in Leo brings heightened focus to your image, talents and status. You can be humble and don’t crave the spotlight, but that may change now. It may be easier for you to attract the attention of others. You may even become more flexible about your highly constrained, disciplined emotions and let yourself give in to passions now.

This can be a great time for romance, especially passionate affairs. Just be careful about your expectations. Sexual chemistry and an emotional connection may lead you to believe you’ve found the One, but this is not an ideal planetary alignment for long term commitment.

A relationship or romance may help you recognize your strengths or inspire you to advance in your career in some way. It may be easier for you to take risks that wouldn’t seem worth it under other circumstances.

On the 22nd, Venus enters Virgo. This is an ideal time to delve into practical matters and set a secure foundation when it comes to what you value most. Be it career, family, a partnership, or a combination of these things, Venus in Virgo helps you pour through the details of your plans and routines making sure things are secure and sustainable as possible.

A break from the intense and passionate energy that swept into your life earlier in the month, Venus in Virgo brings things to a speed that will feel more comfortable for you, Taurus. Slow and steady is your preferred momentum. You’ll be better able to regroup now and may feel more at ease especially in love. A new relationship that may have begun intense and dramatic now falls into place and proves reliable. Any difficulties can be sorted out now, just be careful not to become overcritical of those you love.

Venus in Virgo opposite Jupiter in Pisces on the 22nd-25th brings a time of reckoning especially in love and romance. If you’ve been caught in fantasies and illusions, the truth will become clear now. Yet this is also a good time to balance your practical down to earth nature with your creative side. Give yourself permission to dream big now, you don’t have to sacrifice your rational side in the process.

On the 28th through the end of month, Venus in Virgo squares off with the North Node in Gemini. This is an important aspect for personal growth and evolution. Circumstances beyond your control may compel you to consider options you weren’t open to before. The more you can be flexible the better.

Though you prefer predictability and repetition, breaking into new routines or exploring ideas or teachings that are out of your current scope can prove fruitful for you in the long run.

Gemini Horoscope:
Polar Bear Spirit Animal & The Star

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Polar Bear represents The Star, Success, & Rejuvenation! Discover the Polar Bear’s Meaning, Medicine, & Messages for life-changing insights! Click to buy your copy of The Ark Animal Tarot & Oracle Deck, now!

Coming back to center.

Though you may have had your share of trials and tribulations lately, Polar Bear is sauntering into your life this month to remind you that your aspirations aren’t out of reach.

If difficulties sent you on a detour, it’s time to come back to center. Regroup now. You may feel like entertaining options that lean toward the extremes, but it’s the middle ground that will see you through this time.

Yet like Polar Bear, you can withstand unusual climates. Symbolically speaking, you may have the emotional and spiritual fortitude to go venturing into new frontiers now. The Star, like Polar Bear, reminds you that transformation is on the horizon and even on your darkest day you are still being guided by powerful spiritual forces.

You are being asked to hold out for the path that truly suites you. No cutting corners now, Gemini. Let Polar Bear guide you to cross into new terrain so you can set the foundation you were meant to rather than settling for a substandard option.

Polar Bear offers protection as you grow into your spiritual awakening and power. You can find that your intuition is accelerating now as well. Trust your higher vision even if all signs point away from your wishes coming true.

As this month starts out, your ruling planet Mercury is direct in Gemini after a period of retrograde. The biggest stirrings of activity comes from fellow mutable sign, Pisces. Currently, both Neptune and Jupiter, each retrograde, are traversing the sign of Pisces.

Though Pisces is a water sign and yours is an air sign, you share the traits of being adaptable, flexible and almost chameleon like. You may become confused by various beliefs or emotions that seem natural and instinctive to you but that lead you down a rabbit hole of confusion.

At the same time, illusions or fantasies may be exacerbated by Jupiter’s amplifying effect. Though you’re typically rational and quick-witted, you may be distracted by fantasies or lose track of what you really believe. Part of your adaptive nature is that you can be flexible and understanding. Yet the downside is that you can become so impressionable that you lose track of your own core beliefs.

Remember that Polar Bear is working with you as a messenger now for just this reason. You can become blindsided by desire now as well so be sure to keep yourself grounded.

By the sixth of July, Mercury in Gemini comes into a square with Neptune in Pisces. At this time, the Moon is traveling through Gemini as well. Any misunderstandings or wishful thinking accumulated in the past week may come to a head now.

Your anxiety may be heightened as you now have to sort out intuition from illusions. Yet taking the time to express yourself in creative and artistic ways can help you sort through the many messages your subconscious wisdom is trying to impart. Try to work through a conflict rather than tiptoeing around it.

By the 8th, the Moon conjuncts Mercury in Gemini and Mercury also comes into a quincunx with Pluto in Capricorn. A full description of the quincunx pattern is described in the horoscope for Aries for this month, but to recap, a quincunx is an aspect that describes tension building because an adjustment or change is needed.

Though you may feel that something is brewing beneath the surface, due to self-induced inhibitions or external restrictions, you may not be able to make the needed changes right now.

As if you’re growing into your strengths and capabilities, this can be an awkward and uncomfortable time, but it requires attention to the growing pains. Don’t shy away now. Rather step into your power and trust that you’ll be able to find your feet.

So the Moon and Mercury quincunx Pluto in Capricorn suggests you’re being prepared for a dramatic change that involves some loss, transformation and rebirth. This is particularly true when it comes to career and financial standing. What makes you feel secure may prove to be quicksand rather than concrete.

Pluto has a magnetic energy and may compel you to examine deeper fears and underlying core issues you’ve been avoiding. There’s only so much energy you can put into bailing water out of a boat before you realize it’s time to patch the hole or risk sinking. This moment of decision is on the horizon, and you are being prepared to adapt to a transformation that may not be comfortable at first but will eventually serve your growth.

By the 10th, the North Node in Gemini is in a trine to Saturn in Aquarius and will remain in this aspect for some time. Any Karmic issues that require your attention will be brought to light and most likely in surprising and unusual ways. Destined friendships may blend with dramatic insights that lead you to break away from your routines or complacency.

This is a good time to rewrite your playbook and consider options that didn’t seem feasible to you before. Dramatic changes will help you to surpass your expectations and discover what you are capable of.

On the 12th, Mercury comes into a trine with Jupiter in Pisces just as your ruling planet is entering Cancer and in the coming two days will come to form a sextile with the Moon in Virgo. You may feel more sentimental and emotional now and this can be challenging for you.

You prefer the comfort of your intellect and the distance of your playful, lighthearted side. Emotions overwhelm you so when Mercury enters Cancer and comes into a trine with Jupiter in sensitive Pisces, you may feel like a tidal wave of emotional issues are rising to your awareness.

As Mercury comes into a sextile in a few days with Moon in Virgo- also ruled by Mercury- you may feel a bit more anchored. This is a great week to work on healing, emotional connection in relationships, overcoming emotional wounds and expressing yourself through the performing, musical and visual arts.

As much as expression is warranted now, you may feel tongue tied. And this is not easy for you, Gemini. You’re typically never at a loss for words. Yet Jupiter’s Piscean influence and the transit through Cancer can bring subconscious and spiritual matters to the forefront and you may become acutely aware that words fall short.

This is why expressing yourself through symbolic language and acts of love and affection can be more suitable for you now.

On July 19, Mercury in Gemini comes into quincunx with Saturn in Aquarius. This awkward energy of needing to break with tradition, especially in your style of communication or ideas you may have about work, career, finances, and your social network, may be thwarted by bad timing or insecurities that hold you back from embracing the changes needed now.

Try to sit with discomfort now as you shift into a new acceptance of changes beyond your control or modify your attitude or beliefs in some important way.

By the 23rd, Mercury in Cancer is opposite the Moon and Pluto in Capricorn. The shifts you’ve felt occurring beneath the surface recently may come to the surface now in dramatic and unavoidable ways. You may be ready for a complete overhaul in your career or a dramatic change of residence.

Secrets come to the surface now and this can help you to let go of resentments from the past, particularly those involving family or authority figures in your life.

By the 30th, Mercury approaches a conjunction with the Sun in Leo. Though the Sun typically enhances and strengthens what it touches, when planets approach the Sun they are said to be “combust” and so the protective power of Mercury as your sign ruler is diminished.

Think of it as spending too much time in the Sun and getting burned. Your strengths of analysis, charm, communication and intellect may be slightly distorted now. If you’re exhausted, burned out or frustrated, you may have a more difficult time conveying your message now.

Cancer Horoscope:
Bald Eagle Spirit Animal & The Emperor

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Bald Eagle represents The Emperor, leadership, & awareness! Discover Eagle’s meaning, medicine, and message for life changing insights! Click to buy your copy of The Ark Animal Tarot & Oracle Deck, now!

Establishing your territory.

