Raven Native American Zodiac Sign Birth Totem 1200x1200

Raven Totem

Ever cawing with tact, talkative Raven is the diplomat of the Native American Zodiac. Raven people have a positive outlook on life that’s contagious, along with a ceaseless quest for harmony.

Raven Birth Totem Overview

Raven is the Native American Zodiac sign for those born between March 21-April 19 (Southern hemisphere) and September 23-October 22 (Northern hemisphere).

In Western Zodiac Signs, this birth totem corresponds to the signs of Aries and Libra, respectively. This Western partnering is one that gives whole new meaning to the phrase, “opposites attract.”

Raven, also sometimes designated as Crow, has a sensitive, romantic side.

The main challenge for Raven is trusting in their decisions.

While they seem to be naïve toward others, they are likewise idealistic and curious to a fault. Beware of “pretty shiny items” – things are not always as they appear.

Ravens spend a good amount of time trying to find the right partner. Sometimes, however, they obsess and miss other opportunities both in relationships and situations.

Certain necessities may also go by the way side until the situation becomes so blatant that Raven simply can’t ignore it any further.

The Native American Zodiac depicts Raven as preferring the company of other Ravens.

They do not do well going solo, and continually seek out a Murder (group of Ravens) with which to “hang out”.

Raven totem people love making others happy but may forget to feed the inner-self and strengthen that same happiness.

Once Raven matures enough to give themselves time, he/she will uncover all manner of personal aptitudes that can now shine through to the surface.

Raven Traits, Personality and Characteristics

Raven resonates with the Cardinal direction of West, the West wind and the Element of Air. Raven’s season is the Month of dead Leaves.

Native American tribes, including that of the Hopi, consider Raven a companion to the Medicine Man/Shaman who assists in spirit walks.

Raven sees beyond the here-and-now into the realms of magic, Nature Spirits and Angels. As a result, Raven people prove highly adaptable, and often find themselves seeking out Occult paths at early ages.

Raven has much potential to help others with their true vision, and are happy to offer aid as needed.

A challenge for Raven is the fact that they want to make others happily so badly they often change their stance to avoid hard feelings.

This empathy helps them tune in, but not at the expense of loosing harmony. When Ravens walks their medicine, they are the keeper of great insights, a sense of justice and balance.

The Element of Air drives Raven toward rapid mood changes and high energy levels. They want to communicate and do so very well.

Ravens are part of the Butterfly clan along with Deer and Otter. All these Native American Zodiac signs love keen minds and enjoy anything that inspires fresh ideas.

The Raven’s sacred stone is Azurite, which is perfect for walking between the worlds.

Azurite promotes psychic clarity, its energy charging through the walls of negativity and falsehood.

Carrying this stone gives Raven improved selectivity. Add to that the properties of Ivy – devotion, good fortune, and well-being and you have a paradigm for success!

Raven Totem Love Compatibility

The “R” in Raven stands for ROMANTIC!

Raven has a deep-seated desire to find that one true love.

While they search for this person, Raven will focus on preparing a space for him or her – something beautiful, yet cozy. Don’t be surprised if your Raven partner uses Feng Shui in the home.

Ravens make dependable partners provided they have a strong monogamous relationship. Such fidelity is rewarded by Raven’s on-going quixotic efforts. This includes in the bedroom where they seduce and attend with attention to little details other lovers miss.

The best Native American Zodiac signs for Raven companions are Owl, Otter, Deer, Falcon and Salmon.

Raven Totem Animal Career Path

Raven is well suited to careers that focus on justice and equity.

This birth totem knows how to talk to a wide variety of people, encouraging honest and open communication. Raven is not a loner at work. The idea of self-employment is enough to ruffle feathers.

The caution for Ravens in group work settings is that they may put down a perfectly good idea in favor of someone else’s because they want people to like them.

Raven’s symbolism is that of a messenger, so any job in communications also sets Raven up for a comfortable life with all the tasteful things of beauty they enjoy.

This doesn’t mean Raven is selfish – in fact they will gleefully share their hard earned rewards with family and various charitable groups.

