Wolf Native American Zodiac Sign Birth Totem 1200x1200

Wolf Totem

Those with the Wolf birth totem exhibit a wealth of gentility, compassion and benevolence. This Native American Zodiac Sign also demonstrates many other beautiful characteristics including adaptability, sensitivity and honest love toward those in their circle.

Wolf Birth Totem Overview

Some Native American, Shamanic, & Medicine Wheel Astrologers use Cougar for this totem.

Wolf medicine evokes the energy of spiritual illumination!

The Native American Zodiac tells us that if you were born in the Northern Hemisphere between February 19 and March 20, or in the Southern Hemisphere between August 23 and September 22, you have the Sign of the mystical Wolf inspiring you.

In Western tradition this corresponds to the sensitive Pisces (North) and precise Virgo (South).

The challenge for Wolf is avoiding becoming impractical when it comes to helping solve the problems of others. She must also watch her timid nature as others may take advantage of it.

If you are a Wolf you are also a seer (psychic, clairvoyant, medium, etc.).

Connecting with your higher self, the Ancestors and the Divine enhances this gift. You know the Mysteries are out there and your always tuning into that still small whisper that provides insight and sensitivity.

At times you may feel disconnected from daily life because of your strong spiritual nature, and this is certainly one of your life’s lessons.

Compassion walks with Wolf, and it’s an attribute Wolf can teach others.

It is sometimes hard to look at life’s darker side, but our world needs Wolf’s kindness and communal mindset.

It is not unusual for Wolf to dedicate much of their lives to spiritual pursuits, particularly personal enlightenment.

Wolf Traits, Personality and Characteristics

Wolf aligns with the East wind, the direction of East-Northeast and the element of Water.

The Native American Zodiac tells us that the Wolf season foreshadows the earth’s renewal and the season of spring.

All that fresh energy gives Wolf dynamic bursts especially for starting new projects.

Water influences Wolf emotions, saturating them with empathy. Wolf joins the Frog clan with the expressive Snake and helpful Woodpecker.

Ever-wise Wolf loves to take on the role of guide and teacher, particularly in close knit settings.

Wolf always pays close attention to family and their inner circle. This birth totem appreciates people who speak and act from their heart, but generally avoid confrontations.

Nature shows us that Wolf has highly refined senses including vibrational ones. This is part of the reason why their spiritual instincts are so “spot-on”.

Wolf can sometimes be a little confusing because they seem to crave freedom as much as intimacy, and will move in and out emotionally to feed both desires.

You can trust Wolf to illustrate great inventiveness, which sometimes actually distracts them from goals and intention.

Wolf is also a sensitive creature so watch your words and how you deliver them. Respect and honesty are both very important to this totem sign.

Wolf’s magic crystal is Jade, which helps them become more fun-loving.

Jade also compliments the Wolf’s generosity and love. The healer’s plant, Plantain, aligns with Wolf providing grounding and protection.

Wolf Totem Love Compatibility

The Native American Zodiac tells us that Wolf pairs best with those born under the sign of Snow Goose, Woodpecker, Bear, Snake and Beaver.

When Wolf is in a committed relationship there is no question of his/her love and devotion.

Wolf is sensitive, romantic, and has a tendency to loose themselves in love. Your Wolf mate will know what you need and when you need it, and want to fulfill your fantasies if you give them tenderness in return.

Wolf Totem Animal Career Path

Wolf excels in any career requiring sensitivity and insight.

The only caution is that they must put up energetic safeguards so they don’t become overwhelmed.

Wolf is a practiced networker who enjoys a more laid-back office space with co-workers they enjoy.

Sample careers for the Wolf include writing, spiritual guidance, and RN. More often than not, Wolf prefers to work behind the lines rather than in the spot light.

Wolf Totem Metaphysical Correspondences

  • Birth dates, Northern Hemisphere:
    Feb 19 – Mar 20
  • Birth date, Southern Hemisphere:
    Aug 23 – Sept 22
  • Corresponding Zodiac Signs:
    Pisces (North), Virgo (South)
  • Birth Moon: Big Winds Moon
  • Season: Month of Rebirth
  • Stone/Mineral: Jade
  • Plant: Plantain
  • Wind: East
  • Direction: East – Northeast
  • Element: Water
  • Clan: Frog
  • Color: Blue Green
  • Complimentary Spirit Animal: Brown Bear
  • Compatible Spirit Animals: Brown Bear, Beaver, Snake, Snow Goose, Woodpecker

59 thoughts on “Wolf Totem

  1. Andrew kerrison says:

    I would like to say thank you for a very detailed description of my birth sign absolutely love it.