This month, Bald Eagle is soaring into your life with an important and powerful message. All the careful and vigilant effort you’ve put forth is paying off now. The friends or loved ones who doubted you or thought you were being too cautious may now marvel at your successes.

Rather than take your current stability and empowerment for granted, step back and recognize it came from many choices that involved sacrifice, patience and discipline. Knowing your power includes knowing your limitations.

Bald Eagle can help you reach new heights now but also requires you to be honest with yourself about what is truly needed to create stability in your life. The Emperor is all about protecting your foundation. A sustainable path is more important than schemes that promise easy wealth and quick fixes.

You may also feel as if you are awakening to greater spiritual connection this month. Keep your eyes on your target even in the face of those who don’t understand or are prone to judging. You’ll do better to lean into your connection to your guides and ancestors than if you rely simply on logic alone.

This month begins with the Sun in your sign square the Moon and Chiron in Aries. The Moon is your planetary ruler, so while this planet moves quickly and touches off many aspects on a regular basis, these many shifts will impact you more intensely than the average person. No wonder you have a reputation for being so emotionally sensitive.

Kicking off the month, the Moon is conjunct Chiron in Aries and this can lead you to confront old wounds related to belonging especially in family. You’re sensitive to rejection and abandonment and old wounds may be revisited today even if you are perfectly secure in current relationships.

The goal now is to review the impact these past traumas have had on you, particularly wounds related to your connection to your mother or mother figure. You can be highly sensitive to subtle cues now and may jump to conclusions, assuming the worst of others when it’s not warranted.

Instead, try to glean some wisdom from the unique intuition and perspective your past wounds have helped you develop. You may be sought out by others to share your unique gifts as a role model. Whether you’re a parent or not, you may have a chance to nurture others even as you had to find your own comfort and security in the past.

The square between the Moon in Aries and the Sun in Cancer. By dealing with the difficulties and frustrations dredged up by your past traumas, you may have an awakening that helps you understand your true gifts. You may gain the confidence to be true to yourself because you had to work so hard to get comfortable in your own skin and this is a lesson you may now get to share with others who are still struggling.

On the fourth, the Moon comes into conjunction with Uranus in Taurus and both square Mars in Leo. Uranus is unpredictable, so to say ‘expect the unexpected’ is an understatement. The Moon’s conjunction with Uranus in Taurus can shake up your feelings of security, especially when it comes to health, work, and finances.

You may have to get used to a dramatic change set in motion beyond your control. A memo at work may dictate the need to change your routines, schedule, or other aspects of how you’ve always done your job. This can make you feel unsettled.

In finances, an unexpected bill related to home or health can feel like a setback now. Trust that you’ll be able to weather this storm and try not to get too distracted by emotion to see your options clearly.

On the fifth, the Moon, not yet out of Taurus, comes into a trine with Pluto in Capricorn. This is an intense and exciting week for you, though it may also seem quite stressful. On the fifth, the Moon’s trine to Pluto can compel you to retrace your steps and face a pending loss related to something that has kept you feeling secure and stable.

Whether a financial loss, a loss in status, a drastic change in rules or policies that make you feel as if you’ve been uprooted, you’ll likely be feeling heightened anxiety about your ability to maintain the lifestyle you’re accustomed to.

Try not to panic now. Look for opportunities to completely makeover your career. Though you don’t like change, an “out with the old, in with the new” attitude can be helpful now.

The following day, on the sixth, the Moon comes into a trine with Saturn in Aquarius. By now the Moon is in Gemini. This brings a positive and inspired shift in energy from the seemingly dire changes to security and stability of the past several days. The Moon in Gemini helps you to be more flexible and consider all your options.

In addition to this, the Moon’s trine to Saturn in Aquarius can work on your intuition to help you imagine the dramatic changes and breakthroughs you truly need now. Even if the changes in store don’t happen all at once, at least now you’re better able to envision how all this upheaval can actually work in your favor. You’re being guided toward your growth and purpose, even if the path is rocky.

New Moon arrives on July 9 in Cancer. You’ve been working up to a moment of sweeping changes, greater clarity and the courage to take initiative. You may find a new place to live or make an exciting change to your home. New developments in family can also bring relief and joy.

This is also a great time to embark on a new path in business. Your intuition is heightened now and can help direct you toward the bridges you need to cross.

On the tenth, the Moon opposes Pluto. You may feel like you’re torn between two decisions. One option involves investing in home, family and relationships, the other ties you to a career decision that can increase your status.

How much energy you give to one option or the other as you try to balance this path is up to you. Yet you may have to overcome insecurities and deep-seated fears in order for either option to be effective.

A secret about your past, particularly about your family, may come to light now and this can throw you off balance. Yet you’ll ultimately be able to heal and strengthen your confidence because all facts are out in the open now.

On the twelfth, the Moon, Venus and Mars are in a lineup in Leo. Your confidence can grow in leaps and bounds today. You may get up the nerve to take the next steps in a romance. Your inspiring personality and magnetic charm may also make it easier for you to attract new love. Make a scene and show your talents openly, Cancer. A little drama will go a long way now.

On July 14th, the Moon in Virgo opposes Jupiter in Pisces. This placement can enhance your intuition but first you’ll have to work harder to discern fact from fantasy. You may vacillate between buying into illusions and discrediting legitimate intuition because you don’t want to be fooled by your own desires. Take your time to balance your psychic nature and rational analysis.

By the 18th, the Moon in Scorpio comes into a trine with Mercury in Cancer.
This can also help you articulate your vision and intuition. Where you may have struggled previously with conveying your feelings, you’ll be better able to dig deep and put your subconscious wisdom into words.

You may also carry yourself with greater authority now, pushing back on those who try to overstep your boundaries and asserting your thoughts and feelings. Flirting, romance, sexual expression and even difficult conversations may be more successful now. It’s also a great time to negotiate growth in business.

By the 23rd, the Moon is in conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn, and both are opposing the Sun in Cancer. Any areas of your life where your insecurities have led you to sabotage yourself will be in focus now. Particularly if this sabotage has involved finances, career, family or traditions related to your past.

You may have been giving up on your own unique needs in order to care for others so much that it becomes expected. If this is the case, reclaim your identity as more than a people-pleaser and caretaker. You may also have a chance to deal with underlying insecurities and fears that keep you stuck in relationships or jobs that are not satisfying to you.

On the 26th, the Moon passes by Jupiter in Pisces, and this can help you fine tune your connection to Spirit. Your dreams may be more prophetic now and your intuition is likely to be broadened. Delve deeper into your spiritual path now, blending the arts or music with your spiritual practices can be healing and transformational.

And on the 28th the Moon passes into a conjunction with Neptune in Pisces.
Where Jupiter magnified your nurturing, empathic and intuitive gifts, Neptune pulls the boundaries down and helps you completely open up. This is a great time for channeling, occult studies, complete emotional healing and clearing, and making powerful emotional connections to others.

Leo Horoscope:
Fox Spirit Animal & Knight of Wands

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Animalscopes images from award winning, best selling “The Ark Animal Tarot & Oracle Deck”. Click to buy your copy NOW!

Winning through cleverness.

Fox is lurking in the shadows now, but have no fear. This crafty, cunning animal is coming into your life as an ally to help you find your way out of any difficult situation. As Fox corresponds to the Knight of Wands, this month you’ll be called to think on your feet.

You’re already known for your creativity and charm, so Fox can relate well to your energy. Now it’s time to take a cue from Fox and let your sharp wit and intellect lead you to success. When you find yourself in a jam, reflect on what Fox would do.

One of the lessons Fox teaches is that there are no adversaries and even a problematic situation can prove to be a blessing in disguise. Fox can be an archetypal Trickster and as such reminds you that things aren’t always what they seem.

Are you falling for illusions now? Fox will help you see through to the heart of the matter. You may have to make a swift decision or improvise. Procrastinating and overthinking won’t serve you now. Take stock of your resources and be mindful of your surroundings now, you’ll need to know where you stand when the time comes to act.

This may also be a good time to channel your charisma as your ability to talk your way into an influential position or out of a conflict will be important. Fox loves to save the day, so you may also find yourself in situations where acts of heroism are warranted. If this is the case, evaluate whether the risks you’re taking are worth the payoff.

This month starts with both Venus and Mars in Leo, though not in a conjunction. On the first, Mars is in an opposition to Saturn in Aquarius. This opposition remains in place until about the ninth.

This month will feature a lot of intense energy in your love life, relationships and finances. The opposition between Mars and Saturn can bring erratic changes and even some drama in your friendships or network. You may have to overcome some tension between your personal ambitions and your obligations to your community, friends or society at large.

Matters of establishing independence while remaining connected to friends and important people in your life will rise to the surface. You may have difficult decisions to make regarding maintaining a tradition or breaking away and creating your own path now.

You may also have big plans and ambitions that are frustrated by limitations or policies beyond your control. Remember, Fox is working with you to find a way to have the best of both worlds now so look for opportunities even when it seems your path is blocked.