Raven Totem Metaphysical Correspondences

  • Birth dates, Northern Hemisphere:
    Sept 23 – Oct 22
  • Birth date, Southern Hemisphere:
    Mar 21 – Apr 19
  • Corresponding Zodiac Signs:
    Libra (North), Aries (South)
  • Birth Moon: Ducks Fly Moon
  • Season: Month of Dead Leaves
  • Stone/Mineral: Azurite
  • Plant: Ivy
  • Wind: West
  • Direction: West
  • Element: Air
  • Clan: Butterfly
  • Color: Blue
  • Complimentary Spirit Animal: Falcon
  • Compatible Spirit Animals: Deer, Falcon, Otter, Owl, Salmon

55 thoughts on “Raven Totem

  1. Ruth Marie Garza says:

    Born on 10-13-70 in Texas and I need more info

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, Ruth;

      I’m unclear what you need but if you’ll tell me a bit more I’ll do my best to help!

      Stay wild,

  2. Ryan says:

    I thought I was Scorpio my whole life up until now. However I share similarties with owls and the Raven and the Snake. I am simply confused now.

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, Ryan;

      Scorpio’s ruling Totem Animals are the Scorpion, Snake, and Eagle. So, those are your Spirit/Totem Animals by birth date. However, since we are all connected, we all share similarities at some level. For instance, all animals have a sense of humor, compassion, and get angry. So, we will always find a little bit of our ‘self’ in each animal. But, there is always an animal or two that we are most like.

      Hope that helps!

      Stay wild,

  3. Michelle says:

    Murders of ravens have followed me , i am a raven person, to a t and have read up on a few things 10/17/81

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hi, Michelle;

      Apologies for delayed reply. The first of the year is always an incredibly busy time for me.

      As a Raven person you must be full of magic and mirth! How wonderful! Thank you for taking the time to comment on and visit WhatIsMySpiritAnimal.com!

      Stay wild,

    • Asher says:

      I also was born on 10/17 but in 76. I find that all that is written here fits me perfectly. I have had a connection with crows and ravens since I was small. I even got a large raven tattoo but did not know my totem animal was a raven! I felt compelled to comment because I love meeting others who share my birthday. May all ne well.

    • Suzanne says:

      it’s a murder of CROWS and a conspiracy of Ravens.

  4. Chris says:

    Man, I was already confused about the in between of Aries’ and Pisces’ personality and characteristics. This exposes me to the ‘T’. I’ve been in a relationship with a Raven for a long while now. Things are a little more clairvoyant now, like on a spiritual level.

  5. Deirdre says:

    This is a truly awesome site. Thank you so much for all the time and effort you out in to this site. I can see some of myself in Raven/Crow. I love to learn and continue to learn. I am a nurse and love to care for my patients. I have always been a nurturer, when my twin sister was sick (and she was often) I would take care of her especially as we became teenagers. There was never any doubt of being a nurse. I always see crows where I work, I truly believe that crows and ravens carry our spirits/souls to Heaven. I have to confess, I do have a sixth sense about things, I have seen angels, heard messengers speak to me, I can immediately get a “feel” if someone is good or bad. Never been wrong yet. But what had me confused is, when there is time of turmoil, change and death in my inner circle and not work, I constantly see Red tailed Hawks and always very close. Just today one day on tree stump and let me walk past him and watched me. I spoke to him and said “Hi pop it is good to see you” he turned and stared straight at me. I just lost my dad on a Christmas Day. So I guess my question is, is it strange that I have such a strong bond with Hawks and more characteristics of a Hawk than a Raven? I know we are all one in the end. I truly wish I could meet face to face with a Shaman and talk.

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, Deirdre;

      Please accept my condolences on your family’s loss. Perhaps the Red Tailed Hawk connection during times of personal turmoil have to do with two things;

      1. Red is the color of the Base or Root Chakra. During times of turmoil, it can really help to make sure that your Root Chakra is clear and balanced. Red Tailed Hawk may visit you during these times to lend support for this Chakra during turbulent times. Visit my sister-site BuildingBeautifulSouls.com to learn all about the Base or Root Chakra: Meaning, Healing, & Meditation.