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, Andrew;

      You are SO welcome! Thanks for taking the time to let me know you love WhatIsMySpiritAnimal.com!

      Stay wild,

      • Rachel says:

        I was so excited reading all of this information! I sat and meditated after pulling the Spirit Animal card from my Angel Prayers Oracle cards and it suggested that I read the prayer on the card and close my eyes and focus allow my spirit animal animal. It was interesting because I saw a wolf face and then I saw an owl sitting and then flying with the wolf walking in the background. I read up on the owl and it has a connection to the wolf and then I looked at my birthday spirit animal there it was! The wolf fa e I saw. I was relieved reading this information because it was similar to the owl and the description was also so similar to other things I’ve read and heard today. I’m so glad I found your site.

    • Kay says:

      The Wolf was spot on with me. I believe it has been the most accurate that I have ever read. Thank you.

  2. Brandy says:

    Absolutely adore this site as well, I love learning new things and knowing I’m a wolf is fun and interesting. Interestingly enough my daughter and I are both wolves and her name is Jade (our stone/mineral) ! ?

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, Brandy;

      It’s so wonderful you enjoy the site and our community of Wild Ones! Thank you for visiting WhatIsMySpiritAnimal.com! Oooo, momma and daughter Wolves! Now that’s some seriously powerful Totem Animal energy going on! Pack power!

      Stay wild,

  3. Donna says:

    Love reading this! Although my northern hemisphere totem is Brown Bear I am pleased to see the wolve as my compatible animal as the description suits me as well. Interestingly enough I always carry around a piece of amethyst and a piece of Jade 🙂

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hi, Donna;

      Thank you for visiting and commenting on WhatIsMySpiritAnimal.com! So happy you are enjoying the content and the critters! 😉

      Stay wild,

  4. John says:

    This is amazingly accurate! I’ve always felt a strong connection to wolves. Turns out that’s what my totem is! Water is definitely my element! I love rivers and streams and such! Blue is my favorite color. Perhaps the most accurate would be the part about dedicating much of my life to spiritual pursuits and personal enlightenment!

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, John;

      Thank you for visiting and commenting on WhatIsMySpiritAnimal.com. So happy you enjoyed reading about your Totem Animal!

      Stay wild,

    • Ben Stormes says:

      This is so true I am a wolf
      I thought I might be a dolphin because of water, how interesting to find how that fits the wolf
      I love all dogs and work ata rescue shelter. Thanks so much

  5. Ronni says:

    Thank you so much for publishing this, I do identify with much of it. By extension, as a wolf, I’ve always loved dogs and miss all who have passed through my life deeply.

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, Ronni;

      You are most welcome! Thank you for visiting and commenting on WhatIsMySpiritAnimal.com!

      Stay wild,

  6. Angela says:

    Hello, can you help me in defining North Hemisphere vs South Hemisphere? As in, Nother US vs South US? Or north of equator vs South of equator?

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hi, Angela;

      Native American Birth Totems are based on the hemispheres of the earth and, so, use the equator as the dividing line.

      Hope that helps.

      Stay wild,

  7. Nancy says:

    Was wondering about feelings that were happening to me, now I know…. what was read
    “fit like a glove” as I read though your writings….
    most fell into place as on looking at what I had/are doing fit so well….
    ✨?? Thank you. ?

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, Nancy;

      You are most welcome! Thank you for visiting and commenting on WhatIsMySpiritAnimal.com!

      Stay wild,

  8. Kate says:

    Thank you.
    This was spot on.

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, Kate;

      You are most welcome! Thank you for visiting and commenting on WhatIsMySpiritAnimal.com.

      Stay wild,

  9. Amie says:

    Hello I’m a native from the Southern Hemisphere A Maori from New Zealand and I have recently been searching to see what my spirit Animal is and to try and connect with her… It’s funny I knew i was wolf before I read this and this beautifully detailed description has confirmed this and I resonate with this so much.

    Thank You Bernadette

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, Amie;

      You are most welcome! And thank you for the kind words! Oooo, my DREAM is to visit New Zealand and stay for several months! As a Maori, you must be very close to nature and so, SO in touch with your intuition. I’ll bet we all could learn a LOT from you!

      Stay wild,

  10. Sarah says:

    This couldn’t be more true!

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, Sarah;

      Thank you for visiting and commenting on WhatIsMySpiritAnimal.com!