Also, from the first until about the tenth, Mars in Leo will be in a square to Uranus in Taurus and a trine to Chiron in Aries. The square to Uranus can shake up your financial plans. You may have expected to be ahead of the game only to have a rude awakening. Perhaps a change outside of your control forces you to reconfigure your budget. You may also have to find deeper motivation to work through some difficulties in order to establish your comfort and status.

You may face unexpected stumbling blocks that make it difficult for you to succeed in your goals now but don’t give up, work with your ally, Fox, to make the best of a dramatic change in plans. You’ll be able to land on your feet with a little creativity and gumption.

Mars forming a trine to Chiron in Aries creates opportunities for healing and release of past wounds and traumas. It may be that through the conflict brought to the surface with Uranus in Taurus, namely distress related to money, security, comfort or health, you are able to dig deeper and heal from a past pattern related to old wounds and traumas. Not only that, you’ll also have an opportunity to step into the spotlight and help others who are working through similar wounds.

By the eleventh, the Moon is transiting Leo and Mars and Venus are in a conjunction. By the twelfth, the Moon, Mars and Venus are conjunct each other in a Stellium in Leo. During this time, your love life may be sizzling hot. You may stand out in a crowd and your attraction energy is likely to spike.

Don’t be surprised if people come out of the woodwork to show admiration for you. You may also have an exciting, adventurous reunion with family now. You can find it easier to wear your heart on your sleeve. Your generous nature will be likely to shine now as well.

Trust your instincts. You may be moved to pursue opportunities in the performing arts or leadership roles at work. This can be a great time to do anything requiring you to be in the spotlight because you’re likely to influence others just by being yourself.

On the fourteenth, Mars and Venus are in an exact conjunction in Leo. Plan a passionate night with a loved one. If you’re not in a relationship, take full advantage of the enhanced attraction energy today. Fall in love with your own strengths and beauty and that vibe will easily attract the attention of others. A night of flirting, fun and passion may be in store.

This can also be a great time to advance business or work in new directions requiring creativity and courage. Be bold now, don’t hide in the shadows. Take a risk and you’ll be surprised at how your dreams can manifest.

On the sixteenth, Venus in Leo trine Neptune in Pisces and this is another great aspect for love and romance. A flirtation from earlier in the month can blossom into something more. You may soften into your deeper emotions now and your potential for compassion and empathy is increased. This is also a great time to meet a soul mate or come to understand a partner or love interest on a spiritual level.

You may get carried away now so be careful not to let illusions and wishful thinking distort your judgment. Also, as much as you can be generous with others, this is a good time to keep an eye on your credit card balance or checkbook as you’ll be tempted to go overboard indulging yourself and others.

Enjoy your favorite pleasures now, your creativity can soar under this aspect so save time to make art, music or engage in other expressive activities.

On the seventeenth, the Sun in Cancer is opposite Pluto in Capricorn. Though you’ve been enjoying quite a bit of love and euphoria, today you may get a wake-up call and have to make a decision of a more serious nature. You may be challenged to make a dramatic change in your career or business now. Striking a balance between obligation to family and loved ones and obligation to work and other responsibilities won’t be easy. Though if you put the effort into weeding out distractions, you’ll be better able to get your priorities in order.

On the nineteenth through the twenty-second, both Venus and Mars in Leo are in a quincunx to both Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn. An awkward scenario may develop from a relationship you thought was going great. Don’t backtrack now, there’s no reason to give up on the relationship but rather to adjust your expectations. You may be feeling some growing pains now as you get to know how to work with a partner in a collaborative way to restore harmony.

On the twenty-third, the Sun enters Leo. As your Solar Return approaches, you may feel like reflecting on your strengths and how you’ll channel your courage, confidence and creativity to pursue your goals for the year.

On the 28th Mercury enters Leo. It will be easier for you to express yourself now in bold and creative ways. This is a great time to participate in performing arts or to give a dramatic or impassioned presentation. This is also a great time to plan for dramatic goals, aim high now as you’ll find strategic ways to achieve your dreams.

On the 29th through the end of the month, Mars in Leo comes into an opposition with Jupiter retrograde entering into Aquarius. You may feel restless or anxious about your friendships or status. Rather than pushing a personal agenda now, step back and look for creative ways to diffuse the intense energy. This is an important time to work on balancing your personal needs with obligations to others. A mission or project that involves service to others or following your higher ideals can face friction now as your vision may not garner support from others.

It’s better to try to find harmony and balance now than it is to dig in your heels. Take the time to align your higher aspirations with your plans for personal success now and you’ll come out on top.

Virgo Horoscope:
Elephant Spirit Animal & Justice

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Animalscopes images from award winning, best selling “The Ark Animal Tarot & Oracle Deck”. Click to buy your copy NOW!

Getting afairs in order.

This month, your animal ally is the noble Elephant. This animal is known for their empathy, sentience and intricate social structures. The Elephant also corresponds to the Justice card which represents not only the energy of Karma and balance but also of the spoken and unspoken codes that form our social contracts.

You’re typically conscientious, Virgo, and this month your motivation to find truth and integrity serve you well. This is not a time to slip a little nor should you cut corners now. Elephant reminds you that no one truly “gets away” with anything. There’s’ a consequence to every action.

If you’ve been following an illusion or if your interpretation of your instincts have deceived you, Elephant will help to set the record straight. This is the time to get things in order and return to your core mission. Trust your gut but also follow your integrity now.

The slow path may be the most solid in the long run, there’s no rush to the finish line now. One of the lessons from Elephant is that although you are quite independent, you don’t live in a vacuum. Everything you do has a ripple effect somewhere else in the world, even if you never see it. With this in mind, be conscious of your obligations to the larger community and to future generations.

If you aren’t considering the ramifications of your decisions now, you’re missing part of the lesson. Elephant will help you course correct so that you can align your actions with your responsibilities to be of service to the larger community.

This month begins with Neptune and Jupiter both retrograde in your opposing sign, Pisces. Though you prefer objective practicality to fantasy and wishful thinking, you may realize early in the month that plans, ideas and even relationships you thought were solid aren’t what they seemed to be.

This is an important time for deeper reflection. Your intuition will be heightened now yet this is still a good time to balance your gut instinct with analysis and observation. Channel your creativity in ways that help you organize your work, home or routines.

By the sixth, Neptune in Pisces comes into a square with Mercury in Gemini. This is an ideal aspect for any tasks that require intuitive development, spiritual connection, and artistic expression. You may begin to think in more symbolic and artistic ways, seeing the archetypal energies at play around you. This is also a great time to notice the synchronistic connections leading you on your path.

One thing to look out for during this aspect is the potential for confusion or muddled thinking. This is not typically a problem for you, Virgo, but during this time, it may be more difficult than usual for you to see things clearly. This is because you are used to seeing things as black and white and suddenly not only are shades of gray apparent, but also every color in the rainbow.

If you’re finding it difficult to focus or problem solve, don’t be hard on yourself. Instead, realize that you are delving deeper into a different paradigm of thinking and problem solving. One which is more intuitive than logical.

By the seventh of July, the North Node, Moon and Mercury are in a lineup in Gemini though not in a close conjunction. This focuses a lot of energy in the sign of Gemini for now and it can be a great time to take a class, write a story or give a presentation. Your network or circle of friends may be instrumental to personal evolution or growth in your career now.

On the eighth, the Moon and Mercury are in a conjunction in Gemini and Mercury is in a quincunx aspect to Pluto in Capricorn. Your intuition and logical processing are perfectly aligned now, and you can clearly articulate matters that baffled you a few days ago. This is a great time to collaborate with friends and do some networking to catch up with people who may be influential in your career.

While you’re thinking of your next steps in career, be aware that the quincunx between Mercury and Pluto can cause some stress. You may have some ideas about where you’d like to go in career but find obstacles on your path. Some of these obstacles may be out of your control- larger systemic issues for example or a matter of timing. Other issues may stem from your own beliefs regarding innovation and breaking away from the past.

This is an important time to release any past insecurities or fears that keep you from branching out in a new direction. Facing the potential for some loss or transformation can be intimidating now as you fear the unknown. Take steps to build your confidence now and you’ll be ready for a significant career change soon.

On July twelfth, Mercury enters Cancer and forms a trine with Jupiter in Pisces. Your focus may come to matters of home and family. This is a good time to make plans to improve your home or make updates that add to the comfort and security of your home or business. Family relationships can also be in the spotlight now and communication with family can lead to healing and greater empathy.

This can be a great time to move in with a loved one, host a party in your home and reconnect with family and friends, or enjoy a romantic evening at home. Planning a family vacation or planning to enhance your family or home life in some way is also indicated now.

Your vision for an ideal family or business can lead you to instinctively make moves to nurture your goals now. You may also find that it’s easier to soften into your emotions than usual.