      2. In the Native American Zodiac, Red Tailed Hawk is associated with the Western Zodiac Sign of Libra – the peacemaker. Because of this association, perhaps Red Tailed Hawk appears to help support your peacemaking and nurturing efforts during tough times.

      Remember, Dierdre, healers can become energetically depleted if they do not actively engaged in self-care. Nurses are notorious for giving and giving till the well runs dry. It might seem a generalization but I come from a long line of nurses and other medical professionals so I’ve always had a ‘bird’s eye view’ of this. While you’re taking care of everyone else, who is taking care of you? Sounds like the Red Tailed Hawk presents when you need him/her most.

      Finally, Red Tailed Hawks hold their wings in a dihedral – or ‘v’ shape. The ‘v’ sign (middle and first fingers making a ‘v’) is a common peace sign. 🙂

      Hope that helps.

      Stay wild,
      PS Thank you for the kind words about WhatIsMySpiritAnimal.com! In the next week or so, I’m launching that all new version so I hope you’ll return again to see all the new information on Spirit, Totem, and Power Animals!

      • Andreia says:

        I was born on 10/10 1962..so a Raven is my totem animal…
        But,what I’m wondering about is Since Raven is such a great communicator ,wouldn’t music also be a good career for a Raven person?

  6. Deirdre says:

    I need to clarify. I meant speak to a medicine man or medicine woman. Shaman is not what they consider themselves or call themselves and is actually a different spiritual practice. However I do pray someday I have the privilege to meet a medicine man or woman but know that it is frowned upon to seek them out specifically for your own purpose especially if not part of a Native American community. I live close to the Cherokee Nation in Oklahoma. Maybe if things workout I will be able to become friendly with the Nation and meet one then. But I would never seek them out out of my selfish need.

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hi, Dierdre;

      I replied to your first post. On this post regarding Shaman and Medicine Men/Women – in my experience these folks have chosen to provide a service to humanity. Just as you chose to be a nurse and welcome those in need, so would a Shaman or Medicine Man/Woman. With your medical background, you might resonate with Alberto Villoldo’s Shamanic Healing teachings.

      Hope that helps.

      Stay wild,

  7. Patrick says:

    I am a raven and this is the first time I have seen this article but i am apparently more iTunes with my sign than i thought my wife just so happens to be an otter as a paired couple what should we have to look forward too in our coming future or is there a way to tell but thank you for the information you hit me to a T and my wife

    • Patrick says:

      In tune* not iTunes my apologies for the mispelling

      • Bernadette King says:

        Hi, Patrick;

        No worries! 🙂

        Stay wild,

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, Patrick;

      Apology for delayed reply. I’m finding that having two hands is not enough and I’m looking into getting surgery to become an Octopus. 😉

      It sounds like what would be helpful to you and your wife is either a couple’s astrology chart reading (which I do not do) or a psychic reading (which I do!). Please visit my sister-site, BuildingBeautifulSouls.com for more details and to book psychic medium or tarot reading.

      As regards a Shamanic, Medicine Wheel, Native American Astrology compatibility chart, I’m working hard to find an astrologer who practices these types of astrology but they are tough to find. I’ll let you know what I come up with.

      Hope that helps.

      Stay wild,

  8. alesia says:

    omg…… that’s all i can say i was nervous when it was said raven was my native totem. but omg… that’s me wow…. making everyone else happy and forgetting me… loyalty to my partner … communication.. even in my job the one thing I’ve always done well was communicate a gift really 🙂 been spiritual my entire life spirits and angels around me……just omg….. my native totem raven the other part of my totem is panda…… just wow……for the first time in my life speechless……lol

  9. LS says:

    Spot on with the assessment. I’ve always like crows and ravens, and finding out that it my totem animal is somehow comforting. It speaks of a Raven wanting to be around others all the time, and while it is true that I prefer to be around loved ones, there are times I like time alone. I live and work in a remote area, and a murder of seven ravens stay here near my home. They’re so friendly that they wait for me to feed the dogs so they can come share. 🙂

  10. Kurt Yeackel says:

    Hello Bernadette,
    As my birthdate in the Northern Hemisphere is Oct 22 I totally identified with Raven. Being on the cusp should I also consider aspects of Snake? In Western Astrology I tend to be Libra but have qualities of Scorpio as well.
    Thank you for your extraordinary insight!