      Stay wild,

  11. Albert says:

    Very odd to have found this. I have many wolf tattoos, and find myself drawing wolves quite a bit. I also rescue dogs. ( have a pack of my own) This was so welcome to find. Thank you.

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, Albert;

      Is it odd or is it meant-to-be? 😉 Awww, a fellow animal rescue person! Pleasure to meet you! Thank you for visiting and commenting on WhatIsMySpiritAnimal.com.

      Stay wild,

  12. Pesty Scholar says:

    Directly on point for a man. Every word was bare resonant and all. Thanks and praise for providing this mirror of sorts.


    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, Pesty Scholar;

      You are most welcome! Thank you for taking the time to comment on and visit WhatIsMySpiritAnimal.com!

      Stay wild,

  13. G says:

    Hi Bernadette,

    Thank you for bringing this to us. This being my birth totem and reading particularly about learning to accept that your both straddling this world and the spiritual world as well as to recognise that seeing the challenges in the world and the darkness can be so hard for the wolf. It makes so much sense and makes me feel much less abnormal and more embracing of myself. Now I want to know how I can learn as much as possible about the wolf and how to harness the talents of the wolf. I’m young and I’m the wrong career but want to make some changes.

  14. debbie says:

    all my life, i have loved wolves. i collect wolf figurines, pictures etc. i just found out that my sign is the wolf. i never knew. but i had an intense feel for the wolf. now i know it is my spirit animal, it all makes so much sense.. the explanation of the wolf is so me.

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, Debbie;

      Oooo! I LOVE it when folks finally discover why they have always loved a particular animal! It just brings so much joy to their heart! It sounds like Wolf is your Spirit, Totem AND Power Animal. Powerful!

      Stay wild,

  15. MPaula says:

    Not only is my birth totem Wolf, my last name is Irish for wolf! My father was not of the Wolf totem but I inherited some wolf art from him.

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, MPaula;

      THAT is SO cool! I guess there’s no doubt what your Spirit, Totem, AND Power Animals is!

      Thank you for taking the time to comment on and visit WhatIsMySpiritAnimal.com!

      Stay wild,

  16. Patricia M says:

    Wow, this is neat! and I really see that this description fits me well! Thanks for all the interesting stuff on this site!

  17. Vera says:

    This is the thirst thing I read this morning. .and from the bottom of my heart I would like to say thank you .this is the first time ever I feel someone knows the true me. ..I feel such a connection with native Americans. .thank you and bless you. .x

  18. Kolbie says:

    I’m a wolf and my boyfriend is a bear and everything sounds so accurate! I’m also quite pleased that we happen to be complimentary and compatible 🙂

  19. Alexander says:

    What if you have the wolf totem and in love with a fox?

  20. Tracy says:

    Thank you for telling me about my spirit animal the Wolf. I had a dream about them when I was younger. I was playing with Wolf pupps. And I told my grandmother about my dream and she told me that they are my spirit animal. Plus I have Native American Indian blood on my mom side of the family.

  21. Denise R Hanley says:

    This is a very beautiful website I Love wild life Animals especially wolfs and Eagles and coyotes

  22. Pietrina says:

    I am the wolf and this fits me to the tee. Between the Pisces and Wolf it hardcore to believe how exact they are. Thank you so much.

  23. TaliyahWolf711 says:

    I have a question can the wolf be born in July sometimes. Cause this has a lot of my personality but i’m not born in those months i’m born in July.

  24. Shamin says:

    The Wolf is spot on as my Totem. Chinese astrology I’m the Snake again description is on point, Western astrology of course I’m Pisces nice. Love ❤️ the Wolf !

  25. Jonathan Blackwell says:

    Thank you greatly and abundantly Ms. Bernadette. You don’t know how much this means to me .

    All my life I’ve been loving of Wolves! Unwavering and devoted love and passion for wolves! I absolutely love wolves more than anything! I always felt I had a connection to them . I would always say I’m a wolf, no matter how much people told me I was crazy or anything. This explains exactly why and is spot on for me! My friends agree too! This is a life changing information and falls perfectly into place for my love and connection with wolves! Wolves have always been in my heart and forever will be. So again I thank you greatly!

  26. J says:

    What if a wolf is dating a raven?