On the fourteenth the Moon in Virgo comes into a trine with Uranus in Taurus. Though Uranus can be unpredictable and bring shocking changes, this trine is usually benevolent. This is a good time to embark on a dramatically different plan for health routines including diet and exercise. Rather than making slight modifications, you may find yourself going all in on a new routine that involves some unusual practices.

Making a drastic change as part of a group rather than going solo can be beneficial now. You may also find the comfort and security to make a dramatic change to your business, finances or work. Although you may have put a lot of time into plans and strategies, you may surprise yourself by making a sudden commitment that you hadn’t planned on.

Be open to the wild and unexpected now. Unusual solutions will work out better than the tried and true path.

On the fifteenth, the Moon in Virgo comes into a trine with Pluto in Capricorn. Changes initiated with the trine in Uranus may come to a crescendo now with the Moon’s trine to Pluto. A definitive change leads you to a point of no return, though this sounds ominous, it’s the moment of reckoning you’ve needed. Take the plunge Virgo, you won’t be disappointed.

This is an important time to let go of expectations based on the way things used to be. Embrace a dramatic transformation involving work, traditions and daily routines that will improve your stability and security in the long term.

On the seventeenth, the Sun in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces. You tend to veer toward the serious (read, cynical) but today you may feel more optimistic than usual. You can find it easier to nurture your goals and see the positives, especially when it comes to matters of home and family.

This is also a great day for affection, romance and dabbling in the arts. Use your imagination and let your inner child play today. This is an ideal time to enjoy a meal with family, entertain at home, or cuddle with a love interest.

On the eighteenth, Mercury in Cancer comes into a square with Chiron in Aries. You may feel insecure about your relationships, especially with a close loved one or family member. Something a loved one says may trigger wounds from the past. Try to sort out the difference in your loved one’s intention as opposed to the past trauma that has been triggered.

By sitting with the discomfort and working through the conflict, you may become more intuitively connected to the people you care about. You may be able to empathize with others more because of your reckoning with your own past wounds.

On the twenty-second Venus enters Virgo and enters an opposition to Jupiter in Pisces that lasts a few days. This aspect presents a transition from a time of romance and affection to a greater focus on the practical aspects of your relationships.

You may feel less emotionally connected now and focused on the intellectual bond you have with others. Be careful about the temptation to be too critical of your loved ones now. You can use your skills of analysis and observation to help empower others but be mindful of how you deliver your message.

You may become frustrated because a relationship isn’t flourishing as quickly as you would have liked. Rather than giving up because things have gotten complicated, draw on your problem-solving skills and work through dilemmas so you can create a solid foundation in the relationship.

On the twenty-sixth Mercury in Cancer comes into opposition with Pluto in Capricorn. You may have to make a crucial decision regarding your work and this choice will have an impact on your homelife and family relationships. You may not be able to have your cake and eat it too right now, so finding a way to prioritize your immediate goals is important. Some aspect of your career may need to be carefully examined. Is your work really providing the security you need? Or have you outgrown your career and it’s time to move into something new?

On the thirtieth, Mars enters Virgo and Mercury will be a few degrees into Leo. Mars entering your sign can bring greater focus and energy into your daily life. You may have an added pep in your step or feel more energized. It may be easier for you to work out or wake up early. When it comes to work, you’ll likely have more stamina and confidence, helping you to go the extra mile now.

This is a good time to tend to responsibilities and work that require extra energy, strength and focus. Mercury has also entered into fiery Leo and so an added boost of passion is also working in your favor.

Take a calculated risk and your measured steps will lead to success. This is a good time to take initiative and not waste time overthinking things.

Libra Horoscope:
Duck Spirit Animal & The Sun

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Pekin Duck represents The Sun, Abundance, & Joy! Discover the Pekin Duck’s Meaning, Medicine, & Messages for life changing insights! Click to buy your copy of The Ark Animal Tarot & Oracle Deck, now!

Leading with love and joy.

The height of summer may also bring an influx of good fortune and success for you, Libra. Duck is waddling into your life as an important messenger. With your feathered friend comes the radiance of the archetypal Sun card from the Tarot.

You may find that the dreams you’ve been striving toward for months are finally coming to fruition. Bask in the glory you’ve earned now, the fruits of your labor may easily fall into place.

This can be a great time to share your positive perspective and attitude of optimism and gratitude with others as well. You may have an easy time seeing the silver lining while those around you are less certain. Don’t hold back now, you can be an influential mentor for those who need a dose of optimism.

This can be a month of dynamic growth and evolution. The sky is the limit now so be open to taking big steps forward. Although you can be indecisive, Libra, your intuition is helping you to find the courage to take needed risks.

As the month begins, your ruling planet Venus is turning on the heat in your love life in the sign of Leo. Venus in Leo can be bold, brash and colorful. As your sign is one of love and beauty, this is a great time for a dramatic makeover that makes you feel excited to show off your unique style.

You may feel compelled to do something dramatically different with your hair, wardrobe or makeup or to get a new tattoo or stand out from the crowd in some unique way. You can easily attract the attention of others now and this is a great time to go out for a night on the town. Staying home or working late won’t serve you now as well as attending a party or social event.

If you’re already in a relationship, a spicey, exciting adventure is in order. Perhaps a romantic road trip or night of dancing and music. This is a great time to show off the best of your talents and creativity even in a partnership. You tend to acquiesce to the needs of your loved ones, but you’ll get farther now by putting yourself first.

By the fourth, the Sun in fellow Cardinal sign Cancer is square to Chiron in Aries. At the same time, Venus in Leo comes into a square with the Moon in Taurus. The square between the Sun and Chiron can stir up some unconscious wounds from the past. Revisiting a time when you felt alienated or rejected, or when you had to nurture yourself and find your own confidence because your early caregivers weren’t available can resurface now.

This is an important time to work on healing these wounds. By doing so, you can find the empathy and intuition to inspire others who are currently experiencing similar wounds.

The square between Venus in Leo and Moon in Taurus can create friction between the way you want to express your self-worth, love and affection and the restrictions you may have to work through. You may be tempted to splurge on your favorite luxuries while having to contend with limited finances. You may also feel that a loved one is not showing the appreciation you deserve. Try to work to come to common ground rather than going the path of jealousy and drama.

By the seventh, Venus in Leo forms a trine with Chiron in Aries. The old wounds triggered a few days ago may come to offer blessings in disguise now as a change in perspective helps you find greater confidence and self-worth because you were able to transcend a challenge on your own.

This is also a good time to use your creative and artistic skills to transform a challenge into a call to action. You may even use your own experience to advocate successfully for others.

By the ninth, Venus in Leo forms a square with Uranus in Taurus. You may have to work through insecurities in order to break out of your comfort zone and shine in the spotlight. Your true passions may awaken now, and you may be compelled to break with convention to show your true colors.

You may have to work through some self-doubts, but this is an important time to come to a greater appreciation of your gifts and talents. You can become more comfortable in your own skin if you work on self-esteem now. It may be comfortable to play small, but you’re being called to step into your own power now.

On the twelfth, the Moon, Venus and Mars are in conjunction in a Stellium in Leo. The energy of creativity, power, charisma and drama is heightened because of this concentration of planets. Auditioning for a performance, applying for a job involving leadership and creativity, pursuing a love interest, or strengthening a relationship are all indicated now.

You can find it easier to express your feelings on a grand scale now. Your generous nature is also heightened. You may feel all fired up and will have greater conviction and energy to act on issues you’re passionate about. Your dreams may be amplified now and it will seem easier to strive for what you desire.

On the sixteenth, the Moon transits your sign of Libra. Your intuition is heightened now, and you may feel more sensitive to the feedback from others. Try not to become clingy in a partnership, remember that you have all you need to stand on your own ground.

This is a great time to foster the connection with family and loved ones. Your nurturing gifts are highlighted but be clear about your boundaries and try not to seek approval from others in order to find self-validation.

Your dreams may be powerful and prophetic now. This can be a great time to unleash your deeper subconscious desires and vent your emotions in creative ways. Cathartic release through writing, painting, or other expressive arts can be deeply healing now.

On July twenty-second, Venus enters Virgo and comes into an opposition with Jupiter in Pisces. Venus, your ruling planet, becomes more stabilized, practical and patient in Virgo. Having just come out of a phase of passionate desire and excitement in Leo, Venus now helps you to sort out reality from idealism.

To help in this process, the current opposition between Venus in Virgo and Jupiter in Pisces can cause some conflicts in relationships. This is actually beneficial. It’s helping you to slow down and discern illusion from reality. You may have built up a partner or loved one, placing them on an unrealistic pedestal. If you have, use this time to establish boundaries and become more reasonable about your expectations.

You may feel as if a veil has been lifted and you’re finally seeing things clearly. Don’t worry if you are surprised by the outcome. There’s always time to change your mind especially if wishful thinking led you into a path of distraction. Rather than acting on expectations from the past, clear the slate and focus on the information you have to sort out today.