  11. R Russo says:

    Wow….. this has so much deep meaning to me! There are areas I would like to explore and get a better handle on….. my sense of others/situation is growing and I want to be able to tap into for good others. The Raven in me……

  12. Magnus says:

    I’ve had 3 Ravens around my palace for the past 2 weeks or more, in close proximity to the house. I read the Native American Astrology descriptions & they seemed hauntingly me….yet I’m a Northern Hemisphere Aries born in April 14th – so is this still applicable to me? I’m 54 years old & need help moving on with my life – finding my true voice. Can Raven still help me make those desperately need transformations?

  13. Magnus says:

    Forgive me….I meant to say “place” not “palace”…which it is very far from 🙂

  14. Haylee says:

    I have always felt so drawn to Ravens and crows. I have always found them beautiful and have been drawn to them. I love metaphysics and the spirit realm. I read tarot myself, but have always wondered what my spirit animal is. After getting the raven/crow on multiple tests and then reading this, it all makes sooo much sense. I meditate frequently and when I do I frequently see crows or ravens. This also describes me very well.

  15. Eleanor says:

    Hi Ruth
    I was born in the Southern Hemisphere, but grew up in the Northern Hemisphere. After looking at both I can relate to both of the signs equally. So which one am I.
    The Raven is something that is present in dreams, and the falcon is present on a daily base around me.

  16. Adelma says:

    Hello, My Native American name is Smiling Bird and my birthday is 10/06/1961 and I was born 2 weeks late so am I still a Raven or not????????????

  17. SS says:

    How is any of this even right? My family is Choctaw and Blackfoot and your spirit animal is the animal you dream about and have encounter’s with and connections towards. This whole site reads off totems as if they are mixed with the western zodiac and Celtic zodiac. A quiz cannot tell you what your spirit animal is EVER. Only you know your spirit animal. A medicine man can give you insight, but only you will know in your soul who that spirit really is. No one person or website can do that for you. This is all just a bunch of “fun stuff” obviously.

    • spiritanimals says:

      Hello, SS;

      Here at WhatIsMySpiritAnimal.com I strive to offer many different suggestions and possibilities to those searching for info on their Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal. Not everyone has the kind of spiritual and ancestral background you do and will resonate with different types of animal medicines and symbolism. Many of my guests need a host of options to help connect them to their animal allies and guides. Further, not everyone takes the same path to connect to their animal spirit guides and there is no ‘right’ way.

      I respectfully remind you that the Native American culture is not the only culture who believes in and speaks to animal spirits. The content on all of my websites is based on thorough multi-cultural research as well as my own personal experience in the subjects.

      As regards the spirit animal quiz – the quiz is based on personality archetypes. These archetypes have been meticulously matched to a wide variety of spirit animal meanings. For some, they absolutely connect with their spirit animal via the quiz because the quiz itself is ‘real’. And, there are others who do not resonate with the quiz at all. Some need to do a vision quest, others dream their spirit animal, and still others meet their guides in a meditation.

      I wholeheartedly agree with you regarding the statement “…only you will know in your soul who that spirit really is. No one person or website can do that for you.” My sites are reference sites meant to support the individual’s spiritual awakening and development.

      Many blessings to you on this trip around the medicine wheel.