  27. Tasniem says:

    Love the wolf, describes me to a tee. Although in western zodiac signs im a scorpio. Would love to learn how to channel in more with my animal guide, my partners animal guide is the fox and wondering how compatible they are together to ensure i have made right decisions about my mate

  28. Lynnie says:

    I’ve loved dogs, wolves especially and I’ve always been fascinated with them. I am so happy that the Wolf is my animal totem.

  29. savannah rauls says:

    If a wolf, is still hanging with person, if they lose their ability, but they ever stay with them or not? But northern can have a wolf abilities too? Or not? I want my wolf abilities back, so I can feel & see more clearly. Can anyone help me how to understand my wolf abilities. Is a possible for me to become possessed by a wolf spirit again?

  30. Trevor says:

    Ok I’m a wolf thank you for finding out my spirit animal

  31. Peter McCallum says:

    I live in Western Australia born August 26 1967
    I was born in the United Kingdom
    I have an affinity with dogs, currently my family dog and inseparable friend is an Alaskan Malamute named Tahoe. I have always loved wolves and am very protective of them any way I can. My birthdate puts me in the Wolf Totem range for the Southern Hemisphere where I live, however I was born in the Northern Hemisphere. Does that allow me to walk with brother Wolf?
    Thank you
    Pete McCallum

    • spiritanimals says:

      Hi, Peter;

      Yes. Absolutely you can walk with brother Wolf. Even if Wolf is not your birthday totem it can be your Soul Totem. With your love of Dogs and Wolves it’s really clear Wolf is the Animal Ally your own spirit most resonates with. Walk in joy, peace, and power, my friend.

      Stay wild,

      • Sheila says:

        Hi! How do you define a soul totem?

      • Ben ally says:

        Hi Bernadette king and I think my true soul spirit animal might be a Velociraptor because I am small, mostly eat meat, like to be in small groups and I am intelligent so what do you think please answer this as I’m waiting for a long time and can I use its power? This has been Ben .

  32. Velo says:

    Hi Bernadette king, I Think My spirt animal is a velociraptor because I am small, intelligent and love meat and I’m good at teamwork with friends in small groups are you sometimes can make a good dog noise or our owl Noises but Mostly I’m more like a raptor is this my true spirit animal and can I use its power ? Hope to hear from you soon Bernadette.

  33. Terri says:

    I believe this! Lately my husband and I have been thinking of getting a dog. Siberian Husky to German Shepherd. But I told him if I could I would prefer a Wolf. Not knowing if that would even be possible to find. Because I was so drawn to them. Now I come across this and it makes sense to me. I was born on March 16th close to midnight. I’m a night owl. Nights are the best time for me to write or get things done around my home. I am also very intuitive/psychic. I have always dreamed of things in my life which have come true. So, I know when something good or bad is about to come to pass. Now, if I can only find a way to find a wolf for a dog. There has to be someone who raises them safely, right!

  34. Katherine says:

    I also feel the crow is my spirit ,

  35. Aine says:

    Im irish and was born feb 22nd..i habe slways loved wolves and feel happiest surtounded by my dogs..so this avtually makes alot of sense to me..thank you

    • Aimee Pitman says:

      Arooo, Aine!

      Welcome to the #WildPack! So happy to hear the Wolf Totem information resonates with you. Also, you can register for free on my private forums GatheringOfMystics.com to get more in-depth help analyzing your spirit animal. GatheringOfMsytics.com is a safe, moderated forum where we discuss all kinds of metaphysical, spiritual and divination subjects! Everyone is super friendly, caring, and giving! You’ll love it!

      Stay wild,

  36. Katelyn says:

    how do you know if your animal spirit is a wolf?
    also, my second question is it possible to turn into a werewolf ( NOT BY GETTING BIT)?

  37. Katherine Rieg says:

    how do you know if your animal spirit is a wolf?
    also, my second question is it possible to turn into a werewolf ( NOT BY GETTING BIT)?

  38. Nel says:

    Good day. I’m having a interesting life. Life’s not easy and struggle with anxiety and my mom said since I was a baby, I was use to look at people before I let them in my space. My spiritual animal has always been a wolf and since I can remember, Native Indians especially Sue Indian has got my attraction. I can be in any mood, bad or sad, when I listen to the actual old raw recordings, my mood stabilizes and sometimes I get tears in my eyes from the beauty of the drums and voices. It’s always been a family saying that I must do my Raindance when it rains. It feels like the drums is beating in my soul and one time I was humming a song for several days and I asked people if they knew the song, but no one did. My mom said once that my grandma was singing something similar when she was a little girl. We couldn’t understand where it came from. We joked then as for where I come from.

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