On the twenty-sixth, Mercury in Cancer comes into opposition with Pluto in Capricorn. You may have to face a serious decision now and finding the right solution requires you to face inner fears and insecurities. You prefer to hope for the best and take a passive approach, but this transit asks you to take initiative. Something about your career path, traditions, or both needs to change dramatically. Taking charge of the situation will better enable you to create security at home and within family relationships. Just doing nothing will not serve you now.

Though you may feel as if a weight is bearing down on your shoulders, this aspect is trying to help you to ultimately release what is no longer needed in your life. Some type of baggage from the past in work or relationships is stunting your growth now. Best to dig deep and get to the root of the matter than to try to skate by on wishful thinking. You may have to draw on your assertiveness and speak your mind directly. Take measures to do so and you may be surprised at your own sense of power and authority.

From the twenty-seventh through the end of the month, Venus in Virgo comes into a square with the North Node in Gemini. The North Node is a mathematical point in the Moon’s orbit and is associated with destiny and personal growth.

This is an important time to harness conflict and use the friction in your own favor. You may feel intimidated by an opportunity that seems daunting and desirable at the same time. It’s not too much to accomplish if you think of it in small steps. Break down the process into actionable goals and you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish now.

A change in health routines, work, or an intentional break in habits will help you discover your true calling. You are drawn to partnerships but also tend to hide behind your partner’s accomplishments and image. Time to break that cycle and push yourself forward so that you can evolve personally.

Scorpio Horoscope:
Blue Footed Booby Spirit Animal & 2 of Swords

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Animalscopes images from award winning, best selling “The Ark Animal Tarot & Oracle Deck”. Click to buy your copy NOW!

Owning difficult choices.

The Blue Footed Booby is working with you this month, inverted. This brings the energy of the Two of Swords and typically corresponds to a difficult decision. Yet inverted, this card suggests your task this month is to go back over a past option or decision and delve deeper into the facts.

It’s no surprise that Blue Footed Booby is working with you, or that the card shows up introverted this month, Scorpio. One of your planetary rulers, Pluto, is currently retrograde in Capricorn. This suggests this is an important time for careful consideration that allows you to change your perspective. Challenge the assumptions you’ve already made.

While you don’t want to get stuck in a paralysis of “what ifs,” overthinking your options, you also want to make sure whatever path you choose you are willing to stick to it come what may.

You may not have a perfect option now, but know that you are maneuvering new territory one step at a time. Gaining solid footing for the short run may be good enough now. You prefer to have control and want to try to have your entire path mapped out but this may be unrealistic now.

For this month, trust that going from one stage to another will help you elicit what needs to happen next. Remember, you may not be fully aware of all the resources that will be at your disposal in the near future.

You can be drawn to hide in your introverted state and take cover until things are sorted out. Yet this is not helpful now. Your best bet is to speak your truth now but don’t overpromise. Articulate what you know to be true and become your best advocate now.

Your planetary co-ruler Mars begins the month in Leo with a trine to Chiron in Aries and opposition to Saturn in Aquarius. Mars in Leo is dramatic, passionate and exuberant. You may be tempted to show off your talents and be more open and expressive. Initially, the trine to Chiron in Aries puts the spotlight on past wounds related to rejection or alienation. As you work through these wounds, you’ll become more confident in yourself. You may also realize that overcompensating for insecurities is unnecessary and you can be authentic and courageous.

The opposition between Mars in Leo and Saturn in Aquarius may force you to contend with a conflict between your own personal ambitions and desires and your obligation to the larger community or society. A needed breakthrough is on the horizon now. Try not to let tradition or the status quo keep you limited.

By the third, Mars in Leo forms a square to Uranus in fellow Fixed Sign and your opposing sign Taurus. You may feel impulsively drawn to making needed changes and while this is a great step forward, you won’t get as far as you’d like until you contend with practical issues around your finances.

You may be overestimating how much of an investment you need to make in order to succeed now. Don’t confuse practical value with flashiness and status. Aim for quality and practicality even if it means you aren’t able to be as carefree with investing or spending as you would like.

An unexpected bill or expense may also leave you feeling insecure about your status, yet you can work through this setback if you apply your tenacity and creativity to the task.

On the twenty-fifth, your planetary co-ruler Pluto comes into a trine with the Moon in Taurus. This is a perfect time for Scorpio-esque talents like digging beneath the surface to discover your core sources of power and drawing on your intuition and persistence to succeed in career.

Reinvention and rebranding in career may be in order now. Don’t shy away from a major overhaul in both your work and attitude toward work and finances. You may be motivated by wealth, power and status but as you search your soul, you’ll discover that a passionate attachment to your mission is really your underlying motivation. This will help you create a solid foundation as you won’t want to cut any corners.

On the seventh, Uranus in Taurus forms squares with Saturn in Aquarius and Mars in Leo, while Mars and Saturn oppose each other, creating a triangle. The square between Uranus and Saturn may challenge you to let go of control and change your expectations. If you’re trying to launch onto a new path, particularly in career and health, using the paradigms that used to be status quo will prove frustrating.

Things may be changing faster than you can comfortably keep up with, but this may be because you’re trying too hard to outmaneuver the Powers that Be. The more you can go with the flow now the better. Innovation is your friend, stretch farther from your comfort zone and follow your higher ideals. The rules of the game may seem to change just as you were getting comfortable.

Though you may have to deal with shocking news related to your finances, security, health or career, try to not get lost in rebelling against what is. Instead, put your energy into navigating the choices you’ve been given. The biggest source of friction may come from the square between Mars and Uranus joined with an opposition between Mars and Saturn.

Mars represents your personal ambition and to some extent your ego. Saturn and Uranus challenge the expectation that your efforts will lead to things unfolding on your terms. Especially with Mars in individualistic Leo, you may have to make some concessions to allow for greater flexibility.

This is not a loss, nor should it become a battle of wills. Rather it is an opportunity to align your personal sense of mission and purpose with the needs of the collective, even if this means adapting your plans in some significant way now.

On the twelfth, a Stellium or series of conjunctions between Mars, Venus and the Moon in Leo helps to concentrate this energy in this courageous, passionate and powerful sign. This is a great time to be seen and heard. It’s also a good time to network with influential people and pursue a love interest.

Project an image of strength and confidence even if you’re not fully feeling it yet. Optimism will go a long way today and you may make important connections that can boost your career and help you establish yourself as an influencer or leader.

By the thirteenth, the Sun in Cancer is opposite Neptune in Pisces. Time to sort out your deeper emotional needs and discern who and what are really nurturing you. False friendships, illusions and deceptions may come to light now. Rather than hiding in your shell or going on the defensive, this is an ideal time to work on healing a relationship that has been conflicted.

The truth can set you free now but you may have a lot of baggage to unpack in the process. Taking the time to do this will prove fruitful. Your best bet is to draw on your empathy, sensitivity, intuition and creativity to come to a new understanding of what has triggered the rift in the relationship in the first place.

The following day, the fourteenth, Mars comes into a conjunction with Venus in Leo. Passions and romance are amplified now. You may have more energy to devote to someone or something you love. What you value most will be in the spotlight, and you’ll be ready to take a risk to make sure you are successful.

This is also a great time for work that relates to performance, the arts, entertainment, and having the public spotlight. Admiration and attraction are enhanced now.

On the fifteenth, the Sun in Cancer comes into opposition to Pluto in Capricorn. Revisit your mission and be ready to shake off anything that has weighed you down and blocked your progress. This is a time for catharsis and even physically purging your space of excess can be healing and transformative today.

Think of this as a time of rebirth both as far as your sense of home and comfort and also your sense of stability. You may need to put the finishing touches on a transition related to your career or business now. This is not an ending but is a profound new beginning and the epiphanies you experience may help you find your footing and further revise your mission.

On the eighteenth through the twentieth, the Moon transits your sign of Scorpio. This is a great time for communing with your Ancestors and any psychic work in general. It’s also an ideal time to receive psychic messages through your dreams. Healing, especially emotional healing and recovery from obsessions and addictions, is favored now as well.

You may feel more compassionate and find it easier to let your guard down. Your romantic and personal connections may be strengthened now as you make a concerted effort to attend to others’ emotional needs. A ritual for transformation and healing may help you find your center now.

On the twenty-third the Moon comes into a conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn. You may finally come to a deep emotional acceptance of areas of your life that require healing, examination and change. Facing a loss can bring great empowerment now and your emotional strength can become the bedrock of your purpose now.

Your power is in your vulnerability today. You can work on letting others see your sensitive nature and not lose face. Know when to let go of control and drop the masks you use to remain an enigma.