      Stay wild,

  18. Whyte says:

    A group of Ravens can have three different names depending on the activity of the group; a constable, an unkindness, or a conspiracy. but a Murder is reserved for Crows As well as congress of crows, do in part to the story By Edgar Allen Poe. and have been called the wolf birds or the trickster they are both considered to be dangerously smart, observed using tools and teasing and playing with other larger animals. please feel free to confirm my wisdom.
    you might want to up date your information

  19. Johan Whitewolf Wiberg says:

    Thank you so very much for this zodiac! It was a very interesting reading, and i finally discovered my true totem.
    However my second name is Whitewolf given by a native american shaman, and he said it was my spirit totem to guide me in life.
    But if you look at it Wolfs and Ravens have always been in company with each other. 🙂

  20. Kevin says:

    That was so accurate to me…Even me wanting get into occultism. I’ve always liked raven too. This was so good to read though! Love the article! ^-^

  21. Greg 'Mountain Lion' Noll says:

    Exactly correct. Brings me to many networks and self-knowledge

  22. Jasmine says:

    I’m a libra from Australia I’m just trying to work out if raven is my animal and what would Aries be of they are also in Australia

  23. Keith Vincent says:

    I have checked my Gmail and spam I have not been added

    • spiritanimals says:

      Got you added!

      Stay wild,

  24. Lisa says:

    Hi how would I create my personal totem

  25. Andreia says:

    I’m a Raven person.as well.. Since we Ravens are great communicators , wouldn’t music be a good career for us?
    Also,us it possible for someone to have more than one totem animal?

  26. Clark says:

    I had a dream about a Raven with 4 beaks in a square shape form and they follow me everywhere at I thought they were scary until I read these Totems

  27. Jevahjire France says:

    Oh man . That is so true . I can’t believe it

  28. Harrison says:

    My birthday is November 2nd in South East Asia but my mind is on ravens for a long time. I had no reason but it just came to my mind that I love ravens. I may have seem these phenomenal birds when I was a child plus when I read the totems it reflects my true self only except that my birth date contradicts my love for the ravens! 🙂

  29. Cathy says:

    Only the gift of communication and diplomacy is true. And yes, sometimes I regret having picked up some shiny things:D As for the rest, I recognise myself less, for example, I adore working alone.

  30. Patrick says:

    I am a Libra ⚖ Raven.
    The description above, fits very well

  31. Rose Merritt says:

    I am also a North Raven the reading of this zodiac have help me too, i am also part Cherokee it help me upon my spirituality quest.

  32. Lana E. Nicholson says:

    I am a raven as well and most all the things is describes is very accurate . I find this birth totem and it’s meaning very interesting. Thankyou

  33. Ravyn Pearce says:

    Wow this is incredible! Thank you for sharing all of this amazing information! My name is Ravyn, I was born in the west and I am a libra! I can’t believe my name coincides with my birth animal! Incredible!

  34. Patrick Thorpe says:

    Every person have more potential but we can not know in dept due to less knowledge about spiritual totem and zodiac compatibility with other star signs.

  35. Stan says:

    No wonder Raven from teen titans was my favorite.

  36. Penny Trevorrow says:

    I am a Raven/ Libra and I was so amazed how dead on everything was! Looking forward to discovering more!

  37. Sani says:

    i just find this and i am deeply in native american culture, blindly only by listening to my seses and feelings.
    so as born in november northern time i am a scorpion.
    but i find this Raven as my totaly fitting personality …
    i would like to get an opinion from someone throuly with knowledge if possible, native american person.
    very important for me because i would like to change my last name into a native american meaning word and would like to have the right one …
    thx in advance!

  38. Alana says:

    Was looking for a tattoo of 2 ravens ( somehow Ive been always been impressed by these beautiful creatures) . Stud up to this. I’m an aries. And this is the sign to absolutely, without doubt taking the tattoo!!

  39. PERRY WAUGH says:

    I am metis and raven/libra.Ilove the totem bird but i have a lot of conflict in my life.

  40. William L HOLTON Jr says:

    I’m looking 4 my native American spirit guide

  41. Bear Bear says:

    Hello I’m Honey Bear was born 1976 October 11 I was always fascinated by dragons jaguars polar bears my birth year is a dragon I have Chinese ancestors as well as native black and white I’m really more into my Chinese ancestry then the native do I have to be a raven

  42. Fern says:

    Love you site. I love the freedom to be spiritual. It says I am a Raven and I somehow completely understand that even though I never knew this. I am considered strange because of contagious positive attitude but I think t is just me trying to who I am meant to be. Thank you. Any tips for someone connecting to universe in a new and enlightening way.

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