From about the twenty-seventh until the end of the month Mars in Leo will be in opposition to Jupiter in Pisces. You may feel all fired up but have no outlet for your passion and energy now. You’re on the brink of a major breakthrough that can expand your audience and promote greater healing, compassion and empathy with others yet there is more ground to cover.

Making an adjustment to your beliefs or attitudes can help you unleash your power and promote your message of healing and hope to a larger audience. Try not to let insecurities or doubts stand in your way now.

On the thirtieth, Mars enters Virgo. You may become more meticulous, and detail oriented now. This is an ideal time to whittle down to fine points and use your skills of analysis to fine tune your daily routines. Health may also be in the spotlight now and while you’ll generally be inclined to have more energy and enthusiasm, you may need to channel this wisely. Not having enough physical activity can result in mental restlessness and agitation so be sure to give yourself outlets for your energy now.

Sagittarius Horoscope:
Flamingo Spirit Animal & 2 of Wands

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Flamingo represents the Two of Wands, Balance, & Possibilities! Discover Flamingo’s Meaning, Medicine, & Messages for life changing insights! Click to buy your copy of The Ark Animal Tarot & Oracle Deck, now!

Standing tall in your truth.

This month, Flamingo is coming to you as an animal ally. Yours is a sign that loves to travel and venture to new places, and now Flamingo is encouraging you to do so with grace and balance.

You’re often too independent to worry about the intricacies of diplomatic communication, yet Flamingo encourages you to mind your words this month. Your proposals and plans will be successful if you aim for transparency and openness.

You don’t have to sugar coat your message (you wouldn’t, anyway) but this is an important time to express your ideas clearly. Rather than taking it upon yourself to do everything on your own, you may be in a position to collaborate with others in order to succeed.

Balance will be necessary this month so strive to keep your footing as you navigate changes now. You may have to integrate your emotional and intellectual needs rather than suppressing your feelings in favor of your rational side. The more you slow down and reflect on your inner wisdom, the more likely you’ll be to align with your higher ideals now.

This is a great time for manifestation work because your creative energy is heightened, and you’ll be able to connect with others and find support for your endeavors. If you feel awkward venturing into new territory, stick with it. Hold your head high and keep putting one foot in front of the other, you’ll be able to transcend the obstacles on your path.

As a fun side note, Flamingo is also appearing to help those born under Pisces this month, so considering the synchronicity it may be helpful to also cross-reference the guidance for Pisces as well as your personal horoscope.

As July begins, your ruling planet Jupiter, is retrograde in Pisces. Also, Neptune is retrograde in this sign as well. As Pisces is a fellow mutable sign this energy reverberates in your life. You can be idealistic and optimistic though you tend to prefer following your instincts and intellect.

Yet this month, emotion and intuition prevail. You may become more sentimental than usual. Your attention to spiritual matters increases. You can be more concerned with healing and expressing yourself in creative, artistic ways this month as well.

You may be more romantic this month as well, also a slight change of pace for you. Though you are loving and compassionate, you tend to be independent and free thinking. But this month, you may become more concerned with how your actions impact others or how others are feeling. This can also make you feel stuck as you’re used to just following your passions and operating on impulse.

Taking the time for introspection and meditation can help you form deeper relationships and overcome past emotional wounds.

On the seventh, the Moon, North Node and Mercury are in alignment in Gemini. Gemini is your opposing sign and therefore the energy of the North Node, Moon and Mercury will challenge you to confront something you’ve been keeping hidden beneath the surface.

The North Node is not a planet but a mathematical point in the Moon’s ellipsis. It represents personal growth, evolution, and stretching outside of your comfort zone. The Moon is a messenger from your subconscious and speaks to your emotions and intuition. Mercury is the planetary Messenger and triggers communication and intellectual insights.

At this time, you may have brilliant epiphanies that challenge you to change your views on important matters such as your personal philosophy and beliefs or even about your friends and connections. Through a combination of intuition, intellectual scrutiny and what may seem like chance encounters, your new ideas and perspective will help you advance toward your purpose.

On the eighth, the Moon in the final degrees of Gemini is in a trine to Jupiter in Pisces. This can feel like a time of intuitive awakening. Your dreams may offer powerful healing insights and it may be easier for you to express how you feel about a loved one. Feelings in general may be a hot topic today, try not to shy away from expressing your vulnerable side.

On the tenth, Venus and Mars are in a conjunction in Leo, which is the sign that trines your sign. This is an excellent time for attraction both in finances and romance. You may find it easier to get attention if you resort to some theatric tactics to stand out from the crowd.

Passions are high now. If you’re in a relationship, watch out for jealousy and possessiveness. Make the most of this energy by planning an exciting romantic getaway, pamper your love interest and yourself.

If you’re not in a relationship, this can be an ideal time to pamper yourself and be open to an exciting or dramatic courtship or affair. A relationship started now may be dynamic, but if you’re looking for something stable and sustainable, best to take things slow at least until the end of the month.

You may be tempted to idealize a partner or love interest and placing them on a pedestal can lead to disillusionment if you’re not keeping your expectations reasonable.

By the twelfth, Venus and Mars in Leo are joined by the Moon. Your subconscious desires may start to influence how you view a loved one. Be careful not to project your insecurities or needs onto a partner. If you are clear about how you feel, a relationship can thrive.

On the thirteenth the Moon in Virgo is opposite Jupiter in Pisces. Jupiter is also in a trine to Mercury in Cancer. This is an ideal time to bring more practicality and sensibility to your dreams and ideals. Be it love, business, healing or personal life, you may have nurturing and emotional security on your mind but will need to set a firm foundation so that you don’t end up chasing windmills.

By the nineteenth, the Moon in Scorpio is in a trine to Neptune in Pisces. This aspect brings you deep into the realms of the subconscious and calls you to sit with waves of emotion that have been brewing beneath the surface.

This is not a comfortable place for you, but it is a powerful opportunity to heal and delve deeper into your own intuition. You prefer to project an image of confidence and all of this water sign energy can make you feel like you’re wading through muddy waters.

Yet if you take advantage of this energy, you’ll be able to overcome habits and subconscious beliefs and patterns that keep you trapped in a cycle of self-sabotage. A personal energy cleansing or clearing of your space may be in order now.

On the twenty-first, Mars in Leo comes into a quincunx with Neptune in Pisces. A quincunx presents an opportunity for growth but will initially feel as if you are out of your league. Walking through the tension and discomfort now will help you to become more confident in yourself as a creative person, healer and leader.

This is an ideal time to work through your insecurities and break addictive habits that distract you from your larger purpose. A challenge you may not feel ready for, especially one in romance or personal life, can help you step up to the plate as a role model or inspiration to others.

On the twenty-second, Venus in Virgo comes into an opposition with Jupiter in Pisces. Now that Venus is in a more grounded earth sign, romance or love interests from earlier this month may become more settled. If a relationship is sustainable it may become clear now. If not, you’ll know clearly that it is time to move on.

Illusions you may have had about your finances, business or a love interest may be pierced now by a reality check. Take things in stride now, try to find a balance between your hopeful, optimistic side and your practical needs.

By the twenty-sixth, Mercury in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn. You may have to recalculate your plans especially with regard to business, work, family and traditions. This is an important time to let go of baggage associated with your past.

This isn’t usually hard for you to do, Sagittarius, because you don’t like to be held down by anything weighing on you. You may feel inspired to uproot yourself now and make dramatic changes to your routines.

From the twenty-seventh through the end of the month, Mars in the final degrees of Leo is in an opposition to Jupiter in Pisces. Tension that emerges now is helping you to discern truth from fantasy especially when it comes to your status in relationships or business. If you’ve been overestimating yourself or your potential, a course correction will be in order.

This isn’t a sign to give up, it may just mean your plans need to be adjusted. If you’ve underestimated yourself, feedback you receive now will put any insecurities to rest.

On the twenty-eighth, Jupiter retrograde re-enters Aquarius. Your ruling planet is now backtracking into a sign that is more compatible to your energy than watery Pisces. Issues that were prevalent in your personal life in summer of 2020 may be brought back to the surface. You may find yourself reconsidering or re-evaluating issues related to your network and circle of friends now as well.

Organizations or clubs you’re a part of may be a source of inspiration and epiphanies that may lead you to revise your expectations. You may come up with sudden, surprising and brilliant ideas now but find that the timing is not quite right. Your plans may be stifled now but this is only a temporary setback.

Give yourself time to thoroughly explore your options before trying to break free or created change in your personal life. Your time will come but for now and in coming months your plans are still in a formative and creative stage.

Capricorn Horoscope:
Pigeon Spirit Animal & Oracle Card

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Animalscopes images from award winning, best selling “The Ark Animal Tarot & Oracle Deck”. Click to buy your copy NOW!, now!

Channeling the Divine.

This month, Pigeon is flying alongside you to guide you on your path. Pigeon is a humble bird with powerful meaning. While you prefer to keep your head down and work the days away, Capricorn, Pigeon is reminding you to look up.

Look to the skies now. Pigeon, as the archetypal messenger, is winging by to encourage you to speak up as well. You don’t have to be a one-person island, Capricorn. In fact, you’ll be more successful now if you pass along information that helps others to come to your aid.

It’s not easy for you to ask for help. Yet Pigeon is helping you to understand that you are another thread in a larger tapestry and aren’t meant to do everything on your own. In fact, Pigeon also represents love, relationships and homelife.

Faithful friends and loved ones are waiting for an opportunity to support you as you manifest your dreams. Know when to delegate tasks, others want to be part of your success. Pigeon will help you learn to collaborate and trust in the helping hands around you.

As a messenger of the Divine, Pigeon is also helping you to hear the wisdom of your own intuition. You may prefer the concrete reality of the physical world, but you’re a spiritual being, and Pigeon is helping to remind you that you always have a direct connection to Spirit.

As this month begins, your ruling planet Saturn is retrograde in Aquarius and forming an opposition to Mars in Leo. Your ruling planet is slow moving and many of the aspects it makes will have long term reverberations.

The opposition between Mars in Leo and Saturn in Aquarius challenges you to find your mission and balance your personal ambitions and collective responsibilities. You may have a breakthrough idea related to your work or career path, but will have to make some adjustments to your expectations and plans before you can bring this dream into fruition.

This may also be a frustrating time if you’re ready to plunge headfirst into new endeavors. Responsibilities to family or from the past may feel like obstacles on your journey. Don’t despair, you know how to persevere and in the coming weeks you’ll be able to work through the issues that now feel like limitations.

From the first until about the ninth, Uranus in Taurus forms a square with Saturn in Aquarius and Mars in Leo and Mars and Saturn are in opposition to each other. This formation creates a triangle and also generates tense energy.

In this case, tension is less of a setback and more a motivator, especially for someone like you, Capricorn. You may have to work harder to assert a clever but unusual idea. Others may be skeptical of your new plans and initiatives. You can win over the support of others through diligent effort. Try not to take a harsh, confrontational approach.

The tension between Uranus and Saturn can shake up your plans when it comes to finances. You may suddenly have to face issues outside of your comfort zone. Try to be adaptable now although you prefer a reliable, steady path, relying on tradition to provide the answers may not be realistic now.

The tension between Uranus and Mars can fuel your anxiety. If you’re feeling restless, be sure to give yourself a physical and mental outlet to help you keep a clear view of what your options are. A change of plans may be in order, but it may not be as bad as you’re anticipating.

On the fifth, Pluto retrograde in your sign of Capricorn is in a trine to Uranus in Taurus. Whatever disruptions have started to emerge in finances and business may now escalate into a situation requiring full scale renovation of your business, brand, professional image, or career plans.

You’re being called to release past expectations and undergo a major transition in your professional life. Though you may feel like the ground is shaking beneath your feet, remember that you have more creativity and ingenuity than you give yourself credit for. The changes on the horizon are overdue and will serve your growth going forward. Try not to hang on to the attachment you’ve had to a job role, status, or professional image. It’s time to reinvent yourself professionally.

For most of this month, Saturn is in a trine to the North Node in Gemini as well. Though you may try to resist change, the same conflicts that shake up your foundation now are helping you to advance toward your mission or purpose. Take the opportunity to branch far outside of your comfort zone. Connections you make this month may be fated to help you grow and evolve.

From the ninth through the tenth, the New Moon (Moon and Sun conjunction in Cancer) is opposite Pluto in Capricorn. A great time for new beginnings especially those that require a fresh perspective in home, business and family, nurture a new project that will bring security to yourself and your family. The opposition to Pluto may present some challenges now.

Use this as motivation to confront your deeper insecurities and inner fears. You may need to let go of a vision you once had for what your family or homelife would be in order to accept your situation at present for what it is. Any illusions will dissipate now, face the truth of a sensitive matter so that you can find greater empowerment.

From the eleventh through the end of the month, Pluto is in a sextile with Neptune in Pisces. This is a relatively minor aspect however it will serve to encourage you to refine your ideals and align your vision with reality. Pluto will work with Neptune to dredge up old emotional wounds that need healing now. This is an aspect that is more likely to impact large groups of people (societies/communities) however as Pluto is in your sign, you may feel this onset of catharsis and sentimentality in your personal life.

By the twentieth, Jupiter in Pisces is in opposition to Venus as the planet of love transitions from Leo to Virgo. Your love life and relationships may go from passionate and exciting to serious. Any unfinished business may be sorted out now.

This is an ideal time to see a love interest, partner or loved one for who they are, not for who you want them to be. If you’ve been projecting your wishes onto a loved one, you’ll now realize that this is not sustainable. Find the deeper core that connects you to others.

From the twenty-third through the twenty-fourth, the Moon comes into a conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn, and both oppose Mercury in Cancer. Greater intuition and sentimentality may factor into your decisions now. You may have to overcome distractions now as your full focus is needed in order to create security and comfort in your family and home life now.

On the twenty-sixth, Mars in the final degrees of Leo comes into opposition with Jupiter and the Moon in Pisces. Your ambitions may be frustrated now because fears, insecurities and illusions can hinder your efforts now.

You may have plenty of energy to start on a project that will advance your work only to feel your efforts are dissipated because you’re putting out little fires and talking yourself out of self-doubts. With some effort, you can draw on your ideals, spiritual vision, and intuition to help you find the motivation you need to focus on initiating a new project.

This is not the time to ignore emotional needs. Take time to work on your healing and pay attention to your subconscious desires now.

On the thirtieth, Pluto in Capricorn is in a square to the Moon in Aries. You may have to overcome fears and wounds related to loss or change in order to find your stamina and power now. Take the time to commit to your plans now, try not to get stuck in the past.

Aquarius Horoscope:
Tyrannosaurus Rex Spirit Animal & Oracle Card

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Animalscopes images from award winning, best selling “The Ark Animal Tarot & Oracle Deck”. Click to buy your copy NOW!, now!

Supporting the collective.

Like you, Aquarius, T-Rex is a social creature. This ancient ally is coming into your life now to guide you to find your true source of power. Your T-Rex ally is known for their size but was also known for surprising speed. Their tenacity and instincts toward survival point toward healing and strengthening of your Root Chakra this month.

T-Rex wasn’t only looking out for number one, however. They knew there was safety in numbers and traveled in packs. Have you been spending too much time trying to fly solo, Aquarius? If so, T-Rex may be helping to remind you that your network is your key to survival and success now.

This is a big month for you to hold your head up high and make your strengths known. You may have to think quick or stay on your toes but savvy T-Rex will help you to discern the best moves to make.

You’re in a unique position, with one foot in the future and the other connected to ancient history, and perhaps this is part of the reason T-Rex feels drawn to help you this month. This ancient creature has powerful eyesight, even more keen than the Hawk. You may be guided to survey your horizons carefully now.

As this month begins, your ruling planet, Uranus is in Taurus as it will continue to be for a few years to come. Uranus is forming a square to Saturn in your sign of Aquarius and also to Mars in Leo, which opposes Saturn in Aquarius.

This formation continues until about the ninth and creates a triangle. The points of tension between Uranus and both Saturn and Mars calls your attention to matters of personal security and comfort and obligations to others including your community or even society at large.

You may be called to challenge yourself if your plans involve instant gratification at the cost of stability for the larger community. You may have to use your creativity, innovation and brilliance to adjust your plans. Try to be flexible now, seeing the big picture and not just looking for the next immediate step is important.

A surprising change may challenge your financial plans or leave you feeling uncomfortable. Your anxiety may flare up as you anticipate further disruption, but try to trust in your talents and strengths to see you through this time of transformation.

Saturn is also going to remain in a trine to the North Node in Gemini for the month. This creates an easy flow of energy that will propel you toward your eventual mission. You may find greater purpose now serving the community or helping to establish new programs or structures that benefit the public. Grassroots efforts to create mutual aid or community programs can lead you toward discovering your mission.

On the twelfth, a lineup of the Moon, Mars and Venus is in Leo opposite your sign. This puts much focus on your personal ambitions. You may become more concerned with your own success and desires now, and this can distract you from the valuable lessons offered this month. Love and romance may tempt you to become obsessed with projecting a powerful image.

Rather than feeding into your insecurities, just be yourself now. It’s your humanitarian side combined with your charisma that draws others to you in the first place. A relationship may become rocky as passions collide, try to avoid jealousy and possessiveness now. You may feel your partner or love interest is becoming too demanding of your time.

As an independent sign, this can seem intimidating even if they just want to spend more time with you. Avoid going to extremes now. Assert your boundaries and it is likely that things will become stable in the coming weeks.

On the fourteenth, the Moon in Virgo comes into a trine with Uranus in Taurus. Matters of conflict from earlier in the month, particularly conflict with your finances, may be resolved now especially if you listen to your intuition and trust your instincts. You may find it easier to embrace a change in routines or work now as well.

On the eighteenth the Moon in Scorpio comes into a square to Saturn in Aquarius. You may be called to delve deeper into emotional matters that you’ve been suppressing. Your subconscious holds the key to great power and wisdom now. Take the time to sort out unhealed wounds.

Your ability to detect the intentions of others can be heightened now if you take the time to listen to your gut instincts. You may be in a hurry to create order from chaos, and this can lead you to overlook important clues. Take the time to cultivate your inner sense of authority and try not to allow your fear and insecurities to block you from being innovative now.

By the twenty-fourth, the Moon comes into a conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius. You may feel more intensely emotional, and your mood may be all over the place now. You’re sensitive to the energies around you and your empathetic nature may leave you feeling anxious if you are around people who are angry or excitable.

You can be driven to act impulsively today, whether this works to your benefit or not can be as unpredictable as the energy of Aquarius itself. Try to be mindful of the potential for snap decisions that go against your better judgment.

On the twenty-eighth Jupiter retrograde backtracks into Aquarius and forms an opposition to Mars as this planet moves from Leo to Virgo. Jupiter enlarges and amplifies whatever it touches. As this giant of a planet returns to your sign, don’t be surprised if your intense feelings and desires are magnified. You may feel energized, optimistic and even a bit grandiose.

This is a great time to revisit projects that have been on the back burner since last summer, especially community organization efforts. The opposition between Jupiter and Mars challenges you to keep your efforts right sized even as you feel like you can take on the world now.

Try to focus your talents on helping the collective in addition to empowering yourself. You may have to work to balance your personal desires and your obligation to society at large, but drawing on your ideals and spiritual beliefs will help you with this task.

On the thirty-first, Mercury and the Sun in Leo come into opposition to Saturn in Aquarius. You may feel bold and want to unleash your flamboyant side now but will face restrictions or opposition. Try not to personalize feedback today. It’s likely that an institution such as your workplace, school or spiritual center may not see eye to eye with you when it comes to appreciating your unique gifts and talents.

With some adjustment, you’ll be able to stay true to yourself and express who you are and what you think without clashing with the powers that be. You may be able to integrate old and new today in order to have the best of both worlds. Try not to lose hope if your efforts or ideas aren’t appreciated at first.

Pisces Horoscope:
Flamingo Spirit Animal & 2 of Wands

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Flamingo represents the Two of Wands, Balance, & Possibilities! Discover Flamingo’s Meaning, Medicine, & Messages for life changing insights! Click to buy your copy of The Ark Animal Tarot & Oracle Deck, now!

Searching within to find wisdom.

This month, the Universe is linking you with the sign of Sagittarius as Flamingo/the Two of Wands has appeared for both of your signs. This is an interesting twist of fate at a time when Sagittarius’s ruling planet, Jupiter, is retrograde in your sign of Pisces.

You may wish to backtrack through the report and check out the scope for Sagittarius to see how your fates overlap this month.

As a being of the water element yourself, you may relate to Flamingo in a unique way. This exotic bird loves to frequent the liminal spaces between land and water. Your voyages into the creative and subconscious realms may be marked by epiphanies and bursts of compassion and healing now.

No matter what the path ahead brings, you’ll need to maintain your sense of balance. Walk with grace this month and don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and flaunt your unique style.

This month begins with your ruling planet, Neptune, retrograde in Pisces. By the fourth, Neptune comes into a square with Mercury in Gemini. When Neptune is in Pisces, you would think it lends added strength to your sign, and in some respects this is the case.

For instance, your compassionate nature and sense of empathy are accentuated now. This is also a great time for you to dabble in the expressive arts as your creativity runs high. Your intuition is strengthened as well and this is a great time for psychic development.

The downside of this charge of Piscean power is that your sign is that of fantasy-which empowers your imagination and creativity- but also can lead you to fall prey to illusions and confusion. You may become entangled in your own inner world if you’re not careful now.

Part of the lesson of the square between Neptune and Mercury is to help you sort out what to believe. You may feel like you’re in a house of mirrors and reality is easily distorted by wishes and fantasy.

Yet this square helps to push you to dig deeper. Rather than settling for the quickest answers or those that conform to your desires, this is an ideal time to push beyond your comfort zone. Question your beliefs and plans. Don’t take information for granted without taking both your logical and intuitive gifts into account.

Neptune will also remain in a sextile with Pluto in Capricorn through the month and while this is a minor aspect it is likely to impact you because it involves your planetary ruler. You may find it easier to sense what is missing from your career or business now. By digging beneath the surface and being ready to let go of the past, you can embark on a significant transformation that changes the course of your career. A dramatic spiritual awakening may also be in order now.

On the eighth, Jupiter in Pisces is in a trine to the Moon in Cancer. Your nurturing side can be channeled to help empower a family member or loved one. This is also a great time to pour your creative energies into a business venture. If you need to influence others now take a compassionate approach and your message will go farther.

On the twelfth, Jupiter comes into a trine with Mercury in early degrees of Gemini. At the same time, the Moon, Venus and Mars are in conjunction in a Stellium in Leo. Jupiter in a trine to Mercury enhances communication.

This is a great time for artistic expression, performance, or to give a presentation that involves creativity or relates to spirituality or healing. Your charm is easily broadcast to a large audience now.

The Stellium in Leo concentrates energy in this sign and brings out your bold nature. You may be introverted, but if you’ve ever dreamt of the spotlight today is an ideal day to call attention to yourself.

This can also be a great time for love, romance and passionate affairs. There may be more intensity and drama than genuine emotional connection at present but if you take your time this relationship may surprise you.

Moon in Virgo opposes Jupiter in Pisces on the thirteenth. You may feel tension between your desire for security and routine and your desire for adventure. Channel your wanderlust through shifts in consciousness more so than actual travel now.

On the eighteenth, the Moon in Scorpio comes into a trine with Mercury in Cancer. Your intuition is speaking loud and clear now especially in matters of love, family and home. You may have a passionate romantic encounter today and a relationship may develop on a deeper level now.

This is also a good time to pay attention to your dreams. You may have powerfully prophetic omens and signs all around you now, so don’t dismiss synchronicities as they occur.

On the nineteenth, the Moon in Scorpio comes into a trine with Neptune in Pisces. The gains you made in love and romance recently may take on a new level now. Your psychic senses are also likely to skyrocket. This is an ideal time for creative endeavors, trancework, channeling or other spiritual and divinatory practices.

Emotions run high today. Try to not give in to jealousy or possessiveness.

On the twenty-first Venus transitioning into Virgo comes into opposition with Jupiter in Pisces. After a whirlwind of passionate and fairy-tale like romantic encounters earlier in the month you may finally feel like a relationship is on track for the long run. Routines with a partner or loved one become more concrete now.

You may also feel grounded enough to evaluate a relationship more objectively now. This is a perfect time to balance your desire for emotional connection with the practical aspects of your relationships.

By the twenty-fifth, Mercury in Cancer comes into opposition with Pluto in Capricorn. You may learn some new information that puts a wrench in your plans, especially related to career or home. Face the stark realities head on now and you’ll find your way through this challenge. Your sense of security may be disrupted, don’t let anxieties compound the issue. Realize what underlying insecurities come to the surface and you’ll be able to clear your focus and find the best opportunities in the situation.

On the twenty-sixth, the Moon comes into conjunction with Jupiter in Pisces. This can help to illuminate your subconscious desires and help you to nurture your larger dreams and goals. Reach for the stars now. You may be surprised at how easy it is to work with the power of attraction and manifestation today.

You may also gain favor in a relationship. A secret admirer may come forward and show their love for you now as well. Your charm, compassion and empathy will help you win over the hearts and minds of others now.

On the twenty-ninth Jupiter in Pisces comes into an opposition with Mars as this planet leaves Leo. You may be all fired up and ready to take action now but acting on impulse may take you out of your character. It’s best not to resort to drama now. Instead, let your higher beliefs and moral compass guide you.

This is a good time to shake free any insecurities and doubts about the higher path you’re on. You may feel more confident than usual just be careful not to use this newly gained courage in a confrontational way. You’ve built up an army of admirers, try to leverage your influence rather than burning bridges now.

On the thirty-first Venus in Virgo comes into a trine with Uranus in Taurus. Pay attention to details today and you may be able to take steps to improve your home, health and finances. Attracting the resources you need is easier now. Love and romance can flow into your life today, yet it will take a more practical form.

If your love interest seems detached today, don’t take it personally. Look for little ways to keep the romance thriving through your daily routines. Small gestures go a long way today. You may be called to be of service to others, let your compassion lead the way.

This is also an ideal time to sort out and organize important papers related to your household or career. Though you often have no patience for tedious work, your focus on such tasks is heightened today. Putting your financial affairs in order will help you in the long run.